RecommendedQuick Review by OLOELO

24 Nov 2008, 13:04 (edited 24 Nov 08, 20:16 by cooba)
For: Fear Factory
Level rating: 8.2

Oh! I didn’t saw it earlier ;D
I played that and I tested that, so…
The level is very good, especially I liked your battle-fog efect. I think so playing battles on your level is pure fun ;)

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. ~cooba]

Review by master sven

24 Nov 2008, 10:29
For: New Diamondus Bay
Level rating: 7.1

@ Slaz: the warp you are talking about only did that in a previous not uploaded version of this level, I have replaced the warp target.

Review by SPAZ18

24 Nov 2008, 08:54 (edited 29 Nov 08, 18:33)
For: War Of The Rabbits 2: Taken For Good?
Level rating: 8.6

I had a problem with the secret level. After finishing that, I was just sent back to the desktop without any errors appearing. I guess I’ll have to proceed without the secret level for now.

EDIT: It works now! :D
Good job on fixing it, I’ll review sometime.

Not recommendedReview by PT32

24 Nov 2008, 01:46 (edited 24 Nov 08, 20:19 by cooba)
For: CityBatMark
Level rating: 1

This is the only level I have ever said something remotely like this, but this level is the worst I’ve ever seen.

The visuals (are very bad). Animated grass? Vines in the middle of spots? This level galled me.
I am really sorry to say this, but I think you need to scrap the WHOLE thing and just start over again. The only notable thing was the pink house. Don’t do things like stretch 1-tile roofs, or put vines in the mist of nothing. No dl rec, but be very very sure to go back and fix it way up. Only then will your level improve. Sorry to take such a negative tone, but it really is that bad.

[This kind of tone is not welcome on J2O, regardless of the upload’s quality. Please don’t do this again. ~cooba]

Not recommendedReview by PT32

24 Nov 2008, 01:40
For: Polish House
Level rating: 3.8

Correction: This is a terrible tileset for a good hotel level.
Your tileset is, I’m sorry to report, not the best it could be. Example level made the best it could of the set, but there was one “jjk” spot—in the bathroom, of all places—, and this was not very nice. :(
Colors were terrible, graphics were too, I would strongly recommend at least using the JJ2 flames from other tilesets, because yours aren’t very good. :(:(
Music was nice, but didn’t really fit the level. The example, that is.
For a TSF only tileset, this sure isn’t very good. Please fix this up, I’m sure you will rock once you do.

RecommendedReview by PT32

24 Nov 2008, 00:25 (edited 24 Nov 08, 00:59)
For: War Of The Rabbits 2: Taken For Good?
Level rating: 8.6

Good show, good show! FOD’s War of the Rabbits 2: Taken for good? is a very well done pack. It has amazing puzzles, stunning eyecandy, great plotline and buglessness, is very fun to play [almost I might note on a similar level to any one of Evilmike’s episodes], and is certainly one of the better-done packs out there.
Music and tilesets were picked well, bugs were weeded out, it’s almost perfect. My biggest complaint is that it takes a lot of Evilmike’s ideas and uses them [the exploding airbase, the puzzles are similar, amongst other things]. But that doesn’t make this any worse for wear, and I heartily recommend you download this.

Here is a link to War of the Rabbits:

Not recommendedReview by PT32

23 Nov 2008, 23:55
For: Traning Grounds on ice
Level rating: 1

Bad, bad bad…
This is simply a cheat crash course and it doesn’t even cover anything [besides jjfly and jjguns] at all. The jjfly is not even required, nor is the jjguns to get past either spot. The boss is annoying, and the arena ill-designed. There’s nothing at the bottom of the map, no eyecandy, the level is simply boring.
I try to be objective, and to see the best in a level, but there really wasn’t anything worthwhile in this one. No dl, not unless/til Mitaka_kzz fixes it. :(:(:(:(:(:(:(:(

Not recommendedReview by PT32

23 Nov 2008, 23:42
Level rating: 2.8

Okay, guys, stop flaming poor Akutube. It is a fairly bad level, but I noticed that not ONE of you [including those cheap little quick reviews] bothered anywhere [save maybe 1 or 2] to say why. It was, after all, playable, and the fact that it’s only TSF spares the 1.23 people from it. I take extreme offense at whomever said TSF level makers were small-brained, since I hardly ever check to see if my levels are 1.23…

Simply put, this level is bad because the tileset is bad, the bg is atrocious, the enemies were bad, the music was lousy, a lot of things were bad, but it’s easy to repair any one of them.
Change the music. More baddies and more length. Add a layer 8 background. Definitely make the exit sign cover the WHOLE end of the level, as I escaped out the opposite side. It’s not beyond hope, like some of us would like to believe. It was a good try, but it simply needed some MAJOR rerevonations. No dl, I’m afraid, at least not yet. :(

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

23 Nov 2008, 23:25
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

This rocks.
It’s not the very best I’ve ever played, but hey! it’s cool. It did have some bugs [I got stuck in the wall frequently, and one shaft had been blocked by a rock. =(]. Thema was great, story was good, execution was good, dl is rec’ced, but there were a lot of annoying bugs and glitches [ie the getting stuck in the wall]. Good job.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

22 Nov 2008, 09:54
For: New Diamondus Bay
Level rating: 7.1

As promised, I’ll review Master Sven’s new level in pretty detail. I’ve clearly loved levels made with the Diamondus tileset over the past so it won’t be that hard. Atleast we’re seeing the ‘new’ Diamondus conversion in this one..

