I get a version conflict. Please remember to always tell people if you have 1.23 or TSF.
Yeah! The waterfall are way too slow!
No.. just kidding ;p
Nice big and beautiful map.
Many CPs.
Fun if 4 vs 4 or more ppl on this map.
Nice good looking dom map.
I´m not a big fan of water.
But it´s fun anyway.
It´s makeing the map a litte diffrent then the other dom maps at the moment.
And i think the size is good when using this much water.
Good music selection!
This level was quite enjoyable. The layout was very confusing for the first few minutes I was trying it out, but everything made sense really quick. The level is huge, and relatively easy to learn. I love the way you made some parts of it really Spaz-biased and other parts are completely Jazz-biased. The level looks great, and I love the theme.
What the-?
That’s what I first thought when I saw this tileset up on the list. Not only is there NOT an apparent JJ1 Carrotus, but this set is a complete RIPOFF!
I hated it. JJ1 Carrotus is almost entirely a recolor of Diamondus, with a few very ugly useless tiles put in to make it seem like it really was Carrotus. Anims were good, but the set itself was alarmingly Diamondus’like. I recommend against downloading it.
Umm, wow. I guess you need to fix some things…
To put it painfully blunt, it is trash. Not irreparable trash, but trash. The colors were way off, masking was a nightmare [BTW, the silver pipes are supposed to be solid :(], multiple tiles were missing, and some were in the set several times…
A definite plus is the fact that you put baddies in the set. Not very many people do that, and more of them should. Some of the animations were some help, but unfortunately not enough of the set gets a dl recommendation. I will respect Nippius Rabbit and not rate this set, which is probably better.
This Exoticus conversion rocks! All the JJ1 tiles I believe are there, along with quite a few extra tiles. Add a second color variation, and you get Violet CLM’s Exoticus.
Not really any bugs, fortunately. I really liked how there was such a large variety of blocks to choose from [like little purple/gold squares, grassy soil, dark caves, plenty of green and blueish waterfalls, etc. all].
So, to sum up, this is a very good conversion. DL now.
Good Tubelectric conversion, I liked it. Colors were correct, pretty much all the Jazz1 tiles were present somewhere in the set, it has some big pluses. I liked the turrets and the electric barrier thingys. But….
Buggage was okay, but the yellowish background was kinda ugly. Not much of a color variety from red, yellow, gray, black, orange and white. Oh, and brown. Not much more than just the tiles from JJ1, not a lot of extra eyecandy [hwich is always nice]. So, just a few thoughts, and you can dl now.
This is a nice tileset!
Has all [I believe] the orig tiles from Deserto, palette’s good, anims are good, I think this set deserves a second look from anyone.
Buggage wasn’t really an issue, which is nice. A second water animation is present in the set [though it looks cruddy], and the silhouettes of the Jazz1 guys is in the set! Yay!
Maybe a little more things like slightly more eyecandy would’ve been nice, but still it gets a dl rec.
this program actually crashed my system32 so i dont think is a good idea to download it …
Does this actually do anything to improve TSF? When I tried the Single Player option, it just gave me Access Violations.
The only thing different I noticed was the “1.30” in the Main Menu.
Starting Comments
Hey boss.
I’ve already seen this level some time ago… I think back when I was 10 ten years old, on the original Epic level list I mean back in the summer. This level wowed me back then for it’s hugeness (239 × 80). But it doesn’t very much matter if I liked it THEN, it matters wether or not I like it NOW.
Gameplay: Lovely
The level has a rather solid feel to it, while in reality it is really platformy. Several (large) platforms connect to eachother through springs, vines and height-differences that automatically make you leap on the other. The level is quite large and symmetrical, with the exception of the ammo and PU placement (more on that later).
The level plays in three stories, so to speak. The lower part of the level is where the bases are located and where most of the PUs can be obtained. The middle section of the level is mainly there to force players to go up or down, and the upper part of the level provides all the carrots that are to be found in the level.
