RecommendedReview by DAEMON

1 Nov 2008, 20:11
For: Winter Dreams: the 4-in-1 multiplayer pack
Level rating: 4.9

This Is Very good !!!
nicely you did the levels this like (since I make a similar one of snowy levels)
but there are some mistakes in him disregarding very good Latvian (I know it about myself that with this the tileset to do a heavy level)
Levels: for me this level likes the best :) (1.j2l – Chrimbo for Lay-does the washing)
Music: all musics were good according to me suits the level
Tileset: than I said it already (according to me) very heavy with this the tileset to do an level
Rating:7,2 (because of some mistakes :s sorry)

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

1 Nov 2008, 18:53
For: Pearl-Shell Shore (DOM)
Level rating: 8.8

As this won Rag’s Domination level making contest, I couldn’t wait to review this.


The first thing I notice is the unusual mix of pink and yellow in the Layer 8 Background. I really like this and think that this goes really well with the tileset that has been used. Quickz has made extensive use of all the Beach and sand tiles in this set. The water background in Layer 7 looks very nice. The waterfalls don’t look like they are pouring down from nowhere but really look as if they are coming from the ceiling itself and they stop at the water like real waterfalls should do.
Quickz has made excellent use of Layers 3-8. Layers 1 & 2 aren’t used but you don’t need to use every layer to make a good level.
Everything here makes this look like a Shore as intended by the level name.



This level has very good layout, is easy to navigate and doesn’t feel cramped. The top right is empty but I don’t think that is an issue in this level. You can choose to do two things. You can either capture the Control Points located on the left and defend them or you can go for the Seeker Power-Up, the only PU that can be found in this level located on the right by going for a swim through an underwater tunnel on the far right.
If you decide to go for some ammo or the PU you can be sure that the CP you were defending is going to get recaptured.
The flow here is excellent, there are no annoying dead ends that you will bump into. There are also no warps so there is no way to escape from attackers by warping to other places.



There is a nice amount of ammo to be found in this level. All the ammo for each weapon grouped up very nicely. There is neither too much or too little of every weapon.
As I mentioned in Gameplay, there is just one Power-Up and that is the Seeker and the placement is not campy. Spaz players can kick the PU for 50 ammo but since most people use Spaz I do not find this a serious issue in the level. Jazz players can still uppercut the PU by pushing it a bit to the left. There are three “+1 Carrots” to be found here. No Full NRGs so that players cannot regain full health to easily. The Carrots are spread out nicely so you shouldn’t have a problem gaining 1 or 2 Hearts back. One Carrot is placed by the Seeker PU so that you can get some ammo and regain 1 Heart back. Only one Carrot can be found nearest to the CPs so defenders shouldn’t regain any health too easily.
There are two Control Points (CPs) here. One CP can be found in the top left so it’s possible that you might get surrounded and get Seekers and other weapons fired at you from all directions. The other CP can be found at the bottom left in the middle of two pools of water. The two pools can be used as protection from ammo that may be fired at you while protecting the CP. Seekers may still hit you.
Five different weapons can be found here, these are: Bouncer (Gun2), Seeker (Gun4), RFs (Gun5), Toaster (Gun6) and Pepper Spray (Gun8).
Most of the ammo can be found on the right side of the level so if you are defending any of the CPs you will have to go some distance away from the CPs to regain some ammo.
All the platforms can be accessed easily with all the available Springs.



Pearl-Shell Shore is very fun and has excellent placement of pickups and has impressive eyecandy. I love the mix of the pink and yellow in the background.
This is a level I would definitely play online and host.


The Artificial Sun ( music used is a perfect fit in this level. +0.1


OVERALL MARK = (27 / 3) + 0.1 = 9.1


Since this won Rag’s Domination level making contest and has been awarded the Featured Download of October 2008, you REALLY MUST DOWNLOAD THIS!

RecommendedQuick Review by Quickz

31 Oct 2008, 12:53 (edited 31 Oct 08, 12:54)
For: Gauntlet
Level rating: 7.6

The fun factor of ‘Gauntlet’ is really high, since it’s quite fast paced. The tubes (leading to the Full NRG) are nice – especially considering the fact that the Full NRG can be shot down. Ammo is at useful places, adding two +1’s improved the gameplay. The warps are useful as well, though the targets are at questionable places.

