RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

26 Jul 2008, 13:38
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Very nice level! I liked all the details like the buttresses [as EM said], the architecture and whatnot. Good job!

Review by _DoDges iR

24 Jul 2008, 16:50
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Lark, You revealed Your huge unawareness… You haven’t any erudition about gothic architecture. I recommend for You that site ->
Read about gothic, and get back here =p

Btw: I made CTF level, and conversion that tileset’s to 1.23 version. Galavant forgot tell about it 8)

Btw2: Lark, that wasn’t Quick Review…

RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

24 Jul 2008, 15:08
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Wow, thats all I can say.
You’ve made a tileset that looks good and is easy to use! :) DR definately :)

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

24 Jul 2008, 02:19 (edited 24 Jul 08, 12:40)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

The drawing style is like townhouse. Unfortunately, the usability is also like townhouse. While the set contains lots of creativity I don’t see many ways to use the set creatively.

On closer inspection, the leaves could’ve been drawn way better, but the overall look of the set is great.

RecommendedReview by EvilMike

24 Jul 2008, 01:19 (edited 24 Jul 08, 01:19)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Lark says that the name of this tileset doesn’t fit, but it’s actually perfect. I was actually surprised to see how much detail is in this tileset and how well it follows the theme of a gothic cathedral. Gothic in this sense does not mean dreary or depressing, it is simply an architectural style which was commonly used in medieval times, characterized by things like pointed arches, large windows and flying buttresses (which are present in the tileset). Most of these churches are anything but dreary.

Overall this is a great tileset. The author is obviously extremely talented, and knows how to make a tileset that is very unique. The attention to detail is what really sets it above most others, but everything else about the tileset is excellent too, including the art style.

RecommendedQuick Review by Sasik

23 Jul 2008, 16:12 (edited 24 Jul 08, 13:18)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

This is great, well done tileset. Looking at it makes me somehow feel happy. Kepp up the good work, Gal ;)
However, I’d like to see more latin sentences in the set, which could make it looking more ‘medievaly’.
I saw just 2 of them in TSF version (1.23 has only one). Too bad you wrote one of them with many grammar errors :(

Review by OLOELO

23 Jul 2008, 12:29
For: Episode 2 Ballistic Bunny
Level rating: 8.3

Ouuu this is quite not that you said,PT32…
Some thing to explain:

1.Float Lizards:Yes you say good! Too many of this,but I won’t change this now(I promise it won’t repeat in Episode Three)But not in whole episode in Technoir Float Lizards didn’t perform,but indeed variety of enemies was small.

2.Letni lvl 2 beginning stuff: It’s very simple thing to do. Only turn on helicopter and will be ok.

3.This is exactly that which I written in Technoir Secret Level:If you make any mistake in this puzzles press JJK to try again. You had to put Big Boxes in correct sequence but if you didn’t this it could be mistake ;).

It’s rather all,thanks for rate and goodbye again.

RecommendedReview by Lark

23 Jul 2008, 00:18
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Quick review.. I was pretty surprised by how this tileset turned out, everything looks really nice. While this isn’t the most versatile tileset, what is included just looks really nice.

The graphcis style here isn’t at all realistic looking, and at the same time, it’s not entirely cartoony, either. I think this is the perfect environment for JJ2, to be honest, because that’s how all the sprites were drawn, and that’s what I like about this tileset the most.. everything just fits, you can place any event in the level and it just looks at home.

I’d say the name of this tileset is somewhat misleading. Here we have a cathedral of sorts. But it’s not like all depressing and gothic or anything. Everything here looks very cheery and upbeat. The tileset has plenty of arches, alters, statues, brick structures and such that give it a very.. I dunno the word.. churchy.. cathedrally.. feeling.. but it’s not like medieval or anything. It has a very modern feel to it, which I really like a lot, because you don’t see that too often mixed with cathedrals. It just looks really nice. And pleasant. I’d say pleasant is the perfect word to describe this tileset.

As for masking and other miscellaneous things, I saw no real problems.

My complaints and suggestions for improvement, well, first of all, I would’ve loved to see some more versatility (is that a word?). Being able to run outside in between buildings would be great, even if you just added some grass here and there, it’d be enough. Also, I would’ve liked to see pole events (well, just the psych pole) work, but that’s okay, nobody really uses them anyway. Oh, and flower pots. I dunno, the flowers and all look like they’re just kinda floating there, it’d be nice if they had some nice pots to go into. There’s no textured background in this tileset, but that’s alright; the background that’s there fits very well.

My final and biggest complaint is the lack of color. Everything’s just brown and green; you seem to have a lot of talent and creativity, so put that to work with colors the next time!

Overall I’d give this a download reccomendation, to check it out, if not make a fun little battle level or something with it.


