SoRrY… But nothing here…You start the level and what? You getting trapped IMMIDEATLY! I can’t rate this as good level…ReEDIT this level! :|
[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see Review Rules. – Violet CLM]
No-no…MAN! Its pack is not good! Its only BOSS levels…AND its too easy levels! I can’t rate you NORMAL state!
Download Recomendation—-NO!
I am sorry for it 3,7 I cannot get better one :( the level very good only his front bug :(((
[If you can’t properly play a level, don’t rate. It also helps to elaborate when reporting a bug. ~cooba]
1). include the tileset
2). how hard is it to set the good jj2 version ffs.
3). i don’t like it at all.. try to make your own level
This is a bad remake of Battle1. Eyecandy is extremely bland. Layer 4 is very repetitive and the only background is the textured one in Layer 8.
There are far too many Carrots. Why so many in one room?
Also, why the additional ammo? There’s too much.
I give you credit for placing Springs in the Copter area but this is still not a good level.
Eigus has clearly worked hard on his brand new battle- Hellforge and I feel like I should give a good long review just so that he can recognize how his work has paid off and erm, for people who actually read reviews to first of all:
- See how sad I am when writing long reviews like this
- See how much spare time you actually have on your hands to be bothered to read such a review
- See the various flaws and erm… de-flaws in this fine battle level, or maybe the word would be pro’s or something. Oh who gives a damn.
Anyway, this review might be completely different to the others in terms of rating and stuff but bare with me, that’s either just because my opinion is bitchy as hell or I just want to write a long review to let my spare time pass by when I am actually doing absolutely nothing at all with my spare time. Anyway, no nagging, no removal, no editing (unless you bribe me). And erm, that’s it.
Well just some introductory notes on the level would be that I find it very weird to rate battle levels just because it’s not my thang. Although I really don’t know what my thang is so don’t even ask.
Rating: 7.5
Well, I don’t appreciate the eyecandy in this level so much probably because I’ve seen better done with this set, however this level does contain some differences to your typical windstorm fortress level. First of all, there is no insane pillar overuse (something I often do) and none of that weird floor overuse either. But that does mean the eyecandy is very different to what you would typically expect from this tileset. The background in this level is something that caught my eye because it looked very different to the normal background you get in Windstorm fortress; it had cool fortress things with a nice textured background which really sets the mood of the level. The level does not have much in the foreground as it basically just covers the pit area to add some form of cloudy foggy sort of mood thing person guy dude thing stuff. Strange use of the clouds if you ask me but that doesn’t mean it’s a bad thing. Now 4 layers (5, 4, 3 and 2) have all been used at the same speed. Areas in this level such as the top looked very nice in the background as did the crazy jagged wall at [44, 38] which was very attractive in my opinion. However the originality ends there for me. I didn’t find too much special in the eyecandy and it struck me specifically that in the level itself, many of the walls looked completely square and had very little to no personality. I did not like how so many of the platforms felt so square on the ends. I can’t completely say this applies in the whole level as the bottom area and various others are very nicely curved and people would like that in terms of some aspects of game-play. I won’t entirely hammer the rating down because of the reason of life and death and doom and cheese and sponges and paperclips. Yeah. Okay that’s enough rambling and now I’ll move on to the thing I hate most: tilebugs. Happily (as hell) this level has very few, however I still see some across various areas such as [95,34], [97,34], [97, 35], [100,35], [102,34], [104, 35], [121,30]. There are a few more but I won’t bother being more sad than I already have been and I’ll just leave it at that – there are tilebugs and they grind my gears. MY GEARS ARE BEING GROUND I TELL YOU. GROUND.
Rating: 7.7
As with all of the reviews I do, I usually do the game-play part of the review like this… It’s set out accordingly: Bias [teams], Bias [rabbits], Strategy, Layout, Flow, Defense/Offense and how fun it is to play.
