This rocks.
It’s not the very best I’ve ever played, but hey! it’s cool. It did have some bugs [I got stuck in the wall frequently, and one shaft had been blocked by a rock. =(]. Thema was great, story was good, execution was good, dl is rec’ced, but there were a lot of annoying bugs and glitches [ie the getting stuck in the wall]. Good job.
As promised, I’ll review Master Sven’s new level in pretty detail. I’ve clearly loved levels made with the Diamondus tileset over the past so it won’t be that hard. Atleast we’re seeing the ‘new’ Diamondus conversion in this one..
The gameplay is very ‘pathway’ like and doesn’t have any serious originality. A first game in this level will clearly show the fastest paths quickly and none of the pickups are requiring any move or action that I’d call special. Overal a nice flow of gameplay, that’s seen in many other similar CTF levels though.
Eyecandy is kind of ‘Diamondussed’ without any imaginated fill ups that could be done with the tileset. In my opinion, that’s more than good enough because it feels like you’re playing a classic Diamondus level. Including the background and the gradient, which are similar to the one in the shipped levels. The use of water (real event and eyecandy) has been done well and doesn’t interupt with the style.
Not too much to say about this. Ammo is done good enough, I’d have done it a little different though, but that’s based on my personal opinion on ‘weapon balance’ amd such. Carrots are fine, though I’m no fan of them, maybe one of them could have been removed but then again, that’s my own opinion. Also, the warp at the bottom right appears to ‘warp’ to the opposite direction through a base, which enables a flagholder to score through a warp.. :p
I suppose by hosting this level now and then, you could have some fun. It’s not unlike many other CTF levels, but still a casual, medium to small CTF level that feels kind of classic. Download recommended and a 7.0 for you! ;)
hudge levels ant good titles
1.hudge levels +1 pt
2.good gameplay and music +5 pt +3 pt
4.and last good eye candy and wepon-playcing +1 pt
i rate this level pack with perfect 10
[Review changed to quick review. Please start checking the ‘Quick Review?’ box. ~cooba]
Cool staff thank you
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
The best patch made by Overlord so far.
Before Overlord realesed this the jj2 music was very annoying because when got roasted the music restart.
This is very easy to use even for a newbie in pc’s.
Only unzip with Winzip program and then locate your jj2.exe and patch it.Then your ready to play without that music problem :D
i am speechless it’s the best level i’ve playd
[Review changed to quick review. There is an option to make reviews like this, please learn to use it. – cooba]
I cannot play this level. I have it saved as a home cooked level. I am defiantely not past the 256 hcl level limit. All the other levels work. When I tried to play tomb rabbit the game crashed and gave me the amnesia error. I have it patched to 1.23+ xmas. It won’t work so I can’t rate it. I can’t recoomend it either.
if i ever make beter levels than tose thats not me those are the best levels i ever playd good gameplay eyecandy i see no reason this levels not to be downloaded
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
this is coooooooooool
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
i like it it cool but can enybody tell me how to make my own titles if they know write a privet message
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
Port changer (use for hosting on different ports):
I also added a TSF-version of thi tiny patch!
i am speechless it’s soo cool
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
very cool levels
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
A very fun CTF level with good flow, item placement and good eyecandy. Sucker tubes work very well.
Ideal for duels and 2v2s or whatever. Also a good level to host online.
Rating: 8.2/10
DL Recommended! :)
EDIT: Rating raised because I had so much fun in this level :)
Im from Holland, and i see you are too.
First of all, you dont have to include your name in every line of text where you can write…
There was some humor in the levels though.
There was NO eyecandy at all, that sucks. Make some eyecandy next time.
Oh and, please do not use shitloads of enemys next time…
Doei! Hammer xD
[Please don’t self-filter. ~cooba]
It was short and had almost no eyecandy.
But the gameplay was really good and the enemies were placed at the good spots.
Altough there was no ammo in the level, i liked playing this short thing.
A four, not higher.
The eyecandy was ok, but the gameplay really sucked.
The placement of items was also really, really bad.
it’s not so bad
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
? This is an, errm, okay level. Trog’s Deck the Halls level has some…interesting eyecandy, although the set is really just a ripoff of the Xmas and Castle tilesets. Style was allright, but the level was not the best i’ve ever seen.
Repairs/improvements? Maybe a different tileset. I know, the level is based around this one, but the red+green christmas poles? In a castle set?
So, music and buggage were okay, versions were allright, I will give you a neutral dl rec, and a semi-okay rating. But a different tileset would really make your level rock it off!
Good try. :)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.