Simply put, this is one of the best single player packs ever released, and Mike’s best one so far. I’m in fact, still a huge fan of Jazz2 SP and I kind of dislike crate puzzles that have been overused in it. This pack has got some other puzzle/search twists I really like. Nothing = perfect, but just like Blade, Mike deserves my 10 for hard work!
Great level pack, although I was disappointed to be honest. I liked the others better. I had a lot of fun playing through this pack, and although it was slightly challenging (I played through on medium) it was way too easy overall. Not what I’ve come to expect from the other episodes, in other words.
Hi all
Thats !!!! AWESOME !!!!
i think i will not finish this in 1 week !!
Review rating : 9.999999
(Edited. Just… edited. ~Violet)
I cant talk becouse I dont know what words to say.You just made the Best level ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Not like me I cant do a good level ;(
Mike delivers another amazing level pack here. My only complaint is that the jungle level did not contain enough of a story to keep be interested. And those green bats are too hard to spot!
Ep3 was a dissapointment for me but this is totally awesome!
I like this episodes, but I must said, that this pack it not good as another.
First, in levels there are more poverty: smaller levels (whare are gigantic tempels, colossal ships?), and schematic maps. Example: beging was cool, because there were nice ideas like catching floating lizards, swiming in underwater river… but rest was boring. Enemies, dialogues, enemies. Well, I think that author should make more surrealistic scenery in Haunted mine. I was realy intrestet and fun about that. Also little scared – but there was enemies. Bad idea. I think, there should be one big labirytnh with traps, but NO ENEMIES!! I hate schemas.
Storyline was in average level. It was no bad – becasue this is only part of well-made 3 episodes. But he use something (that i love), things from game (Eva’s ring), not from thousands imagined artifacts and thing. It realy makes attractiv. So, try to use items from game! I love this ecletic style.
And tilesets… there was some orginal choice like carrotus with this beaiful sky. But this “bricks” were boirng. Plus jungle between ths two. Crazy idea :).
To sum up all, this pack is (sorry)not well as other parts. But it’s better than other in J2O. I hope, part nr 5 will be: collosal, orginal (like rest) with nice intro. :)
You are improving. Good to see you are attempting to put a background in Layer 7, however it looks weird floating in the air. Try looking at other levels to see how the backgrounds are done. Look at the Layer properties to see what kind of X or Y Speeds you should try.
If I really tried I could beat it on normal difficulty without losing health. Everything is so logically placed I only lost health or died because I either did something stupid, or didn’t consider what might be ahead. Not to say it’s by any means easy, not even close.
Great job Mike, you left me wanting more. Release episode 5 soon!
Another great installment in the Devres series. I was hoping for it to be a little longer though. Nonetheless, download reccommendation all the way!
Hey SPAZ18 it’s a great level,with good eyecandy.I hope do some like you late but i need to work hard.Download recomended
[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]
I am a long fan of your ongoing series Evilmike. I downloaded and played the first episode and it was one of the best packs I’ve ever played. Then came episode two which contained the most original ideas I’ve ever seen in a levelpack. It certainly surpassed the first. It was followed by episode three which was on the same quality level as the second one. And now for the fourth one of which I think is a little less great than your first three episodes.
The story continues from episode two: (Episode three didn’t add much to the storyline). Devan Shell is back with all of his old armies and new ones thanks to the artifact found in the castle on Deserto. You landed on Carrotus after your planet Deserto was destroyed and now you’ve been in prison for the last few months. This episode also don’t add too much to the storyline but it does rise up some questions wich will probably be answered in episode five. Still though the story is one of the best ever in Jazz 2.
Most of the game the eyecandy was very good. My favourite was just in the first level which contained a beautiful broken wall background. I didn’t like the town level though. The mountain background was kinda ugly and the houses didn’t fit with the style of Jazz 2. The rest was pretty basic. But I did like the forest path. The greenish felt just like a real forest. Good job!
This is where I have a few complaints. The first level was very good and original. This was mainly because of the brilliant puzzle in this one which is the best puzzle Evilmike ever thought of. But after that the levels become pretty standard. Don’t get me wrong because it plays really smooth and addicting again. But the previous episodes contained unique traps which were sometimes very hard to avoid. When you finally passed them you thought you had to play further because you had to know what the next puzzle/trap would be. I didn’t get that feeling here. The overall difficulty of the pack was easier because there were less dangerous traps. The difficulty still was pretty high however due to the great enemy placement. They weren’t just put randomly across the level, they were tactically placed and you have to think of your next step before you go. But there are still some unavoidable enemies and blind falls. The levels also feel very open and big. Although the pack is lineair, you sometimes have the choice of two or more paths to go. I liked that. I also never got frustated and I never cheated but there was one exception: the forest path. If I remembered correctly, there were no checkpoints in this level and the level was to big too save. Then one more thing: I like a few big levels better than many shorter ones. Like the SWS Fencer and Terrapin for example from Episode three. And as a final word here: I would like to see a more memorable ending in episode five. The first had the Rocket turtle chase, The second had the fight against Devan (and in one ending the exploding orbital base) and the third one had the epic and puzzle filled SWS Terrapin. Episode four dissapointed me a bit when I finished the last level.
