Sorry this RMX is by Luigi Elettrico. I add a new music file for this map.
Thanks for recommend !!
Spaz XS
This is one of those levels that’s bad enough to download just for sheer laughs. The two part test is supposedly testing your sidekicking (like that takes any skill) and heli-earing ability which are so easy to beat any animate lifeform could do them. Not to rub it in but I beat the ‘sidekick’ test using jazz’s heli ears too =D
I apologize for the rude comments but this level is seriously amusing.
Download Reccomendation!!
Witam wszystkich zainteresowanych!!
Hello to all of you who are interested!!
Wiec jezeli chodzi o eyecandy to nie znajdziecie go tutaj =D i na tym by mozna zakonczyc recenzje na temat ec ale cooba pewnie by sie zdenerwowal wiec jeszcze cos napisze (Y).W lvlu nie ma zadnych animacji, jezeli chodzi o warswty to sa wykorzystane tylko dwie (layer 4 i 8). Calosc jest zbudowana z jednego klocka (no dobra z dwoch), grubosc scian wynosi 32px,a jezeli chodzi o te diamenty to wygladaja one kiepsko (same gem ringi i purple gemy)
Actually, as for eyecandy, you won’t find any ec here =D and this would be the end of the description but cooba would get annoyed so i’ll spit out more (Y). This level has no animations at all and uses only two layers. the whole level is built using only one tile (well ok, two), all the walls are 32 pixels thick, and the diamonds (gem rings and purple gems) at the end look overdone and kind of lackluster.
Wiec autorka miala racje mowiac ze test jest krotki bo ma tylko 2 levele z czego pierwszy musimy pokonac kickiem a drugi kopterkiem (brawa dla tej dziewczyny), a jezeli dojdziemy do konca to mamy bardzo trudny naprawde trudny wybor amianowicie mozemy grac od poczatku lub zagrac w drugi lvl (ktorego nie ma)
The author was right about the test being short, becuase it has only two levels, one beatable with the sidekick and the second with copter ears (congratulations), and once we reach the end, we stand before the extremely hard choice: we can either restart the level or play the next one which doesnt even exist.
Najbardziej zaciekawil mnie rmx, ktory wg autorki jest jej, pewnie tak uwaza bo zmienila nazwe (nie ladnie krasc rzeczy od czlonkow IC >D)
The thing which interested me the most is the sugar rush remix (which isnt even the music used by the level), which the author claims as hers by changing its name… not nice to steal stuff from IC >D
I have played some bad test levels before, but this one was the worst. I’m sorry but this was way too short. There was only 2 levels. The eyecandy looks like it was rushed, no animated tiles and only Layers 4 & 8 were used. The Layer 8 BG looked boring. After completing the 2 tests, I was in a room with loads of Gems.
You also included a Sugar Rush Remix in the zip, it’s good music but this was NOT your remix. I couldn’t see the point of that since the music wasn’t used in the level at all.
Another thing that puzzles me is that this has been submitted as a Treasure Hunt level. Huh?
This review may be short, but I don’t think there was really much else to review in this test.
*None :(
*Bad Layer 8 Background
*Only 2 very easy levels
*No animated tiles used
*Only Layers 4 & 8 used
Thx for upload this file !!!
(Rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
good one!
(Rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
The best from the best!!!!!!!!
(Rating (10) removal. ~Violet)
What to say…
For starters the story was a good idea, but you should have included it more into your levels.
THe basic levels for each element weren’t the best. THey were eather,
A: Too short
B: Too confusing
C: Too many ways to die without being able to do anything about it (Ex: First Fire Level)
The best thing about your basic levels was the background, that was arwsome. They matched perfictly with what the level was about.
The bosses where also good, except the Fire boss, and the Rocket T. as the last boss. The Rocket T. glitched a few times I faced him, then when he would run he would just go stright. This made it way too hard to catch up if you skew up even once.
The other bosses were made extreamly well. The envierment combined with the boss’s powers made the final levels a fun Challenge.
However, the levels have cool effects which would be great to look over, just to learn how things are done, but sence you put a password on them then there not worth downloading.
