Hmm… This Race pack wasn’t really that great. There were tilebugs in the Carrotus levels. Foregrounds in Carrotus were annoying as I kept seeing the same Carrot about 3 times a second. There wasn’t much gameplay here either. No items or weapons anywhere except for the MILLIONS of self detonating TNT everywhere. :O Mostly you were just running, spinning on poles and going through TONS of speed destruct scenery.
If I were to rate it, I’d probably give it about 4 or 5 as it’s a bit too repetitive but the eyecandy was quite original in some levels.
Fix the tileset name, example lvl uses Castle Diam(4).j2t, but the set is Castle Diam.j2t !
Anyway, good set!
Wow, this tileset looks really nice, Good job! =)
Only the masking could be improved and the example-lvl is, excuse me, (not good). Anyways, nice tileset!
[Negativity removal ~cooba]
This is the only conversion of Crysillis available right now. Although it has most of the JJ1 Crysillis tiles, it’s missing the flashing arrows which a JJ1 level really needs. Everything else still looks fine though.
Not all the tiles are masked correctly. The bright yellow crystals are not masked meaning that they cannot be used as platforms. Even with this problem, you still do have enough tiles to make a good level (which I’m making with this set right now). There is no textured background though you do still have the original JJ1 style BG. Text signs are added but the JJ1 signs are also missing. Also in the set is the scenery blocks which every level needs. This set could also do with the V & H Poles as there isn’t really anything to use for them.
TOTAL SCORE: 15.5/20 = 7.75 (ROUNDED TO 7.8)
*Great looking Crysillis tiles.
*Contains enough tiles to make a good level.
*Contains all the scenery blocks.
*Some tiles are missing including flashing arrows, V & H Poles & JJ1 Signs.
*Bright yellow Crystals not masked
While this set is missing some tiles, there are still plenty of tiles which can be used to make a good level. As I’ve given this way over 6.5 my DR is YES!
OK, now this is the FIRST TIME I EVER reviewed a CTF level so I hope this is all right, I spent 3 days typing this up.
Tileset used for this level is Odyssey 04 which is one of the overused tilesets but this set has been used really well in this level. All 8 Layers have been used. Backgrounds and Foregrounds are original and look fantastic. Tiles have also been made translucent. Every layer has eyecandy. Tons of animated tiles have been used in lots of the layers. The whole level looks like one big machine. The background in Layer 7 also moves. The whole level looks much better than the original Death Facility. The eyecandy must have taken months to make and to get working correctly. There are masses of animated tiles in Layer 2 & 3. I love the way everything moves. There are absolutely NO tilebugs present anywhere. Nothing looks repetitive. Everywhere you go you will see all this amazing eyecandy.
Overall, there is absolutely NOTHING wrong with the eyecandy so this deserves a 10!
Layout is great, there are no places for the player to camp. There are Float Up events used to get to higher levels. Three PUs can be found in the level. 2 of these are Seekers and RFs which can only be accessed by shooting a Bouncer at them as sucker tubes stop the player from going down to the PUs. The other PU which is a Bouncer can be found at the top and I didn’t find this on my first playthrough. Flag placement is good, I couldn’t find the Flag Bases at first as they were hidden well. Weapon placement is also great, the are not placed in the usual broing 2×2 square forms and are scattered about the level.
In some of the tubes, Springs and Wind Left/Right events have been used instead of Sucker Tube events. There are 2 +1 Carrots and there’s one Full NRG carrot too. The Carrots also have a delay so that the players cannot pick these up too easily.
There aren’t any secret or Bonus areas to access here but the gameplay is still excellent.
LV 1 SCORE: 19/20 (9.5)
Tileset used for this level is Windstorm Fortress. Eyecandy in this level is not as impressive as DF3, no animated tiles are used but the eyecandy here is still awesome. Layers 3-8 have been used. Nothing looks repetitive, there are no tilebugs. This level has fantastic backgrounds, the Layer 8 BG has been made translucent.