Not recommendedReview by master sven

31 Oct 2008, 11:56 (edited 31 Oct 08, 11:57)
For: Toast Hawaii
Level rating: 4.2

Another first level, I keep wondering where all those people come from…


As you said yourself the top half of the level has large open spaces. This makes the level very empty. Try to make some more over there. The bottom part is a bit better, although the tunnel on the far left is a bit too long and the (secret) tunnel on the right side which is connected to the surface is quite useless unless you use RF climbing to get up. This level isn’t bad for a first level, I hope you will improve by not making the same mistakes again.


There are no notable mistakes in the eyecandy, but you should have decorated it some more because it looks rather boring now. Your background is ok and original but there could have been some more. This level also lacks foreground.


Well, you’ve put a shield in your level. Most people dont like shields, as they are overpowered. This level lacks interesting things and also things to do, which makes it quite boring. I wouldn’t host this online,(if I could) look at other levels and see what makes them so nice.

Gameplay: 4
Eyecandy: 4.5
Originality: 4

Final grade: 4.2

Review by PT32

30 Oct 2008, 22:10
For: jp-->4-2 Nippius
Level rating: 6.6

I fixed the tile bug in that one spot. Thanks for finding it!
Also fixed tile gaps too. =)

Quick Review by SPAZ18

30 Oct 2008, 21:40
For: jp-->4-2 Nippius
Level rating: 6.6

These are OK levels, but a JJ1 remake seems pointless as there are “+15 ammo crates” EVERYWHERE! You never run out of ammo. Also, there are tilebugs and some big empty spaces you can see behind the walls.
All the levels including the secret one lasted me about 5 minutes in total.
Coins were also useless.
DL Rec = N/A

RecommendedQuick Review by St. Louis

30 Oct 2008, 21:04 (edited 31 Oct 08, 14:38 by cooba)
For: Enter the Chaos
Level rating: 8.2

First of all I gotta point out that if I was still doing the random “9.7!” stuff, I’d give this just that. Secondly, I hate doing things half-way, but I felt like I had to review this, while avoiding writing a shit novel.

The level is real hard to master, and the smoke ring pit can be quite annoying.
But it’s real enjoyable, so download it!

[Review changed to quick. What?]

RecommendedReview by CrimiClown

30 Oct 2008, 11:23
For: Enter the Chaos
Level rating: 8.2

Okay, I dunno what mind games you’ve been playing, but this is WHACK. Also, PT, the level is far from symmetrical. D:

Gameplay: Chaotic
That’s right. Dang right it’s chaotic.

I love it.

The level has a few very original ideas hardly ever used in JJ2 levels before. This unordinary battle level has several large platforms that all connect through warps, springs and even a copter (well, you can’t actually find it unless you have either really sharp vision or a really bright monitor). The level also uses pits, but not really in an annoying way. The chaos lies within a well done eventing process that I will elaborate on later. Let’s just say that you’ll often find yourself lost for now.

Atmosphere: Chaotic
Yes, a very chaotic mood swings by with this battle level. The level uses an overused theme with a less overused tileset, “I see Jungle Storm”. The level is really dark and hard to navigate in. At first, you will find yourself lost a lot, but eventually you’ll get used to the dense eyecandy and chaotic layout. The music sets the mood even more with a strange metal-and-bull(-) mix.

The foreground and background are both well utilized, covering the already-dark background with lots of leaves and warning us for possible pit dangers… either that, or the level seems to fly away really fast.

Eventing: …somewhat less chaotic yet very awkward and maybe still chaotic in the end
… yeah.

The level has quite a few of carrots for such a small level, but you’ll need it. When running this level in JJ2+, I found myself respawning with 1 heart every time I fell in a pit… either this is a flaw from my side or this level has some eventing which I don’t get.

Before I continue, though, I should note that this level comes in three version. These are the differences I could see in a blink:

- Normal:
Features a caterpillar that, for some reason, while being on top, will spawn those smoke circles down at the bottom (and as far as I know, only as the Psych pole start spinning, when shot).
- Hard:
Same as Normal, but there are a few platforms missing, making you jump huge gaps.
- Lite:
Same as Normal, but the Caterpillar is removed from existence.

