RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

24 Nov 2007, 14:19 (edited 12 Jan 17, 11:40)
For: Desolation (Updated)
Level rating: 9.5

Technically, high for usability. You can avoid the lego set usability, as some tiles look quite ‘organic’.

The more stylistic tile-sets tend to be the least usable (inferno as an example).

RecommendedReview by cooba

24 Nov 2007, 12:51 (edited 20 Oct 10, 11:23)
For: Desolation (Updated)
Level rating: 9.5

I don’t give jack shit if you don’t read this review, or if you disagree with my rating. I’m writing this out of the well deserved respect for blur and the work he has done. Thanks.

desolate (adj./verb)

1. barren or laid waste; devastated: a treeless, desolate landscape.
5. dreary; dismal; gloomy: desolate prospects.
8. to make disconsolate.
9. to forsake or abandon.

“desolate”, being a word of many meanings, fits perfectly to this eclectic tileset, which is chock full of many unique and creative ways to design an outstanding level with amazing eyecandy contraptions.

BlurredD’s Desolation depicts an once natural, now devastated landscape. That theme has been hinted by blur himself a long time ago, though in different context: “a happy grassy meadow in the middle of a city in ruins with molten lava beneath the surface.” [1].
A majority of the used graphics comes from long-since abandoned and forgotten (desolated) tilesets, and blur kindly listed all his resources.

Everything in this tileset looks completely over the top. It’s obvious that blur had to alter most of the tiles so that they could go together, which, from my point of view, is a TON of effort. BlurredD successfully (though I dunno if intentionally) managed to merge the two different styles of tilesets: cartoony and texturey. Usually they don’t quite match, but here they do and it looks really sweet.

I’ve been creating a level with this tileset for a little while now, and I have to admit that it’s more than a pleasure to work with. The way the tiles are ordered should be some kind of a standard, I haven’t seen tiles being so smoothly organised in eons. Everything has its logical place in this tileset, and there’s no case of “tile scattering”, present in many other tilesets (including the other BlurredD sets, like Odyssey).

  • Stunning graphical quality
  • Overwhelming variety of possible themes
  • No problems with usability whatsoever
  • N/A

One of the greatest tilesets I’ve ever seen released, up there with Egypt. This just screams “perfect” at the top of its lungs. Download this and use immediately… you won’t be desolated.

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

24 Nov 2007, 10:13 (edited 24 Nov 07, 14:07)
For: Desolation (Updated)
Level rating: 9.5

Actually I had seen flashes of a level using this tileset once in BlurredD’s own server, from which I can’t really remember much, but the background. As you may expect, the tileset is yet again high quality.

I was impressed by the overall usefulness of this tileset. It comes with 3 different palettes, as the author’s tilesets often do, and that way you can create several different atmospheres for your level. You can really maximize your creativity and imagination with this tileset, because of different background-possibilities, as well 3 “main”-sprite solids. The tileset also offers tons for sprite-eyecandy, and hardly no tile looks awful at all.

What I found fascinating also, were the animated tiles here, although they aren’t too many(one being Mirrow’s ‘Fire’.) You might want to use the Pulse-animated lights for an Industrial level, which do their work well. The ‘burning sea’ probably doesn’t animate in a realistic way, but is acceptable by me.

And then something I have for long awaited for someone to make, are the digital letters and numbers here. It doesn’t only boost the industriality here, but now you have another tileset to use in a storylined single-player, thus making it more than useful. All in all, there shouldn’t be any problem to find correct tiles for any situation.

Only what I found a bit lacking, was the soil that couldn’t be blended perfectly along the other solids. Since now it has to be just done roughly. Also there could be other tiles for hurt-events than just the fire(which isn’t even masked.)

Having seen the example-levels, I can’t really say which pallette is my favourite. All 3, even the ‘night’-set, looked wonderful.

I recommend this tileset for everyone. It might as well be the tileset of the year. However, I’d appreciate a tileset with way different theme from BlurredD next time. Having started to use a textbox, I decided to give this set 9.1, since I find it closer to this one’s worth than 9.0 or 9.2.

EDIT: Alright, so after further thoughts, I noticed this tileset didn’t have that much flaws or things to improve. In fact the perfection of the author’s work is to be seen on the tiles themselves. So a 9.4 would be fitting for the superiority.

P.S. Unfortunately I don’t have any screenshots to show you this time.


Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

21 Nov 2007, 22:33
For: Turtle Hunt
Level rating: 1

I don’t mean to be mean but this is one of the worst levels I’ve ever played.