On the lower level, one can obtain the Bouncer PU, in my opinion the strongest weapon in this map. That is because of the location of the bases. To put this weapon to the best, however, one would need the Freezer gun as well, which can be found (PU inclusive) near the base as well. The bases are located on a floating platform with around it (yes, you guessed it!) PITS! Since the floating platform is a bit lower, one can easily run into the pits after getting a flag. Also, it’s quite easy to defend the base, since a few Bouncers can make the player jump-flinch, as Jazz and Spaz always do, which will drop them in the pits. If you want to be even more sure, stand behind (and thus slightly above) the base and have Freezers at the ready… Spam bouncers and as soon as you hit something, press enter to spam Freezers. Well, if he didn’t fall down NOW, you’re bad at this game. Be ashamed.
Now that you’ve saved your flag, it’s time to grab a hold of the other team’s flag. Luckily the level is very large and has tons of ammo, so you can spread your chances of being caught and killed. If you take the lower route, you’ll find tons of PU’s which can aid you in your quest for the flag. Also, (if you can find it) you can use the ‘special-iced’ route (hint hint, nudge nudge) which will take you to any base or to the full NRG on the spot.
Atmosphere: orjazzm
The level uses a really old tileset, the JJ1 Diamondus tileset. Luckily for Rag (and for us), NOKA was nice enough to make an awesome tileset conversion for us all to use. The level looks awesomely clean and worked out. Starlit Summit gives honour to it’s name by giving us a very nice background and, of course, STARS. WAIT THIS ISN’T MARIO, AAH… Okay…
The level is filled to the brink with eyecandy, ranging from rock formation to simply trees placed in the right spot. Also, while everything looks quite solid, the level is actually more open than you think. This is mainly because of the nice detailing Rag has dealt here with his Shining Paragon of Mousely Correctness. [/overstatement]
Not to forget, the music adds a calm touch to the already calm background and makes you wish real life looked like this inside the United States too.
Eventing: Very neat
Starlit Summit is filled to the brink with ammo and PUs. Now I don’t immediately wanna say I think that’s a bad thing, especially since this is designed for, as you say, a 7vs7… but some things just seem over- or underpowered.
For instance, you can easily get maxed out FastFire in this level, while there is a Blaster PU (making blaster a bit overpowered) and a Bouncer PU with LOTS of bouncy ammo all around. Blaster PU is obviously overpowered for it’s unlimited ammo and the fact that it almost shoots the farthest of all weapons. Next to that is the Bouncer PU, which actually shoots the farthest. Furthermore, most of the players are gonna take the low route, which puts them in a classical Star Wars situation. High > Low. Why? Bouncers can overrun the entire lower section within seconds because of the Fast Fires.
Besides that, there’s also something I found odd about the centre of the map. There are two blue springs there, but they seem to be generated by some sort of MCE event. Why?
Yet one thing that bugs me a little bit… Blue team kind of has an advantage of being able to get to the Bouncy PU first… but that’s just my opinion.
As for the rest of the level, it is absolutely brilliantly engineered. From the frozen spring passageway to the ‘basejump’, every details seems to have been tested and tested again to make sure everything worked properly. Which makes you mister awesome for today.
Overall Awesome
A very good level with overall original and innovative ideas. Too bad 7vs7’s don’t happen that often, otherwise I’d play this all the time. I give this level a 9.1, which is an [Awesome / Perfect]. I hope you liked reading this terribly awfully stupidly long review.
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Further Comments
This is my longest review yet. I did my best for you. :3
Starting Comments
After playing this in his server, I looked it up on J2O and started writing.
Gameplay: Not bad
The level is based on the UT map “Facing Worlds” (the first one, I guess, with the huge rocky straight and two buildings). The level plays a bit like that. After it’s father, the level is very (if not completely) symmetrical. There’s a hole in the middle of the level (more on that later), there are two building-like structures on each side providing a flag and lots of ammo. Also, when you get to the top of the level using a warp, you can stay on the roof and Bouncer-spam everyone to death. Falling back behind the building will provide you with a warp back inside.
The buildings are littered with ammo, which you need if you want to make it on the straight end to the other side. The hole in the middle of the level grants access to a Toasty power up and a RF power up (if I remember correctly) which are both quite handy in this level. The catch it that this hole is located over a pit, which is very easy to fall in. Being shot here will mostly result in an instant death, making little use of the oddly placed Full NRG here.
The level uses lots of ammo-types, which can make the gameplay vary a lot from game to game. You can choose to hit the roof and start spamming Bouncers, or use the Toaster to defend the base by protecting the narrow hallway leading to the flag. Variation is always good. Be sure to make the TNT do some damage, though, as there are few TNT to be found and can’t otherwise be handily used.
