Review by FireSworD

24 Apr 2007, 04:49 (edited 7 Oct 14, 22:45)
For: Unconventional Coffee
Level rating: 8.4

Thanks for reviewing guys. There are a few things I feel like stating, one of them is the fact I realized beforehand that hunters would use the pits to regain health. As for the flag carriers having a defensive advantage because of that; I wouldn’t worry about it too much, since hunters at full health will take more risks, so it evens out. Also consider that the carrots are easy to defend, and there’s an ice powerup and ammo to freeze players, so you can kill them even at full health thanks to the pits. I like to think of it as an added tactic, not a problem.

As for the carrot in the coin warp.. yeah I feared it would be too easy to defend, but it’s a safe spot, and a safe spot isn’t much if you can’t stay safe for a significant amount of time. The carrot also makes the bonus worth taking. Besides, it’s narrow and cramped. If you played plenty of team games, it’s obvious how neat being safe for even a short period of time can be.

As for the lack of originality pertaining to the eyecandy: I fully agree, but keep in mind my first intention was to create a fully standard, conventional level as a joke, since I figured R3ptile would be receiving relatively unusual levels, this one would be unusual to other entries since it would be conventional. That idea didn’t hold though.

Review by x berk

23 Apr 2007, 15:48 (edited 23 Apr 07, 15:49 by Cooba)
For: DarkMatch
Level rating: 8.6

Its good lvl but some little.And realy mixed.But i give you 7.5 note:Use more tiles and space.

[Unsupported rating (7.5) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by FOX282

23 Apr 2007, 10:42 (edited 23 Apr 07, 12:23 by Fquist)
For: JJ2 conversion pack
Level rating: 8.9

I loved it!
Good conversion, Good palettes(it’s weird palettes!), Good Example Levels!
BUT- The palettes in Labrat not like so good :-(

9.9-0.2(Palettes of Labrat)=9.7
Download: Yes! why no?

Good Job!

[Unsupported rating (9.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

Review by FOX282

23 Apr 2007, 10:38
For: Castle 3
Level rating: 5.6

can you convert this to 1.23?
it isn’t like 1.24 tileset… :-P

RecommendedReview by FireSworD

23 Apr 2007, 01:22 (edited 26 Oct 10, 12:13 by cooba)
For: DarkMatch
Level rating: 8.6

A relatively medium sized battle level, with surprisingly original gameplay concepts. Birdie utilizes coin warps marked by ‘lights’, where players can get trapped in the mid area or denied access to the copter at the far bottom left side of the level because of them. Although this can be countered by going into the special blue lights. In a heated match like a duel, this feature can proove to be quite usefull as it adds tactics and encourages careful and subtle playing styles. However it can also proove to be quite annoying for the casual battle players who are just looking for the usual mindless brawl in standard battle levels. This is definitely a thinking mans level, in that aspect this level is different from the norm.

As with most strategic levels, this one has a big learning curve emphasized by the original layout design and features. Not to mention different design styles like the use of one tile passages to create a maze around the mid section of the level which add variety and create an enigmatic flow to the level. You’d think having totally different designs would destroy the flow but it’s designed in such a way where it’s easy to chose where you want to go and additionally, it’s simply easy to understand the layout, mastering is another story.

I’m glad to see an influx of levels like theese. Although they have learning curves they provide strategy and you cannot win in them by simply moving quickly and spamming weapons.

As an added comment: No I am not against players who like fast paced levels. I’m just stating it’s nice to see rare levels like theese, where there’s more than just blasterwars. It’s a fact, not an opinion.

Thanks to the admins for doing their job but let him say what he wants. There’s no way he can offend me anyway.

Review by White Rabbit

22 Apr 2007, 19:44
For: Temple of Karnak
Level rating: 7.8

I knew asking people in JJ2 servers to review it would lead to poor efforts on their part. :-(

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

22 Apr 2007, 19:35
For: The Mystery of Atlantis 2: Air Supply
Level rating: 5.5

Another Atlantis level?! However, the review:

The eyecandy has a nice use of backround layers. Layers 5,6 and 7 look like what you would see over a river of some sort. I couldn’t see complety because the water was blurring the screen. Layer 4 was quite dull. There were just different coloured blocks. No foreground was used, which makes things even more boring. Overall, nice layers 5,6 and 7. Layer 8 was blocked by the water and restricted space on layer 4, making it pointless. Layer 4 itself was dull, and no layers 1, 2 or 3 (as far as I can see).
EYECANDY RATING: 6.0…Shamefully, this is the highest eyecandy rating i’ve given out in weeks:(

