RecommendedQuick Review by Eigus

30 Apr 2008, 18:28
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

here’s an asflkjagaslkjlkgsa, because i am speechless. this is really awesome.

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

30 Apr 2008, 17:39 (edited 15 May 09, 00:20)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Alright. Even though I have to agree that this isn’t the strongest Pack in the series, it’s still a must play.

As always, the story is enjoyable. Even though there isn’t as many plot twists, the story is still enjoyable and the telling of it is still top notch. I’m going to go into detail on the last episodes. Go play those if you want to know. In this one, you play the Deserto resident, battling your way through carrotus to find Devan. there are a couple of things that are left hanging but I’ll let you find them out.

Not your best work. When you first begin, the castle level looks great! It felt really creepy. The carrotus levels are a lot more basic, but that’s not saying there isn’t much use of eyecandey. lots of layer 3 is used and the backgrounds look good. the city levels are pretty basic and not much is given. I loved the mine level was well as the theme was great, really looking creepy. Won’t comment of the next level because that’s a plot twist. Forest path is probably my favorite level in terms of eyecandey. everything looks natural and the green scenery looks great. Good use of the layers is also present. The city level’s don’t ok great, but still pass. Overall, good eyecandey, I just with the carrotus and city levels looked a little better.
Once again great. Level one was great and had a cool puzzle involving a floating lizard. The lake levels are a lot more basic, having only a few puzzles. The first city level was also basic in gameplay and not much was given. It was still enjoyable though. The mine level was very confusing and open ended. I only found the end by running around in circles. when you get to forest path, the gameplay spikes greatly. This level is heavily puzzle biased and you are going to die. there is this one puzzle that I couldn’t figure out but it was at the end of the level so It won’t affect anything. The city levels are basically just boss and plot levels. the length is fairly good on this one but doesn’t have as much replay as the first 3 episodes. Difficulty is kept down by quite a bit and I was hoping for Episode 3 difficulty. the puzzles are also a lot more basic but that doesn’t mean there not enjoyable. Overall, good gameplay, i was just expecting a little from like Episode 3.
Enemy Placement
Great. Enemies are put is good locations and there is enough o kill you. The forest level is bad with this because the bats are green and they blend in with the background. The bosses are well choicen but there aren’t as many and they aren’t as hard. Still good job!
Pickup Placement
The pickups are almost perfect. Carrots are fine in most levels and there is enough to survive. Food is in good hands you won’t keep getting sugar rushes. Ammo is good as well and it’s well choicen, making you need to think sometimes on how to use your ammo. The gems are good as well as they add both eyecandy and gameplay. One ups aren’t that common which is good. Save points are also good except in forest path. overall, I think the placement is great and is definitely up to mikes standards.

Final Score:45/50
Score: 9
Rank: A
DR? Even though this mikes weakest pack, that still doesn’t mean you have to avoid it. Play this right away as it is still a fun pack to play.

RecommendedQuick Review by SPAZ18

30 Apr 2008, 17:16 (edited 30 Apr 08, 18:42)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

This has got to the BEST Single Player pack of 2008 to be released so far. All the levels have fantastic eyecandy. There are tilebugs in the Forest Path level but that’s the tileset’s fault and not Evilmike himself.
All the puzzles are fantastic!
I decided to round the rating up to a 10 because this is what it deserves! =D

Review by SPAZ18

30 Apr 2008, 17:01 (edited 30 Apr 08, 17:03)
For: Pinball
Level rating: 5.7

1. This level is TSF only and not 1.23 as it crashed JCS when I opened it.

2. You didn’t include the tileset used for the level. Fortunately, I had it in my folder already but you should really include it in case someone doesn’t have the tileset when they download the level.

3. There is no End Level event to finish the level. I can’t understand the point of this level. I think you’re supposed to collect as much pickups as possible in order to score points. However, this is too easy to do as the items re-generate after about 5 seconds.

4. The Coins do not have a use. These should only be used for things like Bonus Warps.

5. It is very hard to die as the Spike Hole at the bottom only takes away 1 Heart and the Full NRG Carrot is not that far away as you can regain Full Health very quickly.
The Carrot should’ve been a “+1 Carrot” instead and have a short delay (say 15-20) to prevent players regaining health too easily.

RecommendedReview by Puffie40

30 Apr 2008, 16:27 (edited 13 Nov 08, 17:50)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Another great episode from Evilmike

Evilmike does a good job with setting the stage for the plot, adding a twist so good I did not want the episode to end.

Level design is well thought out. You do some backtracking, but the tilesets and the storyline makes it like its all in a day’s work for the player, a atmosphere not seen very often even in other games.

My favorite level is the forest path. It is generally non-linear, with great music and eyecandy.

Recommended? Why would you question it? You got my brother, a passive JJ2 fan, interested in the series since episode 1. The episodes have already influenced several single-player levels (Mine included), and finally these episodes are a quality not many people can match.

In other words: YOU MUST PLAY THIS!

