Review by Stijn

15 Apr 2007, 01:08
For: Battle Arena Rar
Level rating: N/A

“I did the layers besides 4 for him”

And then all reviews claim no layers except layer 4 were used :D

Review by x berk

14 Apr 2007, 06:22 (edited 14 Apr 07, 10:39 by Cooba)
For: JazzEd 0.74 Beta
Level rating: 9.2

its need more colour but its realy nice

[Unsupported rating (7.5) clearance. Please provide support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by rionaam

13 Apr 2007, 19:27 (edited 13 Apr 07, 20:17 by Cooba)
For: Time Tripping - JJ2 (aka Hocus Pocus Episode 1) (patched twice)
Level rating: 9.4

It’s the same as the original Hocus Pocus!!! Same graphics, same feeling (though in JJ2 you have special movements, which you shouldn’t use here) and same levels. The most noticeable bug was on the ladder blocks, which your feet actually get into, but that’s a clipping error. This pack is one of the best for JJ2 so stop waiting and download this!!!

[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Shadow Jazz

12 Apr 2007, 14:04 (edited 31 Mar 08, 18:00)
For: Episode Three: The Battle for Carrotus
Level rating: 9.6

EDIT: I’ve completed the series, forget my last review.

(Im rating this level pack but i am reviewing the whole series so far)

Evilmike i have played your whole level pack so far. I here you plan to do 5 episodes. But THIS is THE best single player series ever. No other single player i know of could rival this. The series has significantly inspired me into making my own single player. The revisiting of levels made this seem like a completely new game. I’ve never seen anything like that. The layout of Rebirth of Evil and Battle for Carrotus definatly is a key thing in this series. My most favorite levels were Deserto Orbital base, the fleet level, SWS Fencer (i can’t remember the exact name), SWS Terrapin (again i can’t remember the exact name) and Carrotus. This seems to be the whole level pack that i like but when i said Deserto Orbital Base i meant the second level in rebirth of evil.

Overall i thing that this is the number one source of entertainment. This episode is the most realistic in the series for sure.

Absolutly YES download this level pack. If you don’t then that’s just plain mad.

You know what, FORGET jazz jackrabbit in 3D. This is the REAL sequal to jazz jackrabbit 2, yes THE REAL sequal to jazz jackrabbit 2. Not jazz jackrabbit 3 or advanced. THIS level pack!

Review by Wolfiend

12 Apr 2007, 07:42
For: Singing in the Rain
Level rating: 1.9

This is weary interesting lvl for me! Its good to hear that new people is interested in lvl making.
The only problem was for me is its TOO EMPTY. No eyecandy! Putting a good look for a lvl highly increase it’s score. You don’t put too many enemy on the lvl and thats a pretty good thing coz most people allergic to lot of enemy, and by the way don’t make to dark lvls too. Make your lvl’s creative with cool ideas like bosses which can be only defeated with some trick. You should go and search for lvls with high score(I recommend from 7score), you can learn from them manny things. You should look at some of the articles too!
And don’t worry about if you get small score, I start with 1.7 and today I get 7.7

Review by master sven

12 Apr 2007, 06:38 (edited 12 Apr 07, 06:47 by masterrokusho)
For: Flag Front
Level rating: 4.5

Maybe you should try to shoot bounchers or RF’s with some luck at the bases when you warped in the cage next to it…

BTW: there is a carrot above the seek PU.

RecommendedReview by rionaam

12 Apr 2007, 00:17
For: Another Story (Try-Me Competition event 3 entry)
Level rating: 8.7

This is a great episode. The strong point on this is the story, not the playability. The levels are rather small, some are movies, but it’s very well done. It’s fun to play, especially the jungle levels. Another great thing are the efects, such as the reactor on the ship and the explosions. I’d recommend you to download this.
PD: I give this 9.5 cause it could have more playable levels and/or longer ones.

Review by sonicnathan 1

11 Apr 2007, 22:57
For: Battle Arena Rar
Level rating: N/A

I can’t even open the thing!! Even so. I could throw together a level in 1 hour and get something better than this! Still keep trying. You’ll get the hang of it!