Seeing as this is a battle, I’m going to skip the bias for teams and go right into the bias between the rabbits. I don’t really notice anything too annoying for Spaz (which is regular because it’s very easy to make it flow for Spaz in any level, unless you’re just some crazy demented sheep person guy) but however I did realize that Jazz has some annoying things in this level, one thing that particularly struck me is that the jump to [108, 32] is very easy to execute for Spaz from beneath, which gives him a substantial speed boost over Jazz (unless he makes the jump) while Jazz has to actually go towards the spring. I would move the spring back or something, or make it easier to jump. Also, the pit is extremely annoying to get out of with Jazz, while it is possible, it’s very annoying. Jazz nor Spaz can easily uppercut or side-kick the PU to get 50 ammo, which might be a good thing but it might just disrupt gameplay. Anyway, Spaz can get out of that pit much easier than Jazz can. =P Evil bias.
There isn’t too much strategy in the level, especially as the level has a pit but lacks freezers to make them just that bit more funny/fun. The tactics or strategies included in levels are usually what make me like them more but this level has very few. One I did notice however is that the middle carrot at the location [61, 30] can be much easier to obtain without the hassle of having to get the copter if you own the bouncer power-up. You can simply shoot it down from beneath it which can be a quick and interesting strategy to make game-play a bit more interesting. I can proudly say there aren’t any major camp spots inside the level but one at [35, 28]. You can easily camp the carrot at this spot and just keep shooting Seekers at oncoming targets which can only come from one direction; the right. This might not be too big an issue however as you can easily get him with bouncers if you use them cleverly. Good fun. =D
This level is quite solid and doesn’t have too many platforms, which makes it generally easier to learn which is very good for the newer levels. However the layout does not prove too many tactical traits for me, apart from probably gaining higher ground to shoot bouncers down in areas such as [26, 58] or [82, 38] which can easily be bombarded (a good thing). The layout is very nice in my honest yet humble yet biased yet evil yet demented yet Raggish opinion. Oh yeah I also forgot to mention this level doesn’t have any dead ends. They almost grind my gears as much as tile-bugs do, probably not as much but still, they’re very annoying. The layout is quite good for many reasons as the powerups are well placed as are the carrots. I just do not like the pit near the seeker powerup at all as I think it is far too evil even for a seeker powerup. Everything is good other than that. Bwehehe =D
The level does flow quite well as you do not need to do double jumps in certain areas with the exception of the pit to get to certain areas. The movement is very simple around this level as you won’t bump into many walls or annoying walls and stuff. Also, the springs and everything with the exception of one are placed very nicely and are convenient to use for whatever reason.
The defense/offense is pretty much for other concepts and not really battle, so I guess I’ll do the smart thing and skip to the fun-factor of the level. I like the level and it seems as if it would be very good in events or crowded servers. This level cannot be controlled like other small battles, but it is still very fun to play in as the variety of powerups and routes allows for interesting gameplay. It is very easy to get from one carrot to the other, which can make it a bit fun if you get to them on time. Again, major complaint about the pit as the winds just makes it too evil. Nonetheless, good fun. =]
General Placement
Rating: 8.0
I guess you can’t have perfectly original placement in any level unless it comes up with new uses for different types of ammunition, which hasn’t been done in a very long time. Anyway, the power-ups and the carrots are very fairly dispersed and it gives me a fit use to go to any section of this level. I would probably camp around the top if anything though if I was playing in a crowded server. The power-ups aren’t campy at the least which is very good and they are all very suitable to the level’s style. I like the spring placement a lot and I did have a complaint for one or two places. To get in the strand higher than 9.0 from me, you’d probably need something very fresh for the ammo placement or something, but it’s still close anyway. My only real complaint is that there is too much ammo at the top area. =S
I didn’t find too much in the level fresh, other than the palette and the background. One point! I just dislike the seeker power-up and it reminds me of a certain level o.0. Heehee. More than just a certain level =P.
