Review by TheKax

25 Jun 2007, 08:23
For: JazzandSpazz
Level rating: N/A

Huh? What is this?
As almost everyone knows Blade, you could still credit him.

But what is this? it says “battle” but is not. If you didn’t know, hurts doesn’t work in mutiplayer!

Bad eyecandy and almost no space to fight, this is not very good level at all. Next time, give more information about the file, so player know how to use it!

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

23 Jun 2007, 22:59 (edited 25 Jun 07, 09:29 by Cooba)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6


HOLY Shit! The eyecandey is asome. Even for the space levels Mike used every last bit of eyecandey you can get in all of the tilesets he used! He used lots of eyecandey in the backround but most of the eyecandey is in the sprite layer. He did it so well the orbital base looks like a orbital base! It really looks like something you would see in a futuristic movie. Mike also used lots of special effects and cutseens. He did things That I didn’t even know were possible with Jazz 2! Great work!
Jaw drop. Wow. This is asome! There’s lots of enemys in the pack making it difficult but not impossible. The ammo and food placement is amazing as there’s enough ammo to play thought the episode and the food is used so well that you can only get a sugar rush every 3 or 4 levels. On hard mode there’s more enemys and things like that. I like how he made it a little easier on easy. The puzzles are amazing. Even though most of then are trigger crate puzzles the way you have to destroy them are amazing. The opening doors are cool and the boss battle with Devan is so epic. The levels are long. Like the Deserto Orbital Base is about 30 minutes long! There’s lots of traps and the bonus warps are hard to access. There’s lots of secrets and the storyline is amazing. The cutseens are amazing and there’s lots of levels. The enemies are put in stretegic locations and the choses are very well done. Great job mike!

Rank P (Perfect!)

[Filter bypass removal/”!” reduction. ~cooba]

Review by TheKax

22 Jun 2007, 13:11
For: JCS INI upgrade - simplier than the normal one!
Level rating: 9.1

Please review it again Birdie and sonicnathan, I’ve improved it a lot, this is NOT anymore the same crap wich I uploaded to waste J2O precious bandwith! :)

I think the SCE help is very important thing, what do you reviewers think?

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

22 Jun 2007, 02:46 (edited 24 Jun 07, 18:09)
For: JCS INI upgrade - simplier than the normal one!
Level rating: 9.1

WOW!!!!! This is amazing. He added new information like what SCEs are created when you set a generator and added new events as well. Move the rocket turtle to boss section, added how far each spring bounces you and so much more. More information has been added but some non working events remain. But that’s ok. I a couple things to say.

1: Put in the SP airbord event. It’s an airbord that you can set a delay on. It event 243.
2: Put in the MCE event. Look at for more information.

This is what we need people. This is asome. With this I can make my levels better. All this information with the events and lots of the non working one gone this is going to make level making less of a hastle. Fix up the things I said and I will increse my rating. Still my DR: YES

Review by 12345

21 Jun 2007, 09:34 (edited 21 Jun 07, 11:31 by Cooba)
For: Fronteir Battle Spire
Level rating: 3.8

Rules and guidelines of reviewing

You are bound to abide by certain rules when reviewing and rating. To make things easier both for the users and for the administrators, these rules have been summarized in this list, along with some guidelines which could be helpful in writing better reviews. It’s highly recommended that you read this list if you’re new to reviewing or J2O.

These rules were last changed on October 1, 2006. If any rules are added, or changed in a significant way, it will be announced on the news.


