Two words: Diamondus… AGAIN?!?!?!? Why everyone makes levels using the Diamondus tileset? Don’t they know it’s the most overused tileset of the whole world?? There are a lot of tileses to choose from, so that’s not an excuse. Also, this looks like any other Diamondus level packed with the original Jazz2. I mean, nothing new in playabitily or something like that. This isn’t a bad level, though, it’s only that it isn’t original enough to say it’s worth a download. I think it deserves a 7, because the boring tileset is well used.
PD: It isn’t that I don’t like Diamondus tileset at all, it’s just that I hate the bees!!!
(Unsupported rating (7) removal. The bulk of this review talks about the Diamondus tileset, and only dedicates a few sentences to the level itself. I’m pretty sure you’re capable of writing a more detailed review if you just spend a little longer on it. ~Violet)
[Also for what it’s worth, this level was one of the first custom Diamondus levels, so your complaint towards overuse of the set is not in place. ~cooba]
This levelpack is one of the best ever made for Jazz2!!! The eyecandy is good, the levels are very fun to play, the widescreen adds a nice effect to the gameplay. The music is nice, although in some cases it can get very annoying, for example in the “Mario Bros like” level. Another good thing is the “surfing on the tree” level. It’s a pity it’s too short. One thing I didn’t like is that in a level you are supposed to uppercut to escape, but… Spaz can’t uppercut! You are forced to play all the episode with Jazz, or to cheat (read JJMORPH). Luckily, the author of the levels gives us the levels’ password in the end of the episode, so we can see how they were made.
My score is:
+2.5 for the eyecandy
+2.5 for the level design
+2.5 for the playability
+1.5 for the music
+1 for the widescreen
-0.5 for the Jazz-only level
TOTAL :9.5
Download recommendation? Absolutely YES!
PD: If the author would fix the Spaz problem, this levelpack would get a 10!
A great episode. The best parts were the escape from the t-rex and the cliff level. The tileset is quite strange: it doesn’t seem like another Jazz2 cartoon-style tileset, it looks like computer graphics. You must see it to understand it. A must download!!!
So, here’s my promised review for More Random Battle Levels by P4ul and Cooba of IC
The Dismal Palace by Cooba
When I first opened this level, I was quite disappointed because I don’t really like the castle-set in any variations. But it was fun to play and got a nice feeling.
Unfortunately, the level has a dead-end down to the left and also some unfunctional heights. Some platforms are just too high to jump on them, even if there are some float-ups near to them. Anyways, I had unexpectedly much fun playing this, it just felt right, and the warps, springs & suckertubes are really well-placed. In my opinion, it’s a nice level for duels!
Although I don’t like the castle-theme, this level has a great atmosphere (also due to the music). It’s plain sometimes, but it is way more beautiful than other Castle-levels, I think, and you did a really nice job with the background.
Way too much ammo, especially because this is more like a duel-level due its size, you should reduce the amount at least by half.
The carrots and PUs are nicely placed.
+0.2 because you built a level I like with a tileset I hate don’t like.
Final Rating for “the Dismal Palace”:
Decent duel level with nice atmosphere!
Now, let’s have a look at P4ul’s level:
Cursed Leaves:
It’s a love/hate-relationship. The first look at this level did really Wow me, unfortunately, the foreground tends to be annoying very fast. The gameplay is still good.
I really like the gameplay of this level, it’s just “smooth” and all platforms seem to be perfect-placed. I recommend this level for 4 or more rabbits.
This is really great eyecandy if you just want to look at the level. But it turns out to be very annoying and makes the level unpleasant to play. You should never use those lightnings in the foreground, especially because translucently tiles are only working with hardware-acceleration turned off. You should also decrease the amount of leaves in the foreground.
I turned low-detail-mode on after a while, because it makes the level way mor comfortable to play.
A bit too much ammo maybe, but in general, I like it. The carrots and PUs are also well placed in this lvl. I especially like the idea that you have to use bouncers through the wall to get the rf-Pu.
What I don’t like is that there’s food in this level. YOu can get a sugar-rush, which is just annoying due to it’s music that really doesn’t fit in the level.
+0.1 for building a level which is great to look at :P
Final Rating for “Cursed leaves”:
Wasted potential! You should work on the foreground and make it less annoying. Then this would be a really great lvl!
Final Rating for “More Random Battle levels”:
I have seen better of you, but these levels are also definately worth a try.
Download recommendation? yes!
