Review by TheKax

28 Jul 2007, 08:15 (edited 28 Jul 07, 08:16)
For: JJ2 add-on for mIRC v4
Level rating: 8.2

What is it???
Where to get it, because these files are useless without it?

U don’t get my review untill u tell me, the program looks great BTW

Not recommendedReview by n00b

26 Jul 2007, 18:57 (edited 5 Aug 07, 19:38)
For: Jazz Planets 2 Games in Space
Level rating: 2

The second I read the description and thought “A minigame compliation, eh?” I knew there was only one controller fit to play them.

Wiimote in hand, I loaded up the level pack and was shocked to find myself dumped into a minigame without a lick of ingame storyline. Come on, this isn’t the ’80s. In this day and age minigame compliations have ingame cutscenes. WarioWare is at the forefront of this, with Rayman Raving Rabbids trailing not too far behind. Even Mario Party has an intro cutscene to explain why you’re running around boards.

The plot we are given also has one gaping flaw (well, two but we’ll get to the second one in a bit): If we’re supposed to stop Devan’s minigames, why are we playing them? Doesn’t that defeat our purpose?

The next flaw is that I don’t see why game companies feel they’re threatened. First off there’s only four games, and they’re all minigames. Even the most terrible minigame compilation on the market has way more minigames than that, and they’re much more interesting to boot.

The first minigame in the game is the “Break a barrel” which is an extremely dull concept to begin with. You’re in an area filled with crates, and only one of them contains an exit sign to proceed. The first level is dull enough with it’s small ammount of crates, but in each world the ammount of crates increases and as they increase, the fun decreases. There has to be a more inventive way to design this minigame past the “shoot! shoot again! look out for that enemy! shoot! shoot some more! shoot!” mentality shown here. The level design is at it’s worst on the Megairbase level where you get stuck in pits you can’t get out of.
Dear level designers: Stop making areas that force me to type “JJK”, it’s annoying and lazy design.
From, n00b.
There isn’t anything redeeming found in this minigame, however if it cut down the number of crates and made me have to solve a small puzzle to get to them or have a crate hold something that I need to access the end crate, this minigame idea could be pretty fun.

One vs. Millions should be renamed “One vs. two, maybe three”. Instead of facing off hordes of JJ2’s more relentless enemies (such as the demons, the monkeys, and the bees) you face off a lizard and a tuf turt, who will respawn after being quickly taken care of. Most, if not all, airborne enemies are in locations where if you don’t jump(which you don’t need to) they will ignore you.
Also, while the airborne enemies change with the scenery, the land team of Lizard and Tuf Turt never change, which added with the fact the air enemies mostly leave you alone, make this minigame another exercise in boredom.
It doesn’t help that DX pulled off this concept much better in his cancelled Jazz X pack, if you can get ahold of the betatest levels, try to study this stage.

Suck Through has the makings of a good minigame, but like the other minigame concepts in this pack the concept is wasted. Jazz is sent hurdling through a large water tube filled with fish and must survive to the end. The first of these shows promise, but it’s far too short with far too little obstacles to avoid. The second level attempts to rectify this by adding far too many fish that are near impossible to avoid, but it’s still the same length so even if you get hit a few times you’ll still be able to make it through the level. Unfortunately, the remaining two variations of this minigame follow the mindset put in place by the second, and still cease to change size. It doesn’t help that you can also shoot down the fish.
This minigame can be fun if the right balance is struck in the ammount of fish needed to dodge, or leaving it at the ammount in the first level mixed in with different kinds obstacles. Also it’s far too short and should be longer.

Out of all the minigames in the pack, Pinball is the absolute worst. All of the levels are essentially the same level where you must get to the top, with the exception of one pinball table in Nippus where you must find the hidden warp. There are no clues as to where this warp may be, and again the pinball table is essentially the same as all the others. This elusive goal is more frustrating than fun, and is worse than the abundant “get to the top!” style pinball levels. The get to the top levels all have the same strategy, and zip by too quickly. There is next to no challenge, and at first you may be confused as what to do since the instructions sign is placed not in the put where you start, but instead on the far left making you have to work a bit to get there. Out of all the minigames in the pack, the pinball ones are the worst since while dull like the rest, there is nothing that can really make the concepts shown in the pack any better. If you’re still interested in making a pinball minigame, I suggest axing the ideas here and reworking it from the ground up.

