RecommendedQuick Review by Loon

13 Apr 2020, 10:39
For: Umbral Thicket
Level rating: 9.5

Interesting idea(s) with a very limited tileset. PJ has done a tremedous job by giving this level a very unique background. The layout and gameplay both serve for fast paced action.
I bet this is one of the fewer levels with no tilebugs whatsoever.
Download recommended!

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

13 Apr 2020, 07:44 (edited 24 May 20, 05:16)
For: Hellfire
Level rating: 9.7

Some quirky movement issues aside (Mainly opinion based stuff), this level is mostly technically solid and very impressive in ALL aspects I considered.

One of the best JJ2 battle levels ever made.

Almost exceptional job Gerakobits!

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

12 Apr 2020, 17:53 (edited 12 Apr 20, 17:53)
For: The Abyss
Level rating: 9.8

One of the most professionally made levels to ever come out. Aesthatically this level sets the bar for levelmaking higher than ever before. A good working layout for this levelsize is expected and is indeed solid. Gameplay and visuals go hand-in-hand here. PurpleJazz is one of the few leveldesigners that pays attention to every necessary detail.

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

11 Apr 2020, 18:19
For: Party Crash Landing
Level rating: 9.5

Definitely one of the most impressive looking levels I’ve ever seen. I’d probably rate this at least 9.5 for eye-candy, themes and ideas.

However, the level can force you to make rather awkward moves to reach certain places, like using complicated double jumps etc. Wjers have a huge adv here.

The level isn’t for everyone.

Also, no rating. This is definitely novelty.

Quick Review by Seren

11 Apr 2020, 16:48
For: Tech Tree
Level rating: 7.8

This level provides an interesting environment to explore and fight in, but it is beyond too complex to be playable in CTF and thus fails to fulfill its primary purpose. At 6 very wide floors, the only way it’s possible to find a flag holder who doesn’t want to be found is through sheer coincidence.

RecommendedQuick Review by Dragusela

10 Apr 2020, 16:12
For: Party Crash Landing
Level rating: 9.5

It’s a perfect level for anniversary bash 22

RecommendedQuick Review by snzspeed

10 Apr 2020, 16:07
For: Party Crash Landing
Level rating: 9.5

Very thematical level.

Review by cooba

10 Apr 2020, 15:15
For: Party Crash Landing
Level rating: 9.5

Aliens have invaded Earth

RecommendedReview by Merek

6 Apr 2020, 18:27 (edited 30 Sep 21, 19:16 by Stijn)
Level rating: N/A

To anyone using this in the future: if editing the bmp files this tool extracts in Photoshop, Photoshop will save them with four trailing hex 00s at the end. I have no idea why it does this, but it alters the file size and causes everything to be offset by 1 pixel, causing some nasty streaking. If you want to use this tool and Photoshop, make your edits to the bmp, save it, and then open it in a hex editor like HxD and delete (not clear, but delete) the last four zeros from the file. You can then repack them to BLOCKS.000 or whatever without issue.

Other than that, very useful too, has been fun making some tweaks to the tilesets.

[Please rate Photoshop elsewhere, and limit your score to JJ1MOD here. Rating (4.5) removed. -Stijn]

RecommendedQuick Review by Killer NC

6 Apr 2020, 12:59
For: Custom Weapons (MLLE-compatible)
Level rating: 10

WTF can l say about this pack of weapons ?!
They are the coolest weapons I have ever seen!

The best weapon of them is the roller :D

RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

3 Apr 2020, 16:37 (edited 3 Apr 20, 16:42)
For: Tubelectric from Jazz 1
Level rating: 10

a perfect 10

highly recommended by someone who has used the NOKA conversion for several completed levels in the past, and kicking himself that this didnt exist back then

RecommendedQuick Review by Rysice

26 Mar 2020, 17:29
Level rating: 7.8

+ ams02 I very like this bonus level,its original.
+I like how you use butterflies and spin ammo

-am10 and am12 are full of bugs..i was afraid to touch wall because there was so many places when it makes you stuck in wall
-mby more eyecandy ? (Iam not sure if square rain in am8 is good idea and bubbles in am12 )
-its not coop

not bad ;)

RecommendedQuick Review by BlancaBee

25 Mar 2020, 16:09
For: Candy Goth
Level rating: 8.3

Absolute must play.
The sound, the visuals and the scripts all make it an absolute 10!
It was simply the best JJ2 experience I’ve had. If you’re reading this, don’t hesitate and play it now!

RecommendedReview by Killer NC

20 Mar 2020, 15:24
For: Weapon Mega
Level rating: 8.7

Cool weapons I can use them in my server and they are actually made in AngleScript
So .. I want to tell you something about them ..

First the blaster… It is about a fire that when you shoot it, it comes back to you, cool weapon

Second thr bouncer, it is like a digging machine that when you shoot it, it digs the ground, and it becomes unseen that makes the player have a hit without knowing why he had this hit. However, It is cool to make in a server.

Third the freezer, it looks like a flame weapon but freezes instead of toasting the player, but the bug in it that it finishes quickly, but I forgive this detail.

Forth the seeker, it looks like an electric fire that goes to a certain area then it increases in length if speed is fast.

Then the RF, it goes from two directions on left and right, so the player has known how to shoot to down.

Now the toaster is changed to a ring of bombs, that is cool for throwing the player away instead of running away from him.

The TNT, is changed to an area like the hurt event in JCS. Like a spike thing or another…

Now the fireball, it becomes multiple when comes to a certain area (like 1—2——4)

Finally the electro blaster (And it is the best one if them)
It is about a fire of electricity that goes up then goes down like a rocket, it is cool that you can fight of a masked wall.

