Ahmed: You can read more about level groups here: https://www.jazz2online.com/wiki/Category:%20Level%20Groups
You don’t join one by claiming it out, but you’ll have to develop yourself as a level maker and when you feel ready, apply for joining by a tryout, typically. :)
cooba : So how I be a part of XLM ?
Rysice : Ok I edited it! Sorry about that! :/
Its unplayble – I can’t capture flag because wrong placed ctf base event
Unless I missed something you are not currently a member of XLM. Please reupload this with the filenames changed.
This sole program kept content creation in jj2 alive. Fills the gap to make jj2+ and content creation streamlined. Everything that is here is already top notch, i hope to see future updates that make tileset/palette editing even easier. Nevertheless this deserves a 10.0 already.
This is an invaluable library for scripters and the demo weapons are well-made too; they are easy and fun to play with, and now also easy to add to your own levels.
This is one of the best remixes of JJ tunes I’ve ever listened to. It’s one of the kind – so different, original, and very pleasant to listen!
Cool emoticons Violet pro
New, Better and epic!
Sure rating is 10.0 ;D
This is a useful script, although i’m not a big fan of how the emotes look. Turning them off is possible, but only for you. A better solution in my opinion would be if they didn’t replace the old emotes, but were a new set. For communication purposes I like it more if the sender and receiver see the same message.
They’re quite dated now, but I’ve always liked them, so there’s that nostalgia factor.
(The dude in the thread was probably loading Techno Terror with a different version of the tileset that had the same filename, because Blade did that sometimes)
Plays well and has gorgeous visuals. Instantly one of my favorite battle maps.
Top notch stuff right here. Nice starting positions btw.
A lovely level with a lovely background. The layout is best suited for duels.
However I have some personal nitpicks regarding the bottom right of the map. The carrot there feels like a death trap and your only chance of escaping is a fairly hard RF climb to the top. However the bottom left makes up for that.
Download recommended!
Refreshing and innovative.
However the middle area of this map could use a bit more background eyecandy to connect platforms with one another.
Download recommended!
Interesting map with unique visuals. However the recolouring of Aztec2 tiles has been poorly done. The level surely revolves around the Roller gun and it’s given powerup creating an hectic atmosphere altogether. This only applies in larger games, not in duels.
Download recommended
Ragnarok accomplished to create a level which revolves on a sort of diagonal symmetry. The given layout is interesting considering it hasn’t been used much before. Despite the level feels (and plays) a bit larger than the original TCS, therefore being it best suited for 3v3 and 4v4 matches.
Download highly recommended.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.