Story: 9 out of 10
Eyecandy: 8.5 out of 10
Gameplay: 7.5 out of 10
Episode four is pretty good and plays very smoothly but it isn’t as epic as Episodes two and three and it is also less original in terms of puzzles and traps. The eyecandy was great at the beginning but became standard as you progressed.
Work on these critics Evilmike and we’ll all wait on the final episode in the series. (which is hopefully not the last episode Evilmike will ever make)
LOL!Cool!not bad!!!
Good job!Exellent!!!
This must of been some realy
BIG |||HARD work!!!
xD Bravo!
[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Violet CLM]
First: The level uses the TOP3 tileset.
Second: A top3 tileset can therefore be played in 1.23
Third: it’s a level all about bashing some user. (There may have been some significance in the J2O community back in 2001)
The author has a good grasp of JCS, I’ll give him that- but entertaining?… No.
EvilMike takes us with storm as he puts his talents into yet another episode, following up on his thrilling story in the battle against the villainous Devan Shell. Not only does EvilMike master the way of making great levels, he also reuses traditional tilesets such as Carrotus and uses the set in completely new ways.
Once you have rushed your way through the levels to get the new story, there is still plenty of replay value as EvilMike doesn’t just build his levels from left to right but makes lots of sideways and secrets to explore for extra points. There are even “secrets” to find through the means of cheating, as the creator has a fine track of what weaponry is accessible at what time.
This download is one of a kind, one to play by anyone that would claim to be a Jazz Jackrabbit 2 fan.
here’s an asflkjagaslkjlkgsa, because i am speechless. this is really awesome.
Alright. Even though I have to agree that this isn’t the strongest Pack in the series, it’s still a must play.
As always, the story is enjoyable. Even though there isn’t as many plot twists, the story is still enjoyable and the telling of it is still top notch. I’m going to go into detail on the last episodes. Go play those if you want to know. In this one, you play the Deserto resident, battling your way through carrotus to find Devan. there are a couple of things that are left hanging but I’ll let you find them out.
Not your best work. When you first begin, the castle level looks great! It felt really creepy. The carrotus levels are a lot more basic, but that’s not saying there isn’t much use of eyecandey. lots of layer 3 is used and the backgrounds look good. the city levels are pretty basic and not much is given. I loved the mine level was well as the theme was great, really looking creepy. Won’t comment of the next level because that’s a plot twist. Forest path is probably my favorite level in terms of eyecandey. everything looks natural and the green scenery looks great. Good use of the layers is also present. The city level’s don’t ok great, but still pass. Overall, good eyecandey, I just with the carrotus and city levels looked a little better.
Once again great. Level one was great and had a cool puzzle involving a floating lizard. The lake levels are a lot more basic, having only a few puzzles. The first city level was also basic in gameplay and not much was given. It was still enjoyable though. The mine level was very confusing and open ended. I only found the end by running around in circles. when you get to forest path, the gameplay spikes greatly. This level is heavily puzzle biased and you are going to die. there is this one puzzle that I couldn’t figure out but it was at the end of the level so It won’t affect anything. The city levels are basically just boss and plot levels. the length is fairly good on this one but doesn’t have as much replay as the first 3 episodes. Difficulty is kept down by quite a bit and I was hoping for Episode 3 difficulty. the puzzles are also a lot more basic but that doesn’t mean there not enjoyable. Overall, good gameplay, i was just expecting a little from like Episode 3.
Enemy Placement
Great. Enemies are put is good locations and there is enough o kill you. The forest level is bad with this because the bats are green and they blend in with the background. The bosses are well choicen but there aren’t as many and they aren’t as hard. Still good job!
Pickup Placement
The pickups are almost perfect. Carrots are fine in most levels and there is enough to survive. Food is in good hands you won’t keep getting sugar rushes. Ammo is good as well and it’s well choicen, making you need to think sometimes on how to use your ammo. The gems are good as well as they add both eyecandy and gameplay. One ups aren’t that common which is good. Save points are also good except in forest path. overall, I think the placement is great and is definitely up to mikes standards.
Final Score:45/50
Score: 9
Rank: A
DR? Even though this mikes weakest pack, that still doesn’t mean you have to avoid it. Play this right away as it is still a fun pack to play.
This has got to the BEST Single Player pack of 2008 to be released so far. All the levels have fantastic eyecandy. There are tilebugs in the Forest Path level but that’s the tileset’s fault and not Evilmike himself.
All the puzzles are fantastic!
I decided to round the rating up to a 10 because this is what it deserves! =D
1. This level is TSF only and not 1.23 as it crashed JCS when I opened it.
2. You didn’t include the tileset used for the level. Fortunately, I had it in my folder already but you should really include it in case someone doesn’t have the tileset when they download the level.
3. There is no End Level event to finish the level. I can’t understand the point of this level. I think you’re supposed to collect as much pickups as possible in order to score points. However, this is too easy to do as the items re-generate after about 5 seconds.
4. The Coins do not have a use. These should only be used for things like Bonus Warps.
5. It is very hard to die as the Spike Hole at the bottom only takes away 1 Heart and the Full NRG Carrot is not that far away as you can regain Full Health very quickly.
The Carrot should’ve been a “+1 Carrot” instead and have a short delay (say 15-20) to prevent players regaining health too easily.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.