There are 5 PUs here. 1 RF, 2 Bouncer, 1 Seeker and 1 Toaster. They are easier to access than in DF3 but they do have a delay so that the players can’t just camp there shooting PUs. Weapon placement is great, but there are some RFs placed on both sides and they are impossible to pick up as there is no spring to bounce up to them. Only the useful weapons are here. No useless ones like TNT or Freezer. Also, they are not placed in the 2×2 square forms so that they don’t look boring.
Flag placement is good, sometimes I don’t notice the Bases as I run through the level. There are 2 “+1 Carrots” and 1 Full NRG carrot. The Full NRG carrot can be quite hard to get which is good. Carrots are not placed on the ground. They are also have a delay so that players can not easily re-gain any Hearts. There are no Bonusses but there are hidden warps which go back up to the top. Overall, this level has some great gameplay but it’s not as strategical as DF3.
LV 2 SCORE: 17.5/20 (~8.8)
Tileset used for this level is “Labrat P” which is a Palette edit of Labrat. The Layer 8 Textured BG has been cut in half which looks good and is original. Some might not like it. All Layers except 1 have been used.
Again, everything here is original and does not look repetitive. I like the moving background in Layer 7.
The platforms look great, Layers 2 & 3 have been used to place more eyecandy on the platforms.
I would recommend using Carrotade/JJ2+ for this level as there are Death Pits here which can be opened by using TNT to blow up a Trigger Crate at the bottom. There are 3 PUs in this level, Bouncer & Toaster are two of these. They can only be accessed by shooting them with the Electro Blaster. Belt Left/Right events are also used to make the EB shoot further to reach the PU. The other PU is for the Blaster which can be found at the bottom near the Death Pits.
There is a 25 Coin Warp which contains a Fire Shield. As you are bounced down from a Spring that counts as Buttstomping it meaning you only get 15 seconds of use. This will be useful when you are trying to get your Flag to the other Base.
Coins are placed well and are not placed in 2×2 square forms which don’t look boring and are spread out so that they are not too easy to collect.
There are 3 “+1 Carrots.” No Full NRG carrots so that players cannot re-gain health too easily.
Overall, gameplay is very good in this level.
LV 3 SCORE: 18/20 (9.0)
TOTAL SCORE: 19 + 17.5 + 18 = 54.5/60
*Awesome music in all levels +0.2
FINAL SCORE: (9.5 + 8.8 + 9.0) / 3)) + 0.2 = 9.3/10
+Excellent eyecandy in all levels.
+Death Pits used in LV 3
+Flag placement good in all levels.
+Items not placed in 2×2 square forms.
+Excellent layout for all levels.
-Eyecandy in Level 3 may not appeal to all.
Do you really think I would not recommend this if I gave it over 9? This is also the FEATURED DOWNLOAD of May 2007 so why would you not download this? Obviously I’m saying YES! :D
I get an error that I’m missing Phoenix1.j2t
This level uses Odyssey 4 Tileset. The layout in this level is symectrical.
Gameplay is nice and strategical. Well it’s not amazing but it’s nice. Moving between bases is fast and easy. There are sucker tubes in some places and they are placed well. There are float ups also in this level. With them you can get upper level. Springs are well placed. There are no dead ends in this level and that is a good thing (of course =P) The flow is good so
you can get easily in every place. Ammo placement is good. There are 3 PU’s in this level and that is enough. There are 1 Full NGR and two 2 Carrot+1 and I think that it’s too much. Those Carrot+1 could be removed.
Eyecandy is nice. It looks realistic in some way. Backround in this level looks original. I like the way that you have used layers 5, 6 and 7. Also I like the way that you have used layers 2 and 3. You have used all layers, but still eyecandy looks simple. Eyecandy looks massive also, because there are so much stuff in layer 2 and 3. I didn’t notice any tilebugs. Nice job with the eyecandy.
Overall this is really nice level with massive eyecandy and good gameplay.
I give a 8.7 for this level.
This level looks like a prison or something… It uses Windstorm Fortress tileset.
