Not recommendedQuick Review by Neo-->

8 Nov 2008, 09:20 (edited 8 Nov 08, 09:52 by cooba)
For: Training level for JDC
Level rating: 2.6

this terrible lvl…
there are too many weapons, fastfire and power-ups. and the background..
I do not talk about it.
The 7 extremes overrate!This level more 1

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

RecommendedReview by PT32

8 Nov 2008, 02:41
For: TITLED Deux
Level rating: 7.7

This is a very nice level. A little hard in parts, but very creative nonetheless.


TITLED Deux is a CTF level, set on an action-packed space station with an agreeable song, well-placed eyecandy and more. The added fact of a version with and without pits only makes it look even better.


As I explained before, it’s on a space station. It’s not 100% symmetrical, but does have a familiar rhythym to it. Some areas were brighter or darker than others, which added more fun value. I didn’t like how easy it is to memorize the routes, however clever they were. Which they were.


No real findable bugs that I ascertained, which is nice. I liked how the combination of springs, floatups, and freezing-device-thingamabobs was used to propel you from one part of the base to another. However, the seekers were a bit camper-friendly, which is sad.

Music and miscellaneous junk

The music fit well []. It had kind of a futury, spacey feel to it. Exactly the kind I had in mind.
This level runs smooth in TSF, and could work in 1.23 with + [although I haven’t tested yet, it doesn’t appear to have any TSF+-exclusive events]. Yay!

Straight talk to the reader

So, what more could I possibly say? Good work, and bring us some more later? Well I was kind of going to say that, but let’s lavish a bit of praise on the end…
In short, TD is a very well done level with a few minute flaws, but hardly enough to tear it down incredibly far. Dl this now.

RecommendedQuick Review by Hammer

7 Nov 2008, 16:25 (edited 7 Nov 08, 16:58 by cooba)
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

In my opinion, the best tileset ever.
I just love the way you made the clouds and there is lots of eyecandy you can use, unbelivable.

The Jazz statues with the flame are just perfectly made.

You really deserve a 10!

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

7 Nov 2008, 14:28 (edited 7 Nov 08, 16:57 by cooba)
For: TITLED Deux
Level rating: 7.7

very kewl usage of this tileset.
the layout is pretty massive and lollish, with a shield in the middle down for nubs who think they can take’s simple but funny in some ways. in other words; This level is very BOOM BOOM MUSIC :S!.. and that’s my 1337 copyright! damn right son.

download reccomendation, and i will play this as a child :M

Review by Hammer

6 Nov 2008, 19:31 (edited 6 Nov 08, 22:07 by cooba)
For: the house of doom
Level rating: N/A

Sorry dude, im not going to rate this level.

It really is pretty bad, learn some mapping before wasting J2O’s bandwidth.

Good luck mapping, -Hammer

[This zip file is 6.55 kB big. Not even a 56k user would complain here I think? ~cooba]

Not recommendedReview by Technopauluz

5 Nov 2008, 22:55
For: Winter Dreams: the 4-in-1 multiplayer pack
Level rating: 4.9

It’s well known that the Holiday Hare 98 tileset has nice eyecandy but is terrible masked and is difficult to use. I see that you give it some try but there is missing some creativety and skill. If u work on it you really can make better levels.

I am currently working on a battle level and using this tileset to. (2nd time) It cost a lot of time to get the best out of this set and make a nice unique battle ;)
If u like i can send you some screenshots.

Things to mention:

- The spring on 13, 56 isn’t jazz friendly…
- The layers 5, 3, 2 are not used very well…
- Get more Ammo in the game
- The masking is bad (partly tnx to epic)
- Lot’s of more…

As tip I can give u to download some levels that used this set to (like mine old level ;) )for some example you might learn a lot of it :D


Quick Review by n00b

5 Nov 2008, 22:45 (edited 6 Nov 08, 15:02 by cooba)
For: QBA Pack
Level rating: N/A

All I can say is
SHOOOOT THEN BOOOOOOM! Then you are a winner :)”


[Rating (10.0) clearance. – cooba]

Review by cooba

4 Nov 2008, 19:38 (edited 4 Nov 08, 19:39)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

FawFul: There’s nothing absurd about Stijn’s review. He’s entitled to have an opinion about your work, and to defend it. Just as you are entitled to disagree with his rating and his arguments. However, you’re overreacting. I don’t see how did you infer hostility from Stijn’s review – your comments about personal attacks and distrust are out of place here.

Master Sven: Please don’t jump into the gray area of public debate.

Certain people: Please do remember that downrating a review just because you disagree with the rating is wrong. Like Stijn said, read the review first, and think about what you’re doing. Grytolle, who took time to read through Stijn’s review (even if he still downvoted), is a good example.

I want this mess to cease, starting now. I don’t want to see this kind of situation to happen again, so please let us cooperate.

Review by darkyb

4 Nov 2008, 15:22
For: QBA Pack
Level rating: N/A

well these lvl’s are not very good keep working on JCS to improve.

