Not recommendedQuick Review by Tahget

7 Sep 2007, 19:32 (edited 7 Sep 07, 20:17 by Cooba)
For: Electric MusicWorld
Level rating: 3

This level was too short, try to make it (much) longer.

and why the next level is a race game??

a 3, because if you made the level longer, it would be more fun

[Negativity edit/review demotion.]

Review by d0rynpl

7 Sep 2007, 09:49
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

The problem with Winamp is that it sometimes can’t “read” all the samples of the converted files (that’s why they sometimes sound awful), but there should be no problem with MPT or Jazz2.

Review by d0rynpl

7 Sep 2007, 06:25
For: Rabbit Honor Guard
Level rating: 9.5

Ooops! I was about to download when I got this message:

“Sorry, this GeoCities site is currently unavailable.
The GeoCities web site you were trying to view has temporarily exceeded its data transfer limit. Please try again later.”

Can that be fixed? I really want to download this pack.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

6 Sep 2007, 09:31 (edited 6 Sep 07, 10:53)
For: Beware of Elvin!
Level rating: 6.2

Not a bad level. It seems to have been uploaded as Multiple. Is it SP or Multiplayer? I played it in SP.

Before I go onto the review, I’d just like to mention that this is TSF ONLY!


Backgrounds are good and don’t look boring. There aren’t any tilebugs in the level. Some platforms looked weird and the Vines floating in mid-air looked very odd. But other than that everything else looked fine.



The main objective of this level is to find and smash all of the Trigger Crates. If you died, though, you’d have to start again as the Triggers reset which would be very annoying. It was very difficult to understand what to do as all the text events weren’t in English. After finding the Trigger Crates you’ll be in this very strange Boss Arena with multiple Jazz clones but you don’t have to kill ‘em. Just have to find the exit.
The level lasted me just over 10 minutes which is reasonable.



There weren’t that many weapons to be found here. There were some PUs (Toaster, Seeker & RF) but there wasn’t enough ammo. There is TNT that is needed to destroy the “!” blocks sideways if you are Jazz.
I didn’t think there were enough Carrots. I was on 1 Heart health a lot.



I thought there was a bit too many enemies in this level. It was too easy to get killed. Placement is OK but the amount is too much.



Other than the Trigger Crates there isn’t that many other obstacles in the level. There’s some destruct scenery, “500 Bumpers” and Pinball Flippers but not much else. Though the Crates were quite hard to find.


TOTAL: 7 + 8 + 5 + 5 + 7.5 = 32.5/50


No music in level -0.1

CALCULATING: (32.5 / 5) – 0.1 = 6.4



I thought this was quite a good level, and I’m gonna give this a YES!

Review by Wolfiend

4 Sep 2007, 10:39
For: Beware of Elvin!
Level rating: 6.2

Big level which can be use for battle or Single player(I think, the uploader didn’t wrote much info about it)
You move in a big area full of enemies and you have to find trigger crates to enter new places. It have have lot of good and lot of bad ideas. I see that you work hard on this level, I remember when I work on my first levels what a big work was it. Nice idea creating a multiple level but the poor event placement and the no eyecandy make it boring quickly.You put enemies every free space nearly which is not smart move. You have to listen better at these things.

Try learn from others work to learn tricks and other things.

Review by JonathanM

3 Sep 2007, 17:40 (edited 5 Sep 07, 18:22 by Cooba)
For: Death Controller 1.2 [ 1.23 + tsf ]
Level rating: 8.4

What does this have too offer that the other version doesn’t?

[Test edit. ignore me! ~cooba]

Review by JonathanM

3 Sep 2007, 15:08
For: JazzandSpazz
Level rating: N/A

Ehm, I hope people don’t think all my levels stink, I made all of these along time ago. :p, I should upload some of my better ones..In fact I think I shall :D

Review by JonathanM

3 Sep 2007, 15:07
For: Carrotus
Level rating: N/A

Redjazz, I haven’t uploaded nearly everything..I made this level along time ago I think, Mine got much better.

Review by Jimbob

3 Sep 2007, 02:24 (edited 3 Sep 07, 02:30)
For: Fortunate Fortunes CTF (Plz download and rate!)
Level rating: 4.4

You don’t really need the bouncer powerup to get to the RF powerup. Just use normal bouncers.
Well it seems I’m not too good at making levels yet, but thanks again for the advice!

