Review by Violet CLM

7 Jan 2007, 08:54
For: Beach +
Level rating: 7.7

Clearly there are two rather different reactions to this tileset, and I am sort of torn between them. Looking at in JCS alone, Beach+ is disappointing. You get through the new layout (which is definitely an improvement) and come to a bunch of tiles ripped from half the sets of JJ2 plus my Lagunicus conversion, with no real attempt made to connect them to Beach. Skeletons from Dam Nation and trees from Jungle are plopped verbatim into the set for use in background layers, depending on what sort of freaky level you are playing. It is a mishmosh. Not only that, but the tileset still suffers greatly from masking and art problems which remain unfixed by this conversion. Many of the floor tiles still do not line up well, the masking is sometimes iffy, and more time could have been spent on the layout for the wood stuff.
On the other hand, much like the “Mangroves” Jungle conversion, when put together the tileset somehow manages to look good. Beach has a new look in Beach+ which is not unpleasant, and while Beach+ does not really fix much, it does not break anything either. One could certainly just ignore the random new stuff and simply take advantage of the improved layout, even if the tiles themselves are not fixed. And one or two of the alternate palettes do/es look pretty.
I can’t give too high a rating to this, as it’s really a rather lazy piece of work and has so much to fix. But it doesn’t introduce any new problems.

(.1 point was subtracted for the waterfall. Each subsequent tileset I see using that waterfall is going to receive an additional -.1 point, so .2, .3, .4, etc.)

Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

7 Jan 2007, 08:25 (edited 10 Jan 07, 03:37)
For: JJ1 Carrotus !!!
Level rating: 3.5

While I probably can’t absolutely disprove that this is a conversion, the presence of a JJ1 Carrotus in this form is so utterly disconnected from everything known about the JJ1 development that it is extremely unlikely. As can be seen from the screenshot (which is a hoax for reasons I hopefully do not have to explain), this is a quick edit of JJ1 Diamondus to have orange soil and a loose carrot theme. Besides that, many tiles are removed, such as the larger waterfalls and slopes without tall grass. The caves have been stripped of texture and are an illogical color, a large carrot has been added (indeed like the large palms in that it has questionable graphical quality), and a few extra tiles from NOKA like some poorly aligned blocks and some text stuff. Almost nothing is added to Diamondus and the end result is a low-functional, stripped-down hoax with no real merits unless you really want Diamondus with orange soil and no gems or walls. shrugs Even if this were a real conversion, its quality would be unacceptable.

EDIT in response to NOKA: First off, even if ‘they’ neglected to add some tiles (tiles that usually have gems in them), that in no way prevents you from adding them yourself. The fact that you didn’t is part of why I said this has unacceptable quality.
As for hoaxness… first, I find it unlikely that such a thing would exist, despite not being included in JJ1, and also unlikely that the Deserto lizard (supposedly drawn for JJCD) would have been around since the beginnings of JJ1.
Second, CliffyB has described making the first level of JJ1. Granted his exact words were that it “became” Diamondus, allowing for the possibility of it having been something else beforehand, but this was playable. It would have had wall tiles. And there are prototype screenshots of Diamondus in blue, though I’ll admit that doesn’t prove anything.
Third, nowhere else in JJ1 do the same graphics get reused, albeit recolored, unlike in games like Sonic and Mario. The closest JJ1 gets to this practice is the Exoticus-Lagunicus split.
Fourth, the claim that the original JJ1 Carrotus tileset was “almost” as small as Ceramicus is highly improbable. JJ1 sets came in a number of different sizes, of which Ceramicus numbered among the smallest, I think along with Letni, though I’m not sure offhand. Something “almost as small” would just have been the next highest standard size.
Fifth, why would the tile order be rearranged for this alleged Carrotus? Even prototype versions of Diamondus had essentially the same tile order, just with a few differences where tiles were added or removed.
Sixth, and perhaps most importantly, JJ1 has a function to put the color 0,0,0 behind all the transparent parts of a tile, for use by caves and mountains and things. That is not the color that this Carrotus employs for its mountains. It would not function as it is seen to in the posted screenshot.

EDIT #2: Umm, well, it is true that I can’t really disprove something if you say you don’t know who created it or why, and that it is a separate game and doesn’t follow any of JJ1’s rules. Especially as there exists very little in the way of records for development during 1996. :( But your story does sound highly unlikely, though I’m low on specific points to bring up.