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

11 Apr 2007, 17:17
For: Flag Front
Level rating: 4.5

I played this in your server, I think.

The level, using Blade’s “Wasteland” set, looks rather boring. Most of the level uses only one variety of the platform tiles coming with the set which makes it look rather repetitive and emphasizes the blockyness of the layout. The layout of the symmetrical CTF level basically consists of two large rectangles, connected by a tunnel at the bottom of the level. On both sides some large platforms protrude from the wall at seemingly random places. The flow is acceptable, but this is only because the layout is rather simplistic and barely requires any navigation or strategic skills; the base-to-base route is U-shaped without any obstacles. Moving from platform to platform is mainly done via springs.

On the route itself no ammo, apart from an annoyingly-placed seeker powerup can be found. In fact the ammo distribution in this level is rather limited. Both sides contain exactly 14 ammo events and one powerup, which certainly is not enough. This certainly needs a lot of work.

Both sides have a warp that takes you to a platform above the other team’s base. However, the base is not accessible from here and the only thing you can do is take a warp to the bottom middle of the level, which I found kind of strange and useless.

To sum it up, the layout is kind of boring and too open, the ammo placement is horrible, especially for a multiplayer level, the eyecandy is seriously lacking and the gameplay kind of quirky. Not a download recommendation.

Not recommendedReview by Stijn

11 Apr 2007, 17:02
For: Singing in the Rain
Level rating: 1.9

“Singing in the rain”, a classic song. The level clearly reflects the last part of the title, as it’s raining indeed. In combination with the “Night” version of BlurredD’s Psych edit, this makes the beginning of the level look kind of ominous with the lonely tree and the sign apparently signed by “Wabbit”.

So far so good. However, the level’s layout is not that interesting. It’s basically a giant “S”, with the start position at the bottom left and a Schwartzenguard at the top right. In between you’ll encounter some dragon flies, a few hatters, and surprisingly enough a pair of floating suckers. The hatters are walking around on the bottom part of the big S which is nothing more than a one tile high platform at the very bottom of the level. Flat platforms are pretty boring and I’d have liked to see some variety here. The least I’d expect are some slopes.

Food is clustered in large groups, which are impossible to miss and serve no other purpose than decorating, which doesn’t work too well because a big group of two food types is just not pretty. Apart from food the only pickup is a single green gem, which is kind of strange too. I liked the “Deactivated Bonus” though.

Another major problem is that part of the level lacks a bottom, allowing you to get stuck in the void at the bottom. This is a serious issue and in future levels I hope the author at least includes a proper bottom. Some more eyecandy would be nice too, because that’s seriously lacking here. No other layers except 4, 7 (the rain) and 8 (the textured background) were used and in combination with the one-tile platforms this makes the level very boring.

It’s also WAY to short. Basically it’s just a matter of jumping up twice with a short run in between and the epic fight with Schwartzenguard can begin. No obstacles at all, except for the tree and bonus warp which are exactly the things you do not expect to be obstacles. I expect a level to take several minutes at shortest, not several seconds.

Eigus, it would be a good idea to take a look at other popular single-player levels uploaded here. Draw some inspiration from it, add your personal twist and your levels will doubtlessly become good in the end. But this level is just lacking too many important characteristics of a good level for me to give a download recommendation.

Review by Ðés

11 Apr 2007, 13:38 (edited 12 Apr 07, 01:57 by Violet CLM)
For: Project Controller 4
Level rating: 9.3

Very cool program, is one of the bests!!!
What i should do for put music.mid in my levels?
(Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. You cannot directly use .mid files in JJ2, but you can convert them to compatible files like .it using programs like Modplug Tracker. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Ðés

11 Apr 2007, 13:34 (edited 2 Jun 07, 20:37 by Nala_LK)
For: Egypt
Level rating: 9.5

yea, is one of the bests.
And the music is cooooooool.

I put one 9.5 in total:

-Eyecandy:10/10 It’s perfect, looks like the real egypt

-Draw:10/10 perfect drawssss

-Animating tiles: 7/10 Can you put more?

