Well here is my review i hope you can do something with it..
Weapon placement can be a lot better beqause this give a lot of camping…
I dont like the place for floating, sucker tubes & warps. Lvl 3 is a bit vage under the lava… And in lvl 2 I become stuck at 87, 16.
The levels where’nt very animated i miss the eyecandy & the lvls look the same.
Fun Factor:
Mmm not frustating. But not one to play for ours
Nothing Special..
I did hear new music, that was good, but i didnt like the song to much..
I give a 4,5 for it. Dont be mad, just inprove your battles and the points will be rise!
Hi Technopauluz,
about the get stuck..
This Tileset is quite buggy when you
look at the mask you will see,so i didnt had any choise placing the tiles.
but thanks anyway great review :)
about the music I randomly typ in limewire “s3m” and a few came out so i downloaded and picked the best one :D
Ill be the first to review your brand new game.. Its more difficult beqause u password it.
Weapons & carrots are placed well, There are some other upgrates but that is eyecandy? i gues… I didnt like the lot of pooles togetter.
sometimes u can get stuck..
It looks not bad, not bad at all, there are some things that could better like the layer three at some pieces, some stuff looks the same, and a bit layer 3 work.
Fun Factor:
I can play this game for some hours before this bored me.
Orginality/Special effects:
Noting special here
The best at the last! I liked this one.
i dont now where u get it, but its a good choice.
Yes i look critic, and give u a 6.5 for this. Succes!
This rocks! I finished the game with saving. I am now making a continuing of this.
This episode is MARVELLOUS! (I follow the crowd) I advice all users to make Tomb Raider related Jazz Jackrabbit adventures. I am now making a continuing named Campaign Mysteries, hoping noone forgets that marvellous game named Tomb Raider.
I finished Campaign Mysteries. I hope someone likes it. Campaign Mysteries sucks compared to the original TR/JJR game Tomb Rabbit. 150 versus 9800.
Errr… Rating? Ofcourse!
Good. They make it look like a real Tomb Raider level. They’re very various and spotted.
One moment… If Tomb Rabbit is great BECAUSE FRUSTRATING, WHY ARE MY EASIER EPISODE BAD FOR THE SAME REASON? Anyways, this is challenging and fun. It is nice, like a real TR level. This makes the level even longer. Good.
Perfect. It’s almost 2 hours. I never stop having fun. I have made my Campaign Mysteries 2 hours long too.
Original Stuff:
Boo. Something like a vehicle or a dialog with people or something else would make it better.
Great. You added realistic sounds to custom objects.
Music Placement:
Great. They’re placed well. They make the levels fun.
Good. There are food and gems. But there are few guns. In the Tomb Raider games there were plenty of guns. They just had to be found.
Rating: 8.5.
DR: Yes.
Heh, I was watching one of the ep vids yesterday then I heard this today ;P. A la short review:
Mini Semi
Perfectly downsized. Way too cramped tho.
Fairly good, no real changes.
Makes it a bit easier for Jazzers and Loris, but too easy for Spazzers.
Mini Semi 2
Pretty much the same but a tad bit poorer. Still good.
A lot of things are added in, and to good effect. I liked the background the most because it looked 3D and complemented the tileset.
Same as Mini Semi but nicer eyecandy than the first.
Total Score: 7.2
Download Reccomendation: Yes
Comments: Suggested for all that find the original Happy Semiconductor CTF too open and spacious. Hilarious music choice as well – I’ve always thought of the Pokémon theme songs good JJ2 ones with all of the Pokémon-ish references taken out!
[Rating (7.2) clearance. Please give more elaborated reasons for your ratings. ~Cooba]
Not very much. When playing this level, you will see very little eyecandy. Just a lot of the same tile used over and over again. Where there is some eyecandy, it is too simple and nothing is new. There is a clock tower floating in mid-air! This looks incredibly stupid and ugly. I’d alos like to see something done with the background layers. I know that there is no defult BG tiles, but why not be creative with backgrounds like Dx?
This is much worse than the eyecandy. I found about 8 dead-ends, this is dead-end city. There should have been someway of getting out of these places other than simply jump about 10 times on platforms to get moving. This level is pretty much made up entirly random platforms, placed without any thought whatsoever. The ammo is placed randomly as well. There are way too many PU’s for such a small level, I found 4, and they are all extremely close to eachother, and they are all on the left side of the level.
