Review by Vihamurhaaja

10 Mar 2007, 16:39 (edited 10 Mar 07, 17:15 by Cooba)
For: Diamond Dual FIXED
Level rating: N/A

I’m monster

[Unsupported rating (1.7) clearance. Hello, monster. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by fearofdark

9 Mar 2007, 20:27
For: The Three Seasons
Level rating: 5.7

Ischa has released a pack called The Three Seasons. Before we get into the review, I would like to suggest providing the links or telling us where to find the music. OK, now for the review:

I thought the eyecandy in this level was OK. Not great though. There weren’t any problems with the eyecandy, no bugs or mask problems. However, there weren’t any particular parts of the level that were exciting or significant. Not much to say about the eyecandy, except that it was good, but not great.

The gameplay…well, there wasn’t really a lot of gameplay in the level. There were not enough enemies to make the level harder. The were only blocks used in the level. There was one trigger event, and all that was used for is getting the only type of ammo in the entire level. There wasn’t really anything to stand in the way, except some very easy obstacles. You reach the boss at the end, but if you die, you must start the level all over again, which is fustraiting. The boss its self was made harder by those funny freeze things, which is good because Bubba is a prety easy boss. There was also a Fall down and die obstacle which is one of the most fustraiting obstacles, especially when you have to type JJK.

The eyecandy is pretty much the smae in this level. No bugs, but nothing special either, except one bit of the level, where you have to be spaz and then you find yourself running along a very long branch. That banch, however, was the most appealing of all the branches of JJ2.

The gameplay in the last level was empty, but this level is even emptier. There were even less enemies and even less ammo. There were some little wind obstacles, but they were quite easy. There area couple of parts where you have to morph characters. Overall, this level was emptier.

The eyecandy, again, was boring. OK but nothing special.

The gameplay was alot better than the previous levels. Especially at the beginning. There were more enemies, the level was alot harder and there was a nice trigger puzzle. However, there was less ammo than before and it was the most usless kind, freezing ammo. Also, the end boss may have a bug because it took a long time to appear when I got to the end, and it suddenly appeared in the middle of the level and started attacking.

Yes. Another point is that the levels were all very short. I feel that if they were longer, more gemplay could have been included. I would decrease the rating, but because of the lack of gameplay, that may have already been achived.

RANK: 5 Average
DOWNLOAD: They were some average levels, but there wasn’t really anything special in the pack.

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

9 Mar 2007, 15:44 (edited 16 Aug 07, 15:32)
For: New Ages II - Tale of a Snooze
Level rating: 8.9

Here we see another project of Snooze within a rather short amount of time from his previous piece of work. Expectations were set higher than with Vol 1, yet they weren’t still broken too much. Well, how come?

The eyecandy and decoration in each levels is just really well taken care of. It’s after all really smooth, meaning some level doesn’t just lack something major that would make the eyecandy there look really worse than in others. The backgrounds in these levels were sometimes the default of the tileset, but still made nicely, so they wouldn’t distract, confuse, or just cause a level to look ugly. Nevertheless, the sprite-layers weren’t left unimportant at all. Nothing looks unrealistic, repetitive, or unrealisticly repetitive. The amount of tilebugs/misplaces is very minimum. Just the eyecandy overall, with ambient lighting give these levels an enjoyable atmosphere, so you might fancy playing them really often. The most impressive eyecandy I would find ‘Gloriania’ and ‘Dreaming..’ as. ‘The Cliffhanger Ending’ instead would need the most improvement(for the sprite at least).

None of the levels are really full-symmethrical, so the layouts have been sort of just…improvised it seems. But that’s quite refreshing, isn’t it? Although there might be some imbalance in some levels still, for example ‘Gloriania’. Few levels contain greater or lesser interesting concepts like the base-placement in ‘Saint Zipcode’. However some levels have sort of boring layouts, and what r3p’s review made me to notice, some levels just don’t work practically. The much-offering ‘Twilight Park’ was used for a level with horizontal gameplay and tunneling paths, and it doens’t quite fit. Especially ‘Durance Of Hate’ is annoyingly linear and it’s “floors”-design has been used several times in a way or another. The author put some tubes/warps to nicely improve the tactical sides of levels. Some of them might be still a bit questionable though. The Flow in levels overall needs the least improvement.

Ammo was placed quite carelessly at places. What ammo-types to use in each level, wasn’t thought about a lot either, it seems. Just for instance ‘Dreaming..’ contains only three ammo-types, and lacks of gun5/gun8, which this level would need the most. Ammo there is also flocked in large groups, which might not be so good thing. I also wonder why carrots happen to be very close to each other in levels with multiple ones. PowerUps should be finely placed, though in ‘Durance Of Hate’ they could be all in open as well because of the level size. The ammo was placed well in ‘Friendship’, but already in ‘Gloriania’, it was far worse. So it’s kinda variable between levels.

So how were the levels? Here are some short explanations;

‘Friendship’ has a fine default background with a magenta fade. Looks nice overall, but the gameplay is limited and the full-carrot should be placed differently. After that a minor carrot for red side wouldn’t be a bad idea for the sake of balance.

The eyecandy in ‘Gloriania’ is nearly the finest of the pack. Looks like there was some inspiration while designing this kind of a layout. However it will confuse many people for long with it’s warps. The upper full-carrot should be removed, ammo-types replaced, ammo-flocks modified.

