Okay, time to write a review! For this pack, anyway. Good job, Oloelo, Episode 2 is good. Not that it doesn’t have its problems, but that’s what the review is for.
Overall, it was nice. You put food items in [Yay!], plenty of ammo, throw in a couple jazz2 shields, plus loads of baddies. The secret level was average, but you need to hide it better. I found it by accident, before I found the main exit! Lolz. Anyways, there were some highlights [like the spike balls in TechNoir, the animations in Orbitus], and some downers [secret level too easy to find, float lizards in every level,]. But it was good.
Good job. You used the Letni tileset well, even though it lacks much variety. Same with TechNoir. Orbitus had good eyecandy, excellent anim’s, a somewhat large selection of different tiles, and more. Anyway, the sets were good, you used accurate music, so nice work. The Letni levels made good use of the set, which clearly needs to be redone. TechNoir’s set needs revision. Orbitus is fine.
And here we are, and again, we have some minor buggage. In Letni, I noticed you foregrounded the magnets, which doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me. In the TechNoir secret level [Find the level yourself, :) :) :)], I caught a major bug at the end. During the narrow passageway runs, there is a box in the endwall. I ended up on top of the box and promptly found myself stuck in the wall. Aw, man! So I used jjfly and jjnowall, and the world was saved. But this is a mojor problemo, so definitely fix that. There was one other place I got stuck in the wall, but as I can’t remember where, and it might have been on my stupidity, I won’t count it. But some things to work on, there are.
This was pretty good overall. You made good use of the cityscape of TechNoir, like in Jazz1, In Letni, you put plenty of yellow foreground-thingys, plus tv screens. In Orbitus, plenty of water….falls, for lack of a better phrase, plenty of detail in the blue “cave” walls, so you were not lacking in that department. Now I said plenty overall, not tons overall. It wouldn’t hurt to just touch it up just a little bit here and there. It’s always a good thing to add some eye candy. Just be sure not to make too much of it. If there’s more than you need, then players are either gonna sit and stare at your designs, or else get totally sick of it and quit. So, regulation is the key, watch the amounts of detail you put in.
It worked just fine in TSF, I don’t know whether or not it’ll run in 1.23, but it works in TSF. That’s always good.
I didn’t really like the amount of float lizards you put in your levels. Sure, maybe one area, but all three?! A little creativity goes a long way. I also didn’t like the part at the beginning of Letni level 2 with the one-way floor, the red springs, and the magnet. I’m beginning to believe that it isn’t humanly possible to avoid cheating at that part, and eventually it got to that point for me. Jazz1 had this, but they gave you a little room to jump. I got very frustrated on that part because of this. The so-called “puzzle” in the secret level really wasn’t a puzzle at all: I beat it fairly quickly. Without special moves. Maybe make that a little bit harder? And just a small thing that doesn’t really bug me, but might irritate spelling freaks is that your grammar was a tiny bit off. I personally don’t care, since you are from another country, and so likely don’t use English as well as an American might, but some people might get a little tight under the collar. Maybe find someone who could check grammar before you release so that it’s all set to go? Like I said, it’s really not important, so I’ll let you decide if you want to fiddle with that or not.
So, what advice can I give you to end this review? Goodbye, good job, and better luck next time? No way! That’s just talk, not advice. Just remember to focus on quality and not quantity, pay attention to your details, and after some brushing up I thing you’ll be sitting pretty. My final verdict is this: You did a good job on this pack. Levels were done well, structured, easy to play [but not to beat :P], and while there were some things to consider repairing, it’s pretty nice. It deserves a good label. Readers, if you want to download this, you certainly can. I would recommend you do download it, if not because of the work that Oloelo did on it, then just because it’s a fun pack that is certainly playable, even if it has a few trouble spots that could use a good tune-up. Good work, but make your revisions, put it back up again, and watch the people flock to download Oloelo’s Episode Two:—Ballistic Bunny!
Olo, helicopter was NOT present in Jazz1, so diehard fans might not appreciate it. I beat the secret level puzzle on my first try. There was no mistake, I didn’t uppercut or helicopter. It was too easy. My point about the lizards was there were too many. You can sue me about the levels they were in.
(I made Orbitus. Honestly. :( ~Violet)
Well, OLO, you have some very good stuff here! The goods are viewable [several Jazz1 levels loosely based on the original game, using nice sets, good music], but there were some buggage issues…
Masking on Raneforus was ATROCIOUS, with your attempts at walls falling a bit short [it was a good try, but…..Raneforus doesn’t have in-wall-tiles :(]. Industrius had a great bg, Megaairbase was well structured, I think you’re enjoying this project! But like others have said, there really isn’t much gameplay involved.
To wrap it up, you did a good job. Your levels do need improvement, but not a serious overhaul. Just go back and fix it. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
Mmadguy, that is a glitch on JJ2’s part. It has nothing to do with OLOELO’s levels.
