Please reupload with only one version of the level, and without any folders inside the .zip.
Hey! You finally posted it!
I love this level!
This isnt a nice lvl…
I see that u just had started to make your own levels; thats good but you need to test it before u uploaded some stuff. I became easyly stuck in your level.
this is weird,but funny.Very funny!its worth a downloads for seeing the faked-JJ.but it would be more good if we could see the real jazz jackrabbit…
[Unsupported rating (9.6) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]VIRUS Trojan!
[Unsupported rating (1.7) clearance. This download does not contain a trojan, as the note on top of the page says. Please provide good reasons for rating a download. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]Hum, this defenitly aren’t impressive creations…
Its cool to make some pitfall games beqause carrotade rocks! but… there are less new levels Tube & Castle ive seen to much :P in my life, and the others exept The forrest lvl (u only removed the water and some ground :P)
arent so beauteful..
The gameplay wasn’t so bad, but it didn’t impress me tough :(
Ill hope that your great project is gonna be lot of better that this, my rating will be so to than ;)
[Unsupported rating (6.5) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]I was suprised by this upload and downloaded it for looking if i missed something that was fitting my battle game well…
But i am a little bit disapointed about this; Masking is very well done but i didnt have any problems with it.
What i like to see in new conversions are nice new eyecandy, like new statue’s in medivo and things to make the ground look nicer & new animation tiles eyecandy.
The poles are nice, but i didn’t like the gray looking balks and sucker tubes,
it isn’t fitting in a medivo set.
The Lavafalls are nice but that is nothing new..
no words.
[Rating (10) clearance. Since you’re not learning, you’re going to be unable to review. ~Cooba]
Okay, let’s start.
The level is very small and littered with dead ends, which is a big no-no for battle levels- especially the one where you have to Super-Jump or Double-Jump out of, which takes away from the time you could be spending shooting other players. There are also a few annoying times where it looks as though you can keep going, but the opening is actually too small- that’s actually a graphical problem, but I’ll get to that in a moment.
Anyway, the ammo placement isn’t too bright either, such as five boxes in a row, leading to a giant amount of ammo nobody can carry (and a huge amount of lag if they’re all opened.) There are also a lot of Electroblasters in the level, which don’t have any use here since the level is very open.
First of all, there is NOTHING on any layer but the obligatory 4 and 8, which makes the background very bland-looking. There are also a lot of annoying tilebugs, such as the holes in the wall near the starting point which are very ugly-looking, and the floating platforms using the wrong tiles.
This is coupled with a lot of useless stuff such as a spike pit in the ground and a flashing lock in the wall, which, to be honest, looks as though the creator of this level was still experimenting and not at all ready to release a level.
Then, there is the biggest fault of all- The ground just ends in mid-air. The walls on the edge of the level are very thin too. This makes it look as though everything is just floating in the air and fails to immerse the player in the level. At least the walls were tiled properly, unlike the ground, which just ends suddenly, giving the level a very unfinished look.
Final notes: I would have given this level somewhat higher, but Kax’s rating is much, much too high, and I don’t want to give people the impression this level is actually good.
You completely overrated this Kax…
Eyecandy in this level is the worst possible for this tileset, it is just dull, and it doesn’t even tile in most places. The background isn’t even textured, and there is barely anything in the background layers, and you can only see them at the bottom of the level. Like I said before, there are tile bugs everywhere. And that’s not the tileset’s fault. Forest is quite easy to tile in my opinion. Usally with levels with this tileset you would ignore the tilebugs, but this level is tiled so bad in most places that you get put of the second you see them.
Just a couple of bushes/trees/flowers on the ground isn’t enough EC. The cave on the right hand side of the level could use more detail too. In most places, there is just plain, untextured sky with nothing else.
The Gameplay is very poor. The level is linear to the max. There are about 6 dead ends, some which could of been avoided easily. Ammo is extremly sparce, most of it is on the right hand side. There I found 5 +15 seeker ammo boxes! You can’t even carry that much, so it’s overdone. Two seeker boxes would be better. Also you should never use Ice in battle. To make this fact even worse, there is not one, but TWO Ice Power ups at the bottom of the level, right next to each other! At the bottom right there is a Water shield. Don’t use shields in battle either, someone could just camp there and pwn anyone who got close. The turrets on the right where pointless too, because they only face right, so it is impossible to actually hit someone with it.
This level has quite a lot of tile bugs and eventing problems. Try and learn from your mistakes you made in this level. You will improve then trust me.
No Download recommendation.
LEVEL 10/20
Nice level, but we don’t know what is this? I think its battle. You could tell that. If the zip contains a music and battle, it is battle, not multiple.
Simple layout and things… And, the level could be a bit larger.
No eyecandy errors, other than strange lock-thing in the wall. Good, but there could be more layer stuff.
So and so… Good battle. Needs something more… By the way, music is quite large file.
BUGS 20/20
No bugs. Good job!
Pickups are nicely scattered around this arena. I think, the shield (There is only one, wich is good thing.) is too easy to reach.
TOTAL 79/100
A nice battle.
lack in layer stuff
Bit small
Points over 75:
Well, your revieuws aren’t that good either.