‘Saint Zipcode’ uses a tileset-conversion, that offers some nice additional eyecandy for levels using this tileset. It was used well here, although I would wish some more foreground eyecandy. Music fits. Impressive layout and base-placement, lesser carrot to be removed/moved.

‘Trademark’ has an easy, horizontal gameplay. I don’t find the way carrots are placed exotic here. Better sprite-eyecandy here. The background is OK.

The background seems to be a little bland in ‘Durance of Hate’. The sprite eyecandy instead is more filled and looks great. Layout isn’t very innovative, but at least there’s a chance to move between levels with warps/copters. PowerUps for once more could be in open, instead of wall. Ammo-placement doesn’t make sense.

There’s a simple, but good-looking background in ‘Tainted Heaven’, where is probably also the best layout in this pack, not overwhelmingly though. There could be one more PowerUp, most likely Bouncer would fit. The lighting is used in a nice way. Only what I dislike, is the music that freezes after played once.

‘Dreaming..’ could be easily my favorite quality-level in this pack if it had more types of ammo, placed better, and few more PowerUps. Great eyecandy, the lightning doesn’t distract me at least, because it’s in layer 7 and there’s much sprite-eyecandy to cover it. Carrots are both fine, but the warp to the upper one should be moved further from the full one.

‘Cliffhanger Ending’ quite continues the theme to have a “tunnel-level” in the end of the pack, like ‘The Boneyard’ of New Ages vol 1. It anyway doesn’t remind about it much. The background here is original in fact. However, this level might not impress some people at the first sight very much, like me. This layout isn’t confusing(once you’ve learned the warps), isn’t imbalanced or anything, unlike some other levels of this pack. The ammo and PowerUps aren’t so bad, but yet again the full carrot was placed clearly closer to the other base.

I actually expected this to easily beat New Ages vol 1, but it did only by a little in my opinion. The amount of better levels would be as much as in vol 1, related on the amount of levels. These better levels, mainly #3, #6, #7, and #8 have some nice tactics to be used on, and I recommend anyone to give these levels a try. There wasn’t unfortunately any levels that would have a really nice and balanced layout like the two awesome levels from vol 1, ‘Persona Lity’ and ‘Radiation’. The rest here I would consider as filler-levels, that just didn’t manage to have too great quality to be played with joy. I would rate the levels separately between 7.5 and 8.2, but because of Snooze’s patience to save them all for a compiled pack, they deserve more together. Also for the sake that Snooze can create epic multiplayer-levels even.

EDIT: I decided to give a +0.2 for inconvenient justice in placement back those times.


Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

7 Mar 2007, 19:58
For: Grand Hotel 4
Level rating: 6.4

Gus thinks this level is worth a 9. Does this level deserve a 9?

The eyecandy is somewhat average. There are loads of tilebugs and masking problems, especially in the slopes. There is a slight jolt in the stairs as you go down, causing you to ‘jump’ down them, you also tend to get stuck going down one of the diving boards in the swimming pool. The ugliest parts of the hotel is the water part which you enter from room 22, because you only ever see 3 tiles until you get to the end. Another is the test in the saloon, for the same reason. However, I think the beginning bit of the hotel (the lobby) looks quite…well…hotelish. I also think the same for the rooms in the hotel, except the corridor in level 4, which was a bit too bright.

The gameplay in this ‘single player hotel’ is preety much a load of puzzles…pretty fustraiting ones. The player has room number 64, where he will find some RFs and TNT to use in the swimming pool, where he will recieve another key, directing him to another room, which gives him a clue to find yet another key to another room. It goes on like this throughout the level, with little challenges along the way, until the objective is completed. But when you get to room 24 and completed the puzzle in the water thingy, you get another key, but doesn’t tell you what it unlocks. It took some time to figure out an by the time I got to the end, I was bored. There are some nice games, such as the mini-golf, that was pleasant and the player could shoot the first two holes to cure his boredome, but to pass he needed some honor card. The difficulty of the level was very easy, which added to my boredome. There were a few enemies wich you had to shoot, but you could cure you self easily because there were carrots in your room, in everyone elses room and a billion in the hospital. You could have also added regenerating enemies along the lift and stairs for a bit more of a challenge, and it would give you something to do. Overall, gameplay was boring.

I would like to comment on the music. I found it rather interesting. That doesn’t affect you rating though.

RANK: 3 Very Bad
DOWNLOAD: Maybe not. This may seem like just another mediocre hotel, but converted to a boring single player level.

Review by chandie

7 Mar 2007, 16:42
For: Campaign Mysteries Level 4: Greece
Level rating: 7

Well at last the wolfs and bears are lke real enemies!:D
After Iran, Greece was much more better! Levels were better has funnier like the boss level. This pack needs excitement like this. Otherwise it becomes monotone.
Levels were more possible to beat. Not much endless pits like the previous one, but still there were a few annoying ones.
As i’ve said before, the wolfs and bears were improved, and seem like real enemies.
The goodies and baddies were well placed except there were too much enemies together in some places.
Consequently it was a standart Campaign Mysteries pack. I still couldn’t have the same fun with the first pack. Maybe it’s just because it’s the same. But it was very very good when you compare with Iran levels.
I guess there’s one episode left. Put new original ideas and make it exciting!
By the way thank you very much for the carrots! :D:D

Review by PurpleJazz

6 Mar 2007, 21:06 (edited 14 Aug 08, 17:13 by Purplejazz7)
For: Impressions
Level rating: 8.5

Finally after months of hard work, Darksonic has finally completed and uploaded Impressions, which I think is his best CTF pack yet. Now to review!