Review by cooba

21 Jul 2008, 14:30 (edited 28 Jul 08, 10:44)
For: Sultans GunPalace
Level rating: 7.9

9 is extreme overrating.

The eyecandy is a mess. This level attacks you with a multitude of colors basically everywhere, with the ambient lighting making it even more chaotic. The amount of decoration in every place feels almost forced to some point, there’s just too much at too many places. While this is apparently a palace, every piece of the layout is random and unordered as if it was a nature level all over.

Speaking of an unordered layout.. this level is almost like a battle level with bases. It would take a while to learn some basic routes and tactics here, let alone master them.. This level may be sure challenging, but it’s on the end of the spectrum where annoying levels go. I’m not sure if anyone would consider playing here.

Overall, a lot of effort went into this level, but in some places it went into details that shouldn’t have been there. Keep making levels, but make them less messy, please.

(PS. The text strings were very bothersome, by the way.)

EDIT: I didn’t mean to say this level is completely bad. It’s obvious that a lot of effort went into it, shows the months gone into JCS’ing. It’s just that the level is more to look at rather than play, which is not too good. Overall, I’m giving this a 7.1 not because it’s bad, but because it’s not very good yet.

RecommendedReview by Slaz

21 Jul 2008, 13:38 (edited 21 Jul 08, 21:18)
For: Sultans GunPalace
Level rating: 7.9

As I’ve promised yesterday, I’ll do a review for this interesting new CTF level as soon as it find it’s way to J2O. So ehh, here it is! And yeah, I’ve heard the pretty damn cool music file now :P. Makes me enjoy summer even with the bad weather outside hmm.. But enough of this, let’s begin reviewing!

It think when people look at the screenshots, the first impression they’ll get from this level is the huge amont of paths crossing each other. Well, after some of Faw’s instruction and a little test run on this level, the gameplay indeed proves to be the strongest part. I’ve already played this level in an early testing state and even at that time many interesting spring, tube, and secret paths were done and working well. Although I don’t mind death ends in CTF levels that much, in this level there always is a way to go, thus some exploring is recommended before playing duels/clanwars in this! Overally seen, the gamplay is not as over-the-top as in levels like Nightfall in Noobland, but the many minor and major tricks and pathways (especially the ‘secret’ paths involving the pillars) makes this level interesting to explore, game, and master!

It has been long ago since I’ve played a new level using the Persian Paradise tileset. I do remember some great classics using this Disguise set though. The set has a good bunch of eyecandy tiles, including some stuff not to be used too often. But ey, it’s about how the level makes use of it, and that’s pretty much alright. I haven’t seen any tilebugs or layer3 errors and whatever. And probably because of the months of work spend on this, every area in this level looks clean to the eye (well NOT including Mario’s face :P)!

Let’s begin with the weapons, as stated in the level description, there are 5 powerups. With the Seeker and Bouncer probably being the strongest (Seeker is always strong and bouncers are handy in the smaller tunnels in this level). Normal weapon pickups are alright aswell, as I’ve never experienced a moment without any usefull weapon. Another interesting pickup is the Full Carrot placed somewhere near the middle of the level, with more pathways leading to it, try to keep that one safe for your damaged teammate in busy games :P. Envoirement events are just as they should, I don’t really give much for lightning effects lol. But generally, I don’t see any factor of events that has to be changed.

With Sultans GunPalace (still a weird name but I guess that makes it original), you have a huge, balanced, hardcore styled level, in my opinion best played with 2v2 or especially 3v3 games. Duels should be fun aswell if you don’t mind the size. You should first explore some pathways or even open it with JCS if you’re lazy :P. And at last, I recommend download and give a 9.0 for a challenging CTF experience without any gameplay crap that’s trying to be original. See ya in JJ2! ;)

EDIT: The 9 I gave for this level wasn’t meant to be a ‘overrated’, how could it be, cause it’s based on my personal opinion on your level.. I could have given it a much lower score if things like eyecandy or text strings bothered me aswell, but it didn’t. Yeah I’m no expert at level creation, but my score and opinion remains, this level is one of the few I’ve ‘tested’ this year, and it gave me that awesome ‘CTF’ feeling again. :p ;)

Quick Review by cooba

21 Jul 2008, 11:19 (edited 21 Jul 08, 11:20)
For: Troglobite's Dark Forest Adventure
Level rating: 7.5

This really isn’t what PT32 says, but it’s not exactly a very good pack either. The tileset is a start, and it’s good to see people make tilesets specifically for their packs. The design got repetitive after a while, though it did have its moments (I liked the spike boll maze). Overall, this pack is a good start, and I hope to see more.

Review by cooba

21 Jul 2008, 11:14
For: Jazz Graphics Pack
Level rating: 8

An awesome lot of work there :D Thanks a lot DD.

