RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

14 Feb 2009, 06:38 (edited 16 Feb 09, 12:47)
For: Sanguinary Sanctuary
Level rating: 8.2

The level size is 245×64, and yet you once thought a level of 200×200 was only fit for sp. It’s heavily patterned ec-wise. The gameplay does not justify the level size, and the layout may be too overcomplicated (UNLESS THIS IS IN A BIG GAME/EVENT). Some parts are amazing but others are redundant.

RecommendedQuick Review by lizzardsupport

13 Feb 2009, 18:21
For: The Fortress of Forgotten Souls
Level rating: 9.3

Bad Tile Set,
The tileset lights little…

Review by fearofdark

10 Feb 2009, 22:13
For: Element Disasters
Level rating: 5.7

When I downloaded this level pack, I thought that some of the ideas you had for the story were quite interesting, and the pack sounded quite fun. Erupting volcanos, tornadoes, floods, fights; It sounded as if the pack had all the elements. It even has an interesting (although slightly confusing) story line. Inside there are 22 levels, so you would think that this was going to be a lengthly episode.

However, when I started playing, eveything started to get very uninteresting. Most of the levels had bugs in the gameplay, and one particular example of this was the flying rocket boss, which was extreemly fustraiting and hard to complete, and in some cases doesn’t work (although that is typical of the robot boss). Also, I was forced to cheat (yes, oh the shame!) on the first Tuf boss level because the turtle shell got stuck inside the area, doing no damage to the boss no matter how many times he touched it. Several of the levels were also linear and almost all of them were too short, so the pack didn’t flow quite so well.

Several of the levels had very poor eyecandy (the tornado ones in particular), and there were tile bugs in almost all the levels.

But enough negatives and more positives. Although they were short levels, there were one or two well made levels. The lava level had a good “fall in and die concept” which was not overused, so it wasn’t too fustraiting (unlike some of your previous levels). Also, there were some logic (although they were quite easy) puzzles in there too, which shows a variety of difficulties. I also like some of the objectives you had to achieve, such as destroying bases. Also, the whole concept of a pack that uses all of the elements is quite original I think, so you have tried to be creative.


Creative concept
One or two well made levels


Too short levels
Too fustraiting in places
Very very buggy

OVERALL: Although the idea is good, I think that there is too much room for improvement to rate this highly, so overall, it is quite average.

DR: Maybe. If the levels were better quality and there weren’t so many bugs, I would consider giving this a reccommendation.

Review by troglobite

10 Feb 2009, 05:24
For: Muckamok mission (Big version)
Level rating: 8.1

jjlover001 has once again provided a fun single player pack, although once again has provided few major unique points.

Gameplay: 6/10
This is again a bit too easy. The carrots are somewhat more reasonable than jjlover’s previous pack, although there is still too much ammo, and the sheilds seem a bit unnessecary. Please don’t make the carrots generators though, and maybe make the enemies generators, especially in the parts of the levels that you have to visit multiple times due to triggers. A couple places also are just a bit akward. For example, a low ceiling with hurt events on the ground, or a place where you get chucked straight into some spikes automatically. The biggest problem here is the fact that there are so many lives and save points. Since events reappear whenever you die, a 1up anywhere near a savepoint means there’s practially no way to lose. However, the gameplay is consistantly nice, albeit easy. The events are placed well, although there are a few too many enemies. Since killing enemies can create events such as gems, carrots, or fastfires, having enemies in simple places can make the game easier, not harder. I like the fact that he chose fairly difficult enemies, such as monkeys and bees, as themes for his levels. When you do things like this, and add quality, no quantity when it comes to enemies, your levels can be quite fun. Hurts and rocks are also good, and jjlover did use these well. The gameplay could also be improved by adding unique stuff. The platforms place was kind of unique, although there were so many diffrent platforms that it was hard not to land on them. The catepilar was also a nice touch, although it did not effect any difficult sections of the level. The witch also was fairly neat. The End boss was also a bit of a let down, as I was able to kill it using only my blaster and not losing any health. Add a couple enemies in the final boss section, and maybe some spikes on the ground or something.