Yeah, I’d have to agree with cooba there, it’s not all it’s mocked up to be…
Quality was allright, in that it was a decently playable ctf level, but while playability wasn’t the issue, eyecandy was…
My eyes were severly abused by your eyecandy. It wasn’t innately bad, in that it wasn’t inappropriate, but you used it [the eye candy] very poorly, lashing the user with too many bright colors and useless junk. Definitely some work needed.
Music did not fit with the level at all, it should’ve had an Arabian feel to it, not this “new discovery” idea.
Like cooba said, the level is structured with baselike concepts, which would take a while to get down pat. What’s with the off-limits areas? That’s just stupid. Could you maybe just not have put them there at all? But, I will comment on how good the concept was, on how funny the scrolls were [Kill the chickens! KILL THE CHICKENS!!!], on how well overtly structured the level was, so there were positive things here.
To sum up, I think you could’ve done better. You are very skilled at this, it’s just not the best it could be. I’m tempted to say I understand how you feel, but I say that to everyone so it gets old fast. Just keep a’hacking away at it, and it’ll be even better then before!
Readers, you decide if you want to download. It’s a good level, but the bad factors cancel out the good.
Well, here we have a pretty good conversion! Now, before you go and spit hate all over my review, let me hasten to add that there were some mistakes in the set. But, let us talk of good first.
The warping bg, despite what Violet seems to think, is a very good idea. Every tileset designer has a trademark that they leave in their conversions, and the warping background is NOKA’s. It is excecuted very well. Having four different versions of the tileset is a definite pro, even if they aren’t really that much different from each other. Music was JJ1, which is nice, not having to scout all over to find it. But, now for the
The very first thing I want to point out is a very serious bug, that NONE of the other reviewers on this entire page caught. This is the half-height floor tile in the red curtain. It bounces up and down during the animation sequence, a consequence of poorly done pasting on NOKA’s part. I agree with Violet about poles and stuff like that, and the text from Jazz1 [I was disappointed to not find it there, you can’t hardly read it at all in the conversion], and the sucker tubes…I’m tempted to say they suck, but as that is so extremely corny, I wont. They should’ve maybe had some backing on them, which disappointed me. Or at least another version WITH a back.
So, to all you who are reading, I will recommend this to dl, but understand that NOKA could easily make improvement on it, if he wanted to. Just keep at it!
Well, it needs work. That was the first thing that crossed my mind. Allow me to explain…
The quality was…Average. Gameplay was all right, items and enemies were ok, but some of the baddies were stuck in 2-tile ruts, which seemed very annoying. There were a lot of places where I got lost and had to use the editor [which is never good], only to find the path was a 1-tile gap, or not even in that area, or hinging on 1 little coin I missed somewhere in the level. Not very good! The boss at the end didn’t work properly, it clashed with the set [in my opinion, Bubba doesn’t fit with the Beach tileset], and vanished almost right away! The thorns at the end didn’t work, try moving them up one row. Tiles were mediocre. Still, you could’ve used one of the more interesting versions of the Beach tileset, instead of the standard one. Same with the music, too. A little creativity goes a long way.There were bugs, bugs bugs everywhere! good grief, did you even have a beta tester?! There were logs the I got stuck in scattered everywhere, the baddies tended to get stuck, the boss and his thorns didn’t work, you need to fix this. I didn’t like the eye candy that much, either. Once again, you used the standard stuff. :( You could’ve at least invented your own style, instead of copying the base version. Did you do anything with the set that the Epic folks didn’t It’s hard to tell. At least you included some. But make your own, please!
And now, a bright spot at last! Works in TSF, and 1.23, at least there’s that good news. Thank goodness. However, the readme didn’t make much sense to me, about connecting level 1 with level 2, until I read the tiny hald-sentence at the end:
“If you didn’t download so-and-so, oh well”. At least, that’s the gist of it. Frustrating, because you could have easily included the other level, instead of forcing me to have to find the other one. Not appreciated!
To sum it all up, I think that you gotta go back and fix this level. Immediately. A little creativity may go a long way, but there was little to speak of here. I beg you to go back and fix it, for the dl’ers’ sakes. Readers, I would not recommend downloading this, unless you want a singleplayer level in slight need of work (I am not insulting Wazz, I just don’t enjoy this level). Wait for him to fix it up a bit.
Ok ok, this’ll be the featured one. I hope. Anyway…
Good job, good job. You put in lots of different styles [I like how you put tiles from Stonar and other places into the set], and made it interesting. However, the brown rocks are supposed to be a background, not solid tiles. How do I know? Well, the nature of the secret project I am working on reveals just that. Oh well, that’s what an updated version is for.
Lots of it, you again kept the tileset interesting. The water on the bridges, the vultures, the egg[s], it’s all well thought out. Kudos!
Well, that’s where I’d wobble a bit. See, it’s such an amazing incredible set, but I think it needs a little work in that area. Esp that black rock background. I dunno. I’m feeling generous, so I’ll give you a good rating.
Overall, you did [another] phenomenal job, wowing me again, and I look forward to your next edition. Download this, and have fun!
