Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

15 May 2008, 16:37 (edited 15 May 08, 19:54)
For: Castle (remix)
Level rating: 3

OK, so this is another attempt for me at reviewing music. Lets see how this goes.


There is hardly any noticable changes here in this music. I tested this song out in Winamp, ModPlug Tracker and of course JJ2.

When I played it in Winamp, it sounded completely different with some annoying squeaky noises in the background and the notes that are normally heard have changed to some kind of synthesiser sounds. It does still sound like the Castle music but it’s missing some of the other samples that can also be heard in the original.

However, when I tried out the music using ModPlug Tracker and JJ2 itself, I was shocked to notice that the music is EXACTLY the same as in the “Castle.j2b” music file. I could not hear the sounds I was hearing using Winamp.

Good attempt at trying to make a remix of the Castle music but unfortunately the differences are only noticable in Winamp, meaning that this is unusable in a level in JJ2.


I’ll give you a 3 for effort just because you managed to remix the music but the strange squeaking noises in the background were kind of annoying and also because you failed to get it working in ModPlug and JJ2.

SCORE: 3.0


I cannot recommend this for download because although this isn’t a bad remix, it just doesn’t work in JJ2 or ModPlug as I have mentioned before.


EDIT – Response to DAEMON: No problem =)

Review by LittleFreak

14 May 2008, 13:42 (edited 14 May 08, 13:48)
For: Paulanoulus
Level rating: 6

The tubelectric tileset again. Starts to get boring. While this level is less confusing than “Strange”, it still shows the author’s quite chaotic style. It’s more linear and has less useless stuff, though some things still made me wonder. For example, at one point, the light suddenly goes out for no reason, making you hop around in the dark for a while only for it to suddenly get bright again.

You still stomp some crates and kill stuff, and while the winding corridors remain, there’s a main path that will sooner or later lead the player to the exit. There are some crate and weapon puzzles, but overall the level wasn’t very hard. The problem is that the enemies just aren’t placed very well, they never surprise you or attack in a place they’re hard to get back at. The puzzles have been done before a lot and are easy to figure out. That makes the level pretty easy to beat and it doesn’t require a lot of effort to finish it in a few minutes.

Overall, the level is better than it’s predecessor, but it’s still nothing more than average. The eyecandy is bland and uninspired, the gameplay has a few ideas, though none of them are particularly new (freeze springs to get through, use weapon 9 to hit a bomb crate behind a wall and destroy a trigger crate with it,…). The level isn’t a challenge either, and beside the nonsensical and often pretty profane text strings, which are still there (see screenshot), has nothing that makes it stand out.

RecommendedQuick Review by Technopauluz

14 May 2008, 13:26
For: Instagib mini-pack
Level rating: 8

These are quite funny little levels with good gameplay and eyecandy and fun to host on a 2-4 player based game…

Review by Kubabuba

13 May 2008, 21:19
For: Strange
Level rating: 5.5

This level must be stupid, this is “strange” and logic :D I make textes for fun – my english is not good, I’m from Poland. Thank you for review and please you and other for commenting my second level – Paulanoulous. He is better (for me) and not strange how this :)

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

13 May 2008, 17:11 (edited 22 Feb 09, 12:45)
For: Pinball
Level rating: 5.7

The idea of a pinball table used in this level is pretty poorly executed and doesn’t really work effectively at all in the way this level is designed.

RecommendedQuick Review by Shrooblord

13 May 2008, 17:01 (edited 14 May 08, 16:10 by Violet CLM)
For: Pinball
Level rating: 5.7

Its a quite good lvl and the tileset, SPAZ18, my dear friend, IS in JJ2 anyway so… you have it standardly! There is, indeed no point that I see of, where I DO agree with SPAZ18. And yes, the carrot should be +1, ANYHOO, it is great besides of all that. Good because you have the music anyway, good because of the tileset, which you have anyway too, and good because its just…GOOD…


[Review changed to quick review. Only two points given: the level is good, people already have the tileset and music. This does not a review make. – Violet CLM]

Review by LittleFreak

13 May 2008, 15:43 (edited 13 May 08, 15:50)
For: Strange
Level rating: 5.5

“Strange” is probably the most fitting levelname I have read in a while. The level is exactly that, just plain weird. Though it’s at times strange in an entertaining way, that doesn’t take away from the fact that the level doesn’t make sense.