The level here can be described in one word, boring. The concept of the entire level being underwater is quite underused, and the very few levels that use this concept are usually not great. The exact same goes for this level. All you do for the entire level is shoot fish and bump into 1 or 2 trigger crates. At the end, there is a boss. The worst thing is that there is no explination for why you are shooting loads of fish and killing the uterus boss. Without a story, the level could have been the slightest bit fun. Overall, the underwater concept is quite origional, but it’s no good if the level isn’t fun and all you are doing is shooting fish and looking for things for no reason.

RANK: 5 Average
DOWNLOAD?: I wouldn’t recommend this as a level, since it is rather boring and pointless. However, Jazz 2 doesn’t get many decent underwater levels.

Review by Teal Blaze

22 Apr 2007, 16:29 (edited 22 Apr 07, 19:16 by Cooba)
For: Temple of Karnak
Level rating: 7.8

At first look i coudn’t distinguish background between walls, but it is playable and after a little playing, it is clean. Ammo is scattered by small groups 1-3 each, but for good player that is not a problem.

[Unsupported rating (8.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by EvilMike

22 Apr 2007, 09:03
For: Unconventional Coffee
Level rating: 8.4

This is a very unique level, which is appropriate since it was an entry to a level contest which specifically asked for unusual elements. This level is certainly unconventional, with a number of elements that you won’t find in many other levels. Despite that, the level avoids being gimmicky, which is somewhat of a feat considering that it’s hard to build a level around unusual concepts without relying on them too much.

Three full nrg carrots seems to be a bit high for a level of this size, but the large quantity of powerups plus the death pits might help to offset that a bit. Still, I can forsee some problems occurring because of that. If players take into consideration that the pits are bascially full health in exchange for all your weapons, players without the flag might feel that they shouldn’t grab the carrots. This in turn could lead to flagcarriers being rather difficult to kill, and might encourage camping. People playing this level will need to adapt their playstyle so that they grab the carrots regardless of their position, instead of using a more conservative playstyle where they leave the carrots for the flagcarrier and call out when the carrots spawn.

The coin warp also seems like it might be a bit problematic, since once you get up there, there isn’t much of a way anyone can hit you without them entering the coin warp themselves. And the presence of a full nrg carrot up there means that a player who is determined enough could probably hold that position for quite some time, defending it from other players and using the carrot to heal up. Granted, the warp target is right underneath the carrot, meaning that players exiting the warp should be able to grab it before the person defending the spot, but that’s only if the carrot hasn’t been shot out of the way.

This level gets an 8. Out of the four levels that were being judged, this one was my favourite.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

22 Apr 2007, 08:05 (edited 22 Apr 07, 09:31 by Purplejazz7)
For: Unconventional Coffee
Level rating: 8.4

Unconventional Coffee is a medium/large ctf level that won R3p’s unusual CTF contest. Its not suprising that it won, since it is of very high quality, like you would expect from a level by FireSworD.

When you first play in the level, you should learn the layout really quickly. Being symectrical, the level’s layout isn’t too original, but this one feels different to other layouts in game. I also like the fact that FS took the time to remake the other half of the layout, instead of taking one half, and then flipping it, like a lot of people do. (Like me :P)
Not a single part of the layout here would be useless to gameplay, which is a huge plus in CTF levels.

The flow here is pefect in my opinion. It finds the exact balance between a bad flow and a fully automatic flow. The death pits are very easy to avoid; so its your fault if you make a big mistake and fall, unless an opponent forces you to fall in them, e.g: If they freeze you with Ice while over the pit. In the middle there is a fly carrot that can take you up to one of the bases. You don’t have to take that route; there is another route around the edges of the level, which takes longer, but is usually a lot safer.
One evil tactic is to shoot the fly carrot into the sewers below, so people have to go down to get it, then be ready to pwn them with seekers as they come up.