All reviews should describe why the upload deserves its given rating using several comprehensible sentences. Saying “X is great because the Y is nice” is not enough. One still needs to go into detail and say why some of the upload’s aspects are nice. It ought to be clear to people that you actually played the level, viewed the tileset, tried out the utility, etc., from your review.
You need to give out ratings fairly. Giving bonus points for the upload author for being your friend/clanmate/family member, for using one of your works, or for any other personal reason is not allowed, and will be edited. If you choose to rate an upload by such a person, be careful to have your review be as objective as possible. Do not let your opinions on the person influence your rating.
Please don’t decrease/increase your ratings for weird reasons such as “You used my tileset” or “You uploaded this on my birthday” – there should be no ad hominem reasoning behind a rating.
Do not post reviews that do not contribute to the site. This includes complaints about levels being made with TSF, “First review!” or “I will review later” reviews, reviews stating that an upload is broken after that has already been pointed out, and random chitchat/talk with other reviewers. Those are considered as spam and will be deleted.
Do not register multiple or fake accounts to manipulate and/or abuse the download section. That also includes multiple helpful/not helpful votes for reviews.
Please do not form reviewer teams. Jazz2Online rules state that each user account may only be used by one person. This means that you may not share an account to form a reviewer team.
Be polite and constructive in your reviews. Please include no remarks like “I can’t believe I wasted my time downloading this awful crap!!!” or saying things such as “I’m better at making levels” just to bring the upload author down. J2O is here to be helpful, not depressive. “The truth is that everything that can be accomplished by showing a person when he’s wrong, ten times as much can be accomplished by showing him where he is right.” ~ Robert T. Allen (not the tracker/composer)
If you’re not sure how to review a level, you may want to adopt the most commonly used system: rating the eyecandy, gameplay, and event placement of a level. In case you don’t know what these terms mean, here is a decent explanation.
Besides these rules, the general site rules are also in effect in the downloads section and should be followed like in every other place on the site. Do not swear or insult anyone in your reviews, do not bypass the swearword filter, etc.

[Umm… yes. Rating (10) clearance. ~cooba]

Review by FawFul

21 Jun 2007, 08:30
For: Jazz Commander 1.4 / 1.23 + 1.24
Level rating: 9

srry i say but u have to fix some bugs :/ i get always RUNE TIME ERROR :6
OVERFLOW… i dont have anything on the program if it doesnt work… (to bad)Re-upload plz and this time =(let it work;p )

Review by HatebreedMF

20 Jun 2007, 21:48 (edited 21 Jun 07, 02:25 by Violet CLM)
For: Carrotade v1.2
Level rating: 9.3

I like Forest the most
(Unsupported rating (9.2) removal. ~Violet)

Review by HatebreedMF

20 Jun 2007, 21:36
For: Running Rabbit
Level rating: 8.7

ty all! Eyecandy is not that was important for me here. Thanks to Zombi he helped me!

Review by Critz

19 Jun 2007, 16:47
For: Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE v2 (Updated)
Level rating: 9.7

I found a bug in new anti-jazz system.

If you have TNT from earlier lvls, you can easily enter as Jazz/Lori.

Just wallclimb at right edge of room, so you won`t teleport to waiting room, plant a TNT without moving, then rapidly press left and right to teleport to waiting room as Jazz/Lori…

Not recommendedReview by TripleJ

19 Jun 2007, 16:03 (edited 19 Jun 07, 16:14)
For: Fronteir Battle Spire
Level rating: 3.8

Fronteir Battle Spire uses Aztec tileset by Blade. But now for the review. (It’s gona be short by the way)

Gameplay? Well it’s not very good. Gameplay could be improved a lot! First of all this level is way too small and there are just ammos and small platforms. Level is not strategical at all. Don’t do levels in this size. You have to do bigger levels.

I can’t say much about the eyecandy.Well, it’s ok because you have used tiles correctly. There are no tilebugs and that’s good.

You can do better levels. That’s all what I want to say.

Rating: 3
Download Recommendation: No


Not recommendedReview by Valco

18 Jun 2007, 01:17
For: The final countdown
Level rating: 4.7

This was a sad attempt at
“One great level”.

Not much eyecandy in any of the layers.
(Since only 2, 4 & 8 were used.)
No pickups of any real point, such as ammo. only gems, which are COMPLETELY useless were used. No interesting puzzles, no monsters, no CHALLENGES except for dodging some flame.

I did however find the idea of a time limit quite interesting. Not much else though.

The music and tileset don’t show any problems. There wasn’t an incredible amount of tilebugs in the level, but eyecandy was almost minimal. Music was fine.


I’m sure not downloading the rest of the pack.

I’d rather just download the music.

Rating: 3.5

Review by Valco

18 Jun 2007, 00:43 (edited 18 Jun 07, 00:56 by gerard244)
For: Fronteir Battle Spire
Level rating: 3.8

I’ll go back and fix that then…

PS: Just what ‘Extra details’ might you expect?