This level also looks symectrical. First I have to say that spring placement is bad in some places because it’s hard to get in some springs. Moving between bases is very easy. It’s even easier than in level ‘‘The death facility III’‘ There are sucker tubes in some places. Gameplay is not very strategical
or tactical, but it’s still really nice. Ammo placement is good, but there are too much fast fires I think. PU’s are placed well. There are 1 Full NGR and two 2 Carrot+1 in this level and, well, again it’s too much.
Eyecandy looks amazing. Everything fits perfectly. You have used all kind of tiles for makin good eyecandy. Layers 5, 4 and 3 are well used. I didn’t notice any tilebugs and that is good thing. Well I can’t say much about eyecandy, because it’s so perfect =)
This is really good level also with amazin eyecandy and good gameplay.
I give 9 for this level.
This level uses Labrat P tileset. Palette edit looks really nice.
Layout in this level is very different than in those two other levels. Layout looks platformy. Layout looks really open also. Moving between bases is easy. I like the death pit idea. You can open those dead pits with TNT. Level looks more strategical with those dead pits. Flow in this level is ok. Springs are well placed. Ammo placement is nice and PU’s are in good position. Coins are also well placed. With them you can get a fire shield.
Eyecandy in this level is really cool. It looks creepy. You have used all layers except layer 1. The backround is original. Textured backround is half cutted and I don’t know does it looks cool or weird. (or both =P) There are
few nice details in this level. After all eyecandy looks simple, but it’s really nice. And again, I didn’t notice any tilebugs.
This is really nice level also.
I give a 9 for this level.
Overall this is really nice CTF pack with amazing eyecandy and nice gameplay. Nice job! I give bonus points for music and theme.
Rating: 9
Download Recommendation: Yes
It is a very nice game!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
AGONY!!!! >P
(I know this review is late, but I have been very busy with school recently.)
Well, I can simply say the levels were fantastic visually. I could just sit here all day staring at it, and I would have no distractions and I wouldn’t get bored. One of the things that makes these levels great is that the the eyecandy may seem a little overdone to some people, but when you play you don’t lose focus at all, and you enjoy the pretty landscape flying by. Also, all these levels use mechanical type tilesets, but P4ul has used them very well and as made them look much more organic and random, contrasting a lot with other levels made with these tilesets.
The Death Facility III had me completely shocked by it’s massive amount of eyecandy, which is even more than the original Death Facility. The pipes are placed together perfectly, and there are some original EC things too, which is always a good thing, especially in an overused tileset such as this.
Demon Rampart has a slightly strange atmosphere made by it’s music choice. Instead of a floating castle, this level looks more like an underground ruined temple; so it looks different to other WSF levels, but it slightly resembles The Temple of Suffering (which was also made by P4ul) in some aspects, which doesn’t bother me at all. Btw, I love the face in the wall above the Carrot.
Distorted Research Site uses a palette edit of Noka’s Labrat Conversion, giving it a more Metalic feel, and making it so it looks like many things are stained in blood. There’s an original background in this level, and you can only see the top half of the textured background. The sprite layer eyecandy is placed very well, it has a lot of random objects everywhere, to give the level a more “abandoned” feeling. I though the music is a little soft for this sort of theme however.
The gameplay was generally smooth in this pack. The springs all take you to where you aim to go, and there aren’t dumb obstacles all over the place. The layouts in these levels are simple in design, meaning that they can be learned easily. While The Death Facility III and Demon Rampart being symectrical, allow for certain balance, I would much rather see Un-symectrical levels like Distorted Research Site, as they offer more variety in the gameplay, and they tend to be more original, all though this means a lot of effort is required to make a perfectly balanced layout. The placement is in interesting shapes, instead the usual, boring 2×2 squares that annoy me when I see them. I had no problems with the PU/Carrot placement either.
I thought The Death Facility III had a simple, linear and fairly boring layout, rather like it’s cousin. While the gameplay is solid, it seems a little chaotic in my opinion, since there is serveral open spaces, which are a haven for RF Spam. I like the fact Wind/Floatups/Springs have been used instead of Sucker Tubes, and if you get stuck, you will be warped out.
