RecommendedQuick Review by Bullórg

17 Dec 2007, 22:28 (edited 18 Dec 07, 12:59 by Cooba)
For: 41R5]-[1P
Level rating: 7.5
I know that you Spaz was bestiring for this level.The level as a level is very good,but the tileset sucks a bit,maybe cause it“s from the Mario from the “80.But however it worthys 8

[Review changed to quick review. – Cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Bullórg

17 Dec 2007, 22:19 (edited 18 Dec 07, 12:59 by Cooba)
For: Lap Ways!
Level rating: 7.3

Very good level Faw for a such little time.

[Review changed to quick review. For more information, see \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by hungabiesjozsi

15 Dec 2007, 13:47
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

This file has many adventages.
First of all, you play easy, and hard skill, not only normal. Secondly, you build on one story, and the game make a new adventure. Finally it isnot boring, but very hard in the hard skill (i always play in hard)
But the other hand, it is too hard for the 6-10 years old Jazzers. I think it is IC, becouse not enough 1up in the game. add the checkpoint is too far of theme. and the big thing in the game what’s make me angry the save. When i not on the savepoint level and save the game when i like to contine it is OUT OF MEMORY. so i need to start again at the savepoint.


-Story: 10/10

-Long of levels: 10/10 (+5)plus points

-enemys: 10/10

-objects,sounds: 10/5

-secret areas, foods: 10/10
-weapons: 10/5
-others: 10/7

-trigs: 10/10

-background: 10/10

-layers: 10/10

-10 (for the out of memory)
-10 (it is too hard for the younger children)

so 100/72 —-> 7.2

Review by master sven

15 Dec 2007, 09:37
For: Lap Ways!
Level rating: 7.3

Ok, Ill review it:P


This level has a nice flow mostly thanks to the tubes and warps which meet you mostly when you need them. In this level, you can’t possibly get from the bottom to the top of the levels without going with the tubes which are at both sides of the level. This way it is more difficult for a CTF level to get where you want to get, which is mostly a base or an enemy flagholder. I think therefore this level would have been better if it’s gametype was battle.


The eyecandy is the best bit of your level but there are some black parts at the bottom which make it very dark there. You have used this tileset well even in the time you had. You used many different titles in your level which makes some parts nicely colored.


You put all the power ups and all bases in a diamond shaped thing, which also drops powerups when you pass them. Your tube system has also got a very strong mind as creator, in other words: It is brilliant. Unfortioniatly, when I passed the bouncher power up once (offline) I saw 2 bouncher powerups on top of eachother.

Gameplay: 6.5
Eyecandy: 8
Originality: 7

Final Grade: 7.2

Review by DT-boy

15 Dec 2007, 08:04
For: KERT - The Ultimate Collection
Level rating: 1.4

Well, KERT means GARDEN in Hungarian. Btw I tested this with the normal edition of JAZZ 2.

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

13 Dec 2007, 20:41 (edited 15 Dec 07, 08:54)
For: KERT - The Ultimate Collection
Level rating: 1.4

“Get it, play it, love it!”

Well, I got it and played it. But I’m afraid to say I did not love it.
Before I review this, I just want to mention that this is TSF ONLY as my 1.23 JCS crashed when I opened one of the levels.
PLEASE, everyone who makes TSF levels make sure you MARK THEM AS TSF. ;)

OK, enough of that, now onto the review:


The eyecandy used here is just very bland and repetitive. There is only a background in Layer 8 and not in Layers 5-7.
Layer 4 is very repetitive, the bottom and side edges of most of the walls and platforms in this whole pack are missing. You have only used about 2 tiles for the ground.



There is hardly any gameplay in this pack whatsoever. Mostly I was just running right through a very linear level into warps. Then most of the levels had a Boss Fight at the end. I know Boss Fights are good, but having them in 16 levels one after the other can get very boring. Most of these levels had a Schwartzenguard at the end.
There are Bonus Areas, but they are too easy to access as the coins are very poorly placed. You should learn how to use Layer 3 to hide things.



There are hardly any items to be found here. Food is very scarce, I only got a Sugar Rush after about 13 levels as there was only about 7 or more pieces of food in each level.
There is not enough ammo. Some are placed in boring 2 × 2 square shapes.
When you get the Blaster Power-Up, the whole pack just gets far too easy. I could beat the bosses in about 10-20 seconds with the PU.
One of the levels had 4 PUs in one area one next to each other. As I already had the maximum rapid fire, I thought that the PUs were then pointless.
Carrots are nearly everywhere so gaining health was too easy.



There were not enough enemies in any of the levels. Not once did I ever go down to one Heart health. There was one occassion were I was at 2 Heart health but that was only when fighting Bilsy and he was still too easy with the powered up Blaster.
Placement is very poor, all I was doing was running right and holding down Space all the time. I was shooting EVERY enemy that I came across.



There was hardly any puzzle or obstacle that needed going through. There was only one instance where I can recall shooting Destruct Scenery in one of the later Carrotus levels.