RecommendedReview by Derby

17 Jun 2007, 22:54 (edited 25 Jun 07, 07:24)
For: Nature's Plot of Land
Level rating: 8.6

Level appearance:

Tileset usage: 8.0

There is not much to be said about how the tileset was used in this level. Tile incompatibilities were avoided all together because the Mystic Isle tileset, like many other custom tilesets, requires little contemplation in the creation of thick ground platforms. As a result, the appearance of the foreground becomes relatively flat in nearly all parts of the level with the exception of the waterfall area. This is more likely a limitation of the tileset, however.

Overall graphical appearance: 8.5

This race level’s greatest strength is the fact that it is very scenic. The background in the beginning of the level can be best described as a sunset where the sun is hidden behind green mountains with pillars lodged into the mountains. As you descend in the level (around the time you see waterfalls in the foreground) the orange colors also get hidden behind the mountains, leaving darker gray colors that make it seem as though the sun has become even more hidden.

Unfortunately, the path of the level continues to go down into a water cave, which does not leave enough time for the player to notice this great change in the level’s appearance. The level would have greatly benefited from being extended a little farther to the right past the waterfall area before descending into the water cave, as the level is fairly short for a level that is so easy to navigate.

While the background of the level has significant depth, the foreground suffers in all areas with the exception of the waterfall area. You should pay close attention to what you did in the waterfall area, as the attention to elements of the foreground, such as the inaccessible platform with the long rock, could be brought over to other portions of the level. You should not put waterfalls all over the place to fix this problem. Instead, in order to compensate for the tileset’s shortcomings in foreground detail, the level can use more of these inaccessible platforms within the walls.

One last aspect that is very good about this level’s appearance is the illusion it creates in the size of the area. Even though all levels are technically enclosed within an area, the fact that you used the wooden bridge tiles in some places at the top of the level makes it seem as though one could walk on top of the level as well, even though this is not possible in the race without being able to fly through walls. The illusory level continuity helps make this level look very good.

Level design:

Level navigation: Easy

Flow: 7.0

Most portions of the level have acceptable flow, although flow can be difficult to gauge in a race level. The only portion of the level that makes it level navigation seem more intermediate than easy is the spring area, as it requires a curved path to successfully navigate and will result in huge time losses if the player hits a spring. This is not a flow issue, however.

The sloppiest execution of flow occurs early in the level. The blue spring leads to a pepper spray powerup and a red spring that pushes a player downward against some upward force. Not only does this upward force cause the resulting buttstomp that is aimed for a low horizontal vine to become very sluggish, the player will not latch onto the vine half the time. This causes the player to fall into the abyss which warps the player back to the beginning of the segment, which is a significant waste of time in a race level.

Even worse, the blue spring can be jumped over easily, as the gap between the spring and the next part of the level is very small. While getting the pepper spray might be seem to be worth such a risk and loss of time (the next portion of the level requires players to shoot at blocks, which causes any player shooting the blocks during the first lap to be wasting roughly the same amount of time), the winding path of the level gives pepper spray very little advantage over the blaster.

The level has no major problems in flow apart from this.

Gameplay: 7.0

This level could have benefited from being slightly longer in length. The level hardly takes advantage of the fact that the level appears to be darker when the orange colors get hidden behind the green mountains as the player descends into the cave. Increasing the length of the circuit horizontally would thus pronounce this effect a lot better while also allowing the race to require a little more skill to finish.

The level itself has decent weapon placement and is open enough for players to use those weapons as long as the battle is not taking place in the short underwater area. Since the underwater area greatly slows down the racing action, it should be pulled far to the right along with the right-hand side of the level containing the springs and the drop into the water cave. This way, you can extend the portion of the level that best pronounces the receding sunlight and you can insert a segment of the level after the water area that emphasizes a high speed finish, as the race is essentially over when players go into the sucker tube event area at the end of the final lap.

