Review by Omar1

22 Sep 2019, 01:13
For: AFX audio effects
Level rating: N/A

i dont know how to c ycle to this level so no problem i can know in some day

RecommendedQuick Review by Primpy

19 Sep 2019, 18:45 (edited 20 Sep 19, 17:20 by cooba)
For: Astolfo
Level rating: 10

Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!

RecommendedQuick Review by Omar1

19 Sep 2019, 18:30
For: Orbital IV
Level rating: 8.5

i Like This Map Really And The Music is Cool Too Thanks For Making This Map :D Good Job

RecommendedQuick Review by Omar1

18 Sep 2019, 04:03
For: [SS3] Flood Control
Level rating: 8.1

Cool I Like it !

RecommendedQuick Review by Yousuf010

17 Sep 2019, 20:44
For: Bushido
Level rating: 8.1

Good Map And Good Set And Great Job at this map Coolest map :D

Quick Review by Omar1

16 Sep 2019, 21:30 (edited 26 Sep 19, 04:43)
For: Astolfo
Level rating: 10

not bad i think it’s can be good for some people Good Luck After More Maps :D

RecommendedQuick Review by Omar1

16 Sep 2019, 03:18 (edited 16 Sep 19, 03:27)
For: Bushido
Level rating: 8.1

Good Map Thank you For Make it it’s cool really i like it :D

Not recommendedQuick Review by ShakerNL

15 Sep 2019, 18:20 (edited 15 Sep 19, 18:25)
For: Mighty Switch Test!
Level rating: 8.4

Nice challenges, but it’s too difficult for the average JJ2 player.

RecommendedQuick Review by Splat

11 Sep 2019, 06:34
For: Bushido
Level rating: 8.1

A spring in this level causes your rabbit to hit a ceiling, particularly the spring obscured by flowers at {11,57} which leads to RF ammo before springing your rabbit into a masked ceiling.

Seemingly the music file in this level is censored, having abrupt silences in the song.

Rain appears to be drawn vertically but falling at a wide angle.

Review by Seren

9 Sep 2019, 13:36
For: Astolfo
Level rating: 10

@DennisKainz: Yes.

Review by DennisKainz

9 Sep 2019, 09:21
For: Astolfo
Level rating: 10

Is this a battle level or a meme?

RecommendedQuick Review by Laro B.

6 Sep 2019, 21:54
For: Scarwood
Level rating: 8.5

Played a duel with Jelly here. It suits duels far more then you think. Great eyecandy, music fits, nothing to report there. Tornado gun also works well, not too op in this map. The gameplay is quite fast paced. Download recommended!

RecommendedQuick Review by Ragnarok!

4 Sep 2019, 18:40 (edited 22 Sep 19, 21:51)
For: Tech Tree
Level rating: 7.8

Very fresh and innovative.

Review by Splat

3 Sep 2019, 03:53
For: Nyan Rush
Level rating: N/A

This kitten seems to have eaten a lot of candies and been transformed into a poptart.


You have been automatically banned for (hacking/cheating)

RecommendedReview by Splat

1 Sep 2019, 22:04 (edited 1 Sep 19, 22:13)
For: Tech Tree
Level rating: 7.8

Eyecandy: 500\443

This zoo enclosure appears to be inhabited by tree-dwelling-jungle-bunnies. The background changes color from blue to red for different sides of the map. Seemingly, there’s a yellow laserbeam in the background, searching the skies.

Gameplay: 500\355

For a CtF level, it seems the bases here are not campy at all. The flags are on top of conveyer belts, and both bases are at bus stops. You can just wait for the bus to come, capture on the conveyer belt, and ride the bus to either base.

Overall: {(355)±443=798/100}

Using something like /readywithcoins could make techtrees (Tech Tree Silver) potentially easier in playing with timelimits, as players could start with coins by using /ready.


RecommendedQuick Review by Hellmet2000

31 Aug 2019, 20:54
For: Carrotus Remix
Level rating: 8

One of the better i have heared (i was listening to a lot ,by the way).

I really like the samples used in that one ,it uses only the same melody but sounds totally original.

Its more energetic ,i just feel like dance to it ,goes right to my mp3.

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

4 Aug 2019, 08:34
For: Battle of Waterloo 1835
Level rating: 8.5


RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

4 Aug 2019, 08:31
For: Rúnheimr
Level rating: 8.7

Small in size, big in fun factor. The various tilesets have been amalgamated together in a very cohesive way that has resulted in a well-realised cave environment. The carrot placement is inventive, especially with the radically differing spawn times. This level went over very well in JDC 30’s ODT #2; we’ll likely be using it again at some point.