Overall, the levels aren’t worth downloading. If you could just download the bosses, I would recommend that, but the whole packege isn’t worth it.
Redo the basic levels, less complexsity, and more stright forward (plus make them longer if you can). I would like to see a remake if you ever choose to remake it.
1. J2O Downloads Page
The J2O downloads page for this utility is dressed up well enough. The simple yet straightforward title “Express JJ2 Starter” catches the eye immediately and gives the impression of a handy tool. The Level description doesn’t lose out either – it has the three parts all magicians need for a good trick.
The pledge – “my first own programmed program”
The turn – “my fisrt[sic] program”
The prestige – “I wish you a lot of fun!”
$ÏMØÑ summarises the features of his program between the pledge and the turn as an “Easy Starter”. A clever phrase, which immediately reinforces that the starter is both “easy” and “express”, an excellent use of alliteration. Not to mention that the turn is a rephrasing of the pledge, which is repetition put to good use. Overall, the downloads page should quite appealing for the general audience.
However, the author should still have checked for spelling and grammatical errors beforehand, so points will unfortunately have to be deducted.
J2O Downloads Page: 1.7 / 2.
2. The zip file
The author did not explain how to unzip the file. As a result, I downloaded winzip, which was full of malware and my computer crashed.
The zip file: 0 / 2.
3. Installer
By far the most interesting feature to talk about. Upon running the installer, you are greeted with a logo of a fire burning the words “Express JJ2 Starter”, as if to foreshadow your intent to incinerate the utility. Also, this section should be easier to handle for the general audience because of its better command of English.
Like any good Japanese horror flick director, $ÏMØÑ shines with his use of scare tactics. He threatens the end user to “read the IMPORTANT.txt ;D” or the program will not work.
The author chooses a well-crafted directory, which shows he is up-to-date with the latest technical trends. By keeping in an uncommonly named folder, he ensures it stays safe from any virus/trojan that attempts to erase “C:\Program Files\”. Strongly suggested that you keep the default directory.
Like the threat before, the IMPORTANT.txt comes back to scare you. But this time, it isn’t really reinforced, in that you can click on Next without reading it at all. Points deducted.
By using a shareware install creator rather than the de facto NSIS, $ÏMØÑ once again declares his heterodoxy to the world. Even before seeing the program we can see that this was very well planned from the beginning.
Installer: 1.8 / 2.
4. Program
Nothing to complain here. It wins because it uses C++ rather than VB. It wins more because it uses the command prompt rather than a GUI. Additionally, it does exactly what it was created to do. But more on that later.
A professional feel to the program. Indeed, it even shares contact details for you to send feedback to. The riddle is simple enough to guess, albeit having a disappoint result. For those who wan’t to solve the riddle properly, please skip to the next section.
Please write here the Number (before the Version):
If you noticed carefully, after the contact details, it actually tells you “V. 0.2”. If you haven’t figured it out, that is the version string! Of course, the “Version” itself is “0.2” so the answer to the riddle is “V.”. Granted, it really isn’t a “Number”, but it seems to be the right answer, which closes the starter as intended.
Solving the riddle gave me a euphoric feeling not unlike the one felt after completing QoB. That alone warrants a perfect score for this section.
Of course, there’s plenty of technical stuff to dicuss here, but it all pales in comparison. (I’m talking about the system() command abuse, the getc() abuse and so on)
Program: 2 / 2.
5. Uninstaller
If you think of the downloads page as the pledge, the installer and program as the turn, then this is definitely THE PRESTIGE. Once you’ve installed this tool, there is no way your fingers won’t be tempted to click on this. In a style never been attempted by any other program before, it is designed to be completely irresistable – a true classic and masterpiece.
In fact, the only reason anyone downloads this at all is because this grand finale exists! A perfect 2.0 is not enough to rate the usefulness of this tiny underrated uninstaller.
Uninstaller: 2.2 / 2.
Other comments
I strongly feel that the IMPORTANT.txt should be placed within the zip itself rather than the installer. Maybe place it in both. Also, I do not know whether the author intended this, but you do not have type the numbers one by one, i.e. (“1” enter “4” enter “n” enter). Instead, you can string it all together, i.e. “14n” enter.