*Eyecandy isn’t terrible at least
*EC was bad in most places
*Bad Layout
*Random Ammo Placement
*Too many PU’s
No Download recommendation.
BTW, this is much worse than Roof Fight 1. I have no idea why you think this is better.
Technodus Cargo Station
Looks, high detail
The level looks good enough to be nice on the eye when playing. I am too used to the level to be stunned by the eyecandy, since I’ve played this level frequently over the past year – loving it.
Looks, low detail
On low detail, the level looks, so-so. It doesn’t look really bad, but the fact that the suckertubes look horrible, makes the impression not as good here. On the other hand, you don’t play on low detail for the looks. Seeing the level in low detail really simpliefies learning aswell.
Red team
The red teams base is located at the top right corner of the level, being quite a good place for defence. However – staying there with flag is not that easy since it’s pretty much a dead end, if you disregard the suckertube that brings you all the way to the left side of the level if you fall into it… What I’m trying to say is, that the attackers are likely to force you to run away, and then you will have problems getting ready to score again, since the base is such an easy-to-defend spot.
Blue team
The blue base is, not very surprisingly considering the placement of the red base, situated at the bottom right corner of the level. Or well not really, more like a bit from the right of the middle of the bottom. In any case! It is not at all as easy to defend as the other base, but on the other hand, getting to it isn’t as hard, so you might be able to score without being RTS, also there’s more ammo around it, including a bouncer powerups, which’s room can be handy for variating your defence (or attacking fastly, but I’ll come back to routes later).
Carrot placement
There are two, well placed carrots in the level – one FullNRG, and one normal carrot. The normal one is placed at the exit of the aformentioned suckertube from the red base, and can be quite useful, especially for the red team’s flagcarrier. However, taking it isn’t entirely riskfree, as there is a turret facing it, from where you can quickly be killed.
The FullNRG is placed right between the two bases in a truly tactical area, with lots of “trix”. It can be shot down into the place beneath it – it can be shot down pretty much all the way to the blue base. It can be shot down to the ground and left there, while you camp safely underneath it with RFs (a truly annoying move). Also, there are several interesting routes around it, but more about that later.
Powerups and ammunition
The level has four powerups – seeker, bouncer, RF and electroblaster. All of them interestingly to moderately interestingly placed.
The seek powerup can be somewhat hard to find, but it’s in the bottom right corner, and is accessed only by electroblaster bullets. The placement is good, because that gives the players atleast one reason to ever go to that area of the level. (Overall all of the level is used a lot when playing – which of course is good level making).
The bouncer power up is placed right under the actual exit of that suckertube I’ve been going on about, and as I said before it’s placed in an interesting place. Because going to it is one of the fastest routes to the blue base – not to mention a cunning way of attack. Also, it’s the only powerup you are able to sidekick (unless the powerup is there, because then you stomp it automatically to obtain more shooters!). When in the small powerup room, having taken the powerup, you can quickly choose to go either down to the blue base, or go left and get shot up pretty much all the way to the one heart carrot. Also, the really cool people, like me can use ice, to shoot the spring that pushed you down and then quickly change to real fast missles and climb up again.
The RF-power up, you access through a warp in the top right corner (in the same place where that turret facing the 1h-carrot is). That warp, after having given you the power up, takes you to the area between blue base and carrot, and is therefore quite a fast way to quickly move around in the level, aside form providing you one of the mightiest weapons around. Especially nice is to immediatly bounce to the right and mutilate people standing at the base with your newly gained missiles^_^.
The electroblaster powerup, useless as it may appear at first sight, is placed in the sucker tube back to the red base from the 1h-carrot. Personally I don’t think it’s a very nice placement, because no one bothers taking it in game – on the other hand the usage is quite limited to getting other powerups, since the walls are mostly to thick for effective gun9-use, and otherwise the areas are too open to make other weapons than seekers, RFs, bouncers and possible pepper spray useful.
Other ammo: “there r many shooters i like that”. There is a suifficent amount of amunition pickups, simply.