Nothing to talk about. There’s a textured background, snow, and that’s
it. No foreground and no mountains, carrots or anything. All there is is 3 tiles used for the ground and some of them have tilebugs on them. The Snow makes no sense and the level’s boring to look at.

No gameplay. Go left, killing lizards, go right killing lizards then fight Deven. No challenge and no puzzles. There’s text but it’s blocked by the hud and it goes off the screen, making it impossible to read. The level is about 2 minutes long and is boring to play. If I wanted to play something like this I’d just make something like this on my own.
Did I mention that there’s no music?

Enemy placement:
About a 100 lizards and a Deven boss. snoring

Pickup placement:
At the end about 25 boxes of toaster ammo and a power up. Again horrible.
Final Score:4/40
Score: 1.0
D/R? Sorry but no. Keep trying though. You’ll get better soon enough.

RecommendedReview by Krinya

20 Nov 2007, 17:22
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

Uh oh…! It converts sucessfully the music, but we can hear a strange sound when listening to (converted from 1Valntin.j2b)! That strange beeping sound goes with the music rythim, so this is may a pattern error! Please try to convert yourself this file, and listen it! (Jazz Unleashed Demo in J2O have this music file)
It’s like the original music, but this beeping is “destroys the music’s enjoyable part”!
Very very useful program for people who make levels.

P.S:I listened it in winamp.

Download Recommendation: YES

Review by martin.mysak007

18 Nov 2007, 15:59
For: multihero tileset full version
Level rating: N/A

multihero tileset full version is full version

RecommendedQuick Review by Spongie

15 Nov 2007, 14:50
For: Jazz2 List Server Patch
Level rating: 9.3

Yeah, my first review and a REALLY easy one, too. g
This is a real improvement for everyone who wants to play on the internet with other jazz-maniacs out there and so most of you just NEED it! Nothing else to say, get this useful little thingy.

RecommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

14 Nov 2007, 08:13 (edited 14 Nov 07, 08:16)
For: Substracted Space
Level rating: 6.7

Perhaps a quick review isn’t appopiate for a pack of 6 levels but I must point out that some of them (¡SandBox especially) used annoying gimmicks that produced no positive side effects. So mastering is pointless. It’s good to try new ideas, but sometimes you will get your hands burned if you’re not careful.

Still, nice job.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

13 Nov 2007, 20:30 (edited 9 Dec 07, 12:44)
For: Jimbob's Christmas Levels
Level rating: 7.1

OK, here goes. I haven’t reviewed anything for about a week now.

I’ll review the 2 levels, one at a time.



Tileset used is “Newspaz Christmasy” by well… Newspaz :P
The snow in the foreground and background looks nice. Background in Layer 8 is OK but looks kinda boring without something in Layer 6 or 7. I don’t think you need snow in 4 Layers. Some players may think it’s too much.
Layer 3 & 4 looks good with some nice Christmas Trees, Candy Canes, Snowmen and Gingerbread Men. Layer 5 has been used to place the flashing light vines for eyecandy.
Overall, eyecandy in this level is not bad but the snow is probably too much.



Flag placement is symmetrical, meaning that players will not have any problem finding the CTF Bases. They are both placed at the same heights. The level is a decent size, 185 × 64. This is a good size for if you are playing with more than 2 people. One way events are used above the vines so that the players don’t get stuck in the walls.



There are lots of different weapons here but there is only one PU which is Gun8 (Pepper Spray). Weapons in this level are Bouncer, TNT, Electro Blaster and Freezer. However, there is no Seeker here which I think is a must in a MP level.
There are three carrots down the bottom of the level. Two “+1 Carrots” and one “Full NRG Carrot.” This is OK but I don’t think the Carrots are spread out well enough. They are all at the bottom, try varying the positions, so that the players don’t only go down the bottom.


LEVEL 1 TOTAL: 19.5/30 (6.5)



Tileset used here is Diamondus Beta Xmas by Pyromanus.
The “Snow Particles” event is used here to make it snow in the level. This makes the level look really nice.
Lighting events are used on the spinning diamonds to make them look shiny.
There is a background in Layer 6, but you can only see it if you are at the bottom of the level.
Layers 4 & 5 look great, nothing repetitive.



This level is smaller than the first one. The size is 61 × 55, which is quite small but it is a good size for duels, 2v2s or 3v3s. It might not be the best level if you are playing with say 16 players all at once.
CTF Bases are not too hard to find, they are symmetrical.