-Download recomendation: yes, is one oof the bests tilesets

Review by Ðés

11 Apr 2007, 13:31 (edited 12 Apr 07, 01:58 by Violet CLM)
For: Swamps of The Sleeping Jaguar
Level rating: 9.5

Is the best!!!!!
I love a lot HGH-WILL.xm
(Unsupported rating (9.7) removal. ~Violet)

Review by rionaam

10 Apr 2007, 21:46
Level rating: 9.6

I’d like to know if it’s useful to download this having Jazz 1.23 and TSF. I mean, does this really boost game experience? Or it’s just for hosting servers?

RecommendedReview by master sven

10 Apr 2007, 16:10
For: Abandoned Sidewalks
Level rating: 8

Let me take the task of common reviewer on myself while other don’t. :P

This level is very well comprimised if you take a look at the weapons. There are just enough weapons for its size.I liked the doghouses at the 2 bottom-sides, where you could warp with. The eyecandy of the background is very good, but I missed some foreground eyecandy. The flow was good over the entire level, execpt for the middle top, where there is open space.
Also, the music doesn’t really fit the level.

Gameplay: 8,5
Eyecandy: 7,5
Originality: 8

Final Grade: 8

Good job, I think you can do even better.

Review by FOX282

10 Apr 2007, 15:47 (edited 10 Apr 07, 17:56 by Cooba)
For: Damn + v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Good conversion!
I loved it!
is better than Epic’s D*mn tilesets, good designed, but most importantly- easy to make levels from them!
I most like the D*mn + Hot!

Download? Yes! (if you love tilesets from thet kind)

[Unsupported rating (9.5) clearance. Please provide more elaborate support for your rating. Why is it better than Epic\‘s sets? Why do you like the Hot version the most? – Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by master sven

10 Apr 2007, 09:59
For: Endless Warfare
Level rating: 4

No revieuw, how sad.
Mine hasn’t got one either maybe you can now revieuw mine :P

I expected a lot of this one, because ofcource it is from my vice-jj2-divisionleader, but I shouldn’t have done that. You had some rare black and foreground titles, exept for layer 8, which was good. In layer 4 you used titles with background attached on them, instead of that, you could have better placed those titles in the background. There are some places where you can see your rabbits feet or arms between the titles, for example in the sucer tube thing at the right semi-bottom of your level. You could have used layers 3 and 5 to prevent that. There isnt really much fun of playing in the level, it is quite bold and small.But! This is your first level. This is quite good for a first one, because mine was really a lot more crap than this.

Eyecandy: 4,5
Gameplay: 4
Originality: 3,5

Final Grade: 4

Not recommendedReview by HorvatM

9 Apr 2007, 16:31
For: Singing in the Rain
Level rating: 1.9

That level reminds me of the first one I ever uploaded to J2O.

Just blasting around. Toaster would be more appropriate for Psych.

Just some chocolate at the beginning and some other food, no gems or anything.

A total of four hatters at the beginning, some annoying dragonflies, and a boss at the end.

You just used layers 4, 7, and 8. The rain was good. The whole level looked like a storm. The position of that tree in the beginning is almost identical to my #$%&@ “Rabbit in Wonderland”. I hate the climbing area with the dragonflies, they almost killed me. And next time place some spikes on the bottom of the level, or at least make a line of warps, if a hole is necesarry.

Nothing really. The boss isn’t really that useful in a level like that.

At least music was good. I like the ‘broken’ bonus warp. But the level is way too short.

Final Rating: 2.5
Download Recommendation: Only for reviewing.
Final Comments: Don’t stop making levels. Always experiment with new things. There are many articles on J2O about levelmaking, check out the JCS section.

Review by FOX282

8 Apr 2007, 13:46
For: Jazz Sprite Dynamite
Level rating: 9.7


IT IS WORK ON 1.20??

Review by FOX282

8 Apr 2007, 13:41
For: Jazz 2 music patches
Level rating: 9.4

The 1.23 patch- it is work on 1.20?
and the 1.24 patch- it is works on CC99?

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