Final score
J2O Downloads Page: 1.7 / 2
The zip file: 0 / 2
Installer: 1.8 / 2
Program: 2 / 2
Uninstaller: 2.2 / 2
Total: 7.7/10
EDIT: Not bad for a first program!
(Parodical rating (7.7) removal. Very funny. Try mentioning what does the program actually does, reacting more honestly to the weird stuff, and explaining the problems you mentioned in passing. ~Violet)
you must read the IMPORTANT.txt!
There stand the patch’s for the program and then it work ;)
Doesn’t seem to work for me. I kept getting “the system cannot find the path specified” even though the program I want to run is installed.
Batalla Castillo (which I find a way cooler name than “Castle Battle”, but perhaps that’s because I just like the Spanish language) is a battle level using the Castle 1 tileset which is, contrary to what the author claims, fairly small.
It is evident that Rodrigo does not have much experience in level creating. This is not bad – my first levels weren’t much better – but well, it shows. The level is cluttered with red springs in every direction, which makes navigating the level quite a challenge. There are a few other things that appear in virtually every novice level: the giant supply of powerups, grouped together in one place; the large cloud of fairly useless (freezer) ammo; an underwater area that goes nowhere; warps to other parts of the level; and obviously the airboard. All those are quite nice when used adequately, however when they are all in the same level it doesn’t really work.
The level has no “flow”, paths often end in destruct scenery or dead ends, so a battle game in this level won’t be much fun. Good battle levels allow you to keep moving continuously, without bumping into walls or obstacles every so often. The ammo should be placed sparingly, in groups of maybe 5 pickups. Power-ups have to be even harder to get, and certainly not all in the same place. Air boards shouldn’t be used when a level is as small as this one; you need large, open areas for them, without springs at the sides that bump you around. Trigger scenery in multiplayer does not really work well in this game mode, and is even annoying when you are virtually stuck somewhere as long as you haven’t broken the relevant trigger crate. Underwater areas slow you down considerably, and should be avoided unless well-designed – a simple square filled with freezer ammo does not invite the player to place himself in a vulnerable position by submerging himself. Especially not when there’s a chance he will miss the water level event and end up floating in the void at the bottom of the level ;)
The eyecandy isn’t outstanding, but does the job. There are no obvious tile bugs, but apart from that it’s pretty basic. You should try to make the level look interesting, by making platforms and ceilings less flat, by using the brown stones as background scenery, et cetera. Try to make it look alive, like a real castle. Or don’t make it look like a castla at all. Be original; original eyecandy is something that is usually greatly rewarded when done rightly.
All in all this is not very bad for a first level, but it is a first level, and suffers from many common novice mistakes. I can not recommend downloading or playing this level, but keep on trying, Rodrigo, and eventually you’ll get better :)
This patch indeed is handy, but there should be on/off switch. I kinda like some musics when you die, they sound odd, but it fits there… But anyways, great patch!
Actually I like it. Little ugly, but cool and useful. Stop trolling, guys!
I’ll give 7.7!
[Rating (7.7) clearance (please read the Review Rules ) and negativity edit. ~Cooba]
Why Disguise don’t make Single Player Levels?
(Unsupported rating (9.5) removal. btw… ~Violet)
Purplejazz, what I dont understand is you Betatested the level and then give it a harsh raiting. Why didnt you tell this stuff to Triple J in the first place? He could of imporved the points you said where bad. Next time actully help Triple J so that he can improve those points.
@Pj7, tell him to change them and reupload it;P
I was trying to run it on WINE under Linux. I’ve got that:
freefull@linux-FreeFull:~/.wine/drive_c/Games/Jazz2> wine carrotade.exe
Carrotade v1.1
Created by BlurredD based on Neobeo’s code
With much help from Monolith
Initialization failed, press [enter] to exit
Do I need any .dll’s??
Some of these tilesets are actually quite good. The best one is your Exoticus. I am thinking about using that tileset for a future level of mine.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.