RecommendedReview by Technopauluz

30 Apr 2008, 14:22 (edited 30 Apr 08, 14:59)
For: Episode Four: The Resistance
Level rating: 9.3

Wow this level a way cool!

I did play it on hard and did die some times :P every lvl i was happy that i survived with one heart left :O
The first lvl with the lizards that must follow u can be frustrating bequase if they go of the screen above u they’re always disappear. It almost did me cheat on that piece :P

Its al so good!

The eyecandy rox in every level! Al the layers are used very good i am sure u spend a lot of time in this thing!

The gameplay especialy is great, there are well hidden secrets tons of enemy’s speaded out very well in the jungle and dark levels especialy it is a great challenge to kill them without getting hurt. Foot is spreaded out very well not to much. And you did test your game very well i didn’t become stuck even once! :D

And one thing to say Hard Mode really is hard ;) If you run though it youre sure fast gonna die!

Yes on some levels u cant save but thats Jazz2’s problem not yours…

Maybe its a short review but i can say that this is the best single player level pack i’ve ever played!

Download Recommendation? NO! if ur hate great levels or ure blind. otherwise download now! and gonna be a crazy killer!

Edit: LOL i didn’t download the music :(
And the music is great to!! That makes a 10+!

Haha “ur clever one ill make it easyer for u” 1930 sec water shield (or more ):P

Review by Spaz WPK XS

27 Apr 2008, 18:50
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

I can make the same in five minutes :D

Review by BlA5tFiRe

26 Apr 2008, 22:13
For: Crystal Cascade
Level rating: 3.9

thank you for the review I’ll take that in to consideration on the next level I make.

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

26 Apr 2008, 19:28 (edited 26 Apr 08, 19:29)
For: Crystal Cascade
Level rating: 3.9

It’s been a while since I wrote a proper review, so here goes.


The eyecandy here is too much. There are some very annoying fast flashing Crystals in the background and some flashing stars in the foreground.
There is some good use of the lightning events but as PJ says the eyecandy is too much “in your face” as it is very distracting and you might get a headache if you look at it too long.



The level is big but far too open. Because of the very distracting eyecandy and the off putting ambient sound events used here it makes it very hard to play a decent CTF match here.



There are Power-ups which can be found easily and can be kicked to instantly gain 50 ammo. Even if you don’t kick them there are still HUGE clusters of ammo spread out through the entire level making it easy to gain 50 ammo on all weapons.
There is one Full NRG Carrot hidden amongst all the Pepper Spray and “500” Pinball Bumbers but it would be hard to notice due to the very distracting eyecandy.
Placement is OK but the amount of ammo pickups is too much.


OVERALL MARK = 13 / 3 = 4.3333333333333333333333333333333
Rounded to 4.3


BlA5tFiRe has put a lot of effort in this level, but the eyecandy here is too much and can get very distracting.
So, I can’t recommend downloading this unless you like a lot of flashing.

Not recommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

26 Apr 2008, 15:07 (edited 19 Feb 09, 10:03)
For: Crystal Cascade
Level rating: 3.9

The fact that the eyecandy feels so “in your face” because it is very overdone, and some of the animations and sound effects were annoying enough to distract you from the gameplay, means that this level was just not fun.
The layout is also extremely open, encouraging mindless weapon spam.

If you like chaos, download this, else don’t bother.

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

26 Apr 2008, 07:43
For: Submerged Caverns
Level rating: 7.8

Nothing particually outstanding, but still a decent battle level that’s worth downloading and hosting a couple of times.

Review by Wolfiend

26 Apr 2008, 07:24
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

Invasion of Deserto…
I remember for it, its the greatest sp series ever made! It have a really amazing built and holds a lot of stuff what other level makers could learn a lot from it. I remember that I learned a tons of tricks from it like pits, wall spikes, and of course the Rocket Turtle. I really recommend for everyone because you can learn from it so much! It is really one of the best series that ever made!

Quick Review by Wolfiend

25 Apr 2008, 13:45 (edited 25 Apr 08, 13:46)
For: Green Hills, Green Chills
Level rating: 7.1

It was a little simple level for me and it didn’t hold much action for me. Didn’t holds secret areas, extra eyecandy like non moving totems flowers on layer 3 and it holds not much pickups what make it a little boring. It spouse to be Sonic like, but it was more have a feeling of an enemy less just another jj2 level feeling.

RecommendedQuick Review by cooba

25 Apr 2008, 11:29
For: Submerged Caverns
Level rating: 7.8

Good level? Definitely. 8.5? Not really.

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

25 Apr 2008, 00:25 (edited 25 Apr 08, 11:28 by cooba)
For: Submerged Caverns
Level rating: 7.8

Nice! I like the water idea. Good ammo placement. Good eyecandey. Powerups are to easy to get to. Good level. Download Recomeneded.

[Review changed to quick review. – cooba]

Review by cooba

23 Apr 2008, 20:16 (edited 23 Apr 08, 20:17)
For: Emerald Forest CTF
Level rating: 7.5

“Those of you who think the music does not fit” are usually right and you should listen to people’s advice rather than point them the door out.