So final rating is 8.0


RecommendedReview by Killer NC

17 Mar 2020, 09:58 (edited 5 Dec 20, 19:21)
For: Multi-Layer Level Editor (v2.20)
Level rating: 9.6

Ok…First of all … This editor is actually weird and now I am going to talk about the details of this editor. (Bugs “-” and goods”+”)
+ It is good for paletting and drawing new tiles and editing tileset.
+ Good for making a j2as without opening the program, but you have to set tge default program first.
- Paletting is very difficult that you do to change the tileset color, I may ruin it, so I advise you to be much better in coloring the tileset.
+ You can search for events without hacing a long time while looking for an event.
+ Adding new layers is very good, that you can make about 100 layer with a forest and natural areas, makes the level good.
+ Instead of typing a number, you can check a box, or chossing the type easily.
- This program needs 4.8 to work, firstly the program didn’t save changes, but when I tried to install before, it was not supported for opering my system, so I had to change my windows.
+ And finally I see a jazz jackrabbit 2 editor that can browse for music and play it while making a level, so it won’t be nassecery to know the music file name correctly, by typing the first two letters of the file, it appeares completely.
+ Yeah, and the four texturesare now set! thanks.
+ Flipping vertically is very good.
+ I can name this editor to a tileset creator! Because of editing tiles and adding new tilesets!

Review by Killer NC

16 Mar 2020, 08:02 (edited 18 Mar 20, 09:59 by Ahmed Magdy)
Level rating: 7.8

@VioletCLM : First of all,, If we play single player with these events you require me to do,we won’t be able to finish these lvls.

Then, about trigger crates I didn’t have ideas to make trigger crates (however, I made some in these lvls), After that, ‘‘Multi-Player” events are not recommended to make in these lvls.

Many Coins Warps I meant this beacuse it encourages you to look for coins, not to get it as a speedrun, Now, All of layers 7,6 and 5 are only move horizontally beacuse the lvl may be ruined if I make them move vertically.

About Ammo, I put one type per level so the player can have much ammo in the next levels, and I put the powerup of each ammo type and I made some ammo rings, I hope you liked them.

These are all your questions. Have more? Ask me.

Quick Review by Ðx

12 Mar 2020, 19:39
For: Candy Goth
Level rating: 8.3

i think its boring but fine

RecommendedQuick Review by Killer NC

9 Mar 2020, 08:22
For: Ozymandius
Level rating: 9.8

This level is pretty cool and I like it….Looks like an Egyptian level that is made by another tool :D

Review by Violet CLM

4 Mar 2020, 20:26
Level rating: 7.8

It’s unclear what makes these “coop” levels. They’re fully linear…the path never splits in two like you might imagine. Not a lot of high jumps where one player should stand on another’s head. No trigger crates or anything are available to encourage one player to help another. No multiplayer-only events that I notice. Many coin warps (one in almost every level), which are one of the least coop-friendly mechanics available.

But they’re solidly… okay. The graphics are more or less functional, and the layouts are mostly horizontal but do have moments of vertical movement that force you to pay attention to the level instead of holding the run key. Enemies are varied and generally appropriate to their tilesets; only butterflies are seemingly omnipresent but they’re so rare in levels outside this pack that I’m inclined to forgive this detail.

Ammo is pretty good too, despite the occasional misstep of placing powerups (ostensibly inside coin warp areas) where they may be shot by electroblaster. This pack adapts a common theme from early (think J2C-era) single player packs where it pretends the player has never played JJ2 before and so all mechanics need to be reintroduced, from ammo types to gems and savepoints… this conceit has never once made the least bit of sense, of course, but it’s cute enough, despite the occasional english issue. Even after all the weapons have been introduced, the pack mostly fits each level with only one weapon type, an interesting design holdover from the official JJ2 levels which maybe doesn’t get used as often by other people. There’s a surprisingly good effort to match enemies and layouts to the weapons most useful against them.

I can’t claim this pack does anything memorable. The levels are disconnected with not even a hint of storyline to justify the random assortment of tilesets, and the layouts are never spectacular. But there’s a lot of effort on display here nonetheless. Many of the levels do genuinely have features unique to them, attempting to match the design to the graphics. That kind of variety is a great thing. This is promising. THE COOLEST COOP LEVELS #2 will surely be better still.

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

1 Mar 2020, 03:53
For: The extreme bosses battles
Level rating: N/A

I wanted this to be a featureless boss rush so I’d have had nothing to say about it, but unfortunately this pack does grow gradually more ambitious as it progresses, but never in a good way. Besides the obvious technical issues—several custom tilesets aren’t included in the zip, and the rocket turtle level is completely unplayable due to broken masking preventing you from entering the arena—there’s a lack of interesting content. Boss rushes are always a weird video game concept, but they make the most sense in games that aren’t very moddable, where it would normally take a lot of time to encounter all the bosses because you have to play the entire game linearly to do so. This isn’t the case with JJ2, which has custom single players dating back to 1998, meaning there are innumerable chances to fight the various bosses already out there, most of them more interesting than this. The bosses are complete experiences on their own but this pack doesn’t add much to them—Uterus is underwater, the robot boss has some oddly masked flames, Devan has a whole bunch of respawning enemies, but nothing mindblowing. The graphics are likewise rudimentary at best. The only real appeal of this pack is the bosses themselves—depending on any given player’s personal opinions of them—but the thing is, that’s the part of the pack that you played the least role in creating. What moments there are of non-boss gameplay are largely unnecessary pickup collection or shooting through various destructible blocks. Again, there’s nothing new here, and what there is isn’t executed with any great aplomb. To make successful single player levels, lean less heavily on giant chunks of other people’s preexisting effort and focus more on what you can uniquely bring to the table with your own work.

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