Not recommendedQuick Review by Violet CLM

3 Aug 2019, 01:02
For: Team Survivor
Level rating: N/A

This “new kind of survivor” is fundamentally unplayable. By placing all members of the same team in the same arena, you strip away their incentive to destroy any blocks, because that would only hurt their teammates. The crates to affect the opposing team’s arena help a little, but even destroying all of them is not enough to kill the whole team.

Not recommendedReview by DynamiteK

1 Jul 2019, 00:24 (edited 1 Jul 19, 00:30)
For: Holiday Hare '18
Level rating: 8.9

I know I’m over half a year late with this review but I only recently came across this sequel. So, I’m glad to see you guys put in the effort to bash out a another mod, hopefully it’s better, right?

LEVEL 01 – Penguin Invasion:

Good Points:

- Compared to last year, Holiday Hare 2018 has a FAR easier opening map. For one thing, It’s not filled with cheap enemy placements, buggy mechanics and horrible checkpoint placements. The extra health mechanic is a great idea and makes you have extra HP as your run continues. Neat touch and finally gives the gems some usage!

- DAMN That’s a gorgeous opening song! I love it!

Bad Points:

- The springs inside the wooden boxes near the big beige gate for some reason disappear which means you can be trapped very easily. [Seems to be fixed after I re-added the mod?]

LEVEL 02 – Tipplenborough:

Good Points:

- Technically not a plus for this map but the extra health boost mechanic DOES carry over fore every level. Good idea. :)

- The music is quite cheery and upbeat. I like it. :)

Bad Points:

- Due to the new health mechanic, carrots are surprisingly hard to come by here which is a problem even on easy. Most of my damage is because of the robot penguins being in awkward spots to hit and the fact their shots bounce.

- Some parts of the map are hard to tell when it should be in the background and the foreground. Some trees can be landed on that look more in the foreground whereas other trees are clearly in the background can also be landed on, this is a little confusing.

- The building in the cave couldn’t be destroyed for the longest time but after like 3-4 attempts it all of a sudden allows me to break down the door? That’s rather buggy…

- The new ghost summoning enemy is quite a pain to deal with, especially since the small ghosts he spawns can move at lightning speeds.

LEVEL 03 – Cold Paw:

Good Points:

- The music is fine but nothing to write home about.

Bad Points:

- Way. Too. Dark. Seriously I can’t see what I am doing half the time.

- The hands that come out of the ground to swipe at you really aren’t easy to tell where they are again due to how dark the level is. This is Jazz 2, Not DooM 2.

LEVEL 04 – Under The Weather:

Good Points:

- The freezing mechanic sure is original and a nice touch to get you to keep pushing on rather than dawdle about.

Bad Points:

- The speed at which the heat gauge decreases is a little harsh if you prefer to stay alive (like on Turbo).

- The bouncy snowman enemies really don’t help with the already wonky enemy designs.

- Music really isn’t this level’s strongest point. Fairly bland.

LEVEL 05 – Breaking Out:

Good Points:

- This is very much a fun map to play. Some enemies are annoying sure but WOW is this a breath of fresh air! If you want a GOOD map in this set, this one so far wins

- The cute small story here is quite adorable. :)

- Great soundtrack to go along with a great stage!

Bad Points:

- Ended with an access violation… GG.

- The miniboss at the end dies rather easily to the toaster…

LEVEL 06 – Toyed Badlands:

Good Points:

- None.

Bad Points:

- Extremely confusing layout!

- The song isn’t bad nor good. Just neutral. :l

LEVEL 07 – Pikitia Ara:

Good Points:

- Nothing.

Bad Points:

- HORRENDOUS map design. I got lost very easily.

- The song for this map really is bland and dull.

- From what I can tell, this map straight up lacks an exit. Good map design.

LEVEL 08 – Frigid Fortress:

Good Points:

- The final boss was fun to defeat and I do love the vortex-y background effect. Neat touch!

Bad Points:

- Unless bosses gain more health on higher difficulties, the final boss goes down fairly easily with a healthy dose of seekers and bouncers aimed straight up.

So the overall review:

I can see that you guys wanted to be more relaxed in your approach with HH’18 and I can see why, not every map pack needs to top the previous. My biggest issue here was how it was presented. This did feel rushed. The levels aren’t super well designed (level 7 comes to mind) and I did struggle quite often, even on easy difficulty. Whilst not as hard as HH’17 in some spots, HH’18 really needs polishing. Maybe add in a few more ammo types earlier on? Bouncers only started appearing by level 5, which is over half-way. Another thing I didn’t understand was, why was the music files separate? Without them the game is just mute.

Do I recommend it? Personally I recommend HH’17 over this and I blammed that one fairly harshly as well. If you want a good christmas map-pack I again recommend HH’98. It’s still better to run through.


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