RecommendedReview by PT32

6 Oct 2008, 00:25
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

Okay, so to review your episode…

Very good pack, plotline adds some to the last part, “The Rebirth of Evil”, but not as much. Levels are pretty well designed, with plenty of eye candy, not really any bugs, with a difficulty level that’d scare hard-level-haters away, but keeps the commited player rivited and forces them to play again and again.
Not much to criticize, except maybe the lessness of plot, but overall is a pretty nifty pack and earns my DL recommendation.

Review by PT32

5 Oct 2008, 17:22 (edited 8 Oct 08, 18:18)
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Quiz!
Level rating: N/A

I don’t get what you said. Could you be a bit more specific, please?
Oh, and by the way, I was wrong about the JJ3D demo not being available on the web—I found a version that was leaked onto the web. :|

Not recommendedReview by DAEMON

5 Oct 2008, 12:28
For: JJ2 1.30 Version
Level rating: 2.5

This is bad?

because I tried it and not blocked nothing :S with a word if you know it then repair it please
1. Does not block nothing (hack,cheat)2. Let him slow down the computer :s
3. The usage of some programs steps out generally (Sallog)
1. Back I took no new one to reason in him…
2. Only it that the version was my mouth somebody else

back I the JJ2+ I favour it better…

Review by snzspeed

4 Oct 2008, 17:01
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Quiz!
Level rating: N/A

this is stupid and way too easy :/

and even if people could rate this, i hope they would just comment and not rate stuff like this at all

Not recommendedReview by PT32

3 Oct 2008, 22:03
For: Space Battle
Level rating: 3.1

I didn’t really like these levels, sorry to say. It’s really only one battle, as the second is just a recolor of the first. I found an “ACCESS VIOLATION” in one of the warps [I’m assuming it was a warp :P..], the title did NOT fit, the levelhad a not-so-good design, the music didn’t really fit either.
I thought the idea was a good one, but it was excecuted poorly. At least you included the tileset [unlike the last poor fellow who didn’t…No offense]. It was a nice big level. But it comes a bit too short.

RecommendedReview by PT32

3 Oct 2008, 21:51
For: Chilly Swamps
Level rating: 7.8

Well, Arti, this is a great level! Set in the Agama Swamps night tileset, Chilly Swamps is a battle with great eyecandy, a fitting song, a cute little water segment at the bottom, and more. Not really anything outstanding when it comes to size, but there is minimal to no buggage. The neat little level was done quite well, and I think it’s definitely worth downloading.

RecommendedReview by PT32

3 Oct 2008, 17:37
For: Jazz 1: Twin Mega Battleships v 2.0
Level rating: 7.9

Nice set, nice set. it does seem to have pretty much everything from JJ1, which makes me happy. Colors are accurate, anims are good as well, it’s a perfectly usable conversion.
I also likes how there was [of certain tiles] always several types of each tile to use. Using the same block over and over and over again never really goes over that well. But there’s plenty of variety, and I like it. Didn’t really like the example, but ah so what! DL this. BTW, what is the significance of the planet? It has nill to do with JJ1. That I know of.

RecommendedReview by PT32

3 Oct 2008, 17:23
For: Cloning Jazz
Level rating: 9

What we have here is a very nice little levelpack, by Booman, with some interesting elements. The story: [play as Spaz] Jazz is on a planet. He scouts around, and gets caught by bad guys. He gets killed, and you, as Spaz, find his body. You decide to take it and clone it, in the hopes that maybe you can bring back our beloved hero…
Eyecandy was allright, music great. But, the embellishments were what really got me. I’ve never seen so many cool things done in one pack before now! From all the exploding Jazzes, to the Jazz boss, it’s all so neat. Plotline was hysterical. However, saving in certain levels can be annoying. Oh well. Some of the levels were a bit tiresome, with many underlit areas, and way too many baddies than I liked. Still, its a good pack, and I recommend it highly to be dl’ed.