Some people have said that this level is biased to the blue team, because moving to their base is so much quicker. However there are quick routes to the blue base, there is no such biasedness. Firstly, there are fast routes to the red base aswell, for example the sucker tubes – and secondly, teams have to move in both directions anyway. What is most awesome about the level is the speed, and the tricks. You can move very quickly in most areas, and once you’ve learned the level there are always so many options – most of them good in certain situations. For example there are no less than three routes away from the carrot, effectively taking you in any direction you want to go. One way not as easy to realize away from there is through the springs above you, using ice (you can see those on the picture above). I can’t be bothered to write more about those, just take a good five minutes and explore the level before playing a serious game, and you’ll do just fun – hopefully having atleast half as fun as I do when playing here.
Overall rating
This level is in essence awesome. I love it. It truly catches the true spirit of jazz2 – speed and a big gun. (The big gun being the plentitude of powerful weaponry). The only thing I can think of that would make it not be a 10, is that it doesn’t look so good on low detail. It might seem a bit unfair to an artist like Rag, but I am not always all too nice – so he only gets a 9.9 for this level. Oh, and the music suits the level too, but who cares?
Very Stupid Floating Castle
The second level of the pack, is one that I am not at all as familiar with. I did however play some really nice games here during the latest months, and found it to be nearly as awesome as TCS.
Looks, high detail
This level looks a bit better than TCS, in my opinion – but that’s probably just because I’m not as used to the level. In any case, it’s more than enough eye candy to satisfy my needs.
Looks, low detail
I am glad to say that the level looks just as awesome on low detail :D.
This level is symmetrical, which no doubt makes it balanced. Another out-of-game upside of that fact is that it saves me time when reviewing. The base areas are really nice, because they’re campable, but the camping can be countered. It appears to me that Saba put down some thought when designing them. The bases can be attacked from three directions – up, down and side. All of the ways are no doubt useful. Especially the lowest one, which is quite fast but with some luck allows you to snatch the seek power up on your way. When making the actual assault, however, I do prefer the side way – and just burst in with RFs and bouncers. Each base has close access to a good power up each (RF/bouncer), which of course comes in handy both when Aing and RTSing.
Carrot placement
There is only one carrot in the level – and that’s truly a good thing. Because in conjunction with the presence of all the three strongest powerups, this makes the level’s gamplay fast-paced and fun (same as I said before – speed and a big gun). The carrot is naturally placed int he excact middle between the two bases, and can be reached either from the sides or with RF-climbing (might be hard for jazz, but Spaz-bias makes levels more fun anyway:D).
Powerups and ammunition
As I mentioned the powerups are bouncer, seeker and RF, and I like this for reasons stated already. Well the seeker is at bottom middle (way down under the carrot) – but I’ve pretty accidentally much emptied this subject already in previous paragraphs, so I’ll just move on.
There are two main routes you can move between, as I see it. A top one, and a middle/bottom one. The bottom one is quite straightforward, but the top/bottom one is divided into three parts or something like that. I’ll just show you with a picture.
Overall rating
Overall, this is a solidly made level. Fun to play, well balanced and quite tactical – however, I don’t think I will keep liking it this much as long as I have with TCS, so it’s not worthy of more than a 9.
18.9/2= 9,45
Of course with a downlioad recummandation
Eyecandy: 9
This is likely the best eyecandy I’ve seen in something made with this tileset.
It’s also very creative, although just a slight bit unoriginal.
The water at the bottom and the fade color are what I like the most.
Gameplay: 8
Gameplay is good all around, although there were some (in my opinion) misplaced springs somewhere.
The layout of the level is a bit simple, but it looks good and works well.
Flow: 9
There’s no mistake about it that the flow is very good, except for the top of the level, whatever. No-one could possibly mind having two or three places where you gotta jump.
Tileset: + 3/5
I’ve faced some problems in the past using this tileset, but you made using it look like nothing to worry about at all. The scenery in this set is a bit easy to use, though.
Overall: 8.7, good job, download recommendation (duh)
My first review here…
I did play the game and it was pretty good but i didnt get all the coins maybe it was beqause i played Lori.
Visuality: It looks good nice layer work and tileset placement but sometimes i dindt see if it was ground or not and things are a little bit vage 7/10
Gameplay: I did play a few minutes on normal, but restart at hard, that was not easy at all so hard=hard=good!