There is a good selection of weapons in this level. Weapons in this level are Toasters, Bouncers and Seekers which are good weapons for a Multiplayer level.
Power-Ups are cleverly hidden in the walls. There is a Toaster PU in the middle of the level, a Bouncer PU on the left and a Seeker PU on the right. These can only be accessed by shooting Bouncers through the wall using a well known JJ2 bug.
Also, this means people can’t just side-kick the PUs for 50 ammo.
There are two Carrots in this level. Both of these are “+1 Carrots.” They are placed symmetrically, both near the CTF Bases. There isn’t a Full NRG Carrot in this level but that’s OK for a level of this size.
I have noticed that there is no RF Ammo or PU’s in this level so I will have to bring down the rating a little for weapon placement as RFs are mostly used in MP levels.


LEVEL 2 TOTAL: 23/30 (~7.7)

GRAND TOTAL = 42.5/60


+Good choice of music. +0.1




FINAL SCORE: (44 / 6) + 0.1 = 7.1833333333333333333333333333333



RecommendedReview by Stijn

12 Nov 2007, 20:12
For: Omen Woods
Level rating: 9.1

As this has no rating yes, I guess someone should review it. I don’t have time for anything substantial but here goes.

Omen Woods is based on Dean Dodrill’s example in the JCS help. It is however barely recognizable as such except for the platform tiles, but even those have been immensely improved. The tileset has a lot of atmosphere, with very good looking trees to put in the background layers, leaves for level 4 eyecandy, rain, lightning… virtually everything you need to create a dark, moody level.

Though it has some transparency-related bugs, there is an exit-sign, which is something that is easily forgotten but yet almost essential for single player levels. There’s a small selection of blocks (with a nice vanishing animation) too, so combined with the hurt events this tileset has enough tiles for single player levels. It even has a support for a pole.

All in all, this is yet another excellent LMAT effort which has already led to the creation of some awesome levels with equally awesome eyecandy. Certainly a download recommendation, and on top of that I can also recommend you to actually /use/ this set ;)

RecommendedQuick Review by djazz

10 Nov 2007, 20:03 (edited 10 Nov 07, 20:04)
Level rating: 9.6

Really good work, grytolle. Do you know why I always start in CTF mode when I play Single Player?

RecommendedQuick Review by Fjolsvidr

9 Nov 2007, 18:01
For: Distorted Orbit
Level rating: 7

Nice work. Some of it is a bit harsh on the ears though :(

Review by djazz

6 Nov 2007, 19:22 (edited 8 Nov 07, 11:47)
For: DJazz Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.4

Thanks masterrokusho. I will do my best.

When does the error display?
What do you mean with “Your levels don’t have any titlebugs which is remarkable for a first-time posted level.”?

Review by master sven

6 Nov 2007, 19:16 (edited 7 Nov 07, 14:51 by masterrokusho)
For: DJazz Battle Pack
Level rating: 6.4

We mostly use conversion instead of remix. There are some things you also might want to know: DJbat02.j2l is not in the home cooked list and DJbat03.j2l gives an error when you start it. I will rate all of your levels together, excluding DJbat03.j2l


The battle1 and 2 conversions won’t be included in this. In the first playable level there is quite a good ammo placement but that says it all. You have created some dead ends as well as open spaces, try to build something in those to go through the paths instead. The second level is just a tube maze, which has no dead ends, but is rather boring, before I continue I want to say that this is your first upload and maybe these are your first levels and these are pretty good for your first.
The third level is better than the previous ones, but is small. There are a lot of powerups in a very small range, even for a small level, this level had a better flow though. The fourth level is a battle3 conversion. The fith level is a kind of maze, the flow is quite good but there are some open spaces in there.


All your levels have very little fore and background, expect for layer 8. You really have to use layers 5 and 3 to make good eyecandy for your level! Your levels don’t have any titlebugs which is very good for a level which is your first posted at J2O.


There are little things in your level which really can be called original. Your tube and last level had some kind of warps or ways which had a bit of original atmosphere though.

Gameplay: 5
Eyecandy: 5
Originality: 4

Final Grade: 4,7

Error= 0046CDBEh doesnt say any normal words (appears whenever you open it or type jjnxt in the previous level.

Edit: Edited sentence you didn’t understood and error.

