Inferno 2.0
This conversion, made by P4ul of IC, has already been used for a level. The author of the conversion has reviewed one of my levels, so I’ll give a review for this.
Eye candy
The author has added waterfalls to every version of the tileset. The old eye candy is still there, like the ‘caves’ but the author has added more cave tiles to the tileset. Also, a background that should be used for layer 8 has been added. Tiles from the Darn tilesets have been added, like the skeletons that you can use for foreground or background eye candy(or sprite layer if you place other ones in layer 5, like Snooze did in his CTF level). The things you can put on the walls in the sprite layer were in the old version as well, those things were not used a lot in old Inferno levels though. Some tiles of the old version have some other colour now.
Other changes
Of course the most important change is the masking of the tileset. The old Inferno tilesets have terrible masking, and in this conversion it’s much better. In the old version, some diagonal tiles were a full tile. But the most terrible thing about the masking was that the tiles from row 70 and 71 were just a square with a white border around it. The author also removed tiles that weren’t useful.
5 different versions
The old version had only 2 versions, now three have been added and the normal and night versions have been renamed to ‘Ice’ and ‘Fire’ the other tilesets are a nice addiction. Personally the ‘Dark’ version is too dark in my opinion, but you can always change to it if you’ve finished a level. It will be impossible to make a level without changing the tileset. But the ‘Shade’ and ‘Water’ versions are really cool. The ‘Water’ version has been used already, and it has been used very well.
Easy to use?
Like Cooba said about the old Inferno: ‘Inferno is literally an inferno to use’ that has been changed with this conversion. Because the masking has been changed a lot it became a lot easier to use the tileset. The waterfalls and caves should be easy to place in the background, and the skeletons aren’t hard to place either. The platforms might still be hard with those different ways, but it’s not that hard I guess.
A really nice conversion of Inferno. People can use this much better/easier now, and maybe I’ll even use this if I can’t find another tileset to use. I hope P4ul can/will make more conversions like this one and Jungle 2.0. The 6.5 from n00b was a bit low in my opinion. I’m giving this a 8.5, like 2 other people did already.
Download this? Yes
Use this? Yes, if you can’t find another tileset or you have been waiting for this conversion all the time.
Holyoli, I really like this one!!!!
I just luv it <3 <3 <3
Ok, lets begin with the review!!!
Colors: This is the thing a luv the most!!!
I’ll rate the colors of all 3 versions appart of each other.
Day Tileset:
Ground tiles: They’ve got a more light-bronish tint now which looks great.
Eyecandy Objects: The carrots now look more bronish, i think they got the wrong color now, carrots normally look orange, dont they????
The foliage looks lighter green then first, which looks good cuz the whole version is light and I like the color of it.The flowers look exactly the same as before, which is a minor bad point cuz you could at least make the purple petals green orso and make a second flower (the same) but then with light-blue petals orso, which looks beautiful with the environment (in my opinion).
Background Tiles: The sky is beautifully bright and light-blue which i really like.
The castle looks almost the same as first, which isnt that terrible cause i dont know which color to give it besides the whitey one.
The Blocks: Look exactly same as before, you could at least make other blocks (special guns, ?s and key blocks) and give them other colors (or make more colors) like green and brownish (or a mix of them like in diamondus ß). But thats not that important.
New Tiles:
Rain: It has has a nice color.
Backgroundmountains + water: yes, this looks good, the color is good chosen.
Waterfall: The color is again good chosen and it looks so beautiful!!!!
As I earlier mentioned, I really like the colors of this version. It mainly uses three colors: Light-brownish for ground and wooden poles etc., light-green for the foliage, and a beauteous light-blue color for sky, water things and mountains.
Evening version:
Everthing looks just a bit darker, so almost the same, but thats ok cuz the rest is looks a bit darker too.
The biggest difference is the light-blue things are now purple, which looks good too, i really liked that too!!!
Thats it for the evening version…
Night (Storm) Version:
Again everything a bit darker (not a bit, but not much either).
And again the light-blue or purple things had the biggest changes, they now look dark-blue which looks good too. The colors are great for making a level IN a mountain.
Difficulty to use and Layout:
Exactly the same as before.
But that isnt a problem cuz I find the layout of the original one easy enough (so youre just lucky I find it easy).
Looks of new tiles:
Everything looks fine EXCEPT the rain tiles…. Do not only make rain tiles with like ehh (let me count) about 20 rain drops in it…. Make tiles with a few drops too so people can choose to make many or few rain drops in their level (not like you did in the example level, you placed the tiles with about 20 drops just on some places… That didnt look well cuz in real if it rains lightly, you dont have a few clumps of about 20 drops in it that are falling appart of each other with plenty of space between them, no, they fall constantly with clumps of like 3 to 7 drops in them….
Next time think of that!!!