CALCULATING 6 / 5 = 1.2/10.0


I’m afraid I cannot recommend this level for downloading. But do keep making levels, DT-boy.
Do not try to make a very large pack unless you are experienced enough to make that many levels. Only start by making about one or two levels. If you feel that you can then make a large level pack, then give it a go but do take time to check that everything works.
You should learn how to use Layers 6 & 7 to make good backgrounds and how to use Layer 3 to make hidden passages.

What is KERT, BTW? Oh, OK. Didn’t know that.


13 Dec 2007, 12:36 (edited 13 Jan 08, 03:19)
For: 41R5]-[1P
Level rating: 7.5

Where did NightHawk get the music,‘Facing the Evil’ from?

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

11 Dec 2007, 20:32
For: Desolation (Updated)
Level rating: 9.5

Love it! Perfect I think! Great mask, tiles and animations! Good exapmle levels! Love it!

Quick Review by Aegis

10 Dec 2007, 18:10 (edited 10 Dec 07, 19:50 by Cooba)
For: Tubepileptic
Level rating: 4.7

The lead should have had more attack (as in adsr), the guitars don’t really fit the song at all, and the breakbeat is just boring. Otherwise kind of interesting.


[Review changed to quick review. – Cooba]

RecommendedQuick Review by Grytolle

10 Dec 2007, 11:22
For: Mini Makeover: Tomb Rabbit Intro video Sequence
Level rating: 8

this is cool

RecommendedQuick Review by FawFul

9 Dec 2007, 16:30
For: Desolation (Updated)
Level rating: 9.5

nice tileset.. i already used it for my example to xlm ;D
most because its high quality much different tiles like grass + industrial – moon
just everything what a tileset needs even the events like vine + poles are in it :D
pallette is nice i can almost every tile in layer 8 as 3D background without bleeding.
Desolation PWNS you all XD


Not recommendedQuick Review by FawFul

9 Dec 2007, 16:26
For: Tubepileptic
Level rating: 4.7

a bit harsh on my ears =( i can\‘t follow the rhytm good.. =S
some parts are nice though but i dont like all the sounds of instruments.. but i give an 4.5 because u changed much and its an real conversion :D

well.. i think i shouldnt give an download recommendation.. maybe next time..


Review by DoubleGJ

9 Dec 2007, 16:00
For: Tubepileptic
Level rating: 4.7

Ah, right. I forgot to mention, the weird sound that follows almost through the whole track is the heavily modified “Are you ready?!” voice sample from the JJ2 version.

RecommendedReview by Stijn

9 Dec 2007, 12:04
For: Mini Makeover: Tomb Rabbit Intro video Sequence
Level rating: 8

Oh, this is nice. Gus properly “episodified” Tomb Rabbit and gave it an Episode File (so it shows up in the episode selection menu) and an opening cinematic. The episode file is quite nice, especially the logo, though I wonder why it’s placed in-between Jazz In Time and Flashback. Starting the episode starts the opening cinematic.

While it is essentially just a level, Gus took some measures to make sure it didn’t appear as such, and I must admit that it works really well. The palette of the tileset the level uses was altered in such a way that all HUD elements (such as the score indicator) are hidden, as well as the giant beam of light that usually follows Jazz while moving. This left me puzzled for a while and I only noticed it when the level ended and the reflection of the spinning diamonds was still there. Really clever.

The cinematic itself is, while short, quite nice. It’s not perfectly centered on the screen (which I suppose it was meant to be) but does look like a short movie clip rather than some clever parallax scrolling trickery and works well enough.

The upload also includes a patched version of the tileset used for the Tomb Rabbit credits, which also removes the score indicator and the rest of the HUD. As the author notes in the readme, it has some problems though (the tileset looks worse due to the limited amount of colors available and the enemies which were originally in it aren’t visible anymore). Still, I think it’s a nice addition, and it’s of course optional.

All in all, yet another refreshing and interesting upload from Gus, and certainly worth downloading alongside the original Tomb Rabbit. Keep up the good work!

RecommendedReview by Stijn

9 Dec 2007, 11:49
For: Big Super Mario Tileset v1
Level rating: 4.4

A first remark: please do not put files in subfolders.

This tileset (which, as the title suggests, partly consists of tiles taken from Super Mario Bros.), is a classical “megatileset”, with several types of tiles which not necessarily fit with eachother. The tileset has some original, seemingly hand-drawn tiles, but also contains for example Jazz/Spaz/Lori animations, a textured background taken from Blade’s tilesets (which sadly does not work, even in 16-bit), and a lot of tiles ripped from the original tileset and other sources I cannot identify. And, of course, it contains tiles with all sorts of characters to make text signs with.

As can be expected the quality of those tiles varies, but is generally acceptable. Most Mario tiles are quite nice, I especially liked the question mark-block animation, though the combination of NES Mario and SNES Mario tiles doesn’t work too well due to the difference in palette and resolution.