Eyecandy: 7/10
It’s good, but bland. The same tileset is used throughout the entire set, which begins to feel a bit monotonous by the end, although it’s not too bad because it gives a unified feel to the set. Biggest place that could be improved here is reason. The platforms are frequently just floating in the air, and there are a few sucker tubes in the middle of nowhere. If you can make it so the platforms look like part of the environment that naturally occured, and belongs where it is, it will look a lot more impressive than if the platform seems to be there for the sole purpose of gameplay.

Buglessness: 5/5
I encountered no problems. Only comment here is that gun 2 can be shot through walls if you run fast enough, so its possible to get some power-ups, birds, or shields without figuring out the actual secret. There are ways to prevent this, which you should be able to find if you look around other people’s levels.

Notes: I like that there is somewhat of a plot, although it would be much more interesting if you developed it more, instead of just saying, go here, fight this bad guy. Anyway, far too many people don’t even try adding a plot, which can make playing through the levels somewhat pointless. Your english is fine.

Overall: 18/25

Keep up the good work. Your level are quite nice, and if you add any kind of unique features, you could become a truly great level maker.

Not recommendedQuick Review by FawFul

9 Feb 2009, 21:41 (edited 9 Feb 09, 21:41)
For: Remix music pack
Level rating: 1

i wouldn’t call it remixes, if i were you :[

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

9 Feb 2009, 20:37 (edited 9 Feb 09, 20:38)
For: Dubbed Marine
Level rating: 8.1

(Review part of a review exchange. Yes, this review is very late, I apologise.)

Dubbed Marine is the latest effort by arising level creator Crimiclown, who continues to improve, which is shown clearly in this level. This uses the steadily becoming overused WTF Borealis, although this level seemed to be a breath of fresh air in the looks department. The theme is a clever idea and is well executed, instead of the usual “factory” approach with the eyecandy made with this set, Crimi used the tileset in a more clustered way that gives the feeling of something more organic and lifelike; rather than something really neat and organised; yet it still retains the feeling of something man made, however you still get a feeling of decay in the environment as many things begin to lose their shine; like with the brown rotting areas in the walls and the falling ice flows. Combined with the music, you get a very ambient level which stays true to the idea of a lost submarine in every aspect. Bravo Crimi, top marks in this area. =)

Speaking of clustered, this stays true in the gameplay too. The whole level is tightly packed, which although is part of what makes the theme so great, it sacrifices gameplay a bit as with anything with more than 4 players will be horribly claustrophobic, trust me. A bit of a shame really, as the layout structure seems better suited to that of larger games, which unfortunately will get rather messy since there is little room to dodge bullets. However, it’s still a very solid level with an intuitive layout and design, so if you decide to play this level (which I highly suggest), play in 2vs2s.

Moving on to placement and layout design. This is a symmectrical level; although a popular layout type in CTFs today this one felt different from a lot of generic CTFs I see being made today, despite having a seemingly standard design. The carrot situation is fairly normal, a Full NRG in the middle and a +1 in each of the upper corners. Nothing overly creative, but no real complaints so no problem here. The Power up placement was pretty interesting here. This level has 3 of them; 2 Bouncer and 1 RF. The RF PU is in the bottom middle, underwater which requires gun 9 to get at. I’d have much rather it be Toaster though, as it’s quite hard to really run around and use RF to it’s full potential here due to the cramped spaces which will cause you to accidentally bounce of walls with it a lot unless you don’t meaninglessly spam it. Still, does provide a few good uses such as chasing people trying to get the +1s down the long passages. However, it is the Bouncer PU placement I find the most creative. It is placed almost right next to the bases, which could be considered a bad thing as it means base campers will have a consistant source of ammunition, but it works here and saves the pain of running far out of the base desperately searching for a necessary power up, and makes it more challenging to be RTS here. The water was a really important gameplay aspect here as it prevents movement between between the bases from being a few seconds which would be anarchaic. It is possible to go around the water, although the route for doing this is a bit longer so this balances it out. Everything else is solid enough, no real huge design flaws except it should probably be made a little bigger so it can be played better in 3vs3s.

In conclusion, a very solid CTF definately worth your time, I highly recommend downloading it and having a few games in it. It offers a lot of potential fun, and really shows what Crimi is capable of, I see a bright future for him in level making.