Review by SPAZ18

4 Jan 2007, 17:56 (edited 8 Jan 07, 19:31)
For: JJ1 Carrotus !!!
Level rating: 3.5

Hehe. Nice discovery. I like this tileset, I’m using this to make an SP level right now.

EDIT: It’s a hoax. I’ll cancel that level I was making with this set. Besides, it’s missing a lot of the tiles from JJ1 Diamondus.

EDIT 2: I decided to carry on making the level after all. I know it’s missing some of the tiles but I thought I’d make a level to see what it would look like.

Review by SPAZ18

4 Jan 2007, 17:30 (edited 16 Feb 07, 08:23)
For: Jazz's Oddysee
Level rating: 6


The backgrounds look OK but they are not the best I have ever seen. It’s good that you used your own tileset to make this but I wasn’t really that impressed with the eyecandy. Some of the tiles looked a bit grainy to me.

6 OUT OF 10


The main objective in this episode is to rescue at least 50 Rabbits from Cramp Farms. Sorta like Abe’s Oddysee on the PS1 where you rescue slaves. There is 3 TNT right next to 3 of the Rabbits you rescue which is used in the end level. If you fail to rescue enough Rabbits then the episode is over and you end up in a room saying that you didn’t rescue enough rabbits.
It did get a bit repetitive in this episode though, some of the levels were EXACTLY the same and this did get a bit boring. I thought that there wasn’t enough Save Points in some of the levels. I spent about 10 minutes in LV 2 and then died and I was right back at the beginning.

6 OUT OF 10


There are some Gems and food. There are also some Carrots to be found but there wasn’t really that many to be found. TNT could also be picked up for use in the end level as I mentioned in Gameplay. The items were placed OK but I didn’t think there were enough Carrots to find, I was at 1 Heart health most of the time.

5 OUT OF 10


I liked the idea of the custom-made enemies (the robots and spiders), it adds more originality than just using the standard enemies. There were some obstacles that you had to get through by finding a lever/switch. No trigger crates. However, there wasn’t really that many to get me stuck.

7 OUT OF 10

TOTAL = 24/40 (6.0)




Review by Jazz-Les

4 Jan 2007, 15:46 (edited 4 Jan 07, 15:48 by Cooba)
For: Campaign Mysteries Level 1: Egypt
Level rating: 7.1

Not only Lori Croft is bpring, I think youre boring too, although thats what I see in your levels, they are all the same (almost), and that tileset you made; why do almost all your tilesets look the same, huhm???

Well, there are quite some good ideas and puzzles, like those mirrors and that scarab grid thingie and a little more, but thats it then….

All those love scenes……
But thats not the only thing, your level making style is always the same too, always those zigzag things full with enemies…….now THAT is boring!!!!!

The musics were one of the good points though, but thats not gonna help you, hear???????

I dont make a worthy review cuz Im not in the hood for it, but if I would rate it Ill gave it a….eehhhhh………i think some kind of eehhh….a 4.8 maybe….
Its not that bad but its far from good, oh what do I say, its as far from good as the heaven to the hell, no, eh its far…………………………….
sorry im gone idiotic, well I HOPE you will make GOOD or DECENT or GREAT levels in future, and Im not even interested in the next levels, and that odyssey thing you released with this one…….

[Mild flame tag clearance. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by The Emperor

4 Jan 2007, 09:19 (edited 4 Jan 07, 09:32)
For: Ice Cream Island
Level rating: 8.4

Good job (and game) Birdie!

This a very nice level given that it’s made with a set mixing d*mn and beach.

The gameplay of the level is excellent, the layout is original, the music fits the level, the eyecandy is decent.

Very nice level.

I give the eyecandy of the level about a 8.5, because it’s decently made, though tilebuggy here and there (the tileset is to blame) and it’s been spread all over the level, there are no completely eyecandyless areas.

Gameplay is a 8.8, ‘cause the placement is thoughtful, the flow is good and there are only a few places where you need to jump.

I give the layout 8.2, since there’s some originality (as forementioned) here and there, for example the red base is somewhat original.
Though quite simple, the level is fun to play.

Placement: 8.5, the red base is original, which affects the rating.
Ammo is easy to collect and exists in necessary locations.
The power-up system (rf and bounce) isn’t badly designed either.

Music is very good. I give it a 9, since it fits the level.

