Review by darkb1990

27 Dec 2007, 08:06
For: Jazz TG
Level rating: 6.7

This program dont work i get an error about missing a dll from my computer .. :|

Not recommendedQuick Review by darkb1990

27 Dec 2007, 08:02 (edited 27 Dec 07, 11:02 by Cooba)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

This is worst picture , you have waste your time …

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by n00b

27 Dec 2007, 03:22 (edited 27 Dec 07, 03:51)
For: Jazz Jackrabbit's Scientolomas Adventure (Holiday Hare '07)
Level rating: 8.1
Holiday Hare 07 is Odin’s sophomore Holiday effort, and much like the official sophomore holiday pack this download is mostly made up of regurgitated material. The pack is split up into two parts, the main attraction “Jazz Jackrabbit’s Scientolomas Adventure” (Originally titled Jewmas adventure), and the much meatier Holiday Hare ’05 Remix. Both portions come up short in various areas, though the 05 remix is able to save itself a bit better since it is longer.

I shall start with the scientolomas adventure which is comprised of a meager two levels. The pack was originally centered around Jazz being a Jew, and a few of the pack’s jokes (intentional or not) fall a bit flat from the name change. The controversial line that sparked the name change is left entirely unchanged save for the replacement of “Jew” with “Scientologist”. How this is perfectly ok, or at the very least any better is beyond me. The first level in the pack is extremely dull gameplay wise, but makes up for it with its sharp sense of wit and humor. Jazz proclaims he is Corporate America as he steals coins (actually silver cookies, though the pack calls ‘em coins more often than not) from the citizens of Holiday Town (only open once a month in the year!) The level design however is extremely linear and the nearly nonexistant puzzles simple and trite. One puzzle (and perhaps the only puzzle) has a rather clever hint, however it serves no real purpose as the puzzle can be solved easily enough through guess and check. The dull level design is majorly hampered by two things: the rather slow pacing despite its amount of enemies, and that two recent coin collection levels that have been released eclipses what can be found here. It is still worth playing for it’s comedy however, though it will feel like a chore for the most part.

The second level is the better of the two by far, though it is short and rather shallow considering it has great potential for a larger product. The level is based around the concept of crate puzzles, where you must push a crate containing TNT to the silver crate to move on. It feels a little bit like Portal though without the humor. In fact, if Odin brought the humor over to this stage, then axed the first level so more time could be spent on this one, and then added as a bonus stage to the Holiday Hare ’05 remix it could have been much better. This stage also offers a very awesome, though simple, addition. It is called the failhole, so if the finicky JJ2 crates don’t work the way you needed them to you can retry without the loss of a life. The last crate puzzle is a bit anticlimactic and the Devan boss is rather dull leaving for an unfulfilling ending to an otherwise sublime level.

The eyecandy in the levels are rather basic, nothing that really pushes the tileset. However, this is the HH98 tileset, which is one of the hardest tilesets to use period. The levels in HH05 also contain basic eyecandy which is probably due to the Holidaius tilesets being limited in nature.

Speaking of HH05, the remix feels a bit spotty. Granted all Odin had to work with was my terrible review from two years ago (also granted this review isn’t much of an improvement, rarely going into detail), he did do a rather good job at trying to tweak it. The levels include more enemies, a complaint I had from the original pack. The problem with this is that some areas contain too many land enemies (a ton of air enemies, when done right, is always fun to deal with) and some enemies are placed in locations that make the level near impossible to traverse. The Bilsy boss fight feels worse with the added enemies, though if the aerial enemies in the arena were removed it could work out perfectly well. The level design, whether dilluted by the added enemies or not, is still as great as it was a few years ago and that alone should warrant this remix a playthrough.

All in all the pack has quite a few faults, though A) It is the only single player holiday pack this year (again) and B) the awesome parts are REALLY awesome. Download recommended.

Not recommendedQuick Review by n00b

27 Dec 2007, 01:36 (edited 27 Dec 07, 01:36)
For: Schwartzenhell Sector
Level rating: 5

The level design and eyecandy in this level is competent. Not exceptional, but competent nonetheless. However the level is unpassable in a few areas thus making it impossible to complete through conventional means, a sign that this level had not been properly tested prior to release. Its a shame, because the level is worth about a 7 otherwise.

Review by Odin314

27 Dec 2007, 01:33
For: Jazz Jackrabbit's Scientolomas Adventure (Holiday Hare '07)
Level rating: 8.1

Hey, if you played through this level pack, I’d love to hear what you think. Even if it’s a short review.