Also i see an interesting thing on the QBA2 P2 lvl:
-it seems when a lvl is 15×500 the ground give the mirage that moves.A cool stuff;D

Review by Grytolle

4 Nov 2008, 14:12 (edited 4 Nov 08, 14:13)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

i did read before downrating stijn’s review… i don’t see why other tilesets than the original would be relevant for the rating of this one

for the rest i think the screenshots look cool, but i won’t review since i don’t make levels anyway.. maybe that’s why i don’t see why it would have been good to reorder the tiles either

RecommendedReview by PT32

4 Nov 2008, 04:24
For: OLO Fanolint Level
Level rating: 7.4

This is a cool level.
OLO’s fanolint level is made indeed with the Sonicnathan 1 tileset, a file curiously unreleased to J2O but of fairly nice quality. Music is JJ1 accurate, buggage is low.
I didn’t like the large amount of baddies in the level. This unfortunately seems to be a recurring trend among most jazz1 level aspirations, another of which is a depressingly small amount of singular eye candy. The level had a good style, but seemed to have a large amount of pickups.
In short I liked it, but there are [as always] some things to go back and fix up a bit. Dl rec, cause I’m feeling generous.

Review by PT32

3 Nov 2008, 23:07 (edited 5 Nov 08, 21:48)
For: Winter Dreams: the 4-in-1 multiplayer pack
Level rating: 4.9

Okay, I guess you were right. In some ways…
I fixed up most of those things you pointed out to me. =)

Review by PurpleJazz

3 Nov 2008, 20:45
For: Winter Fallz
Level rating: 4.1

Just wondering, is this level an entry for my contest?

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

3 Nov 2008, 08:55 (edited 4 Nov 08, 13:31)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

This is yet another Diamondus edit with yet another set of new palettes and yet another rearrangement. Basically it contains most tiles the IC edits of Diamondus add and then some, but in another tile configuration, making it impossible to use these sets to “upgrade levels” using that – practically standard – edit.

The new tiles are put throughout the tileset randomly at places that used to be empty. I’d have preferred to see either a total rearrangement (as this breaks backward compatibility anyway) or at least the new tiles in a logical order and arrangement. The new tiles are basically a pitch black layer 4 background tile and corresponding stuff-with-black-background tiles and some versions of the vegetation tiles with a blue background. There’s some waterfalls too but those are also in other Diamondus edits and are ripped anyway so I don’t really see that as something to recommend this set for.

Then there’s the palette edits. One is obviously based on a Diamondus ß palette (or maybe it has been used before, it looks awfully familiar at least); the other one is dark with red sky and water. There’s no example levels so I can’t really judge but as far as I can see the combination isn’t that pretty and a more subtle contrast (or also adding red tones to the other tiles) would’ve worked better.

In summary this tileset edit is minor at best and does not offer any advantages over already existing Diamondus edits. The palette edits are not that interesting and the tile arrangement doesn’t work that well either. You’re better off using one of the other Diamondus-based sets out there.

edit: in response to those who apparently can’t take it if I write a well-argumented review that doesn’t happen to give a high rating: how about actually reading my review before wrecking the helpful index :)

RecommendedReview by PT32

3 Nov 2008, 05:04 (edited 4 Nov 08, 21:10)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

I didn’t quite share Master Sven’s enthusiasm for this set. It was, I’ll admit, a fairly good remake of the set. An extra cave type [really just a black wall bg], some modified trees, a couple added tiles here and there, it’s basically just a re-edit of the orig Diamondus palettes upload [also done by Faw, I believe, good job on that one…].
Nothing much notable about this one, except maybe the nice color variations and minimal buggage. No music was used, in fact no example level was used at all either! This strikes me as unusual.
So in summary, I liked this a lot. Not certainly enough for an 8, but I liked it. Positive DL rec, I guess. :) Oh, and a 7.0 rating.
I did read Stijn’s review! And I hold no grudge against him for it. I just don’t happen to agree with his opinion…

RecommendedReview by master sven

2 Nov 2008, 20:00 (edited 5 Nov 08, 09:34)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

I was awaiting this tileset. The pallette swaps are very nice and really add to your level’s atmosphere. Also I am quite a diamondus fan and this conversion gives me the opportunity to build better levels with this tileset. I would like to say to everyone: Download this and make at least one level with it, cuz its nice.

EDIT: I Agree with FF. Also I really hate PPL who give helpfull ratings for tileset reviews. (-)

BIAS: you shouldn’t say DOWNrating but just giving a helpufull rating…

Not recommendedReview by master sven

2 Nov 2008, 19:40 (edited 6 Nov 08, 07:05)
For: Winter Dreams: the 4-in-1 multiplayer pack
Level rating: 4.9

Maybe this pack is for laYmERs…


There are trees all spammed over the entire level. You are able to stand on some of their tops and on some you can’t stand. The flow is just crappy, the level is just build up out of some horizontal layers of platforms and it’s too hard to get from one to another. This level also includes dead ends at the sides of the level. I don’t understand why someone like you who uploaded many levels, still makes these mistakes.