I like the level a lot and it would probably play a lot better than I’m giving it credit for. I think it’s very good for a second battle level (technically, I recall reading that somewhere). Gah. That review took ages. Nice lev. I like it. =] Whew. That took a while. I recommend you to download it and play it and enjoy it. It’s not bad at all. =D. Hellforge4Bash2009. =].
Most of the programs have text files with them describing their use. They’re pretty basic (No pun intended.) You put them in the Jazz 1 folder, run them and type in a file name.
I’d like to improve on these, but I just don’t know any other way to program and I’m too busy to learn.
The eyecandy is excellent. I do love what you have done and fixed in the background.
The textures have been done nicely. The gameplay is excellent when I hosted it everyone seemed to enjoy it. The music doesn’t really fit but theres not reason to down the score becuase of that.
Floating island pwns !. I reccomend for download it is indeed fun
As promised after playing your beta version, I’ll write a review for this level though a little later than expected. After playing the final, and updated (as it seems) version of your level, my thoughts remain as they were..
First thing I noticed when playing the beta days ago, was the gameplay being comparable to classic concepts, thus meaning that this level won’t give you an original experience, though no fun is wasted. The pit in the down-middle area of the level is most likely the most ‘original’ part to be found. Players have to get the powerup without any major trouble around or else they’ll be sucked down into the pit by the surrounding winds. Overall gameplay is practically linair and involves running/jumping in corridor styled areas finding/killing each other.
Nothing too special, except for the background, as it will probably receive different feedback. Personally, I kind of like the ‘towers with transparent windows’ except for the downside (I suppose it’s the ground holding the towers). Walls include animated tube sort of things we know from levels like E-Prime, still looks good even for this level style. Other eyecandy is pretty minor, but nothing hurts the eye and that’s generally the best thing for my eyecandy score. ;)
It’s practically hard to run out of weapons in this level, as weapon pickups are spread all over the place and you’re likely to run into an powerup which is easy to get (not including the Seeker PU in the pit). And it looks like this level is meant for some fast fragging, as you’re likely to run into easy to get carrots as well.. Envoirement events are as it should, and the palette (not really part of the level though) gave me a good feeling with the style.
Hellforge is an average small-sized battle level involving ordinary gameplay aspects. It does however create and specialize the tileset’s possible atmosphere. I don’t recommend this for duels, as the amount of pickups won’t fit for that. And for the background, you’ll love it or hate it.. I still recommend downloading as this will add a good level for your ‘public hosting’ collection. A 7.5 for the ‘alrightness’ of the level!
Overall, a small, simple level. with a average eyecandy that is not perfect yet. (even with a english dictionary i can’t explain exactly how), the buildings are looking odd.. the 1 colored translucent tile shaped in the building looks a bit unrealistic and weird to me.. further things, the level is very simple to learn. nothing really sucks about the gameplay, it’s actually pretty good. and i like the original parts like the seeker power up with wind speeds that let u fall in pits.
some bad things what i think could be better.. that’s the placement and the amount off it. i think 4 carrots is to much for a pretty small level like this, so i also think about the power ups. 4 power ups is to much for a level like this size. and 3 off the 4 pu’s can be sidekicked, which gives you full ammo. which is imo to much.
the + and – points i give this level download recommendation, because after all it’s really average, and fun playing.
(pj did a good job on the pallette)
EyeCandy: 10/10
Gameplay: 9/10
Story: 8/10
Levels: 9/10
Download Recommendation: yes
so 9.0
+0.7 :)
9.7 nice work :)
Quirky, but fun level.
EDIT: I’d just like to point out that the wind tunnel can be ripped through quickly with just a single RF kick, which makes moving between the bases possible in about 5 seconds.
Starting Comments
… I’m a bit late, am I not? Here’s for good old time sakes.
In this part of the story, Jazz is sent on missions by the army and whatnot and it’s awesome. What can I say? This just plays really well. There’s a lot of time and thought put in all of the layout, the mechanics, the placement of items and enemies. It all fits together like a perfect puzzle.