I cant get ride of the last 2 coins i saw them but cant get them i run away the whole lvl but no succes at all.
And when i did shoot on te enemy’s i hit the spring crate and cant get above anymore. Killing some enemy’s is was sometimes very hard and u walk in some enemy’s to in some case.. 6/10
Fun Factor:
No waste of time, but not a level to play again & again. 6/10
The coin system is well known by me, but there were some nice actions thats you need for getting te coin. 7/10
Thats fitting the game, but isn’t very outbalanced. 6/10
A give u this points beqause i am a critical person. Succes!
Sorry, but there is nothing “ultimate” about this.
Poor. The same tile is used too often to make the buildings. Other tiles are also used but they are used incorrectly. Everything looks the same which therefore makes the level repetitive. The Garden is just the Carrotus pole and all the other poles placed in one area. They look rather ugly.
1 OUT OF 10
Poor. There is a Bank with 130 RE-GENERATING Coins which do absolutely NOTHING. There are all these shops which have lots of ammo and lots of PUs which are FREE. Why call it a shop, if everything is free? There are also all the usual things you would find in a Hotel.
2 OUT OF 10
Not much fun is to be had in this level. There is a Pinball Table but it is WAY TOO SMALL. Ice skating is interesting but Jazz gets stuck at the first spring. There is a Quiz but there are only 3 questions with just 2 answers to choose from. Win the quiz and you get some pointless Gems. The test is far too easy, get through that and you get a useless Water Shield.
2 OUT OF 10
TOTAL: 5/30 (1.6666666666666666666666666666667)
Rounded to 1.7
yeah, well ill review it sometime…..
sorry again BS7
Yeah, where are they? Also, the Xmas Haunted House looks good.
Just one thing regarding the Diam B Xmas version, where’s the christmas lights? :D
Please stop making hotels. Hotels are boring and 99.9% of them suck. Rarely are good hotels made. This isn’t one of them.
Terrible. In this level it is just one of the same tile just used in shapes to make a simple level. When other tiles have been used, they have been used badly and in the wrong places. There is quite a lot of good eyecandy in the hotel dream set, which could of been used. Use it.
This has what almost all hotels have: bad gameplay. There are things like “banks”, which have about 100 coins which regenerate the second you get them. And “ammo shops”, which have tons of ammo and power ups which don’t cost any coins. If it’s a shop, why is it all free? There are the other standard things, like discos, resturants, and the same old rubbish. There is one place where you can fall down to the bottom of the level, and you can’t get back up.
*It’s a hotel
*Read the review…
If you want advice just talk to me on MSN.
Finally, you’ve seen the light and made something I can truly use.
Color 5/5: Lovely. This pack has d*mn in five different color schemes. All of them have good contrast and you even made a custom texture background. Very good, indeed.
Layout 2.9/3: I used the original d*mn tileset a lot with the first level I uploaded on J20 (and two others I never finished but had better quality if anyone’s wondering) and I can say that this is a SERIOUS improvement on the layout. The tileset is MUCH easier to use now. The fixing of the vine is a definite plus. Please remember when you “improve” on a tileset that you include the original eyecandy and not just new stuff (there was a pillar with razor/steps around it in the original, I believe). Aside from that, it’s great.
Originality 1.5/2: There have been other d*mn conversions, but this one far exceeds their color and layout.
Effort 3/3: For once, you have put a lot of effort into making a good conversion. Great job, PJ.
Well, looks to me like a nice techno… rave…stringy song. Sounds quite rhythmic and good at the beginning.
As we get further into the song, we lose a few instruments, and by 12 we get an opening into what i think is an intermission or something. I wouldnt quite say i like this part because the synthbass and the bells were wayoff from eachother. Maybe setting the bells at a different transpose or something would work better. After that, we get into a core segment of the song with nice square bass samples playing in a rhythmic tone. This is good because they play fluently with the ear. The bells come back in, souning not quite as off tune as before but then start going berserk…:P
Sounds kinda strage but cool in a way.Samples:
The samples used in this tune were a good selection because they all tie in with eachother quite nicely. I like the square strings and the synthbass sample
I think this was a good song to listen to over all. A dit of a different or unique song from what I have heard.