The eyecandy is really nice and original. You have used all kind of tiles for making good eyecandy. I don’t like the yellow colour in layer 8. I didn’t notice any tilebugs which is a good thing (of course)
The gameplay is really nice too. Platforms looks nice and the springs are well placed. The game had a good flow. There are tubes and warps also, but the level is not very strategical after all.
Ammo placement is ok and PU’s are well placed. There are 3 carrots in this level and i think that it’s too much.
Level’s size is normal.
Overall this is really nice battle level with good gameplay and original eyecandy. Not very strategical, but it’s still fun to play.
Rating: 8.2
Download Recommendation: Yes
[Unsupported rating (5.0) clearance. Hi. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]Your idea is nice, but your levels need bit working. For example, you could make them more challenging and not so straightforward: in first level you just walked forward and blasted few enemies, and there werent much of eyecandy. You could make your levels differ, like more trees in first level, maybe visit underground and ceilings and enemies in right spots. And the bosses could have somekind of hint “Shoot Here”, and I didn’t know where to fly in the flying level.
Don’t take this as a bad comment and think “My levels suck”, instead take these as a help how to build your levels even better! Your levels are getting better and better every time. You could use some of other levels as an example, like Ressurection of Evil and other stuff rated high. Look how they have been made and the eyecandy, too. Keep it up!
This is genius work here.
I’m going to start off by saying the music for Chameleon world is among my least favorites on the Jazz Jackrabbit Advance soundtrack. This is however my favorite JJA remix, which isn’t that hard to be since only 3 exist (all done by 2xGJ no less).
Onto the review. Now I’m not some music analyzer like say Joseph Collins, I’m just a guy who knows when he digs the sounds he hears and when he doesn’t. And this guy dug this sound. Part of the enjoyment was that spark you get from hearing something different, which can help a bad song be tolerable, a good song sound amazing, or let Ron Jeremy rap his way to 26 weeks on the top 50 charts.
That’s not to say that if this song wasn’t a Jazz Jackrabbit Advance remix it’d get a lower score, far from it sirs (and womans). This remix is really good stuff, with the style progression feeling extremely natural and never jarring. The music’s inspiration comes through wonderfully and creates a remix that would work ingame a lot better than the original.
So, in closing, if you like JJA’s music, or if you like Splinter Cell’s music, or if you just like music in general, download this now and you won’t be disappointed.
Blah blah blah…
The Review:
The backround layers may not seem so appealing. Layer 8 has been covered up and layers 7 and 6 consist only of bricks. Layer 5 is a bit more interesting. You may find some flames and some light rays. However, the backround layers sort of make the sprite look good. This may be because layers 7,6,5,3 and 2 all move with layer 4. The best bit about the eyecandy is there are different zones around the level. You may end up in a room of lava or a blue room. The bad news is that the lava obscures your view, which can make you fall into the pit (I guess thats the fun really), but thats the only real problem.
Overall, the eyecandy looks really good. But the lava obscures your view.
The gameplay was very interesting. There were loads of platforms and vines, so that you could jump everywhere. But aside from the vines and everything, this level includes some concepts that not many other battle arenas use, such as trigger zones and pits (which may become more popular later on). One of the pits is even hidden. The level also has dead ends and areas where the player could get trapped or some kind of tactic could be used using the warps. But, there is one place where if you try really hard, you could get stuck (pos 7,51)
Overall, the level is very platformy. However, uses some origional concepts such as triggers. But there is a bug at pos 7,51.
The item placement here is mixed. It’d be OK if there were a small amount of players, but there isn’t enough ammo for more than 6. Thats bad because there is enough of everything else for 6 players. The ammo placement is slightly origional. Instead of being in clusters, 80% ammo is placed on platforms. All of the ammo is placed in groups of less than 3. Another mixed thing is that in some places, there is no ammo at all. This could provide a good game strategy, but can also make the level feel empty.
Overall, not enough ammo and ammo placement a bit dodgy.
RANK: 8 Very Good
DOWNLOAD: Despite the item placement, this is a really good level and should be downloaded (but get carrotade first).
I’ve noticed you have no reviews for this level, so I took liberty of posting one, so here goes:
The eyecnady in this level was actually very good (better than a lot of recent levels). Layer 8 wasn’t a sky backround that you may find in some normal levels, it was a forest backround, which pretty much fits in with the forest/garden theme in this level. The sprite layer was full of eyecandy like trees, giant plants and other wierd garden things. The foreground was the same, and also shielded the sprite layer from all the tilebugs (as did layer 5). The masking, however, was strange. There wasn’t something right about being able to go through some of the rocks. That’s mainly due to the tileset though. I also felt that there could have been more to the backround or foreground to make it feel more lively in places.