The placement in this level is very good too. The contest required a level to have many PUs, and this level meets that requirement. There are 5 PUs in this level, which sounds like too many, but the large amount works here. On the left side there are Bouncer and Ice PUs, and on the right side there are Toaster and Pepper spray. The Bouncer/Toaster PUs can become very campy however, but if you fall down and shoot seeks through the entrance to the PU box you can counter it. There is also a Seeker PU in the sewers. Like with the fly carrot, the sewers can be a deadly ambush spot. This level also has 3 carrots, on on each side, and one in the higher middle. The middle carrot is in a room where you need to one of the coin warps on each side of the level. In this room there is an exit on both sides that take you to either team’s base, like in BBlair. I personally think it should be removed because it makes the room slightly too safe from enemy fire, others may disagree. The ammo is placed in nice shapes, instead of boring, overused 2×2 squares. I think there should be more RF ammo, however. There is also some food to fill the level up with events.

The eyecandy in this level is not the best I have seen with this tileset, but it is still very nice. The certainly liked the background, with those very tall buildings that gives the level a more city-like feel, different from other levels with this set. The greyish fade colour for layer 8 also helps this atmosphere, along with the awesome music. The sprite layer EC is not as great, since it is not very original, but is still much better than in the standard Colon levels.

IMO this is one of FS’ best levels. It will certainly get more attention in the future, since it is being played in the JJ2WC3. I could really give this an uber rating like 9 since this isn’t too original, but it is still extremely good. 8.6 is my rating.

Review by SPAZ18

21 Apr 2007, 15:25 (edited 21 Apr 07, 15:25)
For: Rayman 1 - Forest
Level rating: 7.5

I can’t rate this as I don’t know where to start in reviewing this, so instead, I’ll just state my thoughts.

I think this is an excellent conversion of the Forest levels from the first Rayman game, though I haven’t played this game for about 2 years. It’s missing the water tiles though, but I see in the description that they are being worked on.
The masking is superb. Backgrounds aren’t masked which is good.

I see that you have included the music from the game as well, but one question. When I open it in Winamp, it says the song length is 20 mins 30 secs, why is that?

Overall, I think this is a great conversion and I would definitely RECOMMEND downloading it. Since it is a huge tileset though, some might find it hard to use.

If I was rating this, I’d probably give it about 8.0 – 8.5.

Are you gonna do conversions of the other levels?

Review by Nonomu198

20 Apr 2007, 21:52
For: Rayman 1 - Forest
Level rating: 7.5

Hmmm… wut can i say.
Exect copy of rayman 1 exepv the back.
The masking gut no probles, and u gut some tiles 4 layer 3.

Review by White Rabbit

20 Apr 2007, 21:40
For: Rayman 1 - Forest
Level rating: 7.5

I won’t actually rate this tileset conversion because I wouldn’t know where to start with the review. I’ve never done it for a conversion before, at least not properly (the last one I wrote was about 5 years back…).

I just want to say you’ve done a good job with the conversion, and the masking is top notch, although it is often not clear which tiles are solid and which are not when you’re playing.

Now, I don’t know Rayman at all, nor have I played it, but I was slightly disappointed when I found out that none of the water/pond tiles were included. It would have been the perfect touch, but since it’s a very large tileset, you probably didn’t have the space.

Last but not least, great work with the foreground tiles of those mushrooms, purple flowers, and red berry trees. Very simple and easy to use. :-)

No rating, but definite download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by light.cosmin

19 Apr 2007, 18:23 (edited 13 May 07, 13:01)
For: Miracle of Sun
Level rating: 9.5

Sorry Galvant 4 this mark 9.2 ,it is very hudge so it is hard to use it,lots of animations,it took me 1 hour to re build animatios but it is very good,I mean it is awesome.A coooo_oooool tileset.U better download this 4 doing an hotel.With that lots of characters u can mix them to do new characters.Yes tileset is RED but it is good NP.There r some hudge statues and heroes, hieroglips and a cool back ground but it is too hard to use must redimesionate.
In the demo level u can see what Jazz can really do if u really know how to use JCS like Galavant.
Super Cool Job. xD

Review by fearofdark

19 Apr 2007, 17:51
For: Dialectrico
Level rating: 5

Yay, 200th review! Anyways, let’s get this review over with…

Firstly, the song is maybe one of the longest songs ever on JJ2…7 minutes 20! That’s quite a long time to sit there and listen. The song is basically the JJ1 songs of the first episode squashed up into one huge song. I was expecting a combination of the three (that would be interesting and origional), but actually, all you hear is the Diamondus theme…with no edit at all. After about 1:30, you hear some shakers…than all the patterns in MPT change to 256 rows (!!). The whole Diamondus theme starts again, but this time, it’s sped up. After 3 minutes, the song suddenly changes to Tubelectric. After you’ve finished listening to that, you then sit through the Medivo song.

