Review by Rauljazz

13 May 2007, 08:09 (edited 13 May 07, 10:22 by Cooba)
For: Disco Jazz
Level rating: 2.1

It’s a great puzzle level but it hasn’t got eyecandy on the background layers!
But not wrong!

[Unsupported rating (5.2) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

12 May 2007, 20:20 (edited 12 May 07, 20:21 by da man)
For: Daring Rebels
Level rating: 7.6

After Hitch reviewed my level, I felt like reviewing his level as well although I didn’t post in the Review Exchange topic or something. Anyway, this level deserves a review. Behold!

First of all, the level name is pretty interesting. ‘Daring Rebels’ doesn’t say much about the level. Also, this is Hitch’s second Battle level, and the second one with this tileset.

First comes the gameplay. While Hitch said that my level had bad flow, this level’s flow isn’t perfect either. But a level doesn’t need a perfect flow, just a good flow. I can say that the level’s flow is good enough here. The level’s layout is interesting, the author has used One Ways and vines to connect platforms.. which is a style I’m starting to like more. Vines are pretty underused in levels, and that while they’re good to have. The warps in the level are useful, because one of the warps take you to a carrot and the coinwarp leads to another carrot, a Full NRG. More about that later. Also, the spring at 29,74 is not visible because of the layer 3 eye candy.

Talking about the eye candy.. it feels a bit chaotic in places, but overall it looks nice. The idea from The Chasm(not The Chasam) is awesome indeed. The level uses all layers, some more than the others but it gives a nice effect. The background is pretty original as well. Some of the caves look a bit like the ones in Return of the Doomed, particularly on the left side. Around 81,62 you need to put layer 5, those are tilebugs ;(

Overall, really nice eye candy but those bugs need to be fixed.

Then the placement.. like I said, the level has a coin warp. There are 8 silver coins and 1 gold coin, and 4 of those silver coins are really close to the gold coin. The ammo placement.. well.. the level could use other events than just coins, ammo and Power-Ups. The shapes of ammo are good anyway. The level doesn’t have two groups of the same type of ammo close to each other. The Gun9 Power-Up is not very useful here, but it’s a nice add-on to the level. Could use some ammo around it, but not necessary. The level has 2 +1 carrots and one Full NRG that you get in the coin warp. The two +1s are at the bottom of the level, one of them is in a warp at the left side and the other is on the right side. The three Power-Ups are placed well, maybe the Seek PU is too close to the Bouncy PU. The RF PU is around the bottom middle. The Seek PU could have been placed somewhere at the left side as well, or the Bouncy PU.

And then the question: Does this level have a chance in the contest?

This level could go for 3rd place maybe. Cooba’s level and PoL’s level have a great chance to win, I don’t know about the third place. Basically every other serious level(so not Sacrush’s level, sorry Sacrush) have a chance for the 3rd place, but we don’t know yet. It also depends on the judges. It’s hard to say what this level misses. Maybe it’s the layout, maybe it’s the flow, or something else. I also think it’s a bit dark with the dark palette of this tileset, but that palette hasn’t been used before. It’s easy to switch between palettes, but the level has to fit the palette as well. And this level fits the palette. I give this level a 7.7. It’s a nice level overall, and deserves a download recommendation.

Review by DarkSonic

11 May 2007, 16:30
For: Heated Pipelines
Level rating: 7.5

Well, a few comments:

First, the flow is not bad in my opinion. Maybe because you bump against the wall for the RF PU, I could have found another place for that though.. I have to agree there. But you can move around well on other places. Also, Hitch, I don’t know if you downloaded the new version of the level with more ammo and less candies.

Anyway, this level might have been a bit too much like a CTF level. After seeing other levels for the contest, particularly The Warden Woods and Foreign Country which are the two levels that have the most chance in my opinion, I learned some stuff about Battle levels and their layouts.

RecommendedReview by Hitch

10 May 2007, 20:32 (edited 12 May 07, 02:25)
For: Heated Pipelines
Level rating: 7.5

Heated Pipelines

It’s been awhile since i’ve reviewed any levels but here goes another >P This level uses the Lavapolis tileset created by Noka. Let’s just start of by saying I have only seen 2 levels using this tileset, so I wouldn’t normally know what a “great” level with this tileset would be. Anyway, the review;

Gameplay: Lets see, the level runs pretty solid throughout the level. At certain points, like where the Rf position if located, that blue spring is unnecessary. You hit the wall if your not going for the Rf, and, well you get the point. At certain times, it seems that all i’m ever experiencing is the springs. You could of used something else, like some lava eyecandy, then put a float up there. You get the idea.