One other issue is in the beginning of the water cave area. When you allow the player to either skim over the top of the water or go into the water, the player needs a very good reason to go into the water, as traveling in water takes far more time than traveling in mid-air. In this particular case, there are no weapons in the water to obtain, and there is actually bullet bouncer ammunition in mid-air. As a result, there is an even more compelling reason to avoid going into the water early at all.

With the exception of the water and the early portion of the level involving the pepper spray, there are no alternate paths, and even the alternate paths described earlier are not truly alternate paths. This level is completely linear, which limits more advanced gameplay possibilities in favor of simplicity. You might consider adding alternate paths if you are planning on extending the length of the level.

One thing you did very well is the use of the implicit checkpoint system that used triggers to make sure that players that fall into the abyss are teleported back to a very fair location. Even though the laps are short and the navigation is simple, the racing in this level can be fairly intense.

Overall concept: 7.7

This short and simple race level has excellent scenery and decent flow allowing for fast-paced racing action. While it is difficult to recommend based solely on its gameplay shortcomings and questionable linearity, it is very easy to recommend overall, as players will enjoy this fun and scenic race level if they can overlook its few gameplay flaws.

Good work.

Review correction on June 25, 2007:

After trying harder to master the massive shortcut across the canyon, I was able to successfully span the gap with both Jazz and Spaz, although the RF powerup in the level is not required to access it for either rabbit (though it is much harder without it), and spanning the gap cuts off about five seconds per lap for Spaz, while it cuts off roughly three seconds for Jazz. Additionally, spanning the gap is more difficult for Jazz.

While the shortcut is not perfectly executed, it is an excellent effort at rewarding players for taking such major risks in a racing level. The shortcut, however, is only helpful when players are spread out over the course, which makes it impractical on the second lap (as intended) and still difficult to use on the third lap if players are close together.

When I originally decided to ignore the shortcut due to it being seemingly impossible to span with Jazz, I scored the level a 7.5. Since the shortcut is still difficult with both rabbits even after mastering it and its practicality in many situations is questionable, the score will not be changed significantly. I have increased the review score by 0.2 to 7.7 to account for the existence of the shortcut.

~ Derby

Not recommendedReview by TheKax

17 Jun 2007, 08:46
For: Fronteir Battle Spire
Level rating: 3.8

“An odd battle in Aztec ruins, how exciting…”

LEVEL 11/20
Works well, but is too small. Actually the things where you can walk on, would be even a bit more different than the backround.

As the tiles were used correctly, it is good, but could have more visual and layerwork.

This is awful!
“Looks like you just died! Wait until this round is over, then rejoin the server.”
REJOIN THE SERVER? Are you crazy?!
Why couldn’t there be used third party prog, just like Carrotade, to restart the level?

BUGS 7/20
The suckertube-junction-start-controller, or whatever, isn’t very well made, if you are Spaz it is possible to “die”. Just if you doublejump under the warp-randomizer-thing. (Darn, using these-strange-wordie-thingies…)

There’s a little plenty of them, good…

TOTAL 44/100 = 4.5
Albeit good but a little buggy battle-survivor-level (crap, again the you-know-what…) No download recommendation…

RecommendedReview by Derby

17 Jun 2007, 01:03 (edited 17 Jun 07, 01:15)
For: Unknown Garden
Level rating: 8.1

Level appearance:

Tileset usage: 7.0

The use of the Carrotus Fix Evening tileset was decent in some ways and a little jarring in others. I feel the tileset was used better than the standard Carrotus tileset was used for the official JJ2 levels simply because there was far better variation in the ground of each platform. On the other hand, there may be a little too much deviation between tiles, as there are certainly several locations in the level where adjacent tiles have questionable compatibility. One thing I liked, however, is the fact that the weeds coming out between the rocks actually helps cover up several of these tile compatibility issues, making the overall result much more pleasing to the eye.

The tile incompatibilities do not pose a significant problem when actually moving quickly through the level, however, as the screen scrolling makes this difficult to see. I suggest looking at older levels like Carrotus Squash to improve your use of Carrotus tilesets. That battle level had few tile clashes in the ground. However, the size of each platform was also smaller on average, making tile compatibility significantly easier for that level.