RecommendedQuick Review by Superjazz

8 Feb 2009, 20:32
For: Dubbed Marine
Level rating: 8.1

I really encourage people to make more levels like this. There are too many open and tunnely levels already. This one uses narrow paths and gives an ‘indoor’ feeling. The flow might just not fit everyone, but the purpose of water in this level makes the gameplay interesting. I also have nothing to complain about in eyecandy or other environment.

Review by cooba

8 Feb 2009, 11:10 (edited 17 Jan 12, 00:25)
For: Enter the Chaos
Level rating: 8.2

[23:25] <@BlurredD> Interesting fact: part of my fix for preventing the flag bug which caused “[player] captured the flag” spam messages apparently created a side effect where smoke rings can to wrap around a level and rise from the bottom. Oops.

Not recommendedQuick Review by SPAZ18

7 Feb 2009, 19:52 (edited 7 Feb 09, 19:52)
For: Remix music pack
Level rating: 1

Hardly anything has been changed in these remixes (if you can call them that).
Easter Remix sounds the same except some very annoying beeps have been added.
Weird Personalities Remix sounds worse than the original song. Some very bad horn sounds have replaced it which makes it sound nothing like the original.
Rating: 1.0
No recommendation.

Not recommendedQuick Review by DanYjel

7 Feb 2009, 14:48
For: Remix music pack
Level rating: 1

something like one sample changed in this duplicate, plus some really crappy beeping added. do not like.

not sure if it shouldn’t be deleted, actually.

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

4 Feb 2009, 12:00
For: Cloud Connected
Level rating: 7.3

Olsen… Olsen… Rings a bell. It’s been a while, I remember you from back in the day… BrainFart and such. Good times. Well, I’ve seen the level, time to hand down my verdict.

Gameplay: Mediocre
Cloud Connected, a CTF level that takes place in the higher planes. The level is fairly small (101×64) and nearly symmetrical. It is nearly symmetrical since a route opens depending on which team you are. More on that later.

This level consists of a few platforms and a bottom. The bottom is very simple and simply leads back up through the use of a sucker tube. The platforms are nicely divided, though the flow in some places could be a lot better. For example, when arriving from any side at (51,38), you don’t wanna hold the arrow keys, ‘cause that’ll result in your undeniable downfall. I think it’d be better if you put some one-way floors in that ceiling you’ll bump into.

The bases are something else. First of all, the bases are on a little plateau, so when you just run into the base, you’ll find yourself missing the flag. Instead, a small well-timed jump should get you your precious flag. Then, on the way back, you’ll notice one thing. On your side of the level, there’s a gate that is closed on the other side. This is decided by triggers, depending your team choice. Behind this door, at the top of the level and not far from the flag, is a +1 carrot and a Bouncer PU. The carrot can be shot down if you, for whatever reason, want to make it accessible to the enemy. If the door is closed, The Bouncer Pu can also be acquired by using the Electro Blaster… or just going to your own side of the level.

Next to the carrots, there’s also a full NRG in one of the tubes in the middle of the level. There is one downside to this, since all tubes have a common exit. Therefore, it’s easy to predict where the enemy will end up. Thankfully, you can also (partially) heal at the private base, so that clears this problem quite well.

The level features two Bouncer PU’s (one for each base) and a Seeker PU with plenty of ammo to make sure you’ll keep on blasting. With this amount of carrots, that’s a good thing.

Atmosphere: So-so
The level uses the Dreamland tileset, which isn’t very rich in original tiles. In fact, it lacks quite a lot of tiles that should be included with such a ‘curvy’ tileset.

For example, Olsen makes use of some of the ‘cave’ tiles. These tiles are nice on their own, but they do not connect to any of the cloud tiles, which is the main ground for the level. This is a tileset design flaw, but it could have been helped by using layer 5. Unfortunately, Olsen has decided to use layer 5 for another batch of background clouds. Luckily, this looks very nice and hopefully distract you from the many tilebugs that are made using this ‘cave’ tile.

Olsen creatively uses translucency and brick tiles to add eyecandy to the walls, which are otherwise very bland. Using translucency to make the bricks pink is a really nice addition.

Overall: Okay
This level has a few minor design flaws concerning flow and predictability, but it’s very fun to play in nonetheless. If you can’t be bothered by a few little tilebugs, this level should be in your folder as of today.

Download Recommendation: Yes
The level is certainly fun and quite ideal for duels or 2vs2s. Try it.