RecommendedReview by Birdie

3 Sep 2007, 02:18
For: Unconventional Coffee
Level rating: 8.4

The name unconventional coffee fits this quite well, as this level was indeed made for the unusual ctf contest. The eyecandy in this tileset is good enough, it serves it’s purpose keeping the area identifiable and keeping me from getting seriously bored. As for the gameplay, this is where the level really is unconventional. It takes advantage of fly carrots, to enable players to freely move about the central area, and uses pit’s to add risk to getting powerups, and mindlessly walking around, what is great about the pits is that they are really nessessary for the layout, I’ve seen pitfall levels where the pits are just sort of there, and there are other things the creator could have put in the place of the pits, but not in this level. The seeker powerup isn’t quite in the middle, not that it matters really, I’d say it’s symetrical still. With the large open areas RF spamming could be quite a good tactic, but FS predticted this and used a minimum of RF ammo. One of the only real problems this level has is the RTS zone near the top, a user could camp there and just replenish himself with the full energy carrot right there. In general I like this unconventional level just as much as I like coffee. (YAY FOR BAD PUNS)

RecommendedQuick Review by drmooCSW

3 Sep 2007, 02:16 (edited 2 Jan 08, 16:33 by Cooba)
For: Substracted Space
Level rating: 6.7

This is an ultimate level pack. The gameplay is great! The way you hid all of the ammunition and whatnot is also pretty cool. lol the bonuses you get are nice.
The eyecandy is INCREDIBLE! The anti-gravity is also really neat. Nice hax (if that’s what you used). All in all, I would have to give this level pack a 10/10 and heavily recommend downloading this pack.

[Changed to Quick Review ~cooba]

Review by Birdie

3 Sep 2007, 02:10
For: Fortunate Fortunes CTF (Plz download and rate!)
Level rating: 4.4

Downloaded it, it’s a relatively small CTF level, with a somewhat cavelike layout, the eyecandy inside the walls is good, but abit repetitive, and the background could really use eyecandy, I understand the tileset is tough and small, but there has to be something more interesting then endless repeating brown diamond shapes. As for the gameplay it really suffers from the tileset’s poor masking, you frequently get stuck on walls and corners. The bases are places symetricaly at the top, with all the power ups at the bottom. The problem with the powerups is that to get the RF you need the bouncer PU, and to get the bouncer PU you need bouncers, which isn’t very practical in a heated battle. All in all, it isn’t the best level out there, but you indeed should continue and perhaps plan the layout more in depth next time.

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

2 Sep 2007, 21:43 (edited 7 Oct 14, 23:37)
For: The Warden Woods
Level rating: 8.5

After hosting this level multiple times, I really enjoyed it. It has a conventional layout that reminds me of some blur levels. It requires a lot of jumping, and not every area is totally free, yet the flow retains its smooth feel since the more dead end-like areas aren’t important to the overall flow, and they are accessible only by choice. You can periodically take advantage of certain areas, and you also have enough freedom not to be limited to them.

There’s a small pit at the bottom right side of the level, with a mysteriously floating red spring under a carrot; If you’re evil, you can freeze the spring while a player is using it, so the unfortunate soul can fall in the pit below (Insert player’s hilarious reaction here). The location and size of the pit compared to the layout makes it somehow feel interesting.

The eyecandy places you in a dense forest, and you might also get the impression that you’re actually in a park. The only complaints I have are the black bg (Even though the level would probably look completely different with a textured one) and the ‘tube’ tiles supposedly being tall trees, I just have a hard time accepting that with this particular theme.

Everything else is quite standard, and there’s really nothing else to complain about.

Review by SPAZ18

1 Sep 2007, 13:07 (edited 3 Sep 07, 08:00)
For: Sunny plains
Level rating: N/A

Zip file seems to be empty. I also tried opening with WinRAR but it still appears empty.

It works now.

You need to work on the eyecandy in your levels. Try putting a background in Layer 6 or 7. Also the level was very small.

RecommendedReview by the jamster

31 Aug 2007, 23:28
For: Kubabuba 8-Pack
Level rating: 7.7

ok il say about the second 2 levels then rate it

level 1

YOU USED 1 TILE FOR THE TERRAIN (and a grass tiles on top) it just looks ugly like that it looked worse when you used the egg terrain , also the background wasn’t good either you need to learn how to use the layers.but the eyecandy apart from that wasn’t noob stlye but needs more added to it – so bad eyeandy :(

gameplay + layout
the gameplay was great i enjoyed it a lot it was fast moveing and easy to get around it so thats pretty much what i have to say , the layout was awsome to move around in to

enemy placement
the enemy placement was ok but had some annoying this in like loads of turtles just walking together (don’t do that its not really hard if your trying to make it harder)

other placement
placement on guns was ok not much more to say about that , the money warp you should have made stand out by putting something what standsout like a bonus sighnpost perhaps , placement was ok tho

ok im not sure if theres a story or not , but you should put things in english as most of the community knows it (well polish is second :P) , also nice mce but the boss was easy you just had to stay at the same distance and shoot.