This level uses the somewhat underused JJ1 Exoticus Tileset. It’s medium sized and it’s symectrical, so it is balanced. It isn’t too simple either, which I think is a good thing. There is a tube at the lower middle area with takes you too a higher level, collecting a Full energy on the way. This level has a good flow too.

The eyecandy is not the best I’ve seen with this tileset, but it is still very good.
Some temple tiles have been used in layer 6, which gives it a different atmosphere compared to other levels this tileset along with the music. The leaves in walls don’t look very good though. Plenty of EC things have been used with the sprite layer as they should be used, but with a few more original things like the wooden pillar which were meant to be used for sucker tubes :).

The placement is also original. The seeker PU has been placed at the top above a brick, which there are triggers which destroy the brick, and the Seeker PU comes falling down. The ammo is all placed in interesting shapes instead of the standard 2×2 squares. Like I said before, the Full Energy is placed in the middle of the level which can get by riding a sucker tube.

So this is a level with some original ideas. This gets an 8.4 from me.

Sharp Icicles

The level name suits the level theme well. I haven’t very many levels with the Glacier tileset, and this is probably one of the best. It’s semi-symectrical this time instead of symectrical, but there’s not much differance. The layout is quite a lot simpler than 01. It’s still solid though, and flows well. This also the smallest level of the pack.

The EC was pretty good for such a limited tileset like this, even though it was a little repetive in places, especially the caves on layer 5. The music and the Background fade colour give this level a nice, peaceful atmosphere. As the name suggests, there is lots of Icicles in this level. Layer 6 is original too.

The placement was nothing really special, but it’s decent. There is a Full Energy in the middle, a Bouncer PU and a Toaster PU placed on each half of the level, and the bases placed on almost the same Y axis. This is quite normal for a CTF level. This level would be niced with some original placement like in 01.

This worse than 01, but it is still fairly decent anyway, which is why I give it a 7.9.

Nature’s Bad Habit

03 uses the Natures Ruins Tileset.
The layout on this level is completely different to the layouts in 01 and 02, because it is Un-symectrical, but balanced. There are warps in this level to make it more complicated. There are fewer ways to the Red base than to the Blue Base though.

The EC was the thing that made this level special. The yellow fade colour, the beautiful music that I suggested to DS and the Rain give this level a nice atmosphere like in 02. The background is original as well. The caves look a bit squared off in places, but it shouldn’t matter too much. There isn’t too much variation in the EC but that’s typical in levels with Disguise’s tilesets. 1up’s have been used as EC things, something which I have never seen yet in any level with any tileset.

The ammo was placed in nice shapes and it was well balanced, but rather like in 02 it wasn’t really anything special.

The EC in this level was the best part, The gameplay was good but the placemnt could use a bit more originality. I think this deserves an 8.3.


We are now half-way through the pack, this level uses my D*mn + conversion. This level’s layout is completely symectrical and very platformy, but the flow is very good, and there is plenty of ways to the bases. It is simple too.

The eyecandy here is a master piece. There are lots of caves, bones, staglites/staglimites and other stuff which have been used to flood the level with EC, without overdoing it or making it too repetitive. The EC in this level is one of the best EC’s for this tileset, it’s almost as good as The Chasm. The music combined with all the other elements gives this level a scary atmosphere, unlike in 01,02 and 03.

The Placement was slightly more original than in 02 and 03. Things like the “Freeze Enemies” used around the full energy is an example. One thing I have noticed in this pack is that so far all the levels had a full energy in the middle. This is not really a bad thing, since it is the most balanced there, but more variation between the levels would be nice. There are 3 PU’s: Bouncer, Toaster and RF. The Bouncer and the Toaster PU are placed near the bases, and the RF PU in the middle.

This level has the best EC out of the pack I think. Which is why I give it 8.5, which is high for a single level.

Return of the Doomed

At first this level used the Dark Palette, then the Shade Palette, and finally decided to use the Fire palette. In case you don’t what tileset I’m talking about, its Inferno 2.0, a conversion released by P4ul a couple of months ago. This level is unsymectical, but it seems to be balanced when playing it. The level feels a lot larger it actually is, because it has a lot of open space. The flow is not as good as the previous levels but it is still pretty fluid.

DS tried to make some good EC with this tileset, but he failed a bit in some areas. The caves don’t have very much detail, and 80% of the EC is all on layers 5 + 6. There are quite a few tile bugs too, some which weren’t the tilesets fault :(. This could use just use quite a lot more of everything in
an EC point of view.

The placement was decent in this level. This has 2 Pu’s: Seeker and RF. They are placed fairly near the bases. Quite a few interesting ammo shapes where there too. There is also some food to fill the level with events. Not much else to say about the placement in this level.

The EC could use a bit of work on in this level, but everything else is good. Therefore, I give an 8.