Finally, the tileset isn’t easy to make decent levels with. Therefore “tileset used” is a 9.

Overall: I give the level a 8.7

Definate download recommendation.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

3 Jan 2007, 22:27 (edited 3 Jan 07, 22:27)
For: Damn + v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

How does this get rated higher then virtually every tileset (read: TILESET, meaning something actually DRAWN by the author instead of ripped tiles/palette changes) when the author hardly drew anything at all here?

Anyways, the tiles have been reorganized here quite a bit. I never really had too much of a problem with the original layout of damn, but a lot of things (such as slopes) are grouped together for convenience. Others, like the dead tree thing and the bridge are scrambled up and were easier to use in the original :/. There’s also a lot of free tiles left in various places, which could’ve been filled in with something. You also removed some tiles (a version of the sideways spikes), which you shouldn’t be doing when you’re making improved versions of tilesets unless you’re low on room or something, which you’re not.

A noticable amount of tiles were added (such as a warpable backround, gargoyles, and the inferno bg tree), however pretty much all of them were ripped from one place or another (some from even non-custom sets like the cave tiles p4ul made for inferno2.0). Useful tiles such as a larger variety of destructable blocks, upside down poles, hooks and rain were also copied in from one place or another.

Masking in the set was also improved, which is nice. Vines are now usable in damn and a few things are smoother. I don’t know why you kept the backround (both the original and the warpable) completely masked though, but whatever.

There’s quite a bit of palette versions here. They look good for the most part, but the Dark edit might be a bit too dark and the forest version hurts my eyes a bit (why do you need a forest version for damn nation…?). The hot version looks awesome, though.

Overall, this is an improvement on the original. However, a 9.5? The author hardly drew anything in this set, just copied and moved around some tiles, and this is rated around the same as things like Swamps and Egypt? I do like this, and I am planning on eventually using it, but I do think it’s horribly overrated.

Nevertheless, it’s still a good edit, and I’ve seen some nice levels with it already. Download reccomended.


Review by the jamster

3 Jan 2007, 20:37
For: JJ1 Carrotus !!!
Level rating: 3.5

i knew this ages ago maybe we know the same guy.

Review by Jazz-Les

3 Jan 2007, 18:41 (edited 3 Jan 07, 18:44)
For: Beach +
Level rating: 7.7


*Is slavering out of his mouth *
*Is punching himself on his ass *
*Is headbutting the wall *
*Is rolling his eyeballs out of their socket *
*Is typing crazy things *

Review by Jazz-Les

3 Jan 2007, 18:35
For: The diamond rescue
Level rating: 7

meh no good levels……
yeh nice music……….

Review by NOKA

3 Jan 2007, 18:18
For: Beach +
Level rating: 7.7

Unfortunately I have to agree with P4ul here, your conversions are almost 100% ripped from all tilesets all over the J2O. Converting isn’t just pasting some stuff from one set, then from the other and so on, like you do, especially when added stuff don’t really fit to the set you are converting.

I don’t like the fact that you don’t even mention whose work is in your conversions. Those people probably were working hard to make something usable, like Violet CLM who made poles, hook and who placed a coral from jj1 to his conversion of Lagunicus, P4ul who made inferno-caves by himself (this is kind of conversion of tiles which means that you are actually modifing existing tiles, but to do this you have to spend some time working on it too). I believe that those blocks are mine, only recolored.

My review may follow later.

RecommendedReview by P4ul

3 Jan 2007, 17:31 (edited 22 Feb 07, 15:05 by Booshi)
For: Beach +
Level rating: 7.7


hmm.. I dunno why do some people get so excited over this set maybe because there’s several added tiles? it’s kind of cheap (coughinferno2.0) and it’s not really a reason to raise ratings.

Most of these tiles have been “borrowed” from other tilesets. the only thing he drew himself is the elongated diamondus bush, which is, um, ugly. The whole rest is taken from other tilesets like the textured background from other PJ’s conversions (which he took from diamondus beta) why use this background instead of making a new one instead? (Filter -> Render -> Clouds, PJ). We will also find more (questionable) things, such as the coral from Violet’s conversion of Lagunicus, inferno 2.0 caves, which are slowly getting overused in sets (make them from scratch at least, PJ, because the one you stole has bugs) and background layer stuff from jungle and diamondus.