Eyecandy: Eyecandy in this level is done wonderfully. One problem though is that it seems empty at ceratin points, the left side, is experiencing more of the backround tiles, and so is the right but not as much. In the walls you have certain cracks with eyecandys placed in there. There are also some unique ideas used with the eycandy so that is always good to see.

Ammo/Carrot/Powerup placements: Lets start of with ammo first. First off I see ammo can get pretty empty in some places.What I also see is, there is hardly any Rf ammo, and just the Rf powerup. I also get annoyed with the candies. I would of used, when you go up a spring in the corner, some ammo instead of candy.Powerups…The Rf powerup placement I hate. I’d wish it could maybe be under where the gun9 is placed, then shoot gun9 to get to the Rf. And once again I hate that blue spring. It is just bugged up. As for the bouncy, there is nothing to say. And for the seeker powerup, you’ll have to take a risk on that, since it’s a dead end. Lastly, the carrots, EW! Horrible placements, except for the one in the top right corner. If I where you I would of put one where the gun 9 is. That would suite me.

Positives: Good eyecandy, playable

Negitives: Bad flow and placements of events.

Score: 7.5/10+9/10+7.5/10=8


[Edit] Ds did reupload the level without me knowing untill now. He has fixed some stuff like adding more ammo and less candy.

Review by FOX282

10 May 2007, 16:37 (edited 10 May 07, 16:54 by Violet CLM)
For: Desperate Cry
Level rating: 8.3

(Unsupported rating (9) removal. ~Violet)

Review by FOX282

10 May 2007, 16:19
For: Wisety's Wonders
Level rating: 9.1

RATING Wisety’s Wounders

This is my FIRST custom tileset pack i have downloaded, but ONLY NOW i write my review.
My recoomendation is todownload it when you have TSF-because there is a lot of tiles.

so that is:

Raging Inferno:
Nice tileset. Cool design. Not so much Eyecandy objects but a lot of designed textures. One of the best.
Total: 90/100

Unreal Imagination:
Like in the Disguise’s readme file, that is i tileset i very loved. A cool UNUSUAL colors you don’t see at other tileset. I like the BG! BUT THERE ARE SOME Mask bugs but is not important.

Tarzan Treetop:
This is a tileset not see in everyday. Cool name! Nice level, but that tileset is hard to use.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

10 May 2007, 14:55 (edited 11 May 07, 11:37)
For: Mistery City
Level rating: 3.6

Rating Mistery City

To start:
Another Single Player level!! At last. But one problem: it is a bad one.

Eyecandy: (20 pts)
The platforms are boring. The background is so-so. The skyscrapers on layer 6 and 7 are not good measured. You can see that when you arrive at the bottom of the level. But at least the X-Speeds and Y-Speeds are good. I’ll give you seven points for the Eyecandy.
Result: 7 pts

Gameplay: (20 pts)
The gameplay is good, but NOT wonderful. It is just a level with some enemies and obstacles. So just good. But you can trap yourself half way. On position 97, 16 you can jump on a platform on the left and when you go all the way to the left, you’ll fall and you’ll be trapped. So it is a so-so gameplay.
Result: 11 pts

Story: (10 pts)
There is no story. So this factor does not count for your final rating.
Result: N/A

Obstacle placement: (20 pts)
There are too many enemies into the level. So not good. No points for the obstacle placement.
Result: 0 pts

Bonus placement: (10 pts)
Not good. There is too much food, too much ammo and too much coins. And maybe there are also a bit too much gems. But the worst are the extra lives: there are 7 extra lives! I think it is better to place no more than three extra lives into one level. But at least you have PLACED bonuses into this level.
Result: 2 pts

Bad. Too much bonuses and enemies and a pretty sad Eyecandy. I’m sure that if you ask some tips from an advanced level creator (like EvilMike) and you will really use them everyone will give you a higher mark than this bad 3,6.

Total points: 20
Maximum number of points: 80-10(story)=*70*
Calculating: 20/70*9+1=*3,6*
Mark: 3,6 (3,5714285714285714285714285714286)
Download recommendation:

RecommendedReview by Valco

10 May 2007, 01:52 (edited 10 May 07, 01:54 by gerard244)
For: WR's Mountain Hotel
Level rating: 8.6

White Rabbit, your an awesome who makes awesome levels.

So many things like a huge swimming pool and roomy chatroom make this hotel one of the best ever.

Creativity was impossible not to see!