Originality and effort:
Hmmm, originality…, well, it was a very original idea I must say, I really liked it much and I think I am sure it will be used much (I think im sure, did you read that????).
But on some things you didnt put that much effort in them and they turned out bad. So next time I hope you’ll think of some things you didnt think of this time…
Did I like it???
Eeeehhhmmm, if youve read this review from Holyoli till THESE THREE WORDS I think you’ll already know the answer….
But for the lazy ones here is the answer: YES I LIKED IT VERY MUCH, I REALLY LOVE IT!!!!!
Download Recommendation???
Uuhhhmm, well, YES OF COURSE, especially if youre like me, then youll like LOVE it!!!
P.S.: The musics where great!!! They fit the versions perfectly (except for the evening one).
This doesnt count for the rating.
Hehe, finally ive almost finished my review, and I’ve come to a rating that looks as followed: a 8.5!!!!!
Yay, W00T, Hurray, clap your hands for PJ7!!!!!!!
You did a great job man, but remember next time to think of more things. Also take more time for making them and/or editing the colors.
Thanks and kudos to you for making this great conversion!!!!
Cya later every4!!!!
~~ Jazz-Les was here ~~
i’ve wanted to review this for a quite long time now, so i guess i’ll finally do that now.
Something else is probably my favorite level in this pack. to be honest, some things here inspired me while creating NA ;P i personally like the tileset use alot, especially those waterfall things. eyecandy is good here, there’s no tilebugs, and everything feels nice to look at.
gameplay is also good here, you can get easily around with springs and you won’t crash into things too much. this level isn’t cramped either, and it isnt too open either, except maybe from the middle, but that isn’t really a bad thing.
placement is also nice, there’s enough ammo, and i like the pu/car placement alot. its something different than you usually see.
overall, something else is probably the best level in this pack, and its also my favorite. =D
well yeah, next one is “Area 51” which uses spacey universe tileset. tileset use was quite nice, but the combination of blue soil/white blocks might get boring sometimes. oh well
eyecandy is nice, the background is quite original. but as i said, it could get boring or something. there’s no tilebugs though, and this level has nice atmosphere so im not really going to complain though.
gameplay is nice, you can use springs to get easily around here. layout is quite weird but i guess you can learn it after sometime.
placement is nice, its not repetive and there’s enough ammo. if i remember, there’s 2 carrots in this level, and 3 pu’s, which are enough for the size. overall, i think placement is really nicely done.
Limenade is less confusing then area 51, and it uses some palette edit of townhouse. tileset use is nice, there’s no tilebugs and level has weird, but nice silent atmosphere. there could be bit more ec though, since some parts look quite boring. altough ec here is still good.
gameplay is good again, and you don’t usually crash into walls or something. layout here kinda confused me though, but after a while i learned it, so yeah, its not too confusing.
placement is .. nice. its not repetive, atleast not in my opinion. i also like the pu placement.
overall, this is good pack with levels using original, unusual layouts. they might be confusing at first though. my final rating is 8.5.
and heh, sorry for my bad review, its 1:28 am right now ;<
DS covered everything, so I’ll just give him credit for that…
The levels are stuffed with eyecandy, but are still fairly easy to play…
Although it might at first seem a bit different, especially 05 (Radiation), which has an abhorrent amount of eyecandy. =D
The pack completes itself,
There’s a level for every thinkable taste and the flow is good enough everywhere.
“Betatesting” the levels was a lot of fun. It seemed as if Snooze can just poof and there goes another level…
I think we can safely call Snooze a JCS Hall Of Famer (or sth) by now…
This is definately worth downloading
and is likely to also be a good pack for tournament use.
Here goes Snooze again with a pack of levels. The things I saw about the levels already in the testserver were pretty promising. And what is obvious, is the inspiration and productivity the author had got while creating the levels, yet they still ended up being decent. I just wished a few more levels still if those ones were finished in just a few hours.
The eyecandy is something I don’t really have anything to complain about. An amount of creativity was used and all it adds way more of suitable atmosphere for the levels. Nothing looks confusing for me at least. It might be still a little repetitive, but is barely noticable during gameplay.
The gameplay’s quality is a little variable between the levels. I mean both the quality of gameplay in overall, as well the good thing, which is the variableness of layouts. It’s also good that there is a nice mix of solid and thinner platforms in the levels to make it all exotic and interesting. There’s some floating also to help you to move easier between some platforms. The levels can be learned fast, except ‘Radiation’, that might feel a little confusing at first.
I really expected more from the pickup-placement. It was improved only slightly after the betas. I was looking for something else than linear or squared loose-ammo flocks. Neither do I fancy those flocks with mixed ammo-types. The pickup-choice for each level, and the additional food were a little strange at times. Not much wrong with the carrots, but are the PowerUps questionable perhaps?