Level 2

hmm same tileset (its ok but better when you change)

i still have to say the same on my first comment on the first level , but you have added some only a bit now tiles for the new terrain like a few eggs but good job on fixing the background , but still the eyecandy is a bit basic.

gameplay + layout
the gameplay wasn’t as good this time but still alright it had annoying parts like go up a set of tiles then going back down the layout was ok but a bit annoying

enemy placement
better and much less annoying not much else to say to that

weapon placement was ok to not much to say about that

waros where hard to find and you could not find your way about easy

ok most levels were brought down by theie eyecandy (mainly level 3 and 8)
1 tile terreains are bad :(

weapon placemt
WAS EXCELLENTyou had it in easy places

level , 4 , 6,7 and 8 was good level 3 was bad and others because it was just loads of tiles placed

its has been fun to play but got boreing il give this a 7.7 tho as it is good and fun ;D and instresting

RecommendedReview by ZAPPER

31 Aug 2007, 17:54
For: Crystal Cave
Level rating: 7.4

Hmm. This is a much better pack than I expected. It has rather good eyecandy, though there were some layer problems at points, and some of the tile choice seemed odd. The pack had some problems with enemy placement as well, because sometimes the enemies didn’t move. A certain maze puzzle was used quite a lot, but it didn’t really bother me. The boss battles were quite well done, and the music choice was very good. I didn’t manage to get the secret level, but it is overall a rather easy levelpack (on easy, haven’t tried hard.)

Good, and I’d download it, but it’s over pretty fast. Even so, it deserves a place on the good list. 7/10

Not recommendedReview by Tahget

31 Aug 2007, 14:01
For: The Fat Level
Level rating: 2.8

Gameplay: The first part with al the fat chicks doesn’t make any sense: you’ve putted them all together and it ain’t fun to kill only fat chicks. And most the people WHO download this will download this for the fact it is a maze, not a boring “shoot me” party

Eyecandy: It doesn’t have any, except for the background wich is very ugly

Placement: 50 big crystals in one tiny room? flamethrowers and seekers when you have a very rapid fastfire and where you are at the end of the level? Bad placement…

Fun Factor: I didn’t have fun…

Overall: This sux

Review by cooba

31 Aug 2007, 11:23 (edited 21 Apr 20, 22:12)
For: Substracted Space
Level rating: 6.7

(13-years-later edit: Sorry, but no, this pack aged really poorly, and the levels are extremely annoying)

A very good pack which definitely deserves my download recommendation.

Birdie enjoys experimenting with CTF layouts, and it shows. Most levels here feel different than your typical Capture The Flag fare. Not all of them do, though, such as Fluid Surface Oscillator and Temple of Hakkar, which have their own gimmicks but aren’t too memorable.

Speaking of gimmicks, this pack does a pretty good job on balancing between the gimmicks part and the standard gameplay part. The gimmicks vary in magnitude, but the levels don’t revolve around them entirely, which makes the gameplay smoother. Level 6 may be an exception from this, though, but even that level didn’t feel too awkward and it was enjoyable to spend time in.

I liked the way these levels looked and sounded like. Birdie managed to build a nice atmosphere in basically all of the levels here, I especially like the way SandBox feels like (aside from its glitched background layer scrolling..). All in all, very nice looking levels.

I give this an 8.4 and a pretty obvious download recommendation. Host this in your free time, I guess.

(Birdie included some old beta version of Omen Woods instead of the final one, causing the fourth level to break if one doesn’t have the right version. -0.1 points.)

Review by chandie

31 Aug 2007, 08:38
For: City of the Demons
Level rating: N/A

A funny little sp pack. Good tileset, not very good graphics but good eyecandy and cool palette designs. Also making your own tileset for your levels is great.
Gameplay was good, no story and this makes the pack a bit boring sometimes and repeating the first level in the second wasn’t also fun. A new area would do better.
Placements of goodies and baddies were just perfect.
There were a few warp target problems that warp you through the top of the enemies. Except that, there were no problems or bugs.

I couldn’t understand why did the author make the pack N/A-comment-only. This level can have a high rating!

RecommendedReview by MSB3000

31 Aug 2007, 02:12 (edited 4 Sep 07, 12:46 by Cooba)
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

In this pack you will find
Many levels most unkind
The gameplay here is most unique
I hope you like this nice critique

Yeah anyway…

Awesome pack. Words alone cannot describe it. You actually aren’t just an ingenious levelmaker, you are also an awesome storyteller.

Download indeed.
(Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. ~Violet)
[Supported rating (9.7) reinstance. ~cooba]

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