The 8th Dimension
This level uses BioCorridor 1.26, which is underused. The layout on this level is also unsymectrical, but it’s balanced, linear but still solid. The layout is extremely simple, with two “floors” of platforms. While linearity is not a bad thing, it can just get annoying. Again the flow is good.

The EC is quite average for this tileset, there are lots of things in this tileset that DS could of used, but were just ignored. I guess this because he didn’t want to copy Snooze’s level, which had very good EC, and so made this EC simpler so it didn’t resemple his level too much.
The background layers are quite simple too, but layer 7 is good and sort of original.

There are 3 PU’s in this level: Bouncer, Toaster and Seeker. The Full energy carrot was nicely placed, down a long narrow tunnel with a warp at the end to avoid camping. As with all the other levels the placement in interesting shapes.

This level is not really very special, but it is still good. So the rating is 7.8.

Disastrous Dungeon
The pack is all most done now, here is 07, using the Castle 2 tileset.
This level is symectrical, so that means it is balanced. This level is the most cramped of all the levels in this pack. The layout is not like a “DS layout” because it is not as simple. Flow is not as good as the other levels, but it plays well.

The first thing you’ll notice when you play this level in the background, it is original, and it reminds me of the Background in Lava Lagoon. The EC here is probably the best I’ve seen with this set, lots of things have been used in this level, such as EC in the walls, EC in the caves, chains in the foreground, plenty of ground EC things like Knight and Cannons, and the music gives the level a strange atmosphere.

The placement is well done, it was very balanced and in good shapes. There are only 2 PU’s in this level, Bouncer and Seeker. They work well together in a cramped level like this. There is also a Full Energy in the middle of the level.

The EC was very nice in this level, but the flow could have been better. I think this deserves an 8.3.

The Sweet Revenge
Last stop in this pack, a large Persian Paradise level. This is the most open level of the pack, and has an amazing flow. I didn’t even though Darksonic made this until I found the Text String, it is a completely new style of level to him. The layout is quite complex, and in some cases original.

The EC here is truly great. Practically every tileset in the level was used in this level, and they are used extremly well. I never thought you could make eyecandy like this, good job! :D The background is original, it makes the level look like a sort of Arabic Town rather than a desert.

The Placement is very nice here too. Stuff like the Seeker Pu only availble with a Copter. There is a Bouncer PU on the left and an RF PU on the right. The ammo is in good shapes like in all the other levels.

This level is probably the best in the pack, everything in it pwns. I give it an 8.7, which is very high for a single level.


8.4+7.9+8.3+8.5+8+7.8+8.3+8.7/8 = 8.3

Bonus Points
0.1 for suprising me with 08
0.3 for effort in this pack
0.1 for using some underused tilesets

Final Score = 8.8

This is not only your best pack ever, but one of the best CTF packs on J2O.
This beats New Ages I by far.

This review took me 3 hours to write BTW.

EDIT: This review was very biased, so I’m removing the rating.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

6 Mar 2007, 19:50 (edited 6 Mar 07, 20:40)
For: New Windows 98
Level rating: 3.3

Rating New Windows 98

To start
Tonius11 has re-uploaded the Windows 98-tileset. And is this re-upload good? Well… I will be short: no.

Practical: (20 pts)
It is really NOT practical! The tileset is small. There are blocks, but there is not very much choice for a background. And there are also no vines, spikes and poles You can’t make very nice levels with this tileset!
Result: 4 pts

Beautiful (20 pts)
It is not the most beautiful tileset I’ve ever seen! And I think you are very lazy: these things are not created by you. Example: the purple paths are not self created: you’ve copied them from the JJ2 classical tileset from Tubelectric. That’s not beautiful, but lazy.
Result: 3 pts

Orginality (10 pts)
This tileset is really not original, because there are more tilesets about Windows. But one thing is original: the music-fragment. You can use that in your level, but it isn’t nice, because it is short. But the music also doesn’t count for your final rating, because this is a tileset file. But the originality from this tileset is bad.
Result: 3 pts

Example Level: (10 pts)
There is no example level. So this factor does not count for your final rating.
Result: N/A

Total points: 10
Maximum number of points: 60-10(example level)=*50*
Calculating: 10/50*9+1=*2,8*
Mark: 2,8
Download recommendation:

RecommendedReview by sonicnathan 1

6 Mar 2007, 17:06 (edited 23 Jun 07, 22:42)
For: Jazz Sprite Dynamite
Level rating: 9.7

Great Program!! I can finally see all of Tweedles animations! I can edit all the sprits and screw up Jazz! I made my bouncer bullets red and green. This program is really useful. With this you can change anything in Jazz Jackrabbit 2. For example you could change blisy into a warping transformer! (Ok that’s really stupid but ow well) You can also import and export frames and tests with this program. This is useful if you want to post pictures or animations of Jazz baddies on a website. Changed the maces
of the robot boss to bombs. This program is so useful and I found no glitches! It’s easy to use and you can really mess around with Jazz. You really have no resone not to download this.


RecommendedReview by snzspeed

6 Mar 2007, 12:42 (edited 9 Mar 07, 15:46 by snz)
For: Impressions
Level rating: 8.5

after lots of hard work Impressions was finally uploaded.. so,
i guess i have to review it;

Significant, is a level with some pretty unique ideas, like the
triggered pu (you have to fall down a hole and bla to get it)
and those ec things in the caves.
the level has 3 pu’s, toaster, bouncer and seeker and the layout is
symmetrical so they are ofcourse, balanced. i also liked the ammo groups
used in the level.
eyecandy is good, i guess, as i mentioned level has couple of good eyecandy ideas,
like the windows, trees, and some other stuff
Overall, nice level, probably best for 3vs3’s since the full nrg area doesn’t fit to duels imo.