As said before, the Caterpillar is located in the top of the level, but spawns smoke from down the pits, moving with unbelievable speeds to waste the players.

The level also features the somewhat unknown ‘Symbol of Chaos’, represented by a Psych pole at the bottom of the level. When shot, it will twist and spin faster and faster. Also, it could be just me, but as soon as you shoot it, smoke rings spawn everywhere around it… Cool stuff.

Powerups and lots of ammo fill all the empty spaces in this level. Nearly all types of ammo and PU can be found, which will provide even more chaos in a level this small.

Overall: Chao-… I mean, really fun.
Playing this map in a crowded server will lead to two things: Frustrated players and amused players. I can safely say that I’d be of the latter group.

Download Recommendation: Perhaps
If you can appreciate a good game of chaos (and I mean, really, chaos), you should download this and play it often. Otherwise, maybe a game or two will be enough before you go back to old, trustworthy levels.

Score: 8.2
I give this level an eight-point-two for several reasons. Firstly, I’d like to say that this level deserves to stand out with a ‘Good file’ level box. Secondly, this level burst with creativity, whether it be a serious attempt of making a level or just a ‘fun level’, it certainly lives up to the promise of ‘fun’.

Good game, FS.

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

29 Oct 2008, 19:53 (edited 11 May 09, 04:11)
For: The 4 Castles Of Darkness
Level rating: 1

My god I’m wasting my life reviewing these.

Wow. this is garbage. There are 2 main things wrong:
1: This is just a jumble of tiles form castle. Almost nothing fits and it looks done in 10 minutes.
2:ALL the levels use the same eyecandey. In fact, all the levels are the same except for different pallets.
Not sure what else to say about the eyecandey.
Linear, same enemies and pickups. HUGE clump of seekers at the end. Lot of gems, and only the bosses changed in each level. That’s All I have to say.

Final Score:1/10
Score: 1
Rank: F
DR? I wanted to make this longer but didn’t know what else to say. No DR. Make this a lesson of what NOT to do in level design.

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

29 Oct 2008, 19:49 (edited 11 May 09, 04:04)
For: Madness
Level rating: 1

You know, just the fact that this has gotten over 231 downloads and the fact my 7.7 single player pack only has 177 really makes me wounder.

My…../-….GOD! THIS IS HORRIBLE! MY EYES! I“M GOING BLIND! NEED SHADES. This is NOT an exaggeration. My eyes are sore from looking at it! It uses flashy color blocks for the whole level! PLEASE MAKE IT STOP! I WISH I COULD GIVE OUT NEGATIVES! IN FACT, I WILL!
All you’re really doing is dodging a bunch of enemies while randomly morphing into frogs or birds. In you have the nerves to get to the end, you have to cross a pit and as n00b said, you get a sucker tube ending. I can’t tell you how boring it is. You’re probably just going to JJGOD everything to get away form the blinking lights!
Just bunches of random enemies. Nothing else. Oh and there is a pit with bunches of enemies.

Final Score:-3/10
Score: 1
Rank: Z
DR? This is the first time I’ve ever given out a negative rating. I had a lot more fun with sad Beach like n00b said! Heck compared to this, sad beach sets the standard. I can’t give it a -3, so I’ll give it a 1 instead.

Review by master sven

29 Oct 2008, 14:39
For: Cpu Hotel
Level rating: 5.2

Is your review serious or not?
If its serious its not helpfull because of the spelling mistakes and if its not it still isn’t helpfull.

Review by unrealtournament

29 Oct 2008, 13:15
For: Cpu Hotel
Level rating: 5.2

And i think that is a Hotel!

RecommendedReview by OLOELO

29 Oct 2008, 13:08
For: jp-->4-2 Nippius
Level rating: 6.6

Well the whole Nippius level is nice job again!
You could use all tiles in level 1 because if you’ll press DOWN, that looks little part of.. nothing xD
I know that resolution should be 320×240 but whatever ;)
My rate is 9.0 because I didn’t look any mistake. Go on with Jungrock :) but I still wait for Orbitus.