An icecream factory, rollercoasters, battle stores, and cool looking rooms…

It was everywhere!

You have inspired me to make a hotel of my own.

Here it is!

Review by FOX282

9 May 2007, 09:03
For: SaLLoG V1.1
Level rating: 9.8

I have see an error!
This program give me a message-“Unknown Version”
I use in 1.20
Why is that?

Review by FOX282

9 May 2007, 08:57 (edited 9 May 07, 09:00)
For: Carrotade v1.2
Level rating: 9.3

Is this work on 1.20 engine/CC99 engine?

RecommendedReview by Valco

8 May 2007, 22:04 (edited 13 May 07, 02:32 by gerard244)
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

I’m a crazy person.


I did it on hard three days after it came out!

You are awesome Evilmike.

And I am crazy.

Now for the REVIEW portion of this post! Heh.

This was defenitely “The Best Of The Trilogy” As it went very heavily on the saving the world bit and less on the save my home bit. The storyline made you want to continue on through the levels no matter how frustrating they were and build up to an interesting cutscene.

This statement emphasizes on your mission briefing idea. The words just typed themselves out as if the computer you see is what Jazz is seeing as if in your body.

No levels were disconnected. The whole story just began to flow after the first cutscene.

The eyecandy is no less amazing than it was in The Rebirth Of Evil or the original of which the name of it surpasses me.

The gameplay – Still awesome.

I can’t wait for the sequel… To the sequel… To the sequel…

To the original level pack of which the name of it surpasses me.

Review by FOX282

8 May 2007, 19:28 (edited 9 May 07, 20:07)
For: Campaign Mysteries Level 5: Rome
Level rating: 7.7

When i came to the level “Tower1” my JJ2 crash. why?

and a recoomedation-
PLEASE Do an episode for Israel! :-P

Review by FOX282

8 May 2007, 19:25 (edited 8 May 07, 19:26 by Cooba)
For: Foreign Country
Level rating: 8.2

מה הקשר??

[Unsupported rating () clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. Also, you have to write reviews in English. ~cooba]

Review by Deidara

8 May 2007, 19:15 (edited 8 May 07, 19:25 by Cooba)
For: Foreign Country
Level rating: 8.2


[Unsupported rating (7.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by FOX282

8 May 2007, 18:57 (edited 8 May 07, 18:57)
For: Windows Vista Classic
Level rating: 2.8

RATING Windows Vista Classic

Another Windows-based tileset…
[Yes, I have also TSF]
BUT… Is this Windows Vista??
Only the icons looks like Vista. All other looks like Windows 2000.
Also- The Eyecandy objects are too rough. Thatws what happen when you make tileset with 256 colors.

Download? NO. but if you want another Windows tileset-why not?

Not recommendedReview by P4ul

8 May 2007, 16:04 (edited 8 May 07, 20:31 by Booshi)
For: Battle From Freedom
Level rating: 6.2

I wanted to review each level separately, but my review itself would just get chaotic. All the levels just look the same.


The eyecandy in these is chaotic and reslly not up to the standards set up by certain people. Everything here is scattered randomly, like the author was in a rush or something. Another important thing is that the author himself didn’t show any thinking from his own. Each time we play these levels we get a strong feeling of deja vu, there’s nothing original and everything can be seen in other levels. The backgrounds aren’t too special here too, and by saying backgrounds I mean backgrounds, not “layer 8’s”, because some people here really get excited as they see layer 8 textured.


The layouts here are a massacre on their own, except level 3 which was just evidently ripped off mr. Bird’s “A Victorian Urban”, which I should take points off but won’t. As for the other two, I can’t even tell if they’re open or cramped, because that depends on the place we’re in. There’s a huge open area which turns into enclosed tunnels. The levels here are very platformy, which doesn’t really mean we can jump from one platform to another because they’re very long and thin, which almost makes me say they look like the = sign.

As for ammo and other stuff, there’s just way too much of it for such a small level on the (average) 110×80 scale. All the food here could be finely put in a, say, 150×100 level. Besides, it’s just placed really chaotically (quite a lot of the chaos thorought the pack don’t you think?)

  • Pluses?
  • Chaotic

This, as an overall, is a pack of chaos. If you like chaotic gameplay and eyecandy (which isn’t really the best thing) download this.

Review by White Rabbit

8 May 2007, 15:41
For: Kuba's Level
Level rating: 1.2

Is this a bug? Nothing will show up under Zip Contents. Perhaps too many files?