Score: 7.3
It’s hard to judge a level like this, since it’s both fun and has those few minor flaws… Though, if you play this a few times, you’ll be sure to see that this level is actually quite fun to play in.

Frost a.k.a. CrimiClown

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

3 Feb 2009, 20:03
For: Snowy Caves
Level rating: 8

Good level. Great eyecandey. Music was nice. Flow was ok. Blue seemed easier to get to because is was at the bottom. Good ammo. Enough carrots. Powerups were ok. Good level! Recommended.

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

3 Feb 2009, 10:30
For: Castle of Pain
Level rating: 4.6

The blocks are pretty generic and plain. Which comes to my main about the tileset: the general lack of detail. All the tiles are too basic and lacking in versatility to create anything with it, nearly all the basic requirements of a tileset are not here, not even slopes. Also, the palette is messed up. I’d use a better program next time.

Not recommendedReview by PT32

2 Feb 2009, 22:42
For: Castle of Pain
Level rating: 4.6

Um, well it DOES look like a MSpaint tileset. Quite usable but unfortunately, that’s just about all I can praise in the set.
First of all the colors are waay off. Now I do not know if this was intended or not, but it doesn’t seem to jibe with the rest of the set. The colors are pretty basicas is the layout+style+number of feasable tiles. There is potential for it, I readily admit. But only the really great designers could really hope to make notable levels with this.
There isn’t too much in the way of variety in graphics. Come to think about it, there’s not too much here period. But don’t panic, you don’t have to give tileset making up altogether [unless you stink worse than me :P]! You have some good ideas, having got all the basic essential blocks [blast’ems, thorns, vines, a “cave” tilegroup, bg], and you made it quite easy to tell what each one was. The example level did,I’m afraid, strike out for the reason that you seemed to just throw stuff in to show people what to do with it. I would actively seek out the advice of veterans such as Agama, Disguise, Blade, CelL, BlurredD, to name just a few. They could greatly helpyou improve on what you already have. Add a little of what I call “fluff tiles”, which serve no purpose but to provide new eyecandy opportunities. Make a better example level, or get someone to do it for you. But don’t let a miniscule setback like this stop you. Just keep trying, and wow us all off with your next great work.
I’m afraid I’ll have to give a no-dl rec, because it really would be a tad bit crazy trying to use it well, but I will give you a 6.0, for trying so hard and for having the guts to let losers like me review your stuff. And to all those people who will doubtlessly say “why even put this crud up?”, I respond “because everybody starts somewhere.” Just because it’s not too hot doesn’t give you the right to say he’s a bad drawer. We were ALL this bad once, remember?

Review by FawFul

2 Feb 2009, 14:40
For: Castle of Pain
Level rating: 4.6

why don’t people still get what version they have…

Review by cooba

1 Feb 2009, 11:32
For: Journey through the Carrotus
Level rating: 7.2

(I ran this pack under TSF to overcome the animations error)

This is a pretty standard JJ2 romp, with several details making it stand out from the rest. The first level greets you with a variety of available paths which must be taken before advancing further. This, combined with the amount of goodies found everywhere, encourages exploration, which is an important aspect in most of these levels—the earlier ones at least.

The levels are also pretty standard on the visual side. There’s no overly revolutionary tile work, though using custom tileset edits made a few levels feel fresh (I liked the background in the first level a lot). The use of JJ3 music also helped, though some of the track choices were questionable (Basement Boss in a dimly lit swamp?).

One thing I noticed is that the overall level quality seemed to go down as I progressed through the pack. The first level felt cool and well polished, where as the final level was a big letdown. It uses a stock tileset, the music barely matches, is very linear, has a number of unfair challenges (namely the bird morph sequence), uses instakill without any forewarning, and has no endboss?? Combine this with several bugs in the previous levels, namely the Rocket Turtle who completely failed to work for me, and you have a buggy, unpolished SP pack.

Conclusions? An above average pack that starts out promising and goes steadily downhill, yet not to the rock bottom. Download if you’re bored, or if you want to look at the pretty first level =P

Quick Review by jalo0

1 Feb 2009, 08:11
For: JJ1: Bloxonius
Level rating: 8.8

I love bloxonius!!!
Thank you very much!