(+)Melodies used
(+)Good beat and rhythm
(-)Sounding offtune at about 14
(-)A bit repetative at times
Download Recommendation:
Sure if you are into scary dark techno:P
Pinball yay! …right?
Gameplay: 1/10
Well, the idea is pretty original, and it is interesting for a few minutes. I can see why it is for Tresure Hunt, but it has some of bugs. First, I got stuck in a wall shortly after starting the level. This was something I could see as being able to have been tested. I noticed that some surfaces would not have springs, while others did. I found myself pressing “jump” too many times for a pinball game. It was also cramped, so I had a hard time doing anything.
Eyecandy: 1/10
Well, it looks like a pinball machine. Kinda. The springs were simply… disgusting. They made my eyes hurt. A different tileset could’ve hidden them better.
Placement: 3/10
Ok, there were simply too many springs. Springs here and there. Why not use other events? Springs don’t make the world go round.
-Very original idea +0.5
Overall: 2.2/10
Good idea, but just doesn’t work. I could think of a few things that would make it better. Maybe make it bigger. And use LESS SPRINGS.
Download Recomendation: No, because it doesn’t work. There is another pinball level or two, get them instead. [Fixed review – ZAPPER]
Maybe it is as bad.
Gameplay: 3/10
This level is quite big, but also very odd. There was this one area with lots of parallel ropes, with nothing else there. There just wasn’t much there, including ammo. It looks like it is one of those levels where you fill the empty space with players.
Eyecandy: 7/10
This level uses the background items for Medivo properly, which is something kinda confusing. The rain looks proper, along with the lightning. There were a couple of problems, like one awkward block section, where it should have been filled in but… wasnt. There was also very little eyecandy in the foreground and 4th layer., which makes the level more boring.
Placement: 4/10
This level has a lot of wide open spaces, but there shouldn’t have been as many. This level had an odd warp target which was unrelated to where you last were. This is confusing and makes things more complicated.
Overall: 4.7/10
It is kinda neat, with an underusd tileset, but is too confusing and has too little of anything to make it usefull.
Download Recomendation: No, there is much better out there.
[I have redone my review. Sorry for my previous one. – ZAPPER]
Now let’s see what this is…
Gameplay: 5/10
For such a big level, I expected more… things in the level. The ammo had the right amount grouped together, but there wasn’t really enough. I suppose it could work on a big server.
Eyecandy: 6/10
It uses Diamondus, which is nice, because it is well done. The background is very nice, and there are a good amount of gems in the ground. Lighting effects on caves work well too. I only have one major problem, and that is the lack of foreground. Complete lack of foreground. It makes the whole place seem less real. Some trees would have been fine.
Placement: 7/10
There are a lot of wide open spaces, and the whole place is easy to understand. I didn’t really get lost, but as I mentioned before, weopen placement was dissapointing.
-It isn’t a good idea to write a readme with MS Word or other special programs. A readme should be readable by Wordpad or Notepad, because not everyone can open .doc files.
-The left side of level is open which makes a glitch possible where you are invincible..
Overall: 6/10
An okay level. But I can’t see myself ever playing it. It just doesn’t have what would make it fun.
Download Recomendation: No, because I don’t see a reason for using it instead of, say, Aztec Battle.
[I’ve updated this to follow the rules and ideas of Fquist, sorry about this one. -ZAPPER]A music review… Never done one before…
This is an interesting song with a suspenseful beginning. It has a very good beat,and has some nice repetition. The instrument choice kinda reminds me of Final Fantasy, but also of Mechawarrior or James Bond. One or more of the instruments seemed to be a choir. Surprisingly it fit in. Overall, kinda dark, but still has a slight appeal.
Unfortunatly, a few things were less than perfect. Some parts of rhythms overlapped, in a bad way. It didn’t really fit. There was also too much repetition at a few parts, and sometimes it just doesn’t feel right (“xylophone” 10 times is too much. There was a a strange use of what felt like “James Bond” but was also felt deep. These feelings conflicted.
Overall: 6
An okay song, but I wouldn’t really want to hear it as I kill lizards and turtles.
Download Reccomendation: I can’t say, because it depends for what. Listening? No. Shoot-em-up level? No. Something like Cracco Land of Golden Coins? Maybe.
NOTE: Updated to follow rules and suggestions of Fquist. Sorry ‘bout that.
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.