Demon Rampart has a slightly different layout compared to other levels, I would say it’s quite original. Although it’s considerably large, it would work the best in duels rather than in Teamplay, since it is quite one-wayed. There’s an interesting PU placement, with an RF in the middle, two Bouncer’s near the bases, and Toaster/Seeker in the lower left/right corners. As this levels is extremely open, there is a lot of room to fire Seekers, yet they can easily be avoided. The RF PU is no doubt the best choice for the middle, since it would be the most destructive here.
Distorted Research Site has a more platformy layout compared to the other levels, and like Demon Rampart it is very open. There is some Spaz bias in some areas, however. This level contains an interesting concept with the death pits, as they are only opened by the use of TNT at a block in the lower middle of the level. There is also a 20-coin warp, which will give you a 15 second fire shield, which will be of great use for a flag carrier as a short burst of safety.
This became awarded as the Featured Upload of May, so you have no excuse to not download this. These are most certainly P4ul’s most awesome levels so far.
So…. Download Reccomendation!
EDIT – It seems that after further playing, this deserves a higher rating.
EDIT 2 – In fact, this pack does not that higher rating after all. The gameplay turned out to be too chaotic in Distorted Research Site and Death Facility III, to the point of nearly being unplayable. Demon Rampart played decently though, but with the abundance of power ups, few routes and several open spaces to weapon spam in, it will probably stay as one of those levels that are only good in public servers or events, due to it’s frantic and chaotic nature. Rating takes quite a big hit.
Okay… it’s a okay level to begin with. It’s nice, has lots of space, and good weapon placement… kinda.
Well… it looks good, but also kinda boring. There aren’t any landmarks or anything to distinguish where you are, and too much looks the same. Even so, there aren’t any real problems with it, so I’d say it’s good.
You know, I would love to see way less seekers in the game. They require almost no skill to use, and if you fire enough of them it’s hard to miss. There was a seeker powerup right where I started. Bad idea in my opinion. There are also lots of other powerups. As for normal ammo, it had good placement.
I’m not seeing anything that sticks out here. I mean, it looks very bland… the eyecandy I mentioned was okay, but it looks very much like standard carrotus. The level is very platform oriented, which I haven’t actually see that much of.
GAMEPLAY: 7.5/10
I liked how the trees blocked the ammo, which was good because it added a bit more stratagy. The level is very platform oriented, which can become quite a nuisance at times. Anyone who gets the bouncers can sit on a high platform and shoot down at people. People could retaliate with seekers, but I think it would have been been better not to have either weapon there.
OVERALL: 7.2/10
An okay level, but I honestly wouldn’t play it because there’s nothing that really stands out about it.
Sure, if you’re low on battle levels, but there is better out there. Sorry, but I really can’t say either way.
ok first of all this isn’t that good , im not reviewing it , nut i think you should stronly look back at it
Ok here we go.
For a first attempt this is pretty good. Layer 4 looks great as there’s lots of little animations like rotating coins and golden bricks that glamer in the sun. There’s eyecandey in layer 5 that looks good. There’s no tilebugs that I could see. My only complain is that there’s only a background and no foreground. Because of this the levels can be boring to look at times. I have to say the best eyecandey came from the main menu! But still the eyecandey is above average.
Very good. The levels aren’t linear and there’s lots of secrets in the levels. There’s lots of trigger puzzles and spaz put you in positions were you have to use your ammo carefully. The level revolve around puzzles more than just shooting enemies which is a nice change in pace. Most of the puzzles are finding coins to get to the crate or something like that. Also if you cheat at that you get killed! So don’t use the jjcoins code. The pack is fairly long and the levels are fun to play. one thing that’s bad is in some level once you beat them
it comes up with an error message saying it can’t find the level. Also the secret level has no tileset to it! Also the level seem empty at times. Also there’s lots of traps. Great gameplay.
Enemy placement
Great. There’s not to many enemies and there put in good locations. There is enough to kill somebody but it didn’t kill me because I’m really good at this game. Then enemy choses were good so good enemy placement.