RecommendedReview by Ron97

3 Oct 2008, 07:07 (edited 7 Jan 11, 17:00)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Hmmm… I don’t know what to say….
Well,this is my favorite episode. I played other 3,but this is really the best.I like the story,especially part in haunted mine.Technopauluz noticed(few months before me)the shields and power-ups room,that was a little strange. But anyway,you should download this episode(of course,the 3 previous too)because it’s simply the best.

Review by Technopauluz

2 Oct 2008, 09:34
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Quiz!
Level rating: N/A

Quite nice quiz, it’s something totally different from the other downloads :)

RecommendedQuick Review by Lark

2 Oct 2008, 05:00
For: 19th temple
Level rating: 7.8

I’m gonna have to agree here, this set looks very nice and is very versatile, but a lot of the graphics just aren’t all that pretty. Still, could be fun to build with for some kind of assault level or something. I think a 7.6 is just about right.

RecommendedReview by PT32

2 Oct 2008, 03:44
For: Hell Freezes Over Funk
Level rating: 8.9

Well, I thought I’d never see the day…

Very nice job, good quality overall, nice, upbeat tune ti it, but like n00b said, it is a little hard to tell what it is at points.
It’s not too complex, has a good beat, and I would greatly recommend downloading.

Review by troglobite

1 Oct 2008, 20:31
For: Jazz Jackrabbit Quiz!
Level rating: N/A

This is a fun little quiz. It’s just about the right level of difficulty, with enough easy questions that everyone should be able to answer some, but enough tough questions that only experts could answer them all without cheating. There is also a healthy dose of humor in some of the questions. There are maybe one or two questions that could possibly be rephrased to be a bit more clear, but none have any problems where they can’t be understood at all.

RecommendedReview by PT32

1 Oct 2008, 19:03
For: Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)
Level rating: 8.7

Well, well, another great singleplayer pack! This one centers around the story of a rabbit [unnamed], who starts out on a job from his momma and winds up getting caught and brainwashed by turtles. Through a bizarre turn of events, including an encounter with a rabbit village that gets wiped out, he recovers his true rabbityness and strikes back at the turtles that caused him this grief. Not too much gameplay, more story-oriented, but that’s okay. The story made up for the lack of play. Not a ginormous amount of eycandy either, though there was some. Not much buggage, this makes the pack a very usable pack. DL now.

RecommendedReview by PT32

1 Oct 2008, 18:48
For: Cracco Castle
Level rating: 8.4

What I want to know is why hasn’t a full-length review been written?! Well, now one will be.
Very good job, Cracco, eyecandy was great, colors all fit, music fit the example level, [speaking of which, the example level was AMAZING!] and like EvilMike said, the Shaney heads are great.
Masking was fine, buggage minimal, but the example level really shone. Remember the days of Hide-And-Seek? THEY’RE BACK WITH A VENGEANCE!!!!!! Interesting challenges, top tests of skill, annoying twists, this level has it all. Which makes me wonder, Why is it only an example level, and not a level in itself? Oh, bother. High quality.
However, as a seemingly requisite trend for Cracco, a bunch of tiles were ripped, especially from Castle1. But still, good set, great level, and dl immediately!!!!

RecommendedReview by PT32

1 Oct 2008, 18:27 (edited 20 Mar 12, 22:24)
For: Deckstar v3
Level rating: 8.8

I think this is a very good tileset by Sonicnathan 1. The set is good, but needs an example level. I told you about some other things [textured bg, doubled arrows, etc.] in my pm, so no repeating necessary.

Colors were excellent, masking good as well, gave me the feeling of being in Deckstar. But, not a huge amount of fluff tiles, [I did not say NONE, I said NOT A LOT] and only one type of background make me sad. It seems to be missing something, and this might be it.
There was an example level in the previous one, but not this one. That can be hard, as I had to place tiles in a usable level myself. Still, good set, worth a dl.