The gameplay is very ‘pathway’ like and doesn’t have any serious originality. A first game in this level will clearly show the fastest paths quickly and none of the pickups are requiring any move or action that I’d call special. Overal a nice flow of gameplay, that’s seen in many other similar CTF levels though.

Eyecandy is kind of ‘Diamondussed’ without any imaginated fill ups that could be done with the tileset. In my opinion, that’s more than good enough because it feels like you’re playing a classic Diamondus level. Including the background and the gradient, which are similar to the one in the shipped levels. The use of water (real event and eyecandy) has been done well and doesn’t interupt with the style.

Not too much to say about this. Ammo is done good enough, I’d have done it a little different though, but that’s based on my personal opinion on ‘weapon balance’ amd such. Carrots are fine, though I’m no fan of them, maybe one of them could have been removed but then again, that’s my own opinion. Also, the warp at the bottom right appears to ‘warp’ to the opposite direction through a base, which enables a flagholder to score through a warp.. :p

I suppose by hosting this level now and then, you could have some fun. It’s not unlike many other CTF levels, but still a casual, medium to small CTF level that feels kind of classic. Download recommended and a 7.0 for you! ;)

RecommendedReview by marian_kz

21 Nov 2008, 16:53
For: Blade's Battle Pack Volume 2
Level rating: 9.3

hudge levels ant good titles

1.hudge levels +1 pt
2.good gameplay and music +5 pt +3 pt
4.and last good eye candy and wepon-playcing +1 pt

i rate this level pack with perfect 10

Quick Review by marian_kz

20 Nov 2008, 19:44 (edited 20 Nov 08, 19:54 by cooba)
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3


[Review changed to quick review. Please start checking the ‘Quick Review?’ box. ~cooba]

Quick Review by XÐxP

20 Nov 2008, 16:02 (edited 20 Nov 08, 16:12 by cooba)
For: JJ2 1.23 Port Changer
Level rating: 8

Cool staff thank you

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

RecommendedReview by darkyb

19 Nov 2008, 20:53
For: Jazz 2 music patches
Level rating: 9.4

The best patch made by Overlord so far.
Before Overlord realesed this the jj2 music was very annoying because when got roasted the music restart.
This is very easy to use even for a newbie in pc’s.
Only unzip with Winzip program and then locate your jj2.exe and patch it.Then your ready to play without that music problem :D

RecommendedQuick Review by marian_kz

19 Nov 2008, 18:01 (edited 20 Nov 08, 16:12 by cooba)
For: Extraterrestrials
Level rating: 8.9

i am speechless it’s the best level i’ve playd

[Review changed to quick review. There is an option to make reviews like this, please learn to use it. – cooba]

Review by abyss

19 Nov 2008, 11:13
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

I cannot play this level. I have it saved as a home cooked level. I am defiantely not past the 256 hcl level limit. All the other levels work. When I tried to play tomb rabbit the game crashed and gave me the amnesia error. I have it patched to 1.23+ xmas. It won’t work so I can’t rate it. I can’t recoomend it either.

RecommendedQuick Review by marian_kz

18 Nov 2008, 19:32 (edited 19 Nov 08, 15:52 by cooba)
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

if i ever make beter levels than tose thats not me those are the best levels i ever playd good gameplay eyecandy i see no reason this levels not to be downloaded

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Quick Review by marian_kz

18 Nov 2008, 18:19 (edited 18 Nov 08, 19:24 by cooba)
For: Discofever (come and join the time:)
Level rating: 8.6

this is coooooooooool

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Quick Review by marian_kz

18 Nov 2008, 18:09 (edited 18 Nov 08, 19:24 by cooba)
For: J2E Editor
Level rating: 8.3

i like it it cool but can enybody tell me how to make my own titles if they know write a privet message

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Review by Grytolle

18 Nov 2008, 15:40
For: Multi-port JJ2
Level rating: N/A

Port changer (use for hosting on different ports):

I also added a TSF-version of thi tiny patch!

  1. 1
  2. 251
  3. 252
  4. 253
  5. 254
  6. 255
  7. 256
  8. 257
  9. 258
  10. 259
  11. 1302