A lot of tiles would be useful if only they were finished. For example, there’s a nice platform (taken from Mario) which is completely useless because there are no tiles for the bottom of the platform or to make corners. There are ripped tiles from the official tilesets, which suffer from the same problem. If you really have to rip tiles from other sets instead of drawing your own, do it in such a way that they do not limit your creativity by not allowing you to build platforms with more complex shapes than a rectangle.

Additionally the palette is quite bad, as the Textured Background does not work, and water looks horrid even in 16-bit. You might want to ask someone about this or read up at JCSref ( or Disguise’s Tileset Resource ( about this, Typhoon Bunny. The masking is severely flawed too: the ripped Carrotus vine, for example, seems auto-masked, so it doesn’t work as a vine. Vines should be masked with 1-pixel, 2-pixel max thick lines instead.

The author asks me to rate the example level too, but as this was uploaded as a tileset I’ll stick to rating the tileset only. The example level is quite nice, though, and even while it does have some flaws it shows some nice ideas and is a very good example of how to use the tileset. Even though the tileset is pretty bad I’d still recommend downloading this just to play the (single-player) level. I do not understand why there are 3 seperate music files in the zip file, though, as there is only one level. Jazz2Online is not a music repository, and you should only include music if it is not included with the original game and used by a level.

All in all this is a pretty bad tileset with a nice example level. So even though I’m giving this a 4.0, I still recommend downloading it just for the level.

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

9 Dec 2007, 11:26 (edited 9 Dec 07, 12:12 by Fl@$h aka BlewMeUp)
For: Tubepileptic
Level rating: 4.7

Happy Birthday.

The remix starts with some non-distinct electrical noise which I can’t make much of. Then the beat slowly starts kicking in, but the electrical noise does not disappear, giving the whole a quite chaotic feeling, which I don’t really like. Having a bassline throughout the whole tune is not a bad thing usually, but when you try the same with whatever it is that is played throughout the whole song now the result is just… noisy.

Around 2:10 there’s a break where the noise fades away for the first time, which is nice, and the song turns into some breakbeatish rhythm with distorted voice samples mixed on top of it, and it becomes a lot more apparant that this is actually a remix of Tubelectric. This part was pretty cool, however again that atrocious noise can be heard in the background, which really turns me off.

The Tubelectric theme is repeated a few times, though remixed in such a way that it indeed sounds like how the author described it, distorded. It sounds slightly out of tune and a bit too distorded for me to like though. The high-pitched blips that copy the same pattern are a lot more appealing to me.

All in all this is a chaotic mishmash which fails to stay coherent or ear-pleasing, to me. There are some nice ideas in it, such as the vocal samples and the high-pitched blippy Tubelectric theme, but overall it has too many annoying parts for me to like this or consider playing it again.

Quick Review by SUPER DRAGON

9 Dec 2007, 03:22 (edited 9 Dec 07, 11:11 by Cooba)
For: Mini Makeover: Tomb Rabbit Intro video Sequence
Level rating: 8

This is just an intro sequence. It requires some levels.

[Rating (1.0) clearance. I admit that Gus didn\‘t make it too clear, but this is supposed to be the intro sequence for \Tomb Rabbit\. – Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

8 Dec 2007, 18:13
For: Small symmetrical space
Level rating: 6.3

When reading the title of this level I was afraid that it would be a clone of MULCH, but it’s a little larger than that. Only a little though; it’s still rather small level.

The level layout is rather interesting and while not entirely original, it is certainly a strong point of the level. Basically, the route from base to base is U-shaped, with parts of the level unlocking as you go. This is done via trigger zones, so it might be a little confusing playing in this as the level is different for everyone.

The level is divided in two halves; the top part contains the bases and carrots, the bottom part contains the powerups. Though both teams can eventually access all of the level, the blue team gets to access the bouncer powerup first, while the red team first encounters an Electro Blaster powerup, which is a little unbalanced. Consider putting in two powerups that weigh up to each other, such as a bouncer/RF combo, instead.

Additionally, the level contains two 1-heart carrots, which I think is a bit much for such a small level. One carrot is really the limit for levels like this. The amount of ammo placed in the level is okay, maybe a little too much, but nothing problematic.

Gameplay problems aside, there’s still the eyecandy. The level uses JJ1: Battleships and for some reason I always find levels using that look somewhat the same. “Small Symmetrical Space” is no exception from this rule and adds a few not-too-serious tile bugs, which are however amplified because there aren’t many tiles in this level to begin with :P

I can imagine having a few short rounds in this level for fun. Due to the small size it might be fun with a lot of people, though that’s more the result of it being small than of the level design itself. The level itself is nothing special, with mediocre gameplay and eyecandy, and I wouldn’t really recommend download it.

Review by Birdie

8 Dec 2007, 17:39
For: Hotel by gregor new
Level rating: 4.9

Fawfull: The tileset was made far more by other people than you.

Review by ThunderPX

8 Dec 2007, 14:20
For: Tubepileptic
Level rating: 4.7

@FawfulCC: Christ man, music is for listening. Try listening to it.

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