Review by $killer cz

12 Aug 2008, 15:43
For: Training level for JDC
Level rating: 2.6

Hi Gtb =)

Errmm…Level is pretty good but lot of weapons like seeker….For training you had create smth harder not like this…

So you worked at this level and…I think 7 sounds good.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

10 Aug 2008, 14:39 (edited 11 Oct 08, 11:35)
For: Find It Out (Multiplayer)
Level rating: 8.9

Sorry for the very long delay, but here is the review I promised. I don’t feel like posting a massive review, but whatever, here goes.

SuperJazz has put a ton of effort into organising and building this pack, which becomes very obvious once you play through the levels. This pack contains a whopping 15 levels, more than any of the other packs released so far this year. The levels are mostly very high quality (Atom Heart in particular), however a couple of them feel little more than “filler material”, just made to fatten the pack up. (The Fights of March :|)

That being said, however, this pack is top-notch. All the levels have some very nice EC (especially Earth which looks awesome); nothing looks unrealistic or unrealisticly repetitive. The gameplay is also just as great, the levels are spaced out well, they aren’t filled with dead ends, they’re relatively easy to learn and flow well in general (Center of the Universe being an exception D:). I have no gripes about the item placement either.

Here’s a brief summery of each of the main levels:

Atom Heart is my favourite level of the pack, by far. It looks great, has a very strategical layout and is quite creative in some aspects, for example the PU placement. [8.6]

The Sun Fired Blanks is a very large level that is also symmectrical, with a linear yet solid layout, however I don’t like the fact you used solid layer 4 tiles in the background. Like the sprite layer eyecandy though. [8]

Center of Universe has a pleasant, calm atmosphere and an interesting layout, but it has practically zero flow which makes it annoying to move around in and seriously affects the gameplay. Aside from that, it does have some nice strategical defensive options. [7.9]

Dim0rphic is another big level, except this level is very hard to learn but is quite unconventional, but a few of the gimmicks here just seem tacked on. I personally hate the the Thermal Carrotus tileset, but at least here you managed to get away with that. [7.7]

Earth is my 2nd favourite level of this pack. There are some very original eyecandy things here, it has superb gameplay and just feels…cool. The layout might be a little hard to learn at first though. Sitll, definately one the best CTF levels released so far this year. [8.4]

The Fights of March is the smallest level of the pack, and to be honest just feels like filler material. It’s not bad, but just feels somewhat worse than the rest of the pack. [7.3]

Greater Legacy is the biggest level of the pack by far, and feels so imitidating with it’s eyecandy and size combined. I really love this level though, it should be great fun in an event despite being hard to learn. [8.3]

The Frozen Throne makes the best possible use out of the Glacier, tileset, and despite being rather small it can work with pretty much any amount of players. [8.2]

Central Shaft has a layout which is very vertical, and is significantly bigger than The Frozen Throne. It’s quite complex and takes some time getting used to but should be fun with several people once it’s learned. [8.2]

I haven’t really had a detailed looked at the other levels, but I image they will be fine too. This pack is still an absolute must-have. Host these levels often.

RecommendedQuick Review by Unhit

6 Aug 2008, 10:50 (edited 9 Nov 08, 18:26)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

I’m lovin’ it!

//e: rating changed from 9.7 to 9.2 after i worked with the tileset. it’s still really awesome, but working with it is really unhandy.

Quick Review by $killer cz

4 Aug 2008, 16:44 (edited 5 Aug 08, 08:55 by cooba)
For: JCS.ini
Level rating: 9.3

Very usefull!


[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Grytolle

4 Aug 2008, 15:22
For: The Fortress of Forgotten Souls
Level rating: 9.3

good job!!!!1

Review by PT32

3 Aug 2008, 16:19
For: Unrealeased JJ1 Song(Robert A. Allen)
Level rating: N/A

Dude, did you even bother to read the comments?!

Seriously now, it’s the Deserto Secret Level music!

And quite a cool music, I might add…

Review by PT32

2 Aug 2008, 18:56 (edited 3 Aug 08, 19:25)
For: more battles
Level rating: N/A

Ahha, I see why you didn’t want votes on your comments. Overall, this battlepack is not very good. But give me the chance to justify that.