EvilMike does a great job of capturing the atmosphere. He uses music that very well blends with the tileset and makes sure that, wether you’re in a spaceship or in a battle simulation, you will feel at home. You grow with the story and you embrace it with both hands. While this story makes your brain storm, you will still be reminded that this is a platform game, which makes this pack very well executed.
Simply wonderful. All of the mechanics work flawlessly, the enemies are placed well and everything just fits. Creativity is the keyword in this pack.
This pack is a SP-must-download. Along with the earlier episodes, this pack makes for days of fun.
Download Recommentdation
Hell yeah.
Further Comments
Keep ‘em comin’, Mike.
Starting Comments
It’s been a while since I’ve last reviewed something. I’ve installed my old JJ2 cd again and started playing right away.
This is your average single player level. Bad guys, platforming, treasure and no story whatsoever. The level has quite a number of flaws (like the Hurt events not working during the boss fight) and also a very boring part where the player must sit and watch how he’s poled to a new position. Also, Epic’s awful masking jobs make this level an awful experience, getting stuck and being able to shoot the checkpoints before you get on the other side of the wall.
The Beach tileset and music fit together perfectly, of course, but in my opinion, that combo got old. The level is very bland and open and barely gives twinkles to the eye. The simple layer 7 and fast moving background make this even worse.
Lots of food and gems all across the game make you feel like you’re stuck in the old Epic episodes. A few quirks and flaws in the eventing may lead to unwanted effects, such as crabs who are stuck, hurts that don’t work and a V-pole where an H-pole is needed. Also, here’s a tip. Never put events on the edges of the level, most of them won’t work. Also, in my opinion, you shouldn’t let the player move to the absolute top of the level. Weapons will stop to function there and enemies will fly out of the level. Leave some space on all sides of the level and build a wall, that’s what I recommend.
It’s not a bad level, but it’s certainly not great either. If you want to make good SP levels, think of an interesting story, keep the player wanting to play more. If you need good examples (read: awesome examples), try EvilMike’s “Invasion of Deserto” episode and its sequels. They pack quite the punch.
Download Recommentdation
Further Comments
Keep trying. You’ll get the hang of the many bugs JJ2 has soon enough and then you’ll be able to make awesome levels in no time.
I got a version conflict. Make sure all the information is correct before you upload.
7.0? Nope, I’m afraid it’s not worth anywhere near that.
There is no eyecandy here. Just a very fast moving textured background in Layer 8, very repetitive brick tiles in Layer 4 and a black background for doorways.
There is no gameplay or any flow here. All you do is collect thousands of weapons all over the level and shoot like mad.
The two arenas where you shoot each other are far too small.
The placement is extremely poor. There are MASSIVE groups of nearly every weapon here. 100+ Fastfires and Freezer is really un-necessary. You should only have about 8 Fastfires.
Why are there SEVEN Blaster power-ups? Only one is really needed.
A very small training level (if you can call it that) with very poor eyecandy and items everywhere.
There is nothing good about this level
-Poor ammo placement and far too many items to collect
-Extremely poor eyecandy
-Too many Blaster Power-Ups
-Too easy to get full rapid fire
-Arenas are far too small
OVERALL MARK = 3 / 3 = 1.0/10.0
If you have read everything I’ve said about this level then do not download.
In other words, NO!
Oh no… Did making this take even 5 minutes? Where is eyecandy? Hurt doesn’t work in multiplayer. It seems the platforms have been just copy-pasted around this. There is lot to improve, but I think you might someday succes in making a level.
You have just changed the gamemakers easiest tutorial’s ball sprite to Jazz’s head. This rating is that bad because you have literally done nothing in that game yourself. Head is ripped from JJ2, wall and engine are stolen form the GM tutorial.
This is an interesting level, with a solid theme and nice little touches, however the layout favours the red team quite a lot.
Err…Yea-yea…I knew it! You still evil IR’s GAY! And what you create?
I have detect 2 bugs and 4 viruses!
You wanna crash other’s computers or what? And level reminds me DUMPED castle. YOUr castle >)
NO recommendation for this level!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.