But I’m not done yet at all…
‘Question;’ is a level with four levels of height I would say, thus making it very linear. The background seems to be quite alright but not too original. There’s no sprite-eyecandy for some areas like the carrot-spot, but would that make it too confusing if there was? The level has the placement at it’s worst indeed. The two Bouncy-PUs are maybe nicer than Bouncy and Toaster, but they could have a different position in my opinion. The level contains a Blaster-PU too, in open. The author still hasn’t fixed the float-bug next to red base, that I requested during testing, although not many use that route to get up. I neither recognize anything that would make this level “made for Viv-”, except the replaced text-string maybe.
In ‘Complex’ there is a rather empty background, and with it’s current music, and mild lightning, the level gets an ambient atmosphere. There could be a little more of special eyecandy for solid walls. The layout itself is okay, but I don’t get the point of all the tubes. The level isn’t after all very special. Toaster-PU seems to be the only PU here.
Now we come to ‘Persona Lity’ which is my favorite of the pack with it’s great music that I suggested to the author. It was probably a nice idea to use the textured background as transparent for layer 6 instead. What makes me quite like this level that much anyway, is the sprite-eyecandy with darker(distant) and lighter(closer) wall-tiles(might have been used before). The layout is anyway something that just clicks, and I do like the situation of carrots. Ambient lightning is somewhat suitable and sewers are a nice bonus. Even placement is slightly better here than in previous levels, with two somewhat hidden PUs(Bouncy and Toaster) and the shared RF-PU in sewers. A bad thing in the level is the few weird dead ends, in sewers for example.
In ‘Radiation’ the red base wants to be blue in single-player, eek! The level has a decent background with a yellow hue. Eyecandy probably the best of the pack in overall. The top-route between bases is very short, and there’s no obstacle even, so moving between bases is very fast. The match I had here for once proved that it could be actually more a tactical thing about the level. While you’re ready to capture from enemy base, and in case your opponent’s flagcarrier died, you could quickly go back to middle of the level and wait for the new flagcarrier to come out of the basement. And so, you could possibly hurt/roast him immediately, as some people often choose that way to exit the base. The rest of the layout was quite nice after all. The carrot-concept was somewhat a good idea, that let’s you restore health with halfcarrots, while hanging out in either base. You can also go to the somewhat bottom-middle for a fullcarrot. I also liked the PU-choice, and the rest of placement is just as good as in ‘Persona Lity’. You might want to take a bath in the soup also, except it pushes you up, if you try that.
Like r3p said the level, ‘The Boneyard’ has a tunnel-feeling mostly. With P4ul’s special tileset this level succeeded quite well however. Eyecandy is fairly good, but this is the level that has the most of “repetitive eyecandy.” With this I mean for example the “mushrooms” at ceiling or just the solid wall, that has the same tile used for large areas. This might be because of the original tileset though. In this level there’s some linearity, but it seems to be okay this time. There are a few warps to help you moving in the level. I’m just wondering why was the Toaster-PU placed as the only one again. Top basement could be more open too.
Now a summary about the pack would be, that it had quite awesome eyecandy, nearly as good gameplay, and not as good pickup-placement. I was looking for some more creative placement for loose-ammo, and perhaps a little difference with PowerUps or something. This is probably because of the rush the author had while doing the levels, that placement was left rather unimportant. The levels would have separately been worth of 7.5-8.2, but together they deserve more! 8.5! So I also suggest you to download this pack. Each are worthy enough to be hosted or played sometimes too.
P.S. (You know to not do this. At least not here. ~Cooba)
A very functional tool, very easy and simple to use, the faster you can type the faster the job is finished, but no ÅÄÖ? I can’t create a Swedish translation now. :-(
The interface is plain and user friendly, although the Help button seems to be broken, not that people need it when they have the Readme. Basically, all of JJ2’s text (in English) is in the window to the right, and your own translation goes in the window to the left. Just copy and paste the English version and replace the English words with your translation. All the buttons are self-explanatory. Couldn’t be more of a breeze.
It’s a good tool for everyone who has ever wanted to translate JJ2 into their own language, but the rating will be slightly reduced because of the missing characters.
…You’re talented.
…That’s all I’ve got to say… really.
NOTE- This is a re-review. This review takes the initial score and then re evaluates what is fixed. New points are then added based on how much improved from the previous version.
Theres a reason why the theme got a long rant in my review- It’s easy to write about themes or misinterpreting thereof.
There isn’t much to say about usability, especially when these things don’t phase me in the first place. What am I supposed to do “It’s been organized so I can find everything without taking a few seconds to look for it! Let me spend 3 paragraphs explaining all the changes in organization!” ?
In the end, while the rant on themes may be dominant, neither factor was dominant score-wise.
Now if you recall I had other complaints.
For example, the extra tiles are still lacking in creativity, the monochrome scheme is still useