Really fantastic use of one of my favourite tilesets!
Also, pretty fun layout, particularly a fan of the right-hand side.
Definitely suited for higher numbers of players.
+ Visually decent in the night version
+ Good selection of weapons and powerups
- Fairly quirky flow, hard to move in smoothly
- The vines at the top of the level are mostly on the way, rather than adding more gameplay depth
- The buffer tubes and spawn positions are quite evil, it takes a long time to attack the enemy base after dying
- The lower levels feel too cramped and it’s easy to hit the ceiling while moving
- Some things are a bit unintuitive, such as the floor below the bases which is not one way
/ Seems to be playable in 2v2 and 3v3, but 3v3 might get a bit cramped
/ The day version might be a bit harsh to the eye, the night version works better
From contest feedback:
+ Fairly original and inspiring level theme
+ Original choice of weapons
+ Generally solid layout with lots of potential if some improvements were made
- The big white blinking clock in the middle of the level is quite harsh to the eye, even if visually original, it could be less distractive
- Some things like the vines blend too much with the level primary colors, makes them hard to see
- Powered up roller weapon seems a bit overpowered in this map, it’s flying around literally everywhere
- The tiles could be used better in the sprite layer, looks a bit dull visually
/ Playable only in 3v3 apparently
From contest feedback:
+ Inspiring level theme and impressive visuals
+ Uncommon and interesting powerup choices, balanced pickups in general
+ The movable carrot gives more room for strategic play around it
- The flow is rather quirky and hard to get used to, lots of climbing on the sides of the level
- Some areas require very precise movement like the middle with blue spring and flipper pads
- The top of the level may get a bit campy and generally feels to be a bit isolated from the rest of the level (the level might be a bit too tall in general)
/ Playable in 3v3, not working in 2v2
Not rating it, because we’re in the same level group.
From contest feedback:
+ Interesting layout with a few influences from other levels
+ Much room for skill moves like RF-climbs
+ Balanced with both open and closed areas
- Fairly peculiar flow, hard to get used to
- Feels sometimes a bit cramped with the ceiling scenery, especially in the middle
- The top area of the level feels a bit redundant and isolated
/ Playable in 3v3, not sure about 2v2
Not rating it, because we’re in the same level group.
From contest feedback:
+ Strategic layout and very different from other contest levels
+ Uncommon and balanced weapon/pickup placement
- Huge FPS drops in 8-bit mode for some reason
- The level gameplay centers around the fly carrot too much, also because the only way to get rid of it is by going underwater
- The level feels unfinished and empty in certain aspects, there isn’t much visuality nor scenery in the level
- There is only one exit from the bases unless you have a fly carrot, which makes them quite evil dead ends
/ Seems like it could only work in 3v3, partly due the fly c as well
I’m looking forward to see a more finished version later on. :)
From contest feedback:
+ Good usage of the tileset, visually decent and no distractive elements
+ Solid layout
+ Well placed platforms and ledges that allow diverse skill moves
+ Quite balanced for all characters
- The level seems slightly imbalanced regarding open/closed areas, there is only little room for safe play
/ Works only in 3v3 probably
Not rating it because we’re in the same level group.
From contest feedback:
+ Fairly balanced layout with both open and closed areas
+ Pretty smooth and friendly flow with lots of diversity
+ Lots of room for strategic play and skill moves like RF-climbs
+ Balanced weapon and carrot placement
+ Visually impressive but not too distractive, no harsh colors
- Takes some time to learn completely, some areas are not so easily distinguishable
- Some tubes are sometimes hard to move in
- Some scenery is hard to distinguish as foreground from sprite layer, like the ceiling tubes at the top of the level
/ Seems playable in 2v2/3v3
From contest feedback:
+ Good strategic depth regarding the full carrot, possibility to shoot it down with certain weapons or block access by freezing springs
+ Well balanced weapon and powerup placement
+ No area is too easily campable but there are a few spots for breathing
+ Impressive visually without being too distractive to the eye
- The springs next to bases are sometimes hard to land on
/ Seems playable in both 2v2 and 3v3
/ The level is fairly big in size, but at the same time very open which compensates for it
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Visual appeal
+ Very fun & unique Full NRG area
- Some incredibly awkward start positions
- The bottom section of the level feels rather disjointed at parts, similarly, some ammo at the bottom feels very time consuming to collect (namely seekers)
- Top section feels a bit isolated, I personally didn’t have issues with it in 3v3s, but in 2v2s it felt pretty much a defensive haven
Other comments:
I recommend for 3v3, although I would need to test this further in 2v2 to really endorse it for that too
Some flow (particularly at the bottom) can feel very odd and take a lot adjusting
I do like this map, and have rated it higher than others (that I voted for) because I feel like it has a better finish, but felt it wasn’t as suitable for ladders etc
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Visual appeal
+ Unique to have usage of fly-C and water mechanic, although I really wish it was used better or didn’t feel like the only way to play the level…
+ I really enjoy the small oneway climb areas towards the middle, fun gameplay-wise
- Bases feel like death traps
- I’m not a huge fan of the ammo placement, and it’s even lacking at parts. Toaster feels useless
- Whilst I complimented the fly-C/water concept, I think many of the people I played with mentioned wanting copters instead or a limited duration
- Level feels empty at parts
Other comments:
I recommend 2v2/3v3
I like the fly-C/water concept on paper, but in practice it’s a bit annoying in CTF!
I think ammo should have been unmovable given the layout
While this level is pretty good from a design perspective, I was unsure on its suitability for the mappool
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Fun Full NRG area
+ Very suitable ammo/PU choices given the layout, and logical ammo placement
+ Interesting to have ice feeling useful in a level with spring trolling (for once)
- Does feel a bit like there’s not much safety in the level, which is great for 2v2 in fairness, but may encourage double hunting (which I personally like, but I know others don’t)
Other comments:
I recommend 2v2/3v3
I found the EC somewhat distracting in-game, but lowdetail really helped, good job building support for ppl who are blind like me!
I’d like if the small C’s were a bit more easily accessible, perhaps a personal nitpick…
Rating omitted since ez-product
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Fun carrot areas
+ Versatile & fast-paced gameplay
+ Probably most suitable for 2v2 + 3v3, gameplay-wise
- Some minor flow blips (that have potentially been updated):
• shooting gun8 PU seems suboptimal from left-side
• weird suckertube delay at bottom left
• some layer 3 pipes feel a bit bumpier than expected, probably easy to fix
Other comments:
I recommend 2v2/3v3
Rating omitted since ez-product
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Fun C area
+ Fun to do tricks with the base through the floor
+ Some useful RF climbs that don’t feel forced
+ Atypical PU scheme
- I don’t like the mixed ammo patches
- Ceilings are incredibly bumpy
- Some really awkward spawn positions that allow free rushes
- Generally very cramped, making gameplay feel quite rigid
Other comments:
I recommend as 2v2/3v3
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Really fun carrot area
+ Atypical PU scheme, and also very rare to see RF PU being a superpower in a level
+ Very fun to DD at bases with flag ;P
- I feel the level is too horizontal, and could be shrunk ever so slightly to reduce reaction times
- Sad that you can’t get RF PU with gun9 from below
- I think the gameplay is quite rigid on the whole
Other comments:
I recommend 3v3 ONLY
Edit: +0.6 for updates, making the level feel a lot cleaner in general.
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Unique PU scheme
+ Layout actually complements roller very nicely
+ Intuitive flow
- The PUs in the top corners feel a tiny bit too isolated
- Some strange asymmetry at parts, namely missing oneways at 64,24
- Bumpy ceilings at 74, 14
- Would have preferred slightly more meaningful ammo placement, less gun9 perhaps? Could have also been cool if gun9 was easier to use to shoot the top PUs
- I don’t like the use of floatups instead of slopes
Other comments:
I have only tested this in 3v3, but assume it’s too big for 2v2s
Roller PU might seem really clowny for CTF, more a criticism on the gun than the level
Also firework gun seems quite fitting for the layout
For the record, this would have been my 4th vote
Copy pasted from contest feedback, note this is rated on its suitability for 2v2/3v3
+ Some unique layout in aspects (great mix of open and closed spaces)
+ Cool use of pinball
+ Cool PU scheme, although I’d like to see more fastfires if you wanna balance blaster out
+ Best flow of all the entries I’d say
- Perhaps too tall as a level, although the pinball events do remedy it directly at the middle
- Some ammo placement could definitely use reworking;
• two bouncer patches pretty much right next to eachother, above and behind bases
• seeker ammo patch at 108, 29 (and corresponding symmetrical section) in a pretty powerful chokepoint… not really too counterable
• don’t really like mixed ammo patches in the level
- I personally don’t like the areas below/behind bases and feel like truncating or removing them slightly would make this level feel less massive
Other comments:
I recommend 3v3 ONLY
Seems to cause a lot of crashes
Always nice to see new Singleplayer content on J2O. It’s a pretty solid pack, and I think it deserves a full review so here it goes:
Faded Story takes place after the events of JJ2,the story is nice and innovative. Although in the first level when the book is approaching, I would have set the Warps on Fast aswell as the cycles between story related levels.
The gameplay in the levels is somewhat oldschool but fun, the enemies are placed well and the use of the hurt events make them quite challanging(played on Hard) so I like what you did there. However some enemies are placed in a way that you would most likely get hurt. But that isn’t much of an issue since it’s very minor. The bossfights are rather easy, though. But that’s just my point of view I guess.
The eyecandy used in the levels in this pack is nice, but not perfect. At certain points some of the levels the eyecandy just looks the same(Waterfalls) or is all over the place with random placed tiles(Weird steel things). In general, the eyecandy and visuals of the levels in the pack is solid, but deserves some room for improvement. The music choices are fine and fit the levels quite well. My favourite levels are Snezí and Nightmare. Speaking of Snezí, there seems to be something wrong with the music, because I can’t hear the track. But it might just be me.
Would I recommended this? Sure! The story is nicely written, the levels are well made in terms of gameplay and is sure challanging. The only downsize of the pack are the visuals at certain points in most maps, it doesn’t look ugly, but could be done better. Give it a go, and I am waiting for episode 2.
Whilst being a very large map it does serve it’s purpose. There is plenty of eyecandy and a lot paths to traverse. Might be slightly too big for 3v3’s, but the gameplay is fun nevertheless. The map itself is quite open which might increase the airhit factor. Besides blaster and toaster powerups might not have enough firepower for this kind of size.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.