The layout is completely non-linear, you can go wherever you want through lots of corridors, hidden passages and warps where you don’t expect them. Each area contains something different. There are rapidly fast-moving spike balls, a water pit with fish in it, some rooms with warps that you seem to be trapped in, random platforms and an airboard that does absolutely nothing (you loose it if you fly up, and going down is faster falling than flying). The only thing that holds the level together are numerous text signs scattered throughout, that, for the most part, are absolute nonsense. You’ll read lines like “Door for toilet. It think only, there is a darkly place. It don’t drown in water.” or “My nose is prettiest than your.” Apart from the fact that no one on earth has a more well-formed and beautiful nose than I do, I’m really not quite sure if those text strings want to tell me anything or are just random junk. Probably some of both.

After exploring for a while and doing some random stuff I found the exit, which was, however, blocked off by two lines of trigger blocks. At least I finally found out what the four crates I trashed earlier did. So I went and, after searching through some more useless rooms with nothing significant in them, busted the other two, and finished the level.

Well, overall, the level feels like some kind of “Let’s fool around with the editor and write up some nonsense” approach was applied to it when it was designed. And while I found it rather amusing at times, that is not because the level is any good, but because it seems like it was purposefully made stupid.

Review by LittleFreak

13 May 2008, 11:45 (edited 13 May 08, 14:45)
For: Eclispes Castle
Level rating: 7

Argh, frustrating. oO This level is actually very short, but the playing time is increased significantly because you either die all the time or don’t know what to do.

It uses Blur’s Castle edit and doesn’t look too shabby, with a cool background and nice tileset use. What bugs me is that the level is very hard in a frustrating way. The paths are very narrow and filled with enemies, collapse scenery, spikes and more objects of torture. There are also many barriers that have to be broken either by finding trigger crates or the right weapon to shoot them with. Those keys are often hidden evilishly, and I found myself running (and dying) around a lot until I found one of the secret passages. At one point pretty early into the level there’s a text sign reading that you have to destroy the blocks in the order 4,5,6,0. I stood around puzzled for quite some time until I realized those numbers described the weapons I had to find and use (4=seekers, 5=RF, etc.). The endboss, which came earlier than expected, was a bolly with a few tufs in an arena that made me just stomp bolly repeatedly next to the respawning carrot instead of fighting “honestly” with my gun.

I like challenges, but this one is just too frustrating. And while it won’t take too long to beat it if you try, it’s still rather annoying being lost as what to do or killed all the time.

I had prefered a longer level that is less crowded with evil stuff, so the hard parts could alternate with some less bloodthirsty ones to give the player a break.

Download if you like.


Before I forget, the level is actually hidden from the home cooked list, so it requires you to go into JCS and edit it first. I don’t get why people are doing this all the time, why do you check options if you don’t even know what they do?

Review by Technopauluz

12 May 2008, 22:50 (edited 14 May 08, 13:28)
For: Ballistic Bullets
Level rating: 6

This can be funny to play with 2 or 3 people. Masking is not perfect but not frustrating to… Carrots are placed well.

The eyecandy is pretty standard and it could be looking much coowler ;)

A hint for u: convert the hook events into vine events, it make te game run smoother… ;)

The ricochet idea is nice here, it can be pretty fun if u hit someone with backbouncing weapons :P I used it in one of my battles to.

Download Recomendation?

Well why not host this if u are with only 2 or 3 people in a game? I let it in the middle and give it a yes and a 6.0 round.

Succes making new battles!