Not recommendedQuick Review by AkuTube

26 Dec 2007, 20:58 (edited 27 Dec 07, 11:12 by Cooba)
For: extra
Level rating: 2.7

Complete your levels Aditza!
Eyecandey:Horrible. The level looks empty.
Gameplay:Very bad!
Don’t Download!

[Review changed to quick review. – Cooba]

Not recommendedQuick Review by AkuTube

26 Dec 2007, 20:50 (edited 27 Dec 07, 11:12 by Cooba)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

Bad wallpaper!

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by AkuTube

26 Dec 2007, 20:39
Level rating: 1.6

You are crazy Danyjel! xD

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

24 Dec 2007, 16:32
For: Holly Jolly Holiday
Level rating: 4.5

Dashin’ through the snow in this level the first thing I noticed was the fairly plain eyecandy. It’s not that bad, and there aren’t a lot of tilebugs, but it doesn’t really stand out or anything either and could use a LOT of work. Try adding more decoration, the tileset could have been used a lot better: for example, I spotted only one (1) tree during my whole runthrough.

The level has to be hosted in Race mode, as there is no trigger mechanism to make it work in Treasure (which is what Race is usually hosted in these days). As you need an external launcher to host online in Race mode I’d recommend you to use the trigger system thing next time.

Now, for the racing itself, it’s quite straightforward and the laps are rather short. TNT and freezer are there, but no ammo apart from that. There are rougly three kinds of obstacles: randomly scattered blocks, blocks that appear and disappear following a certain pattern, and warps that take you back a bit. None of those are really hard to avoid or get through (I’d say they are a bit too easy even). The last warp obstacle for example is covered with blocks which actually make it a challenge to fall into the warps, while it should be a challenge not to fall in them.

All in all, this level lacks creativity in most aspects: it’s small, doesn’t have any interesting obstacles, it has rather bland eyecandy and lacks a fun factor. To the author’s I’d recommend trying to be a bit more original next time: try some eyecandy tricks, go nuts with the obstacles, whatever, anything to make it more interesting than this :)

Review by cooba

24 Dec 2007, 12:30 (edited 24 Dec 07, 12:30 by Cooba)
For: Winter Wonderland (renamed from A White Christmas)
Level rating: N/A

Your name has been taken already again.

Quick Review by Jerize aka TripleJ

23 Dec 2007, 23:17
For: Christmas Clash
Level rating: 7.3

Well level is very small so 5 PU’s is too much. Gameplay is ok but it’s not the best part of this level. I like the eyecandy. It’s nice and original.

Quick Review by Jimbob

23 Dec 2007, 22:47 (edited 23 Dec 07, 22:48)
For: Christmas Clash
Level rating: 7.3

This is a really nice, albeit small, level using the JJ1 Holidaius Night tileset by Violet. The +1 carrot, IMO, is a bit too hard to reach, though. Nice level anyways. :D ;)

RecommendedReview by master sven

21 Dec 2007, 09:11 (edited 21 Dec 07, 09:13 by masterrokusho)
For: Christmas Clash
Level rating: 7.3

I agree with Birdie that this level can be played best in a public server.


The gameplay is certainly the least best part of this level. This level consists mostly of a platform with a ring af titles arround which have some holes where you can get to small parts which aren’t arround that platform.


This level has a nice christmas sfere, thanks to its eyecandy. You made a lot of things flicker and move, your background is very nice, though the foreground and layer 4 could have been way more decorated.


With distance the best part of your level. You made having many power ups in your level not bad because most of them are not very easy to get for the average public server joiner. It is also nice that when you blow up a trigger crate and when you went to the place where the triggers dissapeared, they reappear and you have to blow up the trigger crate again.

I want to mension two things before I’ll put my ratings down here. This was a very difficult level to review, which could be a postive and a negative thing. And at last I have to give you a +0,3 for the music because it just gives your level extra sfere. Be proud, I never give extra point for music.:P

Gameplay: 5,5
Eyecandy: 6,5
Originality: 8

Final Grade: 7

I recommend this for someone’s Christmas Pack.

RecommendedReview by Birdie

20 Dec 2007, 20:52
For: Lap Ways!
Level rating: 7.3

Welcome to xlm fawfull.