I like the idea of having all 3 songs put into 1, but so far, until the new version comes, you have to live with a 7 minute song with nothing interesting changed. I suppose it eliminated having to open all 3 files.


Er…the same. We’ll have to wait for the final version.

RANK: 3 Very Bad
DOWNLOAD: Since this is not a full version, i’ll leave it as an N/A, but I wouldn’t sit there for 7 minutes listening to a totally un-remixed, 3 in 1 JJ1 medly that has the same samples. I would wait if there is another version.

Also, I would actually like to see a single song with all the JJ1 elements from different songs. That’s something we’ve never seen before.

Review by Ðés

19 Apr 2007, 16:31 (edited 3 Jun 07, 13:14 by Nala_LK)
For: Virusated Journeys
Level rating: N/A

Good job virus :)!!
Very good levels
i don’t know how rate good (eyecandy,…)
But I put you un 7.
Thanks for did write me in Credits, in Betatesting.
:D :D :D :D :D :D

RecommendedReview by Nonomu198

19 Apr 2007, 15:52
For: Extraterrestrials
Level rating: 8.9

hmmm…1st time. but some1 gutta do it r no1 will notice the lvl D=.

The lvl is realy fun at 3v3!
Its not recomended 4 duels thu,its 2 big.Also a great lvl for big servers (bout 7+ ppl it gets rly kool).

There r not moch eyecandys in this tileset, itihnk u did good with the the eyecandy u gut.
The layers r awesome =O.

Hmmm nothin 2 big on the other things. Lets see, the pickups r ok (some ammo here and there) itihnk the lvl can use some food ect.
The music is ok,but ithink a louder thing will fit better(me and my taste).

Rly great lvl there,make some more plz!

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

19 Apr 2007, 15:14 (edited 20 Apr 07, 14:48)
For: Dialectrico
Level rating: 5

I quite like this song but it’s not very accurate in switching from one theme tune to another.


At first the song begins playing the JJ1 Diamondus theme normally from 0:00 – 1:25. From 1:26 you will start to hear the Tubelectric background music. At 2:28 the Diamondus theme starts to speed up like when you pick up a “Speed power-up” in JJ1. At 2:58 the song switches over to the JJ1 Tubelectric theme but as I said before it wasn’t very accurate.
The Tubelectric theme then plays on normally. At 5:04 you then start to hear the intro of JJ1 Medivo.
The Medivo song plays the usual way, nothing much has changed here. The Medivo music disappears at 7:13 and then the song slows down at 7:16, then at 7:19 it loops back to the Diamondus tune.

This is my first time reviewing Music so I hope my rating is OK. I’m gonna give this a 6.5 as I like the way you managed to mix the songs together but it’s not very accurate in switching from one tune to another.



*Great mixing of all the songs from Episode One of JJ1.


*Accuracy of changing from one song to another.




Yes. I think it’s worth a listen. I look forward to hearing what the final version sounds like.

BTW, I tested this both in Winamp and Modplug and they both sound the same.

Review by green jazz

19 Apr 2007, 01:20 (edited 19 Apr 07, 12:24 by Fquist)
For: Small battle
Level rating: 3

let me play plz

[Unsupported rating (1.0) clearance. This is not a proper review. You need to state what made you give this rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

RecommendedReview by HorvatM

17 Apr 2007, 19:36
For: Diamonds Are Rocks
Level rating: 4

I don’t know anything about sound modules, so I’ll just give an average review.

This song is very useful for a bonus level or a race level. I think I’ll use it in one of my levels (which are under construction).

Like fearofdark said, it sounds like Sluggion, but it has some Diamond-ish aspects. The melody is the same. The main change are the samples.
Response to fearofdark: The drums are supposed to be playing alone at the end. This is in the original song.

Aside from the instrument (read: sample) change, there aren’t many changes. This is good enough for me.

Final Rating: 5.5
Download Recommendation: Um… yes.

Final Comments:
Keep the good work up, Eigus. You see, I started with 2’s, and now I have 7’s.

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