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

8 May 2007, 09:58 (edited 8 May 07, 10:01)
For: Windows Vista Classic
Level rating: 2.8

5.7? This tileset is not worth that.

There are already several other Windows tilesets available, so is this one any better? Nope.


This does not look anything like Windows Vista. This looks more like Windows 98 or 2000. Although there are Vista icons, they do look bad when used in 256 colours. The Taskbar is from XP not Vista. The backgrounds are not very good. The one you used in the example level is bad because you can see lines there. I do like the loading bar, that’s pretty cool.
There is a Windows 98 style background but it can’t be used in Layer 8. If used in that layer it will look a mess as it won’t tile properly.
There are no tiles that can be used in the Foreground (Layers 1 & 2) or the other 2 background layers (6 & 7).



This tileset is missing the very important basic JJ2 stuff. The Destruct, Buttstomp and Trigger scenery blocks are missing. There’s nothing to use for V/H-Poles.
The masking is OK, but I cannot find anything in this set that is useful for making a good level.


TOTAL SCORE: 2.5/20 = 1.25 = 1.3

RANK: F = Bad


As this tileset is missing the basic JJ2 stuff, this set is not very useful. Also, the tiles appear grainy which doesn’t look good. So, no DR.

RecommendedReview by Joseph Collins

8 May 2007, 04:29 (edited 10 Mar 09, 15:36)
For: A Prisoner Out (Chameleon World remix)
Level rating: 8.7

It’s time for a new twist on an old favorite… Time for a new rating and review system! Shew…it’s been a while since I’ve done one of these… I wonder if I still know how? o_o;

==================Simple Review==================
Base Score: 5/10

Point Bonuses: +4
(+3) Decent selection of samples for the tune. All seem to fit the atmosphere of the tropical planet of chameleons. The samples and the notes seem to mesh together very well.
{+1} Despite the source material being repeatitive, this is not.

Point Deductions: -1
(-1) Some of the samples are a bit too sharp which gives them the illusion of being “too loud”.
(-0) I don’t deduct for this, but at 3:59, there’s a noticable “stumble” in the song… Like it’s “hanging” or something.

Final Score: 8/10
I’ve never heard the music of Splinter Cell, but to me, I can honestly say this sounds like something Alexander Brandon did. And in saying this, I mean this very much in a good way! It sounds like something from Unreal Tournament, another favorite game of mine! Some parts are a bit questionable, such as the samples around 2:33.50 to 3:05 and at 3:59, there’s a rather odd breakbeat glitch that sounds like the song hung, I notice. Other than that, I say “well done!” The music works very well. Most of the samples and notes mesh together and give a really atmospheric, but overall, it’s got a pretty decent sound to it.
Your friendly neighborhood S3M/MIDI artist, Joseph Collins

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

7 May 2007, 18:49 (edited 8 May 07, 08:16)
For: Windows Vista Classic
Level rating: 2.8

Rating New Windows 98

To start
Another Windows-tileset. And once again it is a very worse tileset. If you like this tileset, you are a very strange human.

Practical: (20 pts)
More than impractical. The worst facts are these: it is impossible to create beautiful platforms and you can’t create a nice background. And you can’t put spikes into your level with this tileset. And there are a lot more bad things, so no points at all for this part. I’m terribly sorry…
Result: 0 pts

Beautiful (20 pts)
Well… it is NOT beautiful. No beautiful things, even not for layer 8. The paths are boring grey and there are almost no colorful things. So also a big fat zero for the second part.
Result: 0 pts

Orginality (10 pts)
There was no Windows Vista Tileset yet uploaded, so that is original. But I can’t give you more than one point, because the rest is not original. If you put some more program-things into your tileset and maybe with some viruses which you can use as spikes I’m sure you’ll get more points…
Result: 1 pt

Example Level: (10 pts)
There is an example level, but it is very worse. You can’t discover how you should use this tileset. Which obstacles could you place into a level made with this tileset? Which enemies are good to use? So once again just one point.
Result: 1 pt

Very bad tileset. If you want to create a new Windows-tileset, just ask an advance tileset-creator for help, like Agama or Blade. And also my friend Gus is a very good tileset-creator. Maybe they can give you tips and hints for your next tileset. In advance: good luck with your next files…

Total points: 2
Maximum number of points: 60
Calculating: 2/60*9+1=*1,3*
Mark: 1,3
Download recommendation:

  1. 1
  2. 315
  3. 316
  4. 317
  5. 318
  6. 319
  7. 320
  8. 321
  9. 322
  10. 323
  11. 1302