The bosses while all tile based, are pretty much a rehash of a minigame you already played. While each of Devan’s accomplices are named after a video game star, none of them bear any resemblance to their namesakes. Backman is essentially “Get to the top” only you now have to buttstomp each of his eyes to open up the exit, and the level’s height is drastically shortened. Super Rario is just no frills One Vs. Millions, and Devan just takes the dullness of Break the Barrel to a new low. Ponic is the only one of these boss encounters that show any real promise, and yet it would work much better if he was just a regular Suck Through minigame instead of a boss. You’re supposed to be chasing Ponic, but every time you stop to shoot through blocks (The level’s ‘twist’ over the regular minigame) not only does the high speed chase grind to a halt, but so does Ponic. If he’s just going to wait up then why am I even shooting these blocks down? The ending of this level is also nonsensical, as Ponic runs headfirst into spikes and then blames you for it. If the level worked like the regular suck through levels (I.E. no shooting through blocks, more stuff to avoid) and ended with a fight against a Ponic tileboss, this stage would have worked much better.

All in all, this pack is dull but if tweaked slightly could be entertaining. This could have easily been fixed beforehand if Ischa had someone else betatest the pack. However until a Jazz Planets 3 comes out that hopefully kicks it up a notch in the design and fun departments, I suggest not downloading this.

Review Nutshell!
Pros- Some promising concepts, nontraditional bosses
Cons- Nonsensical storyline, concepts fall flat in execution, bosses are just the same minigames ocassionally with small twists.

Review by moody

25 Jul 2007, 19:24 (edited 26 Jul 07, 02:33 by Violet CLM)
For: A Small Town
Level rating: 4.5

(Unsupported rating (6.7) removal. ~Violet)

Review by moody

25 Jul 2007, 19:17 (edited 26 Jul 07, 02:33 by Violet CLM)
For: Jazz Planets 2 Games in Space
Level rating: 2

(Unsupported rating (6.7) removal. ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

25 Jul 2007, 18:25 (edited 15 May 09, 20:38)
For: Jazz Planets 2 Games in Space
Level rating: 2

I think n00b has pretty much got everything covered but I might as well review.

I’m not going the lie, this story makes no sense. Devan is making a bunch of mini games so he can buy a new house? Why doesn’t he just steal something or steal a house? I mean come on, he’s a villain. Plot makes about as much sense as Hotel Mario.

this can be described as back to basics. While the levels look find with no tilebugs, everything looks boring. Not much is used with layer 3 and the layer 7-5 backgrounds don’t a heck of a lot interesting. Still not much can be done with mountains. layer 4 looks empty at times and it’s boring to look at. Not much else can be said.
The Games

Break a Barrel:
My god this is boring. all you do is dodge some enemies and shooting barrels until you find a sign. That’s it. As you go one more barrels come into play and more enemies are in, but it’s still boring as heck.

One vs Million:
Don’t let the name lie. Instead of fighting hordes of enemies, dooking it out in an epic STRUGGLE FOR SURVIVAL WHILE THE ENEMIES NIP AT YOU! Uh sorry back to reality. All you do is fight 3 respawning enemies while waiting for a coin to drop. Once you get enough, you win. the problem is that flying enemies are usually stuck to high so this can boil down to sitting in the corner, pressing the fire button, grabbing the can and repeating. It’s as much fun as watching a video blindfolded.

Suck Through:
Noe this one had the potential for a great mini game. You have to swim through hordes of fish as you swim to the end. The idea is to not get hit. The only problem is that you don’t really need to even try. There’s only the fish. Why not some spikes? You can shoot the fish. the main problem is that it’s to short. You can just swim straight threw thanks to the fact you blink for a short period. As it goes on, more fish are added but it gets to the point where there’s so many you can’t go through without getting hit. even so, you can just swim head first and that temporary invincibility will get you through.

This one is kinda interesting. most of them involve getting to the top of the table while dodging enemies. Like always, it’s boring. The Nippius is just stupid. You have to find one of 5 warps to exit but they don’t give you any hints. you just sit there until you find it. BORING.

Overall: ALL the games are boring and are not worth playing.


All the boses are tile bosses and non of them look like the characters they represent.

Boring really. a pinball table where you’re supposed to butstomp his eyes and them go to the exit. It’s not challenging and you can hit the trigger by going under the bumpers really. There’s some dragon flys but they don’t pose a problem that much.

Super Rario
This is a one vs million. Again boring as heck and no challenge. All you do is get 3 coins and then buttstomp the nose.

This is a swimming race with Ponic. This is a cool concept, but is ruined because he stops when you stop at the blocks. He also blames you at the end for some reason.

This is break a barrel. All you do is dodge flys and find the correct ammo to clear the path. that’s it.

The bosses are boring. end of story.