Overall, eyecandy was very good, but even more eyecandy would have been even better. Masking could have been worked on.
The gameplay in this level included most of the stuff you would find in a normal battle. Warps, springs and some vines. There were some places in the game that offered tactics. Some of the warps could be used as escape routes. But there weren’t many challenging spots. There were no dead ends and everything was open and you could go everywhere. If a battle arena was wide open, it would be pretty easy to escape anyone trying to trap you. However, the masking problems (mentioned before) can also play tricks on someone. This could be used as a tactic and it’s quite hard to tell whether this is a good thing or a bad thing. It is quite interesting though.
Overall, the gameplay is good, but not as good as the eyecandy because there were no traps or challenges and everything was open. The ‘going through walls’ concept is quite interesting.
The items were mainly layed along the ground, although some of them were in the air. This made them quite easy to get but I suppose it’s quite origional too, since most levels have thier items suspended in mid-air. There were 3 powerups in the game, which is enough for a battle level of that size. But, there were too many FastFires. They make the level too easy and they took up the majority of the items in the level.
Overall, the item placement was different, but quite easy. Good amount of Powerups. But, there were far to many FastFires.
RANK: 7 Good
DOWNLOAD: It’s worth a download. The eyecandy is rather good and there are some interesting things about this level.
You can re-upload a file, so you can fix it and re-upload the pack.
In one of levels is error – I don’t remember make EXIT :(
Hey..Virus I’m EragonCC ;D .. very good levels ;)
(Unsuported rating (9.7) removal. ~Violet)
i don’t know why but when i enter to the download page i see 0 KB Level. why?
What can I say?
Simply Perfect!
Download recommendation: YES!
[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]Thank You for review.
In my opinion my levels is also … poor. I have made this levels, when I have 10-11 Years and I not correct this levels. I think about correct. I make few days ago a new level (better) and I adding for this server, but this level was deleted.
I make this levels also for multiplayer and I don’t write about it.
Thank you in advance once again for review and I please for reviewing and commenting in my next, better (very) pack of levels.
I’m sorry my english is poor.
The exit not works. Only the exit SIGN works.But, this episode a very good corversion! I’ll gave you a 9.2!
Download recommendation: YES!
Before I review this, I’d like to mention that you should not upload this as a RAR file as it wouldn’t work properly when opened in J2O.
Anyway, lets get started. On first opening the file, I think “OMG, 54 levels!” But I then find it’s not so good.
Some of the levels have good backgrounds but the eyecandy in Layer 4 is very bad, there are tilebugs everywhere. Some of the levels also had very bad backgrounds which looked a mess. Also, not many of the levels used animated tiles.
The gameplay in this pack is poor. I have no idea where I’m going. Everywhere I go, there’s a Warp I’d never expect. There was even a checkpoint NEXT TO the exit sign in one of the levels. Why?
Very poor. There are PUs everywhere. Some of them were even RE-GENERATING which would make the level too easy. Shields could also be found out in the open. There wasn’t enough food and there were Gems everywhere.
There wasn’t very many enemies in this pack either. Not enough to kill me and the placement was bad.
There was Buttstomp, Destruct & Trigger Scenery but they were all too easy to get through. Placement is not bad but it’s too easy to get through them.
TOTAL SCORE: 6.2/50 = 1.24
Rounded to 1.2
RANK: F = Bad
Backgrounds are good in some levels but the eyecandy in Layer 4 in all levels is very bad. So, no DR.
1. Think about what music you choose for each level. E.G. Christmas music in a Labrat level is not a good choice.
2. Spend a lot more time on your levels. Try thinking about how the level looks. It’s not about how many levels there are, it’s more about the quality of each level. Remember, QUALITY, NOT QUANTITY. ;)
@WR: You’ll have to open it in WinRAR as that’s what it was uploaded as (I think).
White Rabbit has done a nice job, making a kind of Egypt looking temple with a not so easy tile set.
Here goes the review…
Eye candy:
Getting out the maximum what u can do with the tile set.
*Layer 1: N/A
*Layer 2: Ok
The Lava looks not so good but its not your fault that the 2×4 blocks don’t fit.
*Layer 3: Nice
Layer 3 was nice, it covers some tiles, there was some nice translucent light and a Lava fall.
*Layer 4: Middling
This layer is pretty normal is has some eye candy but not much, i didn’t like the water.