Pickup Placement
Bad. In the first couple of levels there no ammo, gems, food or anything in the level except in the bonus areas. The last level has the fixed up with lots of things but that doesn’t cut it. Also in the levels I couldn’t find any carrots. The coins were very well hidden which is good. Also the only ammo was the stuff that you needed to complete the level.
Now to the review
Not bad. The background looks a little dull. All there is are a sky and floating platforms. There’s no forground and the ground has tilebugs in it. Basically the level was boring to look at. Also because the author made it look like everything was floating in thin air the level looks bad.
Again not bad. There’s little traps but that’s ok. There’s a strange pole that goes up and down instead of side to side which is weird. There’s 1 secret but only an idiot can miss it. The secret warps has tons of things in it but considering how easy the coins are it’s really just overkill. Also the path was to liniere. I wish the level was more explorable. There was also a descent amount of destruct blocks which is good. The level was also to short
Pickup Placement:
TO MANY GEMS!! There were gems everywhere. The coins were way to easy to get. Plus there wasn’t enough food. I’d have to play that level about 15 times before I’d get a sugar rush. The ammo placement is good but there was to much ammo clumped together in some places. There was shield at the end for some weird reason and there was no save points. Also there were way to many carrots and extra lives.
Enemy placement:
Good. The enemies were put in good locations. There was enough to kill the player. (If there were less carrots) Some were put in walls so you can’t hit them until they attack. My only complain is that they were all clumped together in bigs groups.
Rank D
Final score:5.2
Just so you know, Normal RFs and Powered up RFs give the exact same amount of speed/power/whatever when bouncing off walls with them, the explosions apply force to your rabbit, but the force of them does not combine so more explosions is still the same amount of force.
The level was ok, it could have been better.
I played the level on hardest, but it felt like just a normal level without difficulty.
There was candy and such, but no decerations, no background. Nothing for the eyes, but bad guys wondering around trying to figure out what the meaning of life is.
Bad Guys:
They had no challenge, and they where never in their enviorment. You know what I mean? It’s like, since Jazz is going into the swears, the Bad Guys have the homefeild advantage since Jazz is attackign them, so have it to were they are in the postion of power.
Boss: Nice boss level. He wasn’t hard for me, but that doesn’t mean he wouldn’t be hard for someone else. I would only recommend that you make the fighting room smaller so that there is no where you can go where you could be safe from the boss. Also have two carrots instead of four.
There where two glitches I found in the level as well:
1. Jazz couldn’t reach the gold coin needed for the warp, and that wasn’t cool.
2. On a block that changed randomly and quickly, if you jump above it you hear the boss say “Oooohhhh I’m toasted” which is the same thing he says after you beat him.
The song got annoying after awhile……….*cough……..
So all in all, I think you should have tested it more before up-loading, or please re-upload with impovments and I will change my rating.
Keep it up.
Ya I did the same as BattleSpaz, I had to skip some parts, but let me be more detailed…
The Bouncer: The Bouncer was cool, and was managable, but I got stuck on one part and had to fly through the walls to understand what I was suppose to do. So I kill myself and did it right the secound time.
The RF: I got stuck on the wall jumping part. I just couldn’t do it(But remeber I tryed all this with Jazz). So I cheated and flew through that part.
The electric blaster: That jsut didn’t seem to work. I was killing everything I could, but nothing opened up. So I (again) flew past it to the last part which was the specials.
That too didn’t seem to make any sence. So I finaly just gave up.
These levels showed some cool tricks, but again, it was all just too hard and I have been doing alot of jazz for a very long time (since JJ1) and have beated the hardest of levels (don’t mean to brag, but that’s just excperence I have and I couldn’t even do it)
I would make it easer, or shorter and re-submit.
Nonetheless, I think this was a good idea, and I hope you make a beginners version so I can complete it, lol.
This is my favorite hotel tileset! The artwork is great, and it has cute things like fish bowls and little dogs. The hotel furniture is great! I definately recommend it!
[Unsupported rating (9.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]This tileset ROCKS!! It looks really professional, and it has really cool animations! It’s really original, it could be one of the real official JJ2 tilesets!
I love the environment, I like jungle levels the most in JJ2. It has it all!
[Unsupported rating (9.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.