Final Score: 7/40
Score: 1.5
Rank: F
DR? No. this is a boring and sad attempt and mini games. No download, but keep trying.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

24 Jul 2007, 19:11 (edited 30 Jul 07, 09:40)
For: Bright 'n Shiny
Level rating: 6.9

Rating Bright ‘n Shiny

To start:
A Treasure Hunt level with a fair design. But I think the author should have tested this level some more times.

Eyecandy: (20 pts)
The eyecandy looks good. But it have a ‘boring classic’ gameplay with a castle and waterfalls. You should try something new! Furthermore it have some small bugs.
Result: 11 pts

Gameplay: (20 pts)
Layers aren’t used enough, but that’s not really noticeable if you play with more than two players. But if you play with just two players it is pretty boring. It’s also a bit too straightforward and there are not enough secrets. Peter (my brother) and myself don’t like this level so much.
Result: 4 pts

Gem placement: (20 pts)
For this chapter I have a new method: the ‘How Many Gems Could You Grab In Three Minutes Test’. In three minutes I found 182 gems. But for my opinion a good Treasure Hunt level needs at least 200 gems. The difference between 182 and 200 is not so much, but it can take a very long time to get a winner. During that test we also discovered that there are a bit too much blue gems. Maybe almost all gems should be red, 5 may be green and blue ones only in secret areas.
Result: 7 pts

Ammo placement: (10 pts)
Ammo is good placed. You have placed lots of ammo into these levels. My opinion is that you need that. It could be very consume when you confront or chase your antagonist.
Result: 8 pts

Total points: 30
Maximum number of points: 70
Calculating: 30/70*9+1=*4,9*
Mark: 4,9 (4,8571428571428571428571428571429)
Download recommendation:

Review by zapS

23 Jul 2007, 17:46 (edited 9 Oct 07, 07:59)
For: J2E Creator
Level rating: 9

Done!! :D
No more dll files!

Review by B_e_r_k

23 Jul 2007, 06:53 (edited 23 Jul 07, 17:19 by Cooba)
For: Deluxe Hotel 2.2!!!
Level rating: 2.2

this hotel is (bad).

[Negative expression removal. ~cooba]

Review by SPAZ18

21 Jul 2007, 13:33 (edited 21 Jul 07, 19:31)
For: NewLevel
Level rating: N/A

Background is cool and original and I like the idea of the level. However, the level is too short and apart from the background there isn’t much eyecandy.
The goal of the level is to get to the Super Gem at the top to finish. Don’t see how this counts as Treasure Hunt though, as there isn’t 100 Gems.

Review by Violet CLM

20 Jul 2007, 20:27 (edited 20 Jul 07, 20:27)
For: Orbitus Flashback
Level rating: 7

It is probably worth mentioning that this is an exact conversion of one of the original Orbitus levels, not personally designed by Ischa.
(And that I made the tileset, not BlurredD, I guess.)

Review by TripleJ

20 Jul 2007, 09:57
For: NewLevel
Level rating: N/A

Well backround looks cool and idea is kinda cool also, but still there are very poor gameplay in this level and level is too small.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

19 Jul 2007, 09:39 (edited 19 Jul 07, 09:42)
For: Orbitus Flashback
Level rating: 7

This is quite a good level.


This looks like an Orbitus JJ1 level as it has the backgrounds like the original and some cool waterfalls. I like the flashing lights and Layer 4 doesn’t look repetitive either. There are just 2 tilebugs I found in the level. There is a flashing light missing at pos 75,7 and there is a tile that looks wrong at 184,11. But other than that, everything else looks OK.



The level wasn’t really that long but I still liked it. I think the vertical moving platforms could use some “One Way” events so the player can jump through them like the original JJ1 Orbitus levels. There some secrets though they are not that hard to find.
I like the way that the blue flashing bounce the player like in the original. There wasn’t that many pickups. There was some food, though not enough for a Sugar Rush. I didn’t see any PUs, I think the level could use a Coin Warp to make someone want to replay the level to find the coins.
Enemy placement was good though there wasn’t really enough to kill me.
The Boss Arena wasn’t that challenging, I thought. There was a re-generating Spark enemy, but I don’t think it appears quick enough. I think a second Spark on the other side would be better as well so that the Boss isn’t too easy.


TOTAL SCORE: (7.5 + 6.5) / 2 = 7.0/10.0



The level has good eyecandy but it is quite short. Still, I think it’s worth a download.

Review by Ischa

19 Jul 2007, 07:16
For: Frog Race
Level rating: 6.8

Rating Frog Race

To start:
Frog races are slow and boring? I agree with you. But this frog race is the best one I’ve ever seen!