As for the palettes, there are five of them, two of which are the original ones. For me, the worst one must be the midnight one, which would be decent but the %{color: #FF8000;}ORANGE% wood which look ugly and don’t fit at all. As for sunset, its problem is the background layers. The sand under the shipwreck is also %{color: #FF8000;}ORANGE%. To end with an actually positive accent, I’ll say that the tropical palette is the best one out of all five, the sand and the foliage look great.


Here the situation is a bit better than in how this looks, but there’s also this one problem that there’s a lot of spare place where you could add more tiles. As for the layout, it’s rather friendly, there should be no problems when finding the right tiles. The mask also has been fixed, but there are still places where it doesn’t fit to itself correctly.

  • Tropical version
  • Fixed mask
  • Few self-made tiles
  • Lots of free space

It hurts me to see that people overrate such conversions heavily. Dont forget that there are better conversions than this (DiamB, NOKA’s pack) which have an equal or lower rating. People, think twice before rating so highly

Edit: I saw a level made from this set (not Birdie’s) and know what? The mask is just as bad as in the original one. The soil barely even tiles, mask-wise :/

Review by Jojo

3 Jan 2007, 16:34 (edited 3 Jan 07, 17:04 by Cooba)
For: Jazz2 List Server Patch
Level rating: N/A

Doesn’t work with my Animes.j2a file and so i can’t try out carrotade. :-(

[Unsupported rating (1.0) clearance. This rating is just inacceptable. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Bluespaz7

3 Jan 2007, 13:33
For: Beach +
Level rating: 7.7

wow….that’s all I can say.Apart from a review,of course.

PALLETTE-There were a few good points about the pallettes.There were 5 different pallettes including the 2 original versions.
1.Day 2.Night 3.Midnight
4.Sunset 5.Tropical
The additional pallettes had a lot of quality and the texture was the same to the original pallettes.This is the sort of thing that I like.The next bit of text won’t affect the rating at all, but it’s something that I should mention.The Sunset and Tropical didn’t really live up to their names.What I mean is that the Sunset didn’t look like a sunset and the Tropical didn’t look tropical,really. However,these points do no affect the rating.8/10.

ADDITIONS- There were loads of additions.I had trouble listing them and I might have missed a few out,but most of them are there(if not,all of them)

1.Vines,Poles and Hooks PJ7
2.Caves from Inferno
3. Bubbles and Rain PJ7
4.Dense jungle and trees from Jungle
5.Forground leaves from Carrotus
6.Bushes from Diamondus & PJ7
7.Single pieces of coral PJ7
8.Glowing skeleton eyes from D*** & PJ7
9.Backround mountains from Psych
10.Waterfalls from DiamondDust
11.D*** skeletons
12.All neccesary destruct blocks unknown
13.New textured backround
That is a LOT of additions and you should be proud of that,PJ7. Im not sure if they were all needed,but it gives a lot of choice of which tiles to use.This is a great point about this conversion.9/10.

USEABILITY- This is where the rating is improved amazingly. You have fixed ALL the mask bugs! This,therefor,has made Beach an easier tileset to use,without all the annoying mask bugs. I don’t know why I will not give you 10 for this conversion.10/10.

LAYOUT- This is also a good point about the conversion. The Layer4 tiles are around the top and the backround tiles are around the bottom. The forground tiles are in the middle,stretching into the top and bottom. This form of layout appeales to me. However, i don’t think that the layout is perfect.9/10.

Great pallettes
Loads of additions
Perfect useability
Very good layout

BAD POINTS- I hope that I didn’t have to say this. There are STILL quite a few tiling bugs. You didn’t really make an effort to fix them.

FINAL SCORE- This is truly a great conversion. All the mask bugs have been fixed. The rating for Beach+ is 8.9. I took 0.1 off because of the bad points. I hope you are happy with this rating.


RecommendedReview by Hitch

2 Jan 2007, 20:51 (edited 21 Jan 07, 22:35)
For: Ice Cream Island
Level rating: 8.4

Ice Cream Island

I heard Birdie a few days ago talking about this level. It was supposed to be called “Waffle Wetlands” but I guess he changed his mind and went with Ice Cream Island. Yesterday, Ds hosted the level. It was very unique and had some good ideas in it. Today we played a 3v3 with the level and it was pertty fun to play in.


Well the game play was actully very nice, it had a good flow to it. Teams where pretty even except sometimes you find one team having an advantage. If your the read team you almost have complete acess to the Seek powerup, but if your on the blue team you can shoot seeks into the red team with out getting pwnd as much.