Sharp Icicles is also a symmetrical level, which has nice, calm, atmosphere, which
is something you rarely see in jj2, so thats very nice.
Eyecandy is good enough, altough its bit repetive in the caves, and stuff.
but eh, still good enough.
bg layers also deserve mentioning for being original in such a small tileset
gameplay here is nice, you dont bump into walls and stuff too much.. also, most platforms can be
reached with jumping.
ammo placement is well done, there’s ff, and two pu’s, and a car at the middle. ammo groups were
also nice, not that repetititive and bla.
Overall, nice calm level.. not much to say about it

Nature’s bad habit, is really good level, actually, it might be my favorite level
in this whole pack, because of the bg fade, which gives this level a sunset atmosphere.
eyecandy is very good, there’s lots of stuff, which dont interupt gameplay and look nice.. also
there’s some 1ups.. interactive ec, i guess.
gameplay is good again, you can reach platforms with jumping, and spring placement is okay.
layout is really nicely done, its unsymmetrical, but balanced enough, and its not mazelike.
Ammo placement is good enough, and ammo groups aren’t 3× 2 blocks, which is a big plus in ctf levels.
Overall, this is best level in this pack. awesome ec, good gameplay, and stuff!

Perception is also really good level, it has a platformy layout, but its symmetrical i think.. (or semi symmetrical? :o) well anyway
there’s one thing in this level, which people will probably notice first: the really good ec.. there’s lots of stones in layer 4 and 3, caves 5/6, there’s also those skull’s,
and not any tilebugs. well done, ds!!!
gameplay is decent, altough sometimes i found myself crashing into things, and stuff. also the spring placement is bit weird, but atleast its good enough.
Placement is good again, there’s different ammo groups scattered into level. at the middle, there’s a car and some freeze enemies in there, which will slow you down
(dunno why but i guess its made to prevent people from scoring too fast)
Overall, nice level, one of the packs best ones, but not as good as that nature level, imo

Return of the doomed is a level using the inferno 2.0 tileset. layout is unsymmetrical, but balanced enough once again. its also quite easy to get around the level. (might feel bit hard at first)
Eyecandy is .. not that great in here. author has tried, atleast, but there’s some tilebugs, and other weird stuff in the level. however, its good enough, there’s some funny stuff done with the skulls, and its not that bad thing.
Gameplay is decent, you can get to where you want quite easily, but still i think the level has bit weird spring placement.. other than that, its pretty decent.
Placement is nice, lots of stuff, and weird groups of ammo, but it doesnt look boring and it works with this level very well, i think. there’s one pu here, which are seek pu, its closer to other base, and full nrg is closer to other one, which evens it out, there’s also a rf pu, which is placed fairly.

The 8th Dimension is a level using BioCorridor262359something, and it reminds me one of my levels somehow. :P
i like the eyecandy here a bit, but some of it could be lot better. however, there’s some nice ec stuff done here, and there’s not too much tilebugs, so yeah, its good enough.
gameplay is decent, there’s some springs which could be placed better, altough if you’re a good player who knows rf trix, you shouldnt have any problems when navigating around in here.
placement is unique, never seen a car placement like that :P altough it could make the level bit campy. ammo placement is nicely done, it doesnt look boring, and you used nice ammo groups.
overall, this is a nice level, could use some better ec. i don’t know anything else to suggest.

Disastrous Dungeon is a .. surprising level.. there’s not much tilebugs, and the layout is symmetrical, i think.
I like the eyecandy here.. its not superb, but its good enough, and doesnt distract players while playing. i also like the originality used in bg layers, gives this level weird atmosphere. ;o
Gameplay is decent, you might bump into stuff, but it isnt that bad, to be honest. spring placement is well done, no cons there. ammo is scattered nicely thoughout the level, atleast in my opinion.
Overall, bleh, not much to say, decent level, could use more ec.

Sweet Revenge is last level of the pack, and its semi-symmetrical. it also has really nice ideas, like the way how you get seek pu there. (;D)
Eyecandy is well done, this level has really nice atmosphere, altough white bg hurts my eyes sometimes. it isn’t that bad though. also, author used almost all stuff in the tileset, and didnt use it wrongly, so thats also good.
Gameplay is nice, spring placement is perfect, and the level flows really well.
Layout is weird, it has some warps, and .. well, its kind of “simple” which probably makes it weird in my eyes.
anyway, this is the last, and one of the better levels in the pack.

my summary would be, that this pack had some very good levels, some not that good levels, but still, its something what everyone should definately download.
also, go ahead, downvote my review, i know it sucks. :>

- snz -

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

5 Mar 2007, 13:59 (edited 5 Mar 07, 14:01 by da man)
For: New Ages II - Tale of a Snooze
Level rating: 8.9

New Ages II

After months of hard work, the second part of New Ages has been released. I have hosted these levels very often in my server(except the last one) and I’m going to give this a fair review.