Overall graphical appearance: 8.0

The background is full of carrots, vines, and waterfalls, while the foreground is used mainly for the smaller vines and brush that hang off the visible side of the platforms. I like the fact that the foreground is not used to cover the player in any area. I also like how non-scrolling mountains were used in the “distant” background off to the right hand side and waterfalls were used on the left hand side somewhere in a similar fashion.

The varying widths of the closer waterfalls also lends the level’s landforms a sense of depth, as it appears that water falls off the side of the landforms far away and much closer. While there is a lot of depth in the background, the foreground appears to be much flatter, with no water flowing out from the front. You might be able to do this in a lower corner of the level so it does not obstruct any other important part of the level while still appearing logical. Overall, I like the fact that the level’s physical symmetry does not carry over into visual symmetry.

Level design:

Level navigation: Very easy

Flow: 9.0

This level’s greatest strength is its excellent flow. The springs were well placed, and most areas of the level where springs are used have enough distance between the player’s head and the areas’ ceilings, and most items are placed at ground level or in the paths of springs to allow reloading to occur at fast speeds. I question the use of the two warp points in the level. While they do not move the player far enough across the level to become part of the primary method of travel, I think many players might hesitate to use them most of the time because the warp targets are close to the center of the level, which makes the center of the level a very dangerous place for most players. This is actually a good idea because using the most straightforward path in a CTF level should also be very risky. While there is nothing new about the flow of this level, there is also nothing fundamentally wrong with it.

Gameplay: 8.5

At first, I questioned the base placement in this level. Both are in the lower corners of the level, which often leads to players neglecting the upper area of the level, as all the action is concentrated at the bottom. At the very least, however, there is a large difference in the type, power, and quantity of weapons you can get between the bottom and top of the level. At the very top, there are also powerups, which highlights this difference. You can certainly improve this idea even further by removing the seeker ammo from the bottom of the level. Players should have to go out of their way to acquire the ammo that makes the open areas toward the bottom of the level dangerous.

Another aspect I liked about this level was the existence of both highly open areas and relatively narrow areas close to one another as alternate paths to each flag base. This results in the narrow area being much better for those that possess bullet bouncers, while the open area is much better for those that prefer to use RF missiles. Both become dangerous paths when players are able to assess the situation and use the proper weapon. Similarly, there area areas with several branches (specifically toward the bottom) where seekers are very good to use, while RF missiles will instead hit the walls and ceilings and bouncers are generally less effective than seekers, but more effective than RF missiles. These design choices are very good to keep in mind when creating a level that emphasizes simple flow.

Overall Concept: 8.2

Unknown Garden is a solid CTF level with excellent flow and decent design decisions in its graphical presentation and structure. While there are no new concepts to be seen in this level, it is a good example of a CTF level having both bases placed at the bottom of the level while still encouraging players to navigate the rest of the level to acquire more strategic and powerful weapons to roast the flag carrier. The optimal match in this kind of level would probably be a 2 on 2.

Good job.

~ Derby

Review by TheKax

16 Jun 2007, 17:53 (edited 20 Jun 07, 21:31 by Cooba)
For: How To Make Tiles Into Bosses
Level rating: 5.2

to make custom bullets for monster-like-thingy, animate some tiles and use them with hurt.

[Nevermind this edit please :D/ ~cooba]

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

15 Jun 2007, 19:01
For: Boss Attack Mode v2
Level rating: 7

Short Review:

This version is a lot better than the previous one. The eyecandy was far better. No pixilating blocks, but still a few bugs, for instance, level 5 had a few, and where you stomp Spaz in level 1. My only point of improvment is that now you could prehaps experiment with the foreground, since I only saw backround and a little foreground eyecandy. Otherwise, great work with the JJ1 tilesets.

Gameplay has improved also. There was more gameplay in each of the arenas. The difficulty was alright, not easy, but not completely impossible either. There were more puzzles involving trigger crates, but could use a wider variety. Puzzle is either done by stomping or shooting some blocks to find a crate. If you’ve played the Hocus Pocus episode, you would find they have done combinations things with the trigger zones.

I think my previous rating may have been a 6.5. Anyways, your rating now is…

RANK: 7 Good
DOWNLOAD: Download this if you’ve downloaded the previous version, because this one has fewer bugs. Plus, download this if you want a reasonable Boss Rush mode.