@ Booshi: who says i’m not able to make a ‘better background’, I just tried something original. Becouse originality is also worth to be rated, isn’t it?
@ SPAZ18 & Kax: Why is a hotel in the background confusing?
@ SPAZ18: Why is a 50×35 titles level not good for a battle level? Ever heard of duels? There are 2 carrots in the level. And the powerups in many levels, like battle1 are also easy to find.
Ranklist of Reviews:
I haven’t reviewed downloads on J2O for a long while, so I may have to get a little used to it again. But since I’ve downloaded and played the example level included with this tileset, It really reminded me on how cool Jazz2 actually is! And ofcourse the level wasn’t so good without the greatness of this new Medivo tileset conversion!
This download includes one real tileset that was built to 4 different palette conversions. There is also a (really cool) example level included. You could see this tileset as a mix of the original JJ2 Medivo set and the JJ1 one. Like you’ll see the original stony Medivo ground and walls from JJ2, and the metal pipes from JJ1. There is also great rain and lightning effect, and ofcourse the great lava from JJ1.
This tileset has anything the Jazz2 gameplay needs. You know, poles, vines, tubes, etc. Other than that, also Jazz1 signs do have a place in this set to make Jazz1 based levels possible. The mix of JJ2 and JJ1 tiles flows greatly over each other and gives you a great feeling when playing levels created with this.
The use of the ideas for this set are good. You can make the original Jazz2 gameplay possible aswell as some different stuff. After all, Jazz2 has events based on the Medivo set and alot of enemies that fit with it’s style. This all means that much could be created with this set!
This tileset is one of the better tileset conversions on J2O, and I hope that we’ll see much levels using this in the future. Too bad that the great example level didn’t made it to the worthy IF pack.. Download recommended and a big 8.5 for the good work!
I have to agree with Booshi/P4ul on this. This level is not worth an 8.0.
Background is a bit dull. Hardly any eyecandy in Layer 4. It looks repetitive. There’s what looks like a Hotel room in the BG but it looks confusing. Good try on being original.
The level is far too small. 50 × 35 is NOT a good battle level, though it is a good size for duels, I don’t think it would be used that much. It needs to be bigger. This level would be too easy for a battle.
Weapons were placed OK but there weren’t really enough. Power-ups were not placed in the open which is good but in a level this small, they will be easy to find. There are 2 Carrots in the level which is not enough.
*Item placement is OK
*Too small. 50 × 35
*Not enough weapons or carrots
*PUs are too easy to find.
TOTAL = 9/30 = 3.0
RANK: F = Bad (Replaced U with F)
No. I decided to add that it is good for duels but I still don’t think it would be used that much as there are better duel levels available (I think).
I didn’t see the second Carrot.
Rating Medivo conversions:
They all add signs from JJ1,and those good-looking sucker tubes.the textured backgrounds look awesome,especially in the 2nd tileset.Good levels can be maked with these tilesets,but do not use lava too much,because lava animations are kinda buggy.the poles with those diamond-like things are cool!Like I said before,good levels can be maked with these tilesets.
Download reccomendation:YES
~~andyjackrabbit aka SootDragonGF~~
It was a good idea to make a different Medivo conversion, even though this is very good. Why? Continue reading the review.
This tileset is an edit of the Medivo set with some added JJ1 elements. Additions include: Lava falls, Sucker Tubes, metal pipes, some JJ1 style signs, poles, and a working Textured Background.
This conversion also makes Medivo have perfect masking, which is a major fix. There are the standard two palettes, plus a bright Red palette that resembles the JJ1 colouring, and dark brown/yellow palette. Unfortuneatly the lava falls look ugly in the 3rd and 4th palette. :(
The animation for them are buggy in all palettes too.
You could of also of found a use for the Bee-hive and made Rain avalible in single drops rather than just in clusters. Those custom destruct blocks and the poles looks awesome though. In general this is a great Medivo conversion as it is, but it doesn’t really resemble JJ1 medivo that much, it’s more of a JJ2 medivo with some of JJ1 medivo’s elements like I said earlier. Even with all those cons I have said in the review it is still a great edit, and I do plan on using it.
Download recommendation.
@Hitch: They meant the example level, you can still rate the tileset.
I made a combination of the three battle levels too (even before this one) and I must say that you could’ve spent a lot more time on the eyecandy and tiling of the level edges (just look at mine, I frequently host it in the RR Server)… Also I didn’t really think the springs were bad. The different Battle levels could have been connected better though.
An updated version of the Windows 98 tileset. Has it improved?
You can still be creative with this tileset because it still has the tiles from the original Windows 98 tileset. There is now more gameplay in this tileset (shooting blocks and trigger blocks have now been added in), but its still missing vines and poles. The Tubelectric tiles are quite pointless because they don’t fit in with the rest of the tileset. Overall, the tileset has only improved because it has slightly more gameplay.
DOWNLOAD?: I still recommend this, but its only a slight change from the original.
pls make the tileset bigger,more desktop tiles…maybe add a good background than that blue,AND MAKE IT ENGLISH!
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.