RecommendedReview by Technopauluz

12 May 2008, 22:05 (edited 13 May 08, 14:45 by cooba)
For: Hall of Legends
Level rating: 8.5


I have seen some nice levels from PJ on the servers when i did played online, so i decided to download this level and i was surprised about this very good level!
No review jet? This is sure worth one!
So here we Go :)

Eye candy:

This level had LOTs of eyecandy and it is placed all very well :D The tile set is used more than optimal and I just have learned a new layer trick that u did use in layer 6 to make the background more darker… Thx :)
Something about the layers:

Layer 4 is filled maximum with nice tiles and layer 3 & 5 are good helpers.
Layer 6… that one translucent black tile can make that difference ++ for this :D
Layer 7 and 8 are also custom made and look very good toogether with layer 6.
Layer 1 & 2 are used to set the points on the I ;)

I didn’t see any animation tiles from the tile set (It hasn’t got them) Some gems (rings) and stuff make it even more beautiful.


I noticed that i still can learn of this layer skills. 9.5 + 0.5 Bonus All eye candy to the max 10/10 for this one!


Than something about the layout…

The size of the level is medium its not a only platforms level (that’s good) and i think its most fun to play with 3-12 players.
Nothing bad to say about the masking though in the editor it looks good and when i am testing this i didn’t became stuck :)


Its good no more and surely no less, 8/10

Game play:

I think the game play of this level is also very good, navigation is good to do the eye candy doesn’t hinder and warps and tubes are lighted up or pointed with arrows goodies are not very hard to find and that’s good in a battle. I greatly liked the stomp en jump super high trick! Maybe its an old trick but i didn’t saw this before :o Tnx again :) ++ for this!
The balance with Jazz and Spaz is good Spaz could double jump at the pits and platforms and has always some advantage with the power ups. But Jazz can use his copter ears to avoid falling in the pit and air attack from above the platforms. Lori has some disadvantage with the copters but 1.23 players don’t care about that huh ;).
O yes… the pits that’s always some thing to be carefully with to place it well… Good Job! They are good to avoid not to big not to small and you don’t just falling in them without a reason.

Moving in this level is no problemo also and the events are working properly.


A good working game play for me 8 + 0.5 (jump trick) + 0.2 (pits good) A 8.7/10!

Placement of Events:

*Power ups:
Spread ed out very well, Good placed, Good power ups for that lvl they only regenerate slow.
Seekers, Toasters, Bouncers, 2Way Missiles are good. The ice is meaned for strategic use by pits huh? But i never seen use someone that successfully… I really don’t like pepper spray it is only nasty when u want to switch a weapon and that trash is hindering u >:( The same with ice… Its just what u like the most… The placement is good and amount of ammo is quite enough for about 8 players…
They are spread ed out well, placed good, 2 carrots in this lvl is good, and the regeneration is …. good!
*Text Strings:
Some disappear and some don’t and its done right :)
No food detected we must do it with the carrots here, it don’t lower my eye candy rating though.
They are well done…
*Sugar Tubes:
Just one but a good placed one with a good flow.
*Starting Positions:
I did detect 4 and they are good placed.
One, good placed good findable
2 Nice placed copters with good regeneration


All very good I have seen some MCE tricks to, only a flow is the very big arsenal weapons you get with ice & peperspray… a good 7.5/10 for this!


This isn’t a very common tile set like castle or so :P but what is found so special is the not standard use of tiles… Example: the layer 8 background is nice used in layer 8 and that kind of things. The game play is pretty common except the water/frost jump. And the use age of some MCE’s. Necro’s music is an excellent choice, it fits very good by this level!




A very nice level to see and to play i just see that this has cost some spare time and creativity to make, that’s the reason that i reviewed this one good and spend some time to write this. To bad you stop making this kind of battles because this is quality above quantity.

3.2 of 3 for Eye candy
0.8 of 1 for Layout
1.8 of 2 for Game play
1.6 of 2 for Placement of Events
1.5 of 2 for Originality
I give it a 8.9 rounded up to a 9!

Download Recommendation: YES!