Meanwhile I am creating a Marbelara Battle Level and then I will make my JJ2 Sage. Which will contain 40 levels. But 1 level contains 5 other xD So it will be much longer

Review by DAEMON

29 Oct 2008, 13:04 (edited 31 Oct 08, 08:09)
For: Cpu Hotel
Level rating: 5.2

Is this battle or a hotel?
if battle: then very bad because there are a lot of mistakes in him. :S
but if a hotel: is whole good one then the level would be very small only
we say it the tube tileset it was not trained for this…

if battle:2,5 if hotel:4,2

Properly sorry but if you charge a hotel then nearest not the battle lay it. It Custom / Concept is needed to lay not trouble :) then nearest ;)


RecommendedReview by PT32

29 Oct 2008, 03:48
For: Nightfall in Noobland
Level rating: 8.6

I’ve waited a long time for a review that wasn’t thought of as “total crap”. Well, any way. Nightfall in Noobland is a very nice level, set in the outdoor environs of Carrotus and features such things as several powerups, lots of ammo, a couple carrots, plenty of warps and shortcuts and more. It has a lotto potential. I didn’t really think music fit that well, though it was pretty funny. DL rec. andnice level.

Review by PT32

29 Oct 2008, 00:43
For: the Smallest Tileset Ever :P
Level rating: N/A

Heh. This is an incredibly small tile set…
But it’s a usable one [as extremely surprised as you may be, any tileset can be used]! Jusst barely. It’s a good thing its set to n/a comment, or you might get some baaaaad vibes. Only a few repetitive lines of blocks. Minimal eye candy. If anyone could make a decent level with this, i’d be so amazed. Oh well. Your call about dl’ing.

RecommendedReview by PT32

28 Oct 2008, 22:02
For: JJ1 Music Pack
Level rating: 8

I liked this [I am referring to all 5 parts in this here review.] upload. And I’m sorry that you’re leaving. Hope you come back again!
The five parts contain Jazz1-accurate songs, which are handy when creating levels themed with JJ1. No glitchy spots, no messed up instruments, this pack[s]‘s got it all! However, some very minute [very much so] deviationson notes does occur,but not too badly. A good addition to the J2O community.

RecommendedReview by PT32

28 Oct 2008, 21:44
For: Fields of Gold
Level rating: 8.8

Hmm… I think I saw this in a pack once upon a time…
Nice, nice, nice! Fields of Gold [by Quickz] is a nifty little battle level, with good eye candy, better tileset, hardly buggy, and yet with a strange shortcoming. That shortcoming would be “what’s with the out-of-place music?” I know, it almost sorta fits. But not snugly. The haunted track doesn’t really fit with the heaven tileset. I would instead recommend “hgwill.xm” as a music, as it fits a bit better.
The tileset has enormous possibilities, and sure enough, is used to a good extent. The clouds in the background [forgot which layer…:(] give it a lofty, other-world-above-ours feel. The rest of the level used the flamingoes, the statues, the pictures, the whole lot of it is coordinated pretty well.
FoG didn’t have really any shortcuts, like hidden passages or sucker tubes, which I feel increases appeal to most stages. Level sizing was excellent. Buggage wasn’t really there.
So in short, this level is sweet, though not perfect. Give it a dl, and see for yourselfs!

RecommendedQuick Review by CrimiClown

28 Oct 2008, 11:34
For: Jazz 2 Utilities
Level rating: 9.5

Very nice tools, quite useful indeed. Only the Episode Manager appeals to me, though, as JCS is able to open files by itself easily and the JJ2 launcher doesn’t search on filename AND level name. Maybe you could implement that, too?

Otherwise, good job. Recommended download.

RecommendedQuick Review by Quickz

28 Oct 2008, 09:33
For: [DOM] Devils Marsh
Level rating: 7.8

CP’s are placed really well, carrot-placement is okay, PU’s not that much. Eyecandy is not spectacular with this set, but quite okay. Terrible background imo, but well, it matches with the levelname. Nice tube, by the way. Some parts feel a bit empty, lacking either ammo or EC. Complicated, original and interesting layout, that’s for sure!

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