*Layer 5: Very Well
You used this layer very well!, it makes the pillars looking good, there are some torches added, a fence, some falling sand and other fixes.
Some tip about the water; make it translucent, use it in layer 3 and cover it in layer 2, that will help ;)
*Layer 6: Great!
*Layer 7: Very Good!
Both layer 6 & 7 are making a great difference in the background.
*Layer 8: Well Done
In combination with the other layers its looking good.
*Animating Tiles: Medium
You did use some, but you could use some more, like moving zombies, worms, and some others.
There are a lot good things to say about the eye candy in the layers, there are some improvements but u can see that White Rabbit is skilful in using layers.
!! Layout:
Greatly affects the game play
*Level Size: O.k.
The level is 150 by 100 tiles what good enough for this battle lvl.
*Masking: Super!
I almost don’t have to say anything of this, only that Spaz could be stuck in the small tunnels.
*Masked looking of the level: Good
I see some platforms, some pillars and tunnels. There is quite variation.
Although every layout is unique, I didn’t have some good or bad things to say on these…
Game play:
The most important thing of all
*Easy to navigate: Can be better
This is something that u might be improve; above in the level there are a few dead ends, but there are goodies to, the warps are confusing in the beginning and a bit vague (a warp tomb?), The pillars might be nice but they are a bit frustrating to because sometimes u can’t see where u jumping on. I recommend that u remove that lava river since u almost cant see where u can get out of it, the hidden tunnel makes it even more difficult. Walking back in the tunnel right under may be not so easy or you must know the hidden sugar tube.
Maybe there are some others that i forgot…
*Jazz-Spaz-Lori Balanced: Medium
I noticed that W.R. did make a pillar more Jazz/Lori friendly, but in my eyes Spaz still has a better chance to getting through that pillars.
*Easy movement: Average
There are some improvements here to; some pillars and vines are very small, this is good for single player games but in battles you must move easily. Another one is the lava fall but I did talk about that already ;) At last something important about the V-poles; if u on it, it will greatly slow u down and you’re an easy quick bite for a other player :O And if ur hit, you will go down again :P making yourself again a target for the others… My tip; Remove the poles and replace them for a blue spring ;)
*Correctly Working of events: Correct
No Problemo
*Prevent getting stuck: O.K.
Only in the small tunnels Spaz can be stuck. When I did play the game, I got stuck by the small pillars (left above) when I was shooted by an other player, I don’t now why…
*Finding & getting (hidden) goodies: Good
Both Carrots and Upgrades are good balanced in getting them, an exception is the seeker PU
That is easy to find but pretty hard to get. (Shooting at full speed on the wall with upped bouncers.)
I did try to give some comments on this part, what u do with this is on you ;)
Placement of Events:
A widespread element of the Game play
*Power ups: Right
They are spreaded pretty well (not in the tunnels but that’s not such problem :D), I did’t see any strategy though…
*Weapons: Poor
All weapons are just mixed spreaded somewhere and aren’t balanced in the level.
*Carrots: O.K.
3 Carrots, they are spreaded good, ill guess some are more popular to get than others ;)
*Springs: Middling
Some places can use some more.
*Starting Positions: N/A
Lucky that there is a warp by the only starting point there is, but its still a chaos if u start with 10 people by that V-Poles :P
Some extra time in this could make it even better…
What kind of extra’s has your game what other games don’t or rarely have?
*Special Effects: Very Good!
I did see good working lightning and flicker light, and a simple but effective trigger zone by the sugar tube. That brings me on the idea to use that to! Tnx for that :D
*A overused tile set?: Sure Not!
I never saw a battle game used this set, maybe because its leaking on some events, or because its to hard to use it for much JCSers…
*Events matching the theme: N/A
*Nice fitting music: Excellent!
Yes! this music fits perfect by the theme! Its not a real killing battle music but that’s not a problem :)
Good Job, how more must I say?
Interesting; Some very good things, Normal things and things that can be inproved…
2.6 of 3 for Eye candy
0.8 of 1 for Layout
1.1 of 2 for Game play
1.2 of 2 for Weapon placement
1.4 of 2 for Orginality
I give it a 7.1!(rounded up 7.2)
Download Recommendation:
Jazz2Online © 1999-INFINITY (Site Credits). We have a Privacy Policy. Jazz Jackrabbit, Jazz Jackrabbit 2, Jazz Jackrabbit Advance and all related trademarks and media are ™ and © Epic Games. Lori Jackrabbit is © Dean Dodrill. J2O development powered by Loops of Fury and Chemical Beats.
Eat your lima beans, Johnny.