[By the way, could someone please make a “good” TechNoir set? Just asking] Regards!
NOTE TO READERS: please don’t say this review is helpful. I totally recognise what bantha fodder it really is. :P
All right, judging by the amount of criticism I received for this, I decided to examine this pack a bit more closely. I discovered that it really wasn’t so bad after all, had a fairly creative plotline [Devan swipes Eva, you go save her, while the bad guy sneaks in the back and steals your home. So BEWARE OF THE MORTGAGE AGENT! gets slapped on cheek], but music and eyecandy were problems. Not much variety in the designs, music lacked, but now for some positive feedback. At the risk of sounding either like a copycat or a busted record, the level had some very interesting gameplay, with plenty of playing involved instead of sitting on your hands. Plenty of spread out levels [though not so spread out that you wasted time going back and forth], the plot was excellent, so this pack does quite better than I originally thought. I will give you around what everybody else gave you, which will be a 7.6, and a definite download recommendation!
Well, this is a pretty good level. Not the best I’ve ever seen, but good anyway. Lots of layered walls in the bg, a border around the scren in lyr 1, okay weapon placement, this has the markings of a map for a 5-minute game. This is because of its small size, and its humdrum eyecandy [too little too far spread]. If you could go and fix the details up a bit, that’d be excellent. Increase the size a bit, touch up here and there, and this level will be great! I leave it to the reader to decide on whether or not to dl this.
Nice work. But they are in him smaller errors :(
ERORRS: according to me too much in him the weapon and too much the enemy there is a part on the second level where the air board disappears and may not be to get out of the church :(
But these disregarding whole good :)
Please repair it… (Rating:6.2)
hmm… Not everybody an exception or this repair his spoiled level but good :) Nah was whole good one now :) But according to me yet always a lot in him the weapon but at least it you repaired the other mistake… now very good:) (Rating:9.2)
Snooze and DS did it. The level looks nice and plays just as good. However it’s not anything really special (thus the rather undiscriptive review). It’s just a good battle level for events and public servers.
Sigh… A jazz1 conversion. How many of those we’ve seen….
But, it’s certainly a good one! As the title suggests, this is a conversion of the Jazz1 planet Sluggion. Correct bg, palette is deadon, fair amount of sluff tiles [tiles that serve no purpose, except to look cool], this is a very good conversion! My one beef is that it is a bit small. But this is not a big beef. Back to the set. It will be infinitely useful to anybody converting Jazz1 levels (whop unngh..), making battles, ctf, or basically whatever you happen to think of. DL. It’s sweet.
beautiful work not bad but was a little bit short according to me na all the same… then mistakes: BOSS was a mistake for me on an level but I do not know it that you are for me for everybody only??? bugs I did not take it to reason in him from the greatest part of the music matches the tilesetben they were smaller mistakes… and yet something: you do not want continuation???
no offense, but lately this irritates me as hell.
you can figure out what i mean.
wavs don’t run in jj2, and just don’t give higher ratings for musics.
level is not very fun. actually a whole copy. i don’t get the point, if i want to play this is will play jj1 instead.
i don’t see myself playing this, since i don’t get the point why i should.
cool lvl ;)
[Rating (4.2) clearance. – cooba]
hmmm… This level was very good for me very much likes mainly it you took advantage of the single parts of the tileset fantastic… But could be you should try to make single Single Player level of him according to me. Donot you think??? OKAY?
Okay, Faw, your level’s not bad. Pretty good, actually. Eyecandy was excellent, music fit very well, and tileset was maximized in terms of performance. I think I’m actually gonna hafta give you an 8.9! Because I didn’t really see any foreground eyecandy, and this bothered me, and the intro part might cause impatient people to leave the server [their loss :(]. But I can comfortably say that this is a good level, keep it up, and a definite download recommendation.
Allrighty, let’s review you level…
Overall, good quality, good use of the tileset, but the level flat out stank. I mean, why put the exit right at the beginning? It makes it way too easy, and I didn’t even know what had happened once I went in the bunker. Music was OK, fit the overall feeling well. Eyecandy would’ve been appreciated, though. Still, the level lacks one of the key components of levelmaking today: Usefulness. I got stuck very closely after the start, and this angered me.
So, to finish up the review, let me say good try, but lots of work needed. 6.5, and no dl recommendation.
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
As always, Olo, your feedback is GREATLY appreciated!
As for the levels, don’t worry. I’ll just start making, and I’ll turn it back over to you whenever you get back. Don’t worry a bit. Good luck in life!
PT32 this is my last comment when I leave for some time this page.
The levels was very good. Next hard working on this level,if someone wants to play old JJ1 orginal levels,PT32’s are the best.
PT32 unfortunatelly I can’t send my levels to you,because jumps freak error. If you want to submit Episode 3,you must create your own Fanolint and Megairbase levels :)
My rate about this level is…umm..
I will be back,surely!!! And I’ll return with(maybe)Episode Four ;)
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.