Eyecandy was indeed very good. There where lots of tilebugs but what can I say, thats not Birdies fault, its the tileset. The Backround was perfect. It makes it look more like a Jungly beach. Layer 5 Was used good with all the cabins inside the sand.(Or whatever) The icecream made the level have alot more eyecandy and it fits the level. Overall, the tiles fit, It looks nice, and Im happy.


Before Birdie made the tileset he showed me the layout. It seemd confusing untill I actully step foot into the level. N/A

Weapon/Carrot placement:

Weapon placement was very good. There are enough of seeks and rf’s. Same with bouncers. This level doesnt use annoying weapins such as Freeze and TNT. Carrot placement seemed like it was though out a bit. 1 Full NRG and 1 +1 carrot.

Music choice:

All I have to say is this music fits and it sounds good.


Overall I have to say this is one of Birdies best creations. Id like to see you make more levels like this. And the text string is also very nice. “Made with SNZSPPED”. With a TM.


8+9+9=8.6777777= 8.7

Download Recommendation?

Well, Ya.


RecommendedReview by Technopauluz

2 Jan 2007, 18:52 (edited 2 Jan 07, 18:53)
For: Magma Mindset
Level rating: 7.8

Ill dont give away high ratings all the time but this one deserves one :D
Its Beauteful!

WoW, that was good! Great layer work and very nice eyecandy. I now its a lot easyer to make a nice looking level with a great looking tileset but u did show it ;)10/10

The weapon placement and the size of the battle are very good; some food here, upgrate there…
There are some “little” things that can be inproved:
- 21,4 35,4 just remove that vine event you can become stuck there if u jump in the vine at the ends. Other vines have this to…
- 127,38 its nicer to place the sucker tube 1 tile lower so if some one is chasing u to kick ur ass u can run in the tube and wait to kill em with the RF missile upgrate :P u must remove some ground to fix this but u wont see anything bad looking beqause forground layer 3 hide it.. Its a idea for the suckertube above aswell…
- maybe u can make some of the bridges more one way. 9/10

Fun Factor:
Yeah!, i can play this battle a lot of time before this will get bored… 10/10

And than i am looking to special effects that effect the game. But that didnt suprise me here. N/A

First impression; Wheeeee!! than Omg :P
Its not my most favorit style but its fitting & sounding perfect in this battle and give it a evil satanistic tint :D 9/10

This is one of the battles where i can learning from to make my battles even better :D Horay for experience!
A Fat 8.7 for u and a place in my favorite levels map :P

Review by Hitch

2 Jan 2007, 15:53
For: JJ1 Carrotus !!!
Level rating: 3.5

Heh, it really does exist.

Review by Spaz WPK XS

2 Jan 2007, 12:08 (edited 2 Jan 07, 12:13 by Cooba)
For: Carrotade v1.2
Level rating: 9.3

I recommend this download. Carrotade is a super program. What is this? No viruses in archive, no errors in this archive. It’s a cool utility program. I am happy!!!!!

Review by Spaz WPK XS

[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. Please provide a correct review for your ratings. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Review by cooba

1 Jan 2007, 21:01
For: Carrotus Fix 1.5
Level rating: 8.3

I would recommend giving different filenames to the tilesets. The @ and _ characters might give problems when downloading them via JJ2.

Not recommendedReview by GoldRabbit

1 Jan 2007, 18:45 (edited 1 Jan 07, 18:47 by andyjackrabbit)
For: WARNING!!Only for tuf guys!
Level rating: 3

tublear,if you kill the boss you automatically advance to next level,so no need for exit.
HORRIBLE!this is a rip of treasure hunt 1(-5.0),which has kinda good eyecandy,but the rip is horrible!tileset use at rips is very bad.(-2.0)
CONS:very bad tileset use,treasure hunt one rip

basic gameplay.only jumping,walking etc.(-1.0)
some traps&trivks would be very useful for making this level spicing.also,too many enemies(-1.0).this level would be hard even with fewer enemies.also this isnt hard;it has only bilions of enemies placed in this level.
CONS:basic gameplay,too many enemies

it has very few ammo.some regenerating rf ammo,a freezer powerup and some freezer ammo(regenerating too),and no food.(-0.5)

but because it doesnt allow <1,ill make it 1.0.
Download Reccomendation
only if you dont have anything to do,and if you have something:NO WAY!

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