Eyecandy: (20 pts)
Well… a bit normal. There is nothing special. It’s just like the classical JJ2 Diamondus-levels: trees in the background, diamonds in the walls… and those reddish brown ones are ugly!
Result: 11 pts

Gameplay: (20 pts)
Like I said in ‘To start’ this frog race is the best one ever. It’s the first frog race which isn’t slow. There is also an assembly line which is new into Diamondus-levels. I’ve never seen that before. There are also multiple routes. But it is furthermore nothing special. Just find Eva at the start/finish line and complete your lap. There is not so much special, but it is good.
Result: 14 pts

Obstacle placement: (10 pts)
There are springs to make it harder, but that’s all.
Result: 5 pts

Ammo placement: (10 pts)
If you play a level as a frog, you don’t need ammo, so there is no ammo in this level.
Result: N/A

Total points: 30
Maximum number of points: 60-10(ammo placement)=*50*
Calculating: 30/50*9+1=*6,4*
Mark: 6,4
Download recommendation: N/A

RecommendedReview by Ischa

18 Jul 2007, 18:27 (edited 4 Apr 08, 13:36)
For: Technoir (NOT jj1)
Level rating: 8.3

To start:
This is a remake of the of original tileset from JJ1. This pack does not only have a tileset, but also a very good example level!

Practical: (20 pts)
If you are going to create a level with this tileset for the first time, I suggest you to ‘study’ this tileset before you start. There is sooooo much choice! There are pools of red liquid, there are towers and you can create a good background with it. But you really need to ‘study’ this tileset before you start, because if you don’t ‘study’, I think it will be very hard to create a level with it, because you don’t know if some tiles are platforms or for the background.
Result: 14 pts

Beautiful: (20 pts)
Beautiful it is! It is not only old boring stuff from JJ1, but there are also new elements, like the pools of red liquid, manhole covers and a statue of a head in a wall. But the tileset still have the Technoir-style. You can still recognize it as Technoir. Good job!
Result: 18½ pts

Originality: (10 pts)
It is not new, because there is already a Technoir tileset. But I said it earlier: there are also new elements which are very good and they really fit in Technoir. The new elements really give the ‘Technoir-environment.
Result: 6 pts

Example level: (10 pts)
Good job! It is a Single Player-level. Those levels are the best to use as an Example for a tileset, because you can see which events you can use. But there remains one small question: which bosses can we use if we want to create a level with this tileset?
Result: 7 pts

Total points: 45½
Maximum number of points: 60
Calculating: 45,5/60*9+1= 7,8
Mark: 7,8 (7,825)
Download recommendation:

Review by TripleJ

18 Jul 2007, 09:41
For: BlackDarkness
Level rating: N/A

Uhh… This is just a small battle area with lots of Full NRG and there are blaster PU and gun crate outside of the area. Don’t do levels like this, you have to do bigger levels.

Not recommendedReview by Kalle[PoL]

17 Jul 2007, 10:14 (edited 18 Jul 07, 18:50)
For: Knock 'Em Off!
Level rating: 2

hmmmm, that looks as if you have spent really a lot of time into this project. ;)
But seriously… It isn’t that special. The eyecandy isn’t bad, but it could have been also much more interesting. The cave looks way too linear in my opinion.
The idea of pushing the other into the lava isn’t too good either. Espacially because you can avoid falling down very easy on this arena.. Maybe you could place some traps (e.g. springs that push you into the lava, collapsing or disappearing scenary,etc). And I think it would be better to make more small platforms, so you need to jump from one platform onto the other. Then this gametype would be more challenging and it would offer some more tactical possibilities.

So for now it really isn’t that great as it sounds in the description.

DR? – Not yet, improve your gametype.

Review by protomanz

17 Jul 2007, 02:13
For: Conquest of the hill Castle
Level rating: N/A

Your right it is a new type!

Review by Crusader

16 Jul 2007, 19:42 (edited 18 Jul 07, 03:40 by Derby)
For: Tungstelectric
Level rating: 3.2

It’s ok Cooba. You clanhopper you.

Goodbye, as I am now banned from j2o!


Derby: Flaming replaced.

Review by the WINNER

16 Jul 2007, 16:35
For: Hotel Helper V1.1
Level rating: N/A

After testing, it seems that this program does not work on TSF. Only on 1.23. Because hotels need the larger space that TSF allows, this is basically useless.

Review by protomanz

16 Jul 2007, 13:33 (edited 16 Jul 07, 19:01 by Violet CLM)
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

Its creative.It resembles heaven and everything even match the title!Adding keys to it gives it even more gets a 9.5 because in the intro lvl why put devils in heaven?
(Unsupported rating removal. Also, I would assume one would put devils in heaven because they are ENEMIES, bad things not supposed to be there. Besides, you’re not supposed to rate example levels. ~Violet)

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