RecommendedReview by Puffie40

19 Apr 2008, 13:26 (edited 19 Apr 08, 13:29)
For: Emerald Forest CTF
Level rating: 7.5

While I am not a heavy CTF player, I believe these are pretty good levels.

Emerald Forest gives you two versions of the same level: Evening and night. I will talk about them both in general.

The layout is symmetrical for both bases (Some might like this point in a CTF game – Others may not), with a central “Gateway” between the two. The level is easy to navigate. Once I got used to the level , I never felt lost.

Eyecandy is good, with lots of places for the eye to wander. The rain is a nice touch, and it add atmosphere to the level.

I think birdie is somewhat right about the music selection for one level. The first Emerald Forest (aws_Cave.xm) made the first level very enjoyable and completed the atmosphere of the level, which was at night. The evening level (mikko56.s3m) Seemed to lack the atmosphere, and not fit the mood created in the first level.

Overall, I liked the level, and think this would make a decent CTF for any server. Recommended.

Review by Jimbob

19 Apr 2008, 00:44 (edited 20 Apr 08, 20:46)
For: Blowing Circuts
Level rating: 5.6

Note: This review may be rendered “obsolete” because of the time Puffie40 posted this level on J2O (in 2004).

Well, I promised Puffie40 a review for one of his levels in the Review Exchange thread, so here is my first normal review in a long time (and my second one in general.) I couldn’t get to download Ballistic Bullets (one which I wanted to review more than this level)
because -it said “No file found.”-* Sigh…
Anyways, on with the review:
Eyecandy: 1.5/3
This level has almost no eyecandy in some areas, which is kind of bad. Other areas have some eyecandy, which isn’t all that great imo, but it’s still nice.
Gameplay: 2/4
I think it’s a little bit annoying to get around, but that’s typical when you’re new to making levels like this. Some places in this level feel like this is part of a single player level. The layout seems a bit random, and in some places is really hard to get up with Jazz or Spaz. Try to be a bit more creative with the layout.
Ammo/Goodies Placement: 1.4/2
There isn’t really that much ammo, but on the other hand where there is ammo, it’s pretty nice. ;)
Originality: 0.6/1
The way you had the ammo + cake with the carrot is pretty original. Also, when you had the food with the other ammo that was pretty cool, but I recommend not having food in your MP levels because it gives the player a sugar rush which can be quite annoying to others.
—Your second level. +0.4 for that.
—You used the original Letni music. — 0.1
—Level feels more like a Single Player level in some places. — 0.2
1.5 + 2 + 1.4 + 0.6 + 0.4 — 0.1 — 0.2 =
(3.5) + (2.0) + 0.4 — 0.1 — 0.2 =
(5.9) — 0.3 = 5.6
Rating: 5.6
Overall, this isn’t really that good of a level, but it’s very good for your second battle level. High five!

Download Recommendation: N/A (must be 7.5+ for Yes)

**EDIT: Puffie managed to get Ballistic Bullets working again. Yay!

Review by Puffie40

18 Apr 2008, 05:44 (edited 18 Apr 08, 05:46)
For: Commander Keen Level 1
Level rating: 4

meh, It’s fairly short, although accurate level.

At first, I didn’t think Industrius would have been a good music for the level, but upon playing it, I thought it was a reasonably nice choice.

Crossovers can be too accurate though, and it shows in this level. The goodies are just keen candy tiles with the jazz “Consumables” over it (Powerups for books, fast fire for the raygun, Coconuts? for the lollipops)

Warping the player back to the start is a nice move (I expected hurt tiles), but it is not a big enough deterrent from keeping the player from touching the stuff. I think using the “SP CTF Death trick” would work nicely here and add more accuracy to the level, in forcing the player to restart.

There are no enemies, and I think this hurt the level a little, which origionally was full of yorps. Just using regular JJ2 enemies in good spots would make the level a bit more entertaining that just being a obstacle course.

Masking could have been done a little differently, but this is only some mild issues so I can’t complain. (The masking around the exit was cool) As for eyecandy, Commander Keen had no multi-layer EC, and it is the same here.

Overall, I feel this level needs some polishing. I would remove the Keen1 goodies from the background completely, and just use the JJ2 equivalent (Coconuts? why coconuts? Why not the wrapped mints?).

Download recommendation? The jury’s still out on that. I believe small levels like these are better “Sold” in level packs, as the levels don’t provide much entertainment value on their own. If you want to give it a try, Go ahead…

Review by Nonomu198

17 Apr 2008, 21:11 (edited 20 Apr 08, 17:06 by Violet CLM)
For: Tenth Anniversary Present to Community
Level rating: N/A

Ur doing it wrong.

Didn’t even spell Antarctica right. Best CTF Party Good Luck was at least fun… this is… the pits.

hi where did the quick reveiw button go o.o

(Admin note: It’s not his tileset, so the spelling isn’t his fault.)

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