[Rating changed to 8.9 ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by SPAZ18

12 May 2008, 19:21
For: Eclispes Castle
Level rating: 7

A nice decent Single Player level. Backgrounds look great and I love the lightning effect.
There are some nice puzzles where you have to find Trigger Crates and also get certain ammo to proceed.
Some players might find mazes a bit annoying but all in all, a decent level.
Boss arena was not too hard as there were plenty of carrots.

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

12 May 2008, 18:18 (edited 12 May 09, 19:27)
For: Mario World tileset
Level rating: 7.2

Ok let’s get one review in the Oven!

What this is
This is basically a conversion of a mario game. It does contain a lot of things, but not everything is perfect.

Well not bad here. There are lots of things from switch, to mario, to spikes, to turtles and of course, pipes. There are some things missing like exit signs, hooks, belts and a textured background. The background that you do get is pretty cool as well. There are some cool destruct blocks that are made to look like mario blocks. Overall, good work on the blocks. I just wish a little more was added.
Animations where good. There are quite a couple of them, most of them being mario and luigi sprites. There is those weird musical blocks and switches as well. i would have like a little more though like those flashing yellow-gold blocks and rotating question marks. Good animations.
Well I have to say, the masking is very buggy. Everything should be a straight line and there are little pixles of mask floating in the air. The mask is average, but very buggy.
Color’s look good for the most part, look good. Some tiles like the musical blocks look kinda bad though and look like they have been through color reduction. Color’s are pretty good, but not perfect.
Pallet Events
You know, I don’t think the author even knows what they are because nothing is leading into the pallet of the image when loaded into Pallet Suite. I’ll be nice and won’t rate that part.
It’s not great, but still good. I would have like some castle tiles and underground tiles to go with this tileset as you are limited to what you can make.

Final Score: 32/50
Score: 7
Rank: B
DR? while this tileset does have flaws, it’s very usable. I say go ahead and download. It’s pretty good.

Review by Mmadguy

12 May 2008, 14:03
For: Need For Bowser 3:Most Wanted
Level rating: 7.6

I didn’t know how u did the ‘if you fall in lava you will die trick’ but it was pretty good! Always wanted to do that!

But dunno how.

Not recommendedReview by LittleFreak

12 May 2008, 13:29 (edited 12 May 08, 19:12)
For: In Space Challenge
Level rating: 4

This level is rather short and set in Disguise’ Spacey tileset. While there aren’t any horrible mistakes, it still needs some major work. The main problems are as follows:

-very small size
-not a challenge at all, despite the name
-lack of eyecandy
-no good ideas

Basically the whole level consists of a small box with a few corridors and warps, some enemies to kill and stuff to collect. The items aren’t really worth collecting, there is neither enough ammo to have some fun, nor food to get a sugar rush and kick some butt. At one point I got almost stuck after warping into a pit, just barely being able to get out again (I was playing Lori). I believe I found the exit after a minute and thirty seconds or so, and while I might have missed a few goodies, I don’t think I ran past anything significant.

There’s a variety of enemies, but placed without much thought. They’re quiet easy to kill, and while there are some appendages of maze-like elements, these don’t really provide a challenge either. Making the level longer and placing enemies more strategically in order to give them an advantage against the rabbit would help out here.

Eyecandy isn’t that good. While I spotted no tilebugs, the tileset just isn’t used to it’s full potential. Mostly, the tiles are just used rather randomly to create the paths and walls, hardly anything else is added to make the level look better. While I admit that there’s a background layer, it seems to consist of random tiles aswell and doesn’t add too much.

Overall, “In Space Challenge” is a very simplistic and short level with nothing to make the player want to go back and play it again. The author shows that he knows how to use the editor, but lacks the spirit to spend some real time and effort into creating a fun, challenging and rewarding experience.

[Screenshot verified. ~cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by OM2004

10 May 2008, 23:16
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Great levels! I’m so jealous of your talent but I know you put alot of work and time into it, so by far you deserve all the glory you get. Keep it up!