RecommendedReview by ZAPPER

20 Jul 2008, 22:35
For: Get Jazzed, First Half
Level rating: 7.6

Ah yes. I have returned temporarily, just long enough to review this level pack, maybe longer.

Anyways, from the outset, I’d say that the level pack does a few things right. For one, it only puts the first level in the level list, which is good because it prevents confusion. It also does a very nice cutscene with some great animation and stuff, which somehow manages to go to the next level without the usual end-level fanfare that is found normally.

After that we hit the first level. It looks pretty good, with good music and a nice tileset choice. The storyline is very vague here, but that’s not much of a problem. What IS a problem is a few gameplay problems. For one, insta-death pits galore. Also, it wasn’t totally clear what could and couldn’t be stepped on.

There’s this one graphical element here I don’t like though, which is this repeating land mass which creates depth at the top and bottom of the level, but also obscures stuff and looks odd at the beginning. Otherwise, the only major complaint with this level is that the final boss is an icy pile of snow that shoots flails at you and summons flails from the ground and walls.

The next level is a hotel. I’m not kidding. I have no idea why, but it is. It’s supposed to be a base or something, I think, but I couldn’t help feeling I was playing as Jason or something as I slaughtered tons of what must be tourists. The eyecandy was very busy, and not that good, with screwed up perspectives at different times. The enemy placement wasn’t that good either, with just tons and tons of enemies, even when it didn’t make sense.

So then we magically get onto a satellite in space after that. Then we navigate through three satallites which are actually mazes before we have to take out a very hard “communications array” consisting of three hidden queens. Afterwards, we are treated to a nice “cutscene” (as it’s just a still image) of Jazz jumping down to the planet from the satellite… this looks alright, but is a bit weird. Jazz says he want to take over Devon’s planet. Huh.

So then we’re in central park, which looks really nice, but isn’t particularly good or bad, except there are still a ridiculous amount of enemies.

And after that is the city. This is probably the worst level, as it feels unfinished. Not even any music. Not really much in the foreground, though there is a big background which looks great. This level requires a lot of leaps of faith, often into but often not into insta-death pits. At last we make it through and fight Devon Shell in a big open arena. He then actually pleads for mercy as Jazz says that he is going to take over the planet, muhahaha.

Then there is another of these cutscenese. Then the game crashes.

Yes, when it says “first half” it does not mean “chapter one” it actually means the download is split into two parts. I don’t see why. It would’ve been nice to put a “To be continued…” or something, and quit gracefully.

Last thoughts?

It’s an okay pack, with a semi-interesting storyline I could not take seriously because of the variation and odd choices in the levels. I’d say download anyways. You’ve got nothing to lose, and there’s some interesting stuff anyways. So yeah, not that great, but not bad either. It’s okay. 6.5/10

Not recommendedQuick Review by ZAPPER

20 Jul 2008, 20:46
For: Battle in Treasure
Level rating: 6

Well, there’s not much to really say. The levels are exactly the same as the standard Treasure Hunt levels, except with ammo instead of gems. One thing I was very pleased with was that the author did not simply do a mass replace of gems with ammo, but actually took some time to consider placement. Overall nothing really new, or particularly great.

Review by PT32

20 Jul 2008, 15:57
For: Jazz Graphics Pack
Level rating: 8

Found this hard to use. :(

Review by Impossibler

18 Jul 2008, 17:16
For: EsT TeSt Pack
Level rating: N/A

I like harder test. Your pack isn’t hard. just for justice.

RecommendedQuick Review by Typhoon Bunny

17 Jul 2008, 20:01 (edited 20 Jul 08, 10:44 by cooba)
For: Pinball
Level rating: 5.7

I like this level.I think it’s really good fun.

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Not recommendedReview by Typhoon Bunny

17 Jul 2008, 19:54
For: Dark Adventures
Level rating: 2.4

Ok.I begin it.

-the levels are too short
-there isn’t any food
-not a good eyecandy
-little ammo


Level 1: Bad.Short.Boring.

Level 2: Ok.It’s not bad.I hope you’ll create more levels like this.There are some coins,a bonus room, and some trigger sceneries.But you should fix it.

Level 3: Too short!!! There are some skeletons and some warps.And no more!!!

Level 4: Too easy(I think).The boss room is little.No more.

My rate is:No download recommendation.But the second level is a little good :)!

RecommendedQuick Review by Eragon86

16 Jul 2008, 10:58 (edited 20 Jul 08, 10:45 by cooba)
For: Jungle
Level rating: 8.4

good lvl

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Eragon86

16 Jul 2008, 10:55 (edited 20 Jul 08, 10:46 by cooba)
For: Test
Level rating: 8.2

good test :P

[Quick review. ~cooba]

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