Review by Technopauluz

15 Jun 2007, 14:55
For: Hellbreeds Game
Level rating: N/A

‘98… Yes, thats a long time ago :)…

I’ve played the level some time and it’s a typicaly starting builders level with some extra like a secret room leading from a long fast sugar tube, big and small rooms , layer 7 used.

Well the gameplay wasn’t good and the weapons placent uhum.. not good either i don’t gonna discus about that beqause it’s 9 years old :P.

Conclusion; a funny much colloring level that’s defenitly above average beginners levels, but not something to host and play online.

Not recommendedReview by TheKax

15 Jun 2007, 10:55 (edited 15 Jun 07, 10:56)
For: My First Ground Force
Level rating: 5.5

“Lagging survivor…”

LEVEL 12/20
Actually contains lot of useless space, wich could be deleted with better layer’s size. Actually the surviving part on the left hand side is made pretty well, but lags mercilesly.

+ long GF (ground force) area.

- long GF (ground force) area.

- wasted space

There is no eyecandy. Actually it’s good thing, that the whole level isn’t made with one tile, but two is also too low :P ! Could have more layer-work.

- Made with only two tiles (except the mez-ad).

- lack in layers.

- more visual things needed.

Aah. well made survivor. Except the lag, wich about we discuss later.

+ works

- too small info for the spaz-checking

- idea lacks in characters (as normally it is, so this doesn’t lower your low points.), I’ll need to create a survivor level for Jazz and Lori too… HINT, HINT!

BUGS 6/20
Lag is death. The lvl is so full of events, wich causes these things:

- You can’t sometimes shoot.

- Some of the crates are empty

- Sometimes the scenery doesn’t get destroyed.

Full failure!
lvl only contains the needed, wich is low, too low, understood?

- No ammo

- no Power-ups

- no extra-thingies

TOTAL 35/100 = 3.5/10
Read this review carefully and you may succes next time.

Score is under 75, no Download recommendation, sorry.

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

13 Jun 2007, 10:44 (edited 13 Jun 07, 10:46)
For: Grayiveris Hell
Level rating: 4.6

I felt like reviewing this because I had nothing else to do.


To start with, there are tilebugs in the ground in Layer 4 and the level looks empty because there are quite a few blank spaces.
Background isn’t that great. There is a BG in Layer 6 but I don’t see it until near the end. This level could use a better background as the Layer 6 one looks weird and confusing. It makes me think there are platforms there when there aren’t. A lot of the level looks repetitive.



The level is short, I finished it in about 2 minutes. There are no checkpoints which is not good if you die in the level. There was only one Bonus Area which isn’t hard to access. The pole near the warp catapults the player up rather than across. This is because you have used the wrong pole event. You should have used the “H-Pole” event.



Coin placement is poor as too many of these can be found out in the open. They need to be hidden so that the player cannot access the Bonus Area to easily. The Bonus Area has far too many items. There are TONS of Tacos. There were 5 1UPs in the level in total. Too many of these were found out in the open. There was a Shield right NEAR the end of the level with lots of Extra Time events which do not work. You need to use the “Stopwatch” event in Environment -> Objects for extra time on Shields though there were too many placed here. The Shield was useless as it wasn’t needed near the end of the level. The grouping of the weapons was too big. There were lots of Toaster weapons in the open. I would think a maximum of 6 items per group would be better. Also, don’t place them in square forms as this may look boring to some players. Overall, the item placement is not good and there are too many weapons & 1UPs in the open.



There were enough enemies to kill me in this level but placement of some of them wasn’t that great as the player could jump over them. Obstacles were OK but I think you could have put in some puzzles like Trigger Crates or Trigger Zones.


TOTAL SCORE: 15/40 = 3.75 = 3.8

RANK: F = Bad


The eyecandy is not good in this level. Tilebugs are everywhere and there is only one background which is in Layer 6 and looks confusing.
Items are poorly placed and there are too many of the weapons and 1UPs.
Your other level (The Middle Ages) was better so try making your levels like that. Since the score is lower than 5, my DR is NO.

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