This level uses the Twilight Park tileset, which is an underused tileset because it’s pretty hard to use. The level is pretty big, but it’s not so high. Just very wide. The layout might be a bit weird at first, but after playing this it won’t be as weird. It’s balanced although it’s unsymmetrical. The flow is good, but some sucker tubes are hard to find if you play this for the first time.

Eye candy is just as good as it is. This tileset is hard to use, but Snooze placed the stones in the walls how you should put them. The layers have been used well, and the background is good. Some nice effects have been made, like the water blocks at the left and right sides. Not much to complain about here.

Then the placement. Because this level is big, it has 3 Power-Ups. They’re placed well. There is also some food to fill up the level with events. The groups of ammo are pretty good, and Snooze didn’t place the same ammo at both sides. That’s something not everyone tries, but it works here. The Full NRG is a bit closer to the red base. But the Seek PU is a bit closer to the blue base. It balances the level.

While this is not something very special, this is still a pretty nice level. Therefore I give it an 8.3.


This name doesn’t say much, except that it might have something to do with glory. It’s Snooze’s second level of the pack using Mystic Isle.

Hmm.. yeah. The layout is something completely different. Pretty hard to learn at first. The author has taken some risks with this layout, but he succeeded. It has alot of warps and some tubes. The level is also pretty big, which is not a bad thing. The flow is good enough with those warps and tubes. The bases are placed at the left and right-middle of the level, and the way to the base is pretty long. There is a warp that takes you to the base, pretty handy. There are tubes to the bases with Freeze Enemies, which is pretty fun and makes it harder to capture if you take that tube. There is also a normal way to the base though.

Then the eye candy. The author has made something original with this tileset: The green things in the walls. Layer 5 eye candy has lots of caves, but the special thing is the FISHTANK VOL 2 at the bottom-middle. In Radiation there was also a fishtank, but that was vol. 1. The interesting part of this level’s eye candy is the fishtank, and the green things are pretty nice too. With a limiting tileset, this has good eye candy.

Placement is something different. The level has groups with different types of ammo, it has 2 Power-Ups but it also has 2 Full NRGs and 1 +1 carrot. Some food has been added too, as well as Fast Fires. The groups of ammo are good. I have noticed that placing different ammo at both sides doesn’t matter that much, this level proves that. The Full NRG carrots are placed well, not just on a random place. The +1 carrot is only reachable by a warp, and that warp is placed fairly.

Overall this is something that’s better than Friendship. Bonus points are given for the weird layout, because this level has a weird layout ;P. Therefore, I give this level an 8.5.

Saint Zipcode

We’re up to the third level of the pack, using Jungle 2.0 while it has stars in the background. Thus, it’s a space jungle. This one has interesting things as well.

What makes this one interesting is the base placement. The level was inspired by One Spot, like you can see if you see the bases. That makes this more a duel level. It’s one of the smallest levels of the pack. Although the bases are both more to the left of the level, this is balanced. This level again has warps. The flow is just good and this level is more cramped than Gloriania. There are also some secret passages and tubes somewhere.

Like I said in the beginning, this is a space jungle. Something that noone tried to make so far. This tileset has stars, and the author used them. It’s original and it’s nice to see. There are lots of leaves in layer 5, and layer 4 has some nice stuff (like waterfalls) as well as the foreground which has a few things. Again there is nothing to complain about.

Then comes the placement. The Power-Ups are in walls, and might be hard to find at first. However, you should see them if you know where they are. They’re at the left corners of the level The level has 1 Full NRG carrot and a +1 carrot and they’re a bit close to each other. With the weird base placement that doesn’t matter much. Ammo placement is just good, and there is some food(again)

Overall, this is an original unsymmetrical level with weird base placement and an original background with stars. Therefore, I give this an 8.5.

Will of Fame

A level that changed name several times. First was ‘Trademark’ then ‘Memories’ and now ‘Will of Fame’ It’s another unsymmetrical level in the style of ‘Friendship’ so not very high but pretty wide.

The flow in this level was a bit bad because of some bad masking, but now those bugs are fixed and the flow is much better. The level is pretty cramped but the layout is still pretty good. It doesn’t have many platforms. The base placement is good, although the way to the base is a straight line. But that doesn’t matter much. Some Float Ups have been used too. This time the level has no warps and only one tube with two ways.

This is one of those underused tilesets. But after I saw this level I wanted to use this too. The level has some original eye candy. While layer 5 is pretty standard which mostly has some black tiles, the foreground has some original stuff. Layer 6 is nice, and layer 7 has translucent stars which makes a nice effect with layer 8. But the green tiles at the right side in layer 4 are also special. The walls have some standard things to fill it up a bit.

The level has 3 different Power-Ups, while you can only get 2 different ones. The reason why this was called ‘Trademark’ first is because of the 4 Toaster Power-Ups in the middle. You can’t get them unless you cheat :P. The level has 2 +1 carrots that are close to each other. It’s something experimental, but it seems to work. The 2 Power-Ups are placed where they should be. Ammo placement is good. This level doesn’t have that much ammo, but there is still enough.

Overall this is something that’s a bit worse than the other 3 levels. But still a pretty nice level. Therefore, I give it an 8.2.

