I took a moment to look at this file and the only visible change seems to be the version number. It’s basically regular TSF with version set to 1.30.
Whoops – now i just clicked on EvilMike’s account: He is trafton!!! Sorry
I didn’t hate it, but I didn’t love it either. I mean it’s a really good organizational tool, but that’s all it really is. Just a reordering of the groups. I’ve done that plenty on my computer.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying to not download it, but it really does not deserve a 10. It’s not that different from my own custom jcs.ini. Still, I gotta give EM credit for writing it and putting it up. Neutral DL rec, as I’m not quite sure what to decide.
EDIT: Oh! I just realized that this was uploaded on my birthday! Wahoo!
No rating effect though, sorry. =(
Na we look at it!
hmmm was whole good one
but does not really help me I know the events…
otherwise nice work, likes, I will use this sure!
it was very good in him that you wrote it on that which event
is out of order you are quasi you signed his name on a more ‘‘understandable language’‘.
His totality not bad. (_)
I provide 9.2 dots to you because of this.
Well, well! Another level from OLOELO, and about time too.
Pretty good level design, eyecandy was okay. Music was right, and buggage was small. I do think there were a lot of baddies, but oh well.
I liked how you gave the bg a partial link tone. I know, it would have been nice of Lark to at least put the JJ1 bg in his set, but that has naught to do with this review. I liked how you used the eyecandy pretty well, with some “open”-feeling areas, and some tight-feeling ones.
I didn’t like how certain areas seemed too small in terms of level design. There were a multitude of tubes at the beginning, which can get to be a bit monotonous after a while. Not a hugely upsetting amount, but a pretty big one.
There were some spots where the tiles just seemed to repeat. But only a few. So to wrap up, and to go and eat my supper, good level, nice design but just a few things to fix. For a brief hiatus, this is pretty neat. DL, but don’t forget to fix it up a bit.
i think not realy good this version…
you say ‘‘blocks actually cheats :)( no send packets to server)’‘ but no…
And the Jazz+ is better! (i think)
Very neat version of JCS.ini. Good show.
Here we have a new JCS.ini file created by EvilMike which is very useful.
All the events have been put under the correct categories. It’s now easier to add in extra time for Shields since the Stopwatch is now under that category.
Some events have been renamed so that they are more understandable.
EvilMike has also labelled which events work in TSF only (marked with an asterisk “*”) and which do not work.
Also included is an MCE Event so it’s now easier for those who want to include MCEs in their level(s).
In some events, the boxes have also been renamed, including the “WaitTime” on the Sucker Tube.
This is certainly a very useful file for not just beginner JCS users but for everyone else too, so I’d definitely give this a DL Recommendation!
As a rating, I’m gonna give this a big fat 10!
I’m reluctant to do this, but seeing how hideously overrated this level is, I felt like I had to do it. That’s the only reason why I’m reviewing this.
Chilly Swamps is a very small battle level created by now inactive Arti (aka Camou), using the (very overused and kinda boring) Swamps tileset by Agama. Due to the small size, this level feels too crowded with any more than 2 players, so in public servers this would be very annoying to play in. The layout has a “floors of height” design, meaning there are platforms in rows on different levels of the Y axis. This layout is not too interesting, however there are no serious gameplay problems here. It’d be better if the level was larger and had a more varied design. The flow was rather tilty; I had to constantly run and stop, turn around, run and stop, etc. In other words, the level does not flow smoothly like a good level like E.Prime. I also feel the water at the bottom was unnecessary.
Placement is not great. The ammo is not evenly spread; some areas of the level have a lot of ammo while others have barely any. The top left in particular has about twice as much ammo as the rest of the level put together. It’s mainly placed in lines of around 5 or so. Although I prefer large groups, seeing how small the level is this doesn’t really raise much of an issue. There are 3 powers up, the common Bouncer/Seeker/RF mix. Due to the level design, Bouncer will probably favour over the other two. There are two carrots, which are placed ok.
Nothing really much to say in the looks department, for it looks exactly like the usual bunch of swamps. The author did not try to attempt anything creative with the set aside from the weird floating branch platforms, but yet they look ugly and out of place. The only saving grace was the music choice, giving this level a peaceful and enjoyable atomsphere.
In general, I wouldn’t reccomend this level, as it has nothing here that makes it worth playing over other levels already existing.
I get a version conflict. Please remember to always tell people if you have 1.23 or TSF.
Yeah! The waterfall are way too slow!
No.. just kidding ;p
Nice big and beautiful map.
Many CPs.
Fun if 4 vs 4 or more ppl on this map.
Nice good looking dom map.
I´m not a big fan of water.
But it´s fun anyway.
It´s makeing the map a litte diffrent then the other dom maps at the moment.
And i think the size is good when using this much water.
Good music selection!
This level was quite enjoyable. The layout was very confusing for the first few minutes I was trying it out, but everything made sense really quick. The level is huge, and relatively easy to learn. I love the way you made some parts of it really Spaz-biased and other parts are completely Jazz-biased. The level looks great, and I love the theme.
What the-?
That’s what I first thought when I saw this tileset up on the list. Not only is there NOT an apparent JJ1 Carrotus, but this set is a complete RIPOFF!
I hated it. JJ1 Carrotus is almost entirely a recolor of Diamondus, with a few very ugly useless tiles put in to make it seem like it really was Carrotus. Anims were good, but the set itself was alarmingly Diamondus’like. I recommend against downloading it.
Umm, wow. I guess you need to fix some things…
To put it painfully blunt, it is trash. Not irreparable trash, but trash. The colors were way off, masking was a nightmare [BTW, the silver pipes are supposed to be solid :(], multiple tiles were missing, and some were in the set several times…
A definite plus is the fact that you put baddies in the set. Not very many people do that, and more of them should. Some of the animations were some help, but unfortunately not enough of the set gets a dl recommendation. I will respect Nippius Rabbit and not rate this set, which is probably better.
This Exoticus conversion rocks! All the JJ1 tiles I believe are there, along with quite a few extra tiles. Add a second color variation, and you get Violet CLM’s Exoticus.
Not really any bugs, fortunately. I really liked how there was such a large variety of blocks to choose from [like little purple/gold squares, grassy soil, dark caves, plenty of green and blueish waterfalls, etc. all].
So, to sum up, this is a very good conversion. DL now.
Good Tubelectric conversion, I liked it. Colors were correct, pretty much all the Jazz1 tiles were present somewhere in the set, it has some big pluses. I liked the turrets and the electric barrier thingys. But….
Buggage was okay, but the yellowish background was kinda ugly. Not much of a color variety from red, yellow, gray, black, orange and white. Oh, and brown. Not much more than just the tiles from JJ1, not a lot of extra eyecandy [hwich is always nice]. So, just a few thoughts, and you can dl now.
This is a nice tileset!
Has all [I believe] the orig tiles from Deserto, palette’s good, anims are good, I think this set deserves a second look from anyone.
Buggage wasn’t really an issue, which is nice. A second water animation is present in the set [though it looks cruddy], and the silhouettes of the Jazz1 guys is in the set! Yay!
Maybe a little more things like slightly more eyecandy would’ve been nice, but still it gets a dl rec.
this program actually crashed my system32 so i dont think is a good idea to download it …
Does this actually do anything to improve TSF? When I tried the Single Player option, it just gave me Access Violations.
The only thing different I noticed was the “1.30” in the Main Menu.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.