Not recommendedReview by PT32

1 Oct 2008, 17:57 (edited 3 Oct 08, 17:32)
For: System Binary
Level rating: 1.7

Btw, the “tileset creator” you refer to is, I believe, CelL, but I could be mistaken…

Anyways, this is your first upload, huh? Well, I kind of guessed at that just a little…

Not to be terribly unkind for your first upload, it’s horrible. It was so incredibly short, all the coins but one were waaaay to easy to find [and the last one I had to look in the editor to find a little one-tile hole, sigh…..], there was no exit, no baddies, barely any weapons [then again, what’d they be for? :(], and the music was a COMPLETE ripoff. Come on, why not just call it “Song14.s3m”? Or “Scraparap.s3m”? That’s what it really is. For a beta version, it sure is pretty messy.

3.0 is WAY too high of a rating.

Now that I’m done criticizing you, I can be nicer. I have this thing, where I feel I should review fairly and bluntly, but I also want to be appreciative to newcomers, who will form the backbone of J2O when the older folks leave [God forbid, =L…]. I being only a few months registered myself am still a new player to many people here. Enough rambling about myself, let’s talk about what was good…
Amazingly, the level had minimal buggage, which surprises me. At least you had a creative name [System Binary. A kind of ring to it….].
What to fix, what to fix… The length, first and foremost. This level is far too short for my likings. Rename the music. Otherwise it’s kinda stealing… Add baddies, eyecandy [did I mention that hardly any exists in this level at all?], an exit. Oh, and always, ALWAYS include the tileset, or at least a link to it. I was lucky I had it. By the way, readers, The tileset is Battleships v2. The set is available Here. And you’ll be back in business. I’m sorry I can’t be more helpful, but it really was kinda lousy. But just keep trying!

Not recommendedQuick Review by DAEMON

1 Oct 2008, 11:10
For: System Binary
Level rating: 1.7

back… a what kind of level this wants to be because Single Player is small and he is not over … :and back I am not top notch what to say I ask you repair it and sorry 3 point

Not recommendedReview by PT32

30 Sep 2008, 20:07
For: Domination Lvl1
Level rating: 4

Hmm… This level is allright. Simply put, the object is to run a short ways to find a control point, then run a short ways to find another, and so on. I’ll try to be nice, since this is your first upload.
First off, the eyecandy stank. Virtually none to speak of, this really doesn’t say a lot about the TOP3 set [which is one of the most eyecandy-friendly tilesets around], and this level makes very little of the vast opportunities presented by this set. Music has a nice beat to it, but it’s a little confusing in parts. The level is devoted mostly to wide open spaces, and the warp is too easy to get. [a 30, I think,-coin warp, with 2 gold coins parked right next to it.] The only utilized weapons are RF’s and Toasters, the only powerups are blaster and Bouncer, and the entire level is completely symmetrical. Most people already know what a DOM level is, so what’s with the annoying tutorial at the beginning? The level is awful, to put it bluntly.
Not to say it’s beyond repair. Add loads and loads of eyecandy to this thirsty level. Add definitely more types of guns. Make the warp not so easy to get. You are not a bad level maker just because your one level didn’t do so hot. You just need to get better. I can tell you have potential. Just keep a’practicing. And watch us stare in amazement.

RecommendedReview by PT32

30 Sep 2008, 19:51 (edited 30 Sep 08, 19:53)
For: Tomb Rabbit 2 Unfinished
Level rating: 9.4

This is a phenominal level pack. It really is. Tilesets were all designed by Kejero himself, and yes, one of the tilesets is in concept ripped from DKC3 [I know, I have DKC3 on the SuperNES….oldies, but goldies], but hey! It still looks good.

Music was also exceptional. Each track fits perfectly with its level, and would be difficult [not impossible, just difficult] to use it elsewhere to such quality. Levels are fairly long, and will in fact require much patience. My favorite is the elevator one. I have played and replayed that level, and wow, it is cool! Eyecandy abounds in this pack, good eyecandy, too. The playability of TR2 is exceptional, however challenging it may be.
So, what do we have then? A very good pack, solid gameplay, rocking tiles and music. The one thing I am sad about is the shortness. Oh, well. I guess that’s why it’s unfinished. DL this. It will amaze you.

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