Durance of Hate

The fifth level of the pack uses D*mn+ Cold. This is a pretty big level with big platforms. The filesize is also insane(over 27 kb)

The level is pretty linear, but linearity is not always bad. There are still alternative ways. The bottom area of the level is probably called the ‘Chamber of Torment’ and a textstring also says ‘OBLIVION AWAITS!’ but anyway. The bottom has some warps at both sides. In the middle of the upper area there are copters. The level is not completely linear, just a bit. Putting walls in the middle didn’t help either.

Now comes the interesting part: the eye candy. The level is over 27 kb which is insane for a CTF level. The layers have lots of stuff, especially the bottom. It looks a bit scary at the bottom, but it actually looks pretty nice. All stuff that’s added here looks very nice, and there is not much to say about it. The EC is almost perfect in my opinion, because the level is not flooded with EC(the upper part has not that much as the lower part) The backgrounds are also nice.

The level is big, so it should have a lot of ammo. It also has 3 Power-Ups and 2 Full NRG carrots. It’s enough for this size. Ammo placement is again pretty nice. There is not really much to say here, because I keep saying the same all the time. Oh, there is also some food. Didn’t say that yet. ;D

Overall this is a pretty big level with very nice EC. In my server people liked this level a lot, and I like it a lot as well. Therefore, I give this an 8.6.

Tainted Heaven

The sixth level of the pack is made with Heaven, but the level doesn’t look like a heaven. Anyway, up to the review!

The level has a pretty normal size, it’s a bit higher than 01, 03 and 04 and lower than 02. But size doesn’t matter much. Anyway, the level has some tubes and such. There is also a SECRET CHAMBER OF DURANCE OF HATE. So this level might have something to do with the previous one. The bases are a bit close to each other, but the way to the base is longer than you might expect.

This tileset has the same kind of stones as Twilight Park, they are pretty hard to place. This level has lots of those stones in the walls. The layers have been used well, every layer is used. The backgrounds are not very original, but this tileset is not a tileset where you make original backgrounds with. The eye candy is not as good as in Heavenly Havoc, but it’s almost as good as that.

The level has 3 Power-Ups. The Bouncer Power-Up is closer to the red base, the Toaster Power-Up is closer to the blue base and the Seeker Power-Up is pretty far away from both bases. That’s balanced enough. The Full NRG carrot is closer to the red base. The ammo placement is pretty good (it’s getting boring to say that all the time) but it’s true. The level also has a few apples(only 2)

Overall this is one of the best levels from the pack. Therefore, I give it an 8.7(and that’s almost the highest I give for a single level ;O)


Another level that changed name several times. While it was ‘Around the World’ first, it got other names as well and ‘Dreaming..’ is the final name of the level.

This level’s layout inspired me a bit. It doesn’t have much platforms but it’s good. It has tubes and warps like almost all levels. The bases are placed pretty well, and the level has a good and a bad side. The right side is the bad side and the left side is the good side. That might explain the name. Anyway, the level has a good layout.

The tileset used is one of those underused ones that I find pretty hard to use. The good side of the level has normal EC for the tileset, and the bad side has some original things. The level’s good side probably has better EC, but the bad side is also good. The backgrounds are nice as well, and I like the storm.

The level has 1 Power-Up, one +1 carrot that’s in a warp and 1 Full NRG that’s balanced. Ammo placement is again pretty good, this level has no RF ammo. That’s something that other levels didn’t have. The only Power-Up, the Bouncy Power-Up, is in the middle.

Overall this is another nice level. Worse than 05 and 06, but better than 01 and 04. Therefore, I give this an 8.4.

Cliffhanger Ending

This level is the end of the pack. It uses Spacey Universe, which is not really overused but you can still do some nice things with it. The name is pretty weird, like almost all other levels of the pack ;P.

So, this is a duel level with lots of warps. The blue base has only one real way to it, that explains that this is for duels. I like the fact that you can RF climb in the level. It’s fun. The flow is good but the level might be hard to learn because of those warps.

Now comes the eye candy. This time layer 5 hasn’t been used for eye candy, because there is some kind of ‘sea’ in the foreground. So the eye candy is a bit different compared to other levels of this pack. Layer 6 has been used for eye candy though. But layer 4 has the most. The foreground has some stuff as well. The spring at 51,46 has been used for eye candy as well.

Placement now. The most interesting thing is that this level has 2 Full NRGs while it’s not that big. The level is made for duels, but duels might take long here. 2 Power-Ups as well. There are Fast Fires(4 at each side) so you can run out of ammo pretty easily as well. The ammo placement is just fine, in other levels it was better I think. This level has less ammo than other levels. I haven’t really tested this level, because it’s the last level of the pack.

Overall this is a nice last level of the pack. Nothing very special, still pretty good. Therefore, I give this an 8.2.

One thing I haven’t said yet is that most levels use lighting effects and they look nice.

Now it’s finally time to calculate ratings.

8.3 + 8.5 + 8.5 + 8.2 + 8.6 + 8.7 + 8.4 + 8.2 : 8 = 8.4.

0.2 for the musics that have been used.
0.2 for the ‘story’ behind the pack.
0.2 because it’s a pack with 8 levels.

So overall, I give this a 9! That’s very impressive, because it’s one point lower than a 10 which is perfect. And I don’t give that. Because I don’t give single levels much higher than an 8.7 it’s also very special. But this pack deserves it. Now I’m ready to upload my pack in a few days I hope. I think that’s not as good as this pack, but still pretty good. So go give my pack a review like the one I give here ;)

Download recommendation: Of course!
Host: Some of these levels are very nice so hosting them is a good idea.