Anyways, This is an interesting symetrical ctf level by fawfull, which uses BlurredD’s new tileset, desolation. The level has three powerups, the seeker, the bouncer, and the toaster all placed in similar box type things, which unfortunately promote camping, as they are easily defend-able with the powerups inside of them. The Full energy carrot’s placement promotes more camping unfortunately, as it is right ontop of the seeker powerup. Despite the campability of this level, the gameplay is still rather sound. The author makes use of a rather large sucker tube for transportation from one side of the level to the other; a novel idea, but it can be somewhat confusing at times. The amount of ammo in this level was fine, but the proportions were abit off. There was an unfortunate lack of toaster ammo, making it slightly biased against the red team. Another issue with the ammo was the excess of RF ammo; due to the design of the level RFs become somewhat useless in most of the level. Visually the level is okay, in some places such as the bottom area it gets rather bland. The center and sides of the level could also use more variation. This level does show that the tileset is indeed a very difficult one to master.

All in all this level is just an average ctf level, worth an occasional play.

RecommendedReview by Birdie

20 Dec 2007, 20:35
For: Christmas Clash
Level rating: 7.3

A nice little battle, by spaz18, it might not be as good for duels as the author states, but it is a nice level for casual gameplay.

Although the rather small level has 5 powerups it doesn’t really have too many, as the author has restricted your means to get most of them in some way. Visually the level is alright, the author has done just about all he can with the rather limited tileset. The one issue I have with the visual aspects of the level is that the snow will only work if you are player one, so the author should have used the snow tiles in the tileset. The carrot in the level could be abit easier to get, but it is only a minor issue. One other problem with the level is that it is somewhat confusing to find the powerups, and both the pepper spray, and bouncer powerups are biased for spaz, as jazz doesn’t have room to uppercut them.

All in all, it’s a fine level, which I reccomend you play this Christmas season.

Not recommendedQuick Review by martin.mysak007

20 Dec 2007, 17:02 (edited 20 Dec 07, 17:32 by Cooba)
For: Unknown Castle
Level rating: 2.8

not ver good lvl

[Review changed to quick review. ~cooba]

Review by FawFul

20 Dec 2007, 07:31
For: International Space Port
Level rating: 5

jimbob.. what masterrokusho means (what i think he means) that u just have to start all over again and make an new level.. where you spend much time in it. then its getting better,
uploading and upgrading don’t work if the platforms + gameplay is boring..

Quick Review by mirrow

20 Dec 2007, 01:56 (edited 20 Dec 07, 18:33)
For: Hotel by gregor new
Level rating: 4.9

The hotel is ugh, alright ;D
Maybe think a bit more about gameplay to make ways easier and think about the right tile placement

[Personal attack ~cooba]

Not recommendedReview by master sven

19 Dec 2007, 15:39 (edited 20 Dec 07, 07:48 by masterrokusho)
For: International Space Port
Level rating: 5

You can better classify this level as other, since multiple means more and not different.


Your Gameplay has the same mistakes your last level had. You can only get up easy with springs and the upper part can only be reached by the use of springs. Your level has kind of some dead ends at the top, but when you go down you will see that this level is just a right line down. This makes your level allready very boring. You should try to not make so squared as most of your levels are, but variate the amout of titles your inner titles are from the edge of your level. Also you need to put something interesting in them, not only just things you can walk on, make turrets or sucer tubes, for example.


You added some foreground in this level which gives it some more sfere. You also decorated the parts in layer 4 below where you can stand on, that was a good move too. Most of the parts of the background looks very nice too, only the part in the upper middle, which is blue, looks quite boring to me. Again, the eyecandy is the best part of your level.


Again, you didn’t add some original things to your level, which bores me. The only idea in this level that is original is that when you have 20 coins, you can go to the bonus part and score 5 points. To my opignion this is way to overpowered because those coins are very easy to get. Those bonus levels, at first, are at the upper part of the level together with allready to golden coins. This makes the upper part of the level overpowered and even more overpowered because you can only reach it in one space by using a double blue spring. Those 20 coins which are so easy to get because there are many and they give 5 points, which means a 2v2 teambattle game to 10 points would be over within 5 minutes, probably even faster. You just simply can’t defend those coins. Don’t try to make as many levels as possible, you need more time to make them. Spend at least as much time on Gameplay and Originality as you do on Eyecandy and I’m sure you will make some great levels!

Gameplay: 3
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 4,5

Final Grade: 5,2

Quote: ‘The only idea in this level that is original is that when you have 20 coins, you can go to the bonus part and score 5 points.’

Quick Review by Eragon86

19 Dec 2007, 15:23 (edited 19 Dec 07, 15:42 by Cooba)
For: Jazz TG
Level rating: 6.7

WTF!!?? error Jazz2 TG.exe? :(
Doesn’t work. Program produces an error saying that it cannot find vcl60.bpl. ;/

[You may not rate programs which do not work for you. ~cooba]

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