Review by SPAZ18

31 Jan 2009, 17:00 (edited 1 Feb 09, 11:32)
For: Journey through the Carrotus
Level rating: 7.2

I too got the Internal Animations error, except I was getting it in Levels 1 and 3.

EDIT: I have just tried these levels in TSF (1.24) and they work fine there. I can’t understand why they won’t work in 1.23 since they weren’t made in TSF JCS.
The too many enemies error confuses me since I’ve played levels with thousands of enemies and they WORK. How odd :O

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

31 Jan 2009, 13:16 (edited 31 Jan 09, 13:17)
For: JJ2 - Stealing Gems Episode I
Level rating: 1.2

Quality NOT quantity makes a good pack!


The eyecandy in this pack (all 60 levels) is VERY repetitive. Everywhere I went I could see tilebugs, buttstomp and destruct blocks used for the ground. I like the way you tried to make a highway or train track out of the Carrotus and Diamondus sets but unfortunately all of those blocks made it look repetitive. The backgrounds are nothing original. Most of the levels have only the backgrounds ripped out of EPIC’s own JJ2 levels. Some levels even look EXACTLY the same but with those ugly blocks thrown in.
The music used in all the levels was very much questionable. Christmas music in a Carrotus level?! Castle music in a Diamondus/Carrotus level?!
After getting through the last 50 levels I find that the eyecandy is just recycled from all the previous levels in this pack.



There was no actual gameplay to speak of in this pack. All I was doing was running left/right and holding Space Bar down ALL THE TIME. After getting the Blaster PU from one of the SEVEN boss levels it gets far too easy. 60 levels is far too many to make.
There were some Secret levels but they were mostly the same. One of them was the original JJ2 secret level with the Bird ripped straight from there. Only differences are the FAST MOVING impossible to dodge Spike Bolls and the ugly buttstomp blocks thrown in again.
Most of the levels were the same ones repeated at least 4-6 times. The Boss Arenas are far too big. Why does the arena have to be like 200 tiles wide for ONE BOSS?!
The “radio electric” level was boring. All I was doing was watching the player just fall down 468 tiles FOUR TIMES through MASSES OF BLUE GEMS and then I bounce staright back through about 20 Blue Springs to the exit.
Gameplay overall was extremely repetitive as I was running, shooting, jumping, stomping and breaking crates for most of these levels.



GEM OVERUSE is the first thing that comes to mind here. I found approximately 18,000 Gems in one of the levels. Food was also too much since I got about 8 Sugar Rushes throughout the whole game.
Ammo was just EVERYWHERE! One level had ALL THE POWER-UPS next to each other so I had every single weapon after that.
In the final level there was 4 Power-Ups and 8 Fast Fires REGENERATING meaning that if you die there you can get your Rapid Fire back again.



First, why is there enemies everywhere in every level? This doesn’t make the levels any better but more frustrating for the player. One of the levels had about 1,000 FLOATING LIZARDS! which is just far too many. I had to JJINV sometimes in some of these levels since the enemy amount was just too much.
The first level was very annoying to play since there were Dragons everywhere you went. Some were hidden in front of flowers and EVEN behind Layer 3 scenery meaning I got hurt without knowing why it happened in the first place. DO NOT place these Dragons on every single one of the platforms since I almost ended up dying for no reason.
Placement is also very bad because some of the enemies were on the EDGE of platforms meaning I got hurt no matter what.
The final boss of this pack was 8 Devans which was just pointless. This doesn’t present any kind of challenge but just makes the boss annoying to defeat.



CALCULATING: (4.8 / 40) * 100 = 12%

FINAL MARK = 1.2/10


With repetitive eyecandy, gameplay and very bad enemy placement I cannot recommend this for download. After playing this episode, I don’t know if I’ll want to play through Episode 2 since it’ll probably be all the same.
I suggest not trying to build a massive level pack but attempt one at a smaller scale of say 2-4? Or try building just one level at a time. Making 60 levels would take at least 2 years!

PHEW! Done after 3,900+ characters!

Review by FawFul

31 Jan 2009, 08:57
For: JJ2 - Stealing Gems Episode I
Level rating: 1.2

poor him? i think he’s right. i sense a lot of plain layouts and tilebugs. all these maps look they’re done in like 1 hour. and not in weeks (like normally). of course i can’t say it’s a fact, but maybe your maps aren’t that good as you thought.

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  2. 243
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