Review by Technopauluz

5 Mar 2007, 13:54
For: New Ages II - Tale of a Snooze
Level rating: 8.9

Ill almost never play CTF games so ill dont say anything about the gameplay.. Die hard CTF-ers can rate this better :)

But wat I saw was a pack of very nice looking levels!! Some where Average and some where Awesome! I am sure about one thing, and that is that u spend a lot of time in it!

Ill give N/A but i am sure this gets a nice rating that it deserve!

Review by DennisKainz

5 Mar 2007, 11:31 (edited 5 Mar 07, 14:54 by Cooba)
For: Devious Diamonds
Level rating: 4.2

Good. Original.

The background is special. The difficult is appropriate. There are good puzzles and secrets. But it’s very short. I have fun, but only for short time.

Rating: 6.5
D/R: I dunno.

[Unsupported rating (6.5) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by DennisKainz

5 Mar 2007, 11:26 (edited 5 Mar 07, 14:54 by Cooba)
For: Spazs Adventure
Level rating: N/A

Good! But the levels are short.

There is a lot of stuff in the starting and ending. The level A New World was fun. Average puzzles. But walking upon the poles without falling was difficult. Enemies were placed well. The sector of lizards and chuck was fun.

Rating: 7
D/R: I’m not sure

[Unsupported rating (7.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

5 Mar 2007, 11:20 (edited 7 Mar 07, 09:28 by I AM A DISGUSTING PEDOPHILE PLEASE CALL THE POLICE IF YOU SEE ME)
For: Grand Hotel 4
Level rating: 6.4


This level helped me forget a problem of mine. There is a lot of fun! I was so happy when I plaid. The puzzles were great. The hotel eyecandy, puzzles, objects etcetera were excellent. THey are also placed very well. Player has a personal room. There are many places and floor. The minnigolf has a good function when the honorchip is taken. The swimming pool reminds me good days of my life. If this hotel really existed, I would love to pass my holiday here. All comforts. Enemies were difficult, but possible to destroy. The only bad thing was the coins maze, the red one. Moving through rooms was fun. The secrets and puzzles remind me Tomb Raider levels, but this hotel is better. Sorry if I don’t tell every single detail. I’m shy.

Rating: 9
D/R: Super. Give this more than 1000 downloads!

[Unsupported rating (9) removal. I loathe removing this rating, but I think it’s warranted. The review gives many details, but little that can be said to determine wether the rating should be high or low. Why was the eye candy great? What makes this hotel almost perfect? If it’s almost perfect, what is it that makes the gameplay, eyecandy, etc, perfect? Can it be improved a lot?

This review seems to be subjective based on a great experience. It is great that you have had such an experience, and that makes this level a good thing for you, but the rating should not be based upon it. – FQuist]

Ok. The eyecandy is good because it makes it look like a real hotel and makes me want to play it. The puzzles take a bit of time and make me think how to complete them. They’re good logic. The ammo are used well because if I have got them it makes the fight with the guardians easier. The minnigolf is a fun game. Tripping into rooms is original. Environments are realistic and make me seem to be really there. Plus taking the stairs and elevator makes it look 3d. The only annoying thing is the one to take the coins. If the review is not yet good enough, LET SOMEONE ELSE GIVE GOOD RATINGS TO THIS LEVEL!

RecommendedReview by Qu4k3000

4 Mar 2007, 08:52
For: JJ1Diamondus(v1.1!)
Level rating: 9

this is an ok conversion but it drifts too far from the origianal, plus, i got stuck in the wall loads of times on that tunnel bit

i really like the tilesets, if you’re a level designer, i strongly reccomend this. even if you’re not, this is worth a look.

i have made a small battle level using the daytime tileset because i love the tileset soooooo much, please DL and review

Review by Technopauluz

3 Mar 2007, 11:28
For: New Windows 98
Level rating: 3.3

Hey it would be nice if u make a windows vista tileset ;)

Review by so3mpty

3 Mar 2007, 10:16 (edited 3 Mar 07, 11:23 by Cooba)
For: Heaven v.1.1
Level rating: 9.6

o_O So profesional…. OMG i love it

[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by the jamster

2 Mar 2007, 19:10
For: Ancient Kingdom
Level rating: 5.5

Hey this has good eyecandy , (i like the way how you used the turtles on the mushroom leges).
Not much to say about a small level its just you could of made it a boit more exciting , alls it is is 2 small pits and only small amount of platforms , you could improve it by putting more objects in it , because its just gonna be to easy to die when playing expesially with pits.
But i think you did very well on half of it.

Review by Maximus

1 Mar 2007, 22:52 (edited 2 Mar 07, 11:49 by Fquist)
For: Armed Force Lair
Level rating: N/A

Armed Force Lair

Yes This lvl Have Eyecandy

Yes Layer 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 is supissh


good point

-Good Layer all
-no Easy Tileset
-Eyecandy lvl Have

Bat Point

lvl no have Bad Point GJ

Points : 8.7

Download recommendation?

[Unsupported rating (8.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

Review by HatebreedMF

1 Mar 2007, 22:30
For: Armed Force Lair
Level rating: N/A

ok srry

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