Quick Review by plunK

10 May 2008, 21:19 (edited 11 May 08, 05:22 by Violet CLM)
For: JJ2 add-on for mIRC v4
Level rating: 8.2

Really Great Work. This works very well and is effective, except for the fact IT CONTAINS A VIRUS!!!!!!!!!!!

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Violet CLM]

RecommendedQuick Review by n00b

10 May 2008, 18:04
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

The weakest in the series. Episode 4 is much easier than the others, and keeps its gameplay mostly tame and generic. The story and little touches in levels stemmed from it is what propels this ep into stardom. The most fresh level is the first one, which is brilliant but made frustrating by a few engine quirks. However, overall still a must play

RecommendedQuick Review by Odin314

10 May 2008, 01:04
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Bar-none, simply one of the best single-player campaigns I’ve played from any game ever.

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

9 May 2008, 18:41 (edited 14 May 09, 03:02)
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

Time to review the pack that inspired me to make levels!

Let’s go.

Now this could be a simple boring plot of Devan is taking over the world thing. This is however, different. Basically it’s been years since Jazz defeated Devan Shell. his henchmen have invaded the small Colony of Deserto. You are a civilian who is living in the other side of the town. You decide to jump the barricade to find out what has happened. From there, it is your mission to rid Deserto of Devan’s forces. This may sound simple, but there are tons of plot twist along the way. The story is compelling and is one of my favorits!
Wow. Just wow. Deserto isn’t really rich in eyecandey, but Mike proofed T was an idiot. the tilebug number is 0. Everything fits. If that’s not enough, the backgrounds look great. Foregrounds aren’t used much but that didn’t really bug me. The little details are incredible. The way the sand looks is great and a lot of stuff really looks natural. The weird planet you visit looks really cool and so does the temple. Overall, Great work! I loved the eyecandey and even by today’s standards, it still holds up great!
Now here is something refreshing and new. Unlike a lot of episodes where you just run and shoot, you actually have to think. A lot of puzzles are very hard to figure out and some of the secrets really break your neck. All the levels are very nice and long making it so it’s lasts a while. The secrets really boost the replay value. Most of the levels are open ended and feel very wide, even when there is only one place to go. Lots of cool little things are done like pits that kill you if you fall in. (Until I played this episode, I didn’t know you could do that)Some things like the disappearing platforms in the Temple level are annoying to death but that doesn’t really hurt the rating. the levels are very hard, even on easy which means you ARE going to die. At times I felt like this is what the jazz 2 campaign should have been like. The music is well choicen and so are the bosses, being one of the few packs to use rocket turtle. Overall, the gameplay sucks you in and never lets you go. you are compelled to keep playing, just to find out what happens and to just keep having fun.
Enemy Placement
While at times the enemy placement can be evil, there well choicen and the placement is great. They are put is strategic locations and there are lots of them. This was one of the few campaigns to give me a continue screen. Sometimes the enemies are evil and are hidden, but that hardly matters as it means you can’t rush through. You have to think and be careful of where you step. Great Enemy placement!
Pickup Placement
Great AGAIN. Ammo can be a little scarce at times, but the placement is great as it means you can’t weapon spam and it makes you think at times, where and when am I going to use my ammo. Coins are hidden well adding to the replay and the food was great too, only giving you a sugar rush every3 levels or so. The gem thing was a nice touch but some of them you have to be suicidal to get. There are few powerups and they are hard to find and get to. Great placement!

Final Score:50/50
Score: 10
Rank: S
DR? this is easily one of the best packs on J2o and you would have to be an idiot with AIDS not to download right now! Play, and never regret it.

RecommendedQuick Review by Slaz

9 May 2008, 06:58 (edited 9 May 08, 06:59)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Simply put, this is one of the best single player packs ever released, and Mike’s best one so far. I’m in fact, still a huge fan of Jazz2 SP and I kind of dislike crate puzzles that have been overused in it. This pack has got some other puzzle/search twists I really like. Nothing = perfect, but just like Blade, Mike deserves my 10 for hard work!

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