Atmosphere: Nice
As with the original UT level, Facing Worlds gives you that spacy vibe it needs. Instead of a circulating Earth, this tileset – Desolation – has provided us with a moon instead. It moves slowly on the star spangled background (not banner you patriot!).
The level gives off a clean view, with average eyecandy and few objects blocking the view of the player. Yet still, it doesn’t look bland or unoriginal. Maybe it’s the tileset Blur cooked up, but it certainly looks good. Facing Worlds looks entirely different than it’s original counterpart, but that is, in this case, not a bad thing.
The music is pretty self-explantory. To give you more UT memories, Z (mind if I call you Z?) has provided us with the original music. Not a bad choice, of course, but I’d rather see more originality on this part. Not bad, could have been better.
Eventing: Not bad
The level (especially the buildings) are built upon using warps to enter rooms. This is just like the UT version, but less camp-able. In the UT version, one could Snipe across the map to get all those warpers with a single shot. In JJ2 however, one has to stand near the warp target, which is always in the base itself, secluded in walls. Good job.
There are a few power ups, like the Toaster and RF mentioned earlier. There’s also a Bouncer PU to be found, which gives you the perfect ammo for when you’re on the roof. The rest of the level is filled with ammo for all sorts of guns, ranging from Freezer to TNT to Gun9. Be creative and use the guns appropriate for the situation.
The bases are not too far apart, but not exactly close either. While there is a huge straight part inbetween them, it doesn’t seem like long before you’ve crossed it.
Bonusses and substractions
Overall Fun for a while
This level is certainly not bad, but it can get a little repetitive soon. While the diverse ammo can provide a little strategy, most people will just go RF-spamming after using five TNT’s. The theme of the level, however, is not bad and well excecuted, but maybe a little bit enhanced by the tileset. All in all I’d like to give this level a 7.1, the 0.1 because I think a 7 is nearly worth playing, and this is CERTAINLY worth playing a few times.
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Further Comments
I would love to see some more UT remakes, for instance Hydro Bases or (in case of a Battle level) Morpheus.
Okay, so here’s another nice tileset done by our own Blade. Woodlands has a rustic, “woodsy” sort of feel, with a yellow bg, golden brown tiles, that expresses itself in just the right way. As an additional bonus, Woodlands includes some nice battles and other levels, well done, fun, and this adds to the pack.
Not much buggage here, the tileset is pretty good. I didn’t particularly like how there weren’t really any color variations in the set from yellow and gold/brown, but it still gets a dl rec.
Well! Very nice set, great eyecandy, several different color variations, not much buggage, lots of perfectly usable tiles, and many possibilities. My favorite color is #4, but #1 is cool too.
It’s too bad this was not deemed good enough, because it has great potential.
Downsides: A few select tiles are missing from the original JJ2 Medivo [like the demon head, but this can be flipped], and I might have liked a bit more variation. But its still good, and takes my DL recommendation.
Your level doesn’t suck. But, it doesn’t rock either…
Nice little fun level, good length, tolerably good eyecandy, mediocre event placeage, this level does have pros.
Buggage is reasonably low, but appeal to play didn’t last too terribly long.
The level got kind of repetitive after a while, which I don’t really like. But, certain parts were cool [like the area with all the pipes]. I’ll rate you 8, with a N/A dl rec, cause I’m not sure which way to lean.
A very small level, based on one of the most played UT maps, good idea! It may not be completely like the UT map though, it does give the same feeling. A small and very standard level, I recommend it for duels, and for download! But don’t expect any serious fun..
Very intresting,though like other levels is kinda easiy
Good level, it’s mostly balanced. Great for events and games with a lot of players because of its size. I really don’t think this is worth 9.9, as the wow factor just isn’t that high. My favorite aspect is the theme, and the bg is nice.
Another good pack to play! Dzeal’s CTF level, “Facing Worlds”, is a fairly well designed level, although the distance between bases is very small. Not a super-heavy amount of eyecandy, which detracts as well. Add a multitude of warps, a symmetrical design and a fitting music track and you’ll get Worlds.
Buggage was pretty small, although appeal flagged after the first couple minutes. The level was well designed, but could have been better, and so gets my DL rec, but could benefit from 5 minutes of fixing up.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.