The tilesets were fine. Cheq 3, or whatever it was, was an albeit good set, but your levels were just atrocious. I was assaulted by a withering barrage of colors in Electric World, with no order whatever, and level 1 just plain out suck’t. I hate to say that, but there was absolutely no point in Bottomless. No weapons. Very difficult to move around. Billions of dead ends. No eyecandy. I could say much more, but I won’t. It was a terror. Level 2 was slightly better designed, but still needed work. What was the point of the dead end on the right? Where’s the carrots? I had trouble finding anything notable about the level to equal the carrots. You have an infatuation with Chrysilis music, as every single song is some sort of remix of Chrysilis.

I would strongly recommend ditching completely the dead ends and providing some sort of flow to these levels. Replace the music. It just don’t fit. And just scrap level one and start over. It’s that bad.

I was quite glad when I finished running the two tiny levels included in the pack. If you would let me rate this, I would probably give you a 2.9. Maybe a 3, if I was feeling generous. Just be sure to go back and fix it up a shot, and it will be even better. You are a very creative designer. I can see that. Your concepts are just a little too far out for me. Readers, I would not recommend downloading this quite yet. It’s in dire need of help, and until it can be amended, it’ll leave a bad impression on your minds.

RecommendedReview by IJskonIJn

2 Aug 2008, 17:10
For: House
Level rating: 5.7

Rating: 5.7
Download recommendation: NO

House is a level made in Haunted house, one of my favorite tilesets. But there were a lot of problems in this level.

first of all, there were a lot of tilebugs. There was no third layer at all the doors, and at all the secrets layer 3 didn’t overlayered layer 4, so you can see jazz when he jumps. This may seem like a small thing, but it really breaks this level.
Also, sometimes it was just too hard. For example: it was impossible to pass the ‘wall’ of generating addon sparks, and the two crates and the TNT were impossible to find.

But there were good things, the eyecandy wasn’t bad, the enemies well balanced, there was quite a big difference between easy and hard, and there were enough goodies. But that is not enough to give my download recommendation, I just didn’t enjoy playing “House”.

(sorry for bad grammar)

Review by Hitch

27 Jul 2008, 22:13
For: Red Station
Level rating: N/A

Now I did look at the level and saw some cool tricks. Sucker tubes and things in that nature. Though it could be improved a lot. Some things to think about. Using layers 5/6/7 gives more appeal to the level. Making players WANT to play it. Not just look at it and say, meh, this is alright. What im talking about is adding forground and backround eyecandy. Now I don’t know if your completly new to this thing or not, but it seems you know the basic and how suckers, warps, warp tragets, and modifers work etc… But Gameplay and Eyecandy could be improved a bit. This is just a heads up when creating other levels. Overall, I’m not giving this a raiting because I think I’ve explained what can be improved. Good luck in your future levels WaterKnight.

Quick Review by PurpleJazz

27 Jul 2008, 13:46 (edited 27 Jul 08, 13:47)
For: 41R5]-[1P J41LBR34K
Level rating: 8.4


Quick Review by $killer cz

26 Jul 2008, 17:16 (edited 27 Jul 08, 10:45 by cooba)
For: Jail break
Level rating: 8.5


Can you teach me creating JailBreaks PLZ!!!!

[Start clicking the god damn “Quick Review” checkbox please. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

26 Jul 2008, 13:38
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Very nice level! I liked all the details like the buttresses [as EM said], the architecture and whatnot. Good job!

Review by _DoDges iR

24 Jul 2008, 16:50
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Lark, You revealed Your huge unawareness… You haven’t any erudition about gothic architecture. I recommend for You that site ->
Read about gothic, and get back here =p

Btw: I made CTF level, and conversion that tileset’s to 1.23 version. Galavant forgot tell about it 8)

Btw2: Lark, that wasn’t Quick Review…

RecommendedQuick Review by Bluespaz7

24 Jul 2008, 15:08
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Wow, thats all I can say.
You’ve made a tileset that looks good and is easy to use! :) DR definately :)

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

24 Jul 2008, 02:19 (edited 24 Jul 08, 12:40)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

The drawing style is like townhouse. Unfortunately, the usability is also like townhouse. While the set contains lots of creativity I don’t see many ways to use the set creatively.

On closer inspection, the leaves could’ve been drawn way better, but the overall look of the set is great.

RecommendedReview by EvilMike

24 Jul 2008, 01:19 (edited 24 Jul 08, 01:19)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Lark says that the name of this tileset doesn’t fit, but it’s actually perfect. I was actually surprised to see how much detail is in this tileset and how well it follows the theme of a gothic cathedral. Gothic in this sense does not mean dreary or depressing, it is simply an architectural style which was commonly used in medieval times, characterized by things like pointed arches, large windows and flying buttresses (which are present in the tileset). Most of these churches are anything but dreary.