Review by Birdie

5 Nov 2007, 00:57
Level rating: 7

…! To “Fawfull”

1 = It obviously isn’t intended to be used for a ‘serious battle’ because it’s ctf

2 = If it’s so easy to make this level, why wasn’t it made already; also you just assume I made this in five minutes, while it may not have took long to assemble in jcs I did quite alot of planning

2 = If you die anyways without carrots why would you need to pickup ammo?

Skills matter in this level, not just luck, the skills to use weapons effectively regardless of what weapon your opponent has.

anyway, just because a level is simple doesn’t mean that it’s bad, if you play SSBM a perfect example is Final Destination.

I dont care that you brought my rating down, I do care though that your review seems like it was written without actually playing this with other people.

You can’t understand why they give so much eights… You’re just thinking this is meant for JJ2WC or JDC :P


Not recommendedQuick Review by FireSworD

2 Nov 2007, 23:21 (edited 2 Nov 07, 23:39)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

Unless you live in an alternate universe where trees grow rectangular or square shaped leaves; I don’t see the big deal with the eyecandy. If anything, the placement of it is ok.

Once again, as has been stated at least twice before, Pyromanus already made a swamps battle1 version.

Review by cooba

2 Nov 2007, 19:00 (edited 2 Nov 07, 19:01 by Cooba)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

“Review successfully changed to Quick!”

I’ll start with the atmosphere.. firstly, this level, by using a highly one-themed tileset, suffers from having highly unoriginal eyecandy. Wherever you go, it’s got the “it’s been done before” look so often present in levels using Agama’s tilesets. And if that wasn’t enough, a (superior) swamps battle1 edit has been already done by Pyromanus, rendering this level as more or less pointless.

What bothers me is the three versions of the same level, only using a different tileset palette. What’s the point? It’s not like I don’t know what do the palettes look like. Besides, the three levels don’t even loop to themselves (as a matter of fact, they don’t loop to anything).

As for gameplay, this is probably one of the least conventional battle1 edits I’ve seen. There’s quite a few of complaints I’d like to address, and I’m definitely not going to explain all those in great depth…

Anyway, this level features coins and like three coinwarps, effectively turning a battle level into a gold rush of sorts. Then come the Frostbiter and TNT (??), the more or less questionable powerups and their questionable placement – especially the Bouncer, the destruct scenery was not the best idea (and one can get stuck in those easily), destruct scenery not removed, blahblah, generally a lot of things which make the gameplay slow(er) and annoying.

Summing up, this is pretty far from “the best remake of battle 1 there is”. This level doesn’t fix much and breaks quite a lot, and thus I’d think twice before hosting (downloading) it. Play this only if you want a battle1 hotel. And by the way, don’t bother making a “V3.0”.

Review by master sven

2 Nov 2007, 18:51 (edited 2 Nov 07, 18:56 by masterrokusho)
For: Uber Marsh CTF!
Level rating: 6

Little reviewers these days… which makes me review more.


This level is small, that doesn’t mean the other things than the size should be small, in smaller quantity or in smaller quality. You handled that partly well and partly not sufficently.
The sufficient part is the ammo, there is quite enough of some, but doesn’t really impress me. This level has also made a rather bold impression to me. The top part is left open for 10 titles before the ceiling appears and there are some area’s which have just to little titles. Also, sometimes, especially at the bottom, the only way to get to higher ground is by using the springs.


This is the part that did not got right because this is a small level. Layer 5 just starts and stops somewere and there is little to no foreground. Layer 8 looks nice though and I couldn’t find title bugs. You also used various different titles for your background, not just the same. That is the way it should be.


You tried to make something nice of you coin system, but it isn’t that nice practically. Ofcourse, you can get those coins in 1 to 2 minutes….Before your duel or whatever starts!!! When you are playing and get roasted, you loose all your coins, have to get them all again, which you don’t have time for because you have to capture the flag and kill the flagholder. Because those power ups are the onliest in your level, you find yourself fighting with weak ammo. For the rest this level hasn’t got anything to be different than others.

Gameplay: 6
Eyecandy: 6,5
Originality: 5,5

Final Grade: 6

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

2 Nov 2007, 16:27
Level rating: 7

I think this was a fun map. I played it online. It’s fun. Download this.

RecommendedQuick Review by sonicnathan 1

2 Nov 2007, 02:54 (edited 2 Nov 07, 18:38)
For: Familiar Nature V2.0
Level rating: 6.6

Ok this version is much better. Better eyecandey and gameplay. Download this if you downloaded the last version. I’m going to host this in the future.
Download recommendedn

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