Because the level is too spammed with trees, the eyecandy is also not that good. Though your backgrounds are quite nice. I also found a part in your level that looks like an Escher painting.(Go to wikipedia is you don’t get it.) There is a house which is definitively on the background because its overlapped by the road you are walking on. Still you are able to stand on the roof, ofcourse, this is IMPOSSIBLE!


Well, nothing original to find here, you even stole Bob’s Guns. Also this level lacks ammo, especially power-ups. It doesnt matter how much time you take to build your levels, when you keep ignoring reviews from those 5000 other downloads then you have a very slight chance your download is going to be really succesfull.

Gameplay: 4.5
Eyecandy: 5.5
Originality: 4

Final Grade: 4.7

Edit: You added some ammo +0.3.

RecommendedQuick Review by CrimiClown

2 Nov 2008, 13:43 (edited 2 Nov 08, 13:43)
For: New Diamondus
Level rating: 7.2

Nice tileset conversions. You’ve added some crucial tiles and made two nice pallette swaps. Especially the brightgreen-grey version appeals to me. You have no reason for not downloading these.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

2 Nov 2008, 10:32 (edited 2 Nov 08, 10:34)
For: Enter the Chaos
Level rating: 8.2

(This review is part of a review exchange)

Chaos. While quite a few levels have “chaos” in the gameplay, no other level ever made has perfected the concept of chaos like this level has. It’s a great achievement that FireSworD has created in his secret lair of JCSing.

The theme of course, is what stands out above the rest. Everything in the levels stays true to the theme of chaos; the background and foreground layers move at high speeds to trick your eyes and create confusion and chaos. The smoke rings above the pit created more chaos. Hell, even the placement creates more chaos by having a very large amount of PUs for a level of this size. Everything in this level feels really synced together, including the music, which just like the smoke rings gets progressively more chaotic and powerful as it continues. All of these elements combined come together for a unique experience.

However, while the “chaos” here feels great, does this level actually play great? While the level generally flows well, the smoke rings can get extremely frustating when they get to high quantities. While I believe this could be adjusted to in time, I don’t think this level would be a popular choice to play in because the vast majority of players these days do not like having to cope with new kinds of obstacles. On your first play of the level you will probably fall in the pits quite a few times, but after a while you’ll likely get used to them and then only fall in by accident or by intention of another player. It takes a lot of skill to master this level, which may turn off some people but others may see this as an oppertunity for success against the weaker players in this level. To succeed here, careful play around the smoke ring area and good predicition are required. I feel it’s quite easy to predict players here because of the limiting layout. What I find genious is that despite the large amount of PUs this level still feels really slow paced in duels, however it becomes a fast paced level when a larger amount of people play.

This level is a work of art for me, however most players looking for serious games will probably look else where. However, FS took the liberity of making a Lite version for the little wusses who can’t stand the smoke rings or the dark feel. This still gets my Seal of Approval simply because of how well the theme is executed.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

2 Nov 2008, 09:58 (edited 23 Feb 09, 21:28)
For: Pearl-Shell Shore (DOM)
Level rating: 8.8

(This review is part of a review exchange)

Domination is a fairly new game mode. Quite a few DOM levels have been made since Blur first introduced the popular UT game mode into the JJ2 scene with the latest update of plus, however no one has really experimented with the concept; it has a lot of potential, which is very slowly being realised. Who knows what wacky DOMs we may see in the future? This level, though, is the first step into seeing what kind of gameplay Domination is really capable of.

I had my doubts on this level when seeing it in it’s early stages, however Quickz designed the level to near perfection. The thing that possessed me the most was the theme; creative tileset usage made the level appear to be on a quiet shoreline. I consider it genious how the layout fits in perfectly with the theme; it moves up in layers from the bottom right, rising out of the sea onto sand until reaching tall cliffs. Caves reach inside the sandbar in a complex network, containing nice touches such as the waterfalls representing condensation. The music makes the level feel so epic. In fact, this level feels so magnificant that this even inspired me to take a trip to a beach myself, although the weather sucked. D=

Aside from looking great, it plays amazingly too. The positions of the two CPs were no doubt the best; the level would not work anywhere near as well if they had been placed elsewhere. The rest of the pickups are placed with thought, there is only one PU (Seeker), although in the DOM game mode spending time camping a PU rather than a CP would be utter stupidity. The fact that there are no Full NRGs make staying alive harder, but that could be seen as a good thing. The level feels cramped, however not so cramped in a way that makes movement slow, and the cramped feeling in the caves is part of the theme. The thing which I like the most about the gameplay is the fact this level can work with pretty much any number of players; not too big for smaller games like 2vs2s or not too small for larger games like 5vs5s. Pretty much everyone will enjoy this level, and for the moment it plays much better than all of the other released DOM levels.

This level inspired me to work on a DOM level, and I’ve been having great fun experimenting with the concept. In general, this level is pretty damn amazing, I don’t really think there will be any people who won’t enjoy this level. However, what stops me giving higer than 8.5 is that I’ve still yet to see what Domination is truly capable of.

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