Overall this is a great tileset. The author is obviously extremely talented, and knows how to make a tileset that is very unique. The attention to detail is what really sets it above most others, but everything else about the tileset is excellent too, including the art style.

RecommendedQuick Review by Sasik

23 Jul 2008, 16:12 (edited 24 Jul 08, 13:18)
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

This is great, well done tileset. Looking at it makes me somehow feel happy. Kepp up the good work, Gal ;)
However, I’d like to see more latin sentences in the set, which could make it looking more ‘medievaly’.
I saw just 2 of them in TSF version (1.23 has only one). Too bad you wrote one of them with many grammar errors :(

Review by OLOELO

23 Jul 2008, 12:29
For: Episode 2 Ballistic Bunny
Level rating: 8.3

Ouuu this is quite not that you said,PT32…
Some thing to explain:

1.Float Lizards:Yes you say good! Too many of this,but I won’t change this now(I promise it won’t repeat in Episode Three)But not in whole episode in Technoir Float Lizards didn’t perform,but indeed variety of enemies was small.

2.Letni lvl 2 beginning stuff: It’s very simple thing to do. Only turn on helicopter and will be ok.

3.This is exactly that which I written in Technoir Secret Level:If you make any mistake in this puzzles press JJK to try again. You had to put Big Boxes in correct sequence but if you didn’t this it could be mistake ;).

It’s rather all,thanks for rate and goodbye again.

RecommendedReview by Lark

23 Jul 2008, 00:18
For: Gothic Cathedral
Level rating: 9.3

Quick review.. I was pretty surprised by how this tileset turned out, everything looks really nice. While this isn’t the most versatile tileset, what is included just looks really nice.

The graphcis style here isn’t at all realistic looking, and at the same time, it’s not entirely cartoony, either. I think this is the perfect environment for JJ2, to be honest, because that’s how all the sprites were drawn, and that’s what I like about this tileset the most.. everything just fits, you can place any event in the level and it just looks at home.

I’d say the name of this tileset is somewhat misleading. Here we have a cathedral of sorts. But it’s not like all depressing and gothic or anything. Everything here looks very cheery and upbeat. The tileset has plenty of arches, alters, statues, brick structures and such that give it a very.. I dunno the word.. churchy.. cathedrally.. feeling.. but it’s not like medieval or anything. It has a very modern feel to it, which I really like a lot, because you don’t see that too often mixed with cathedrals. It just looks really nice. And pleasant. I’d say pleasant is the perfect word to describe this tileset.

As for masking and other miscellaneous things, I saw no real problems.

My complaints and suggestions for improvement, well, first of all, I would’ve loved to see some more versatility (is that a word?). Being able to run outside in between buildings would be great, even if you just added some grass here and there, it’d be enough. Also, I would’ve liked to see pole events (well, just the psych pole) work, but that’s okay, nobody really uses them anyway. Oh, and flower pots. I dunno, the flowers and all look like they’re just kinda floating there, it’d be nice if they had some nice pots to go into. There’s no textured background in this tileset, but that’s alright; the background that’s there fits very well.

My final and biggest complaint is the lack of color. Everything’s just brown and green; you seem to have a lot of talent and creativity, so put that to work with colors the next time!

Overall I’d give this a download reccomendation, to check it out, if not make a fun little battle level or something with it.


Review by cooba

21 Jul 2008, 14:30 (edited 28 Jul 08, 10:44)
For: Sultans GunPalace
Level rating: 7.9

9 is extreme overrating.

The eyecandy is a mess. This level attacks you with a multitude of colors basically everywhere, with the ambient lighting making it even more chaotic. The amount of decoration in every place feels almost forced to some point, there’s just too much at too many places. While this is apparently a palace, every piece of the layout is random and unordered as if it was a nature level all over.

Speaking of an unordered layout.. this level is almost like a battle level with bases. It would take a while to learn some basic routes and tactics here, let alone master them.. This level may be sure challenging, but it’s on the end of the spectrum where annoying levels go. I’m not sure if anyone would consider playing here.

Overall, a lot of effort went into this level, but in some places it went into details that shouldn’t have been there. Keep making levels, but make them less messy, please.

(PS. The text strings were very bothersome, by the way.)

EDIT: I didn’t mean to say this level is completely bad. It’s obvious that a lot of effort went into it, shows the months gone into JCS’ing. It’s just that the level is more to look at rather than play, which is not too good. Overall, I’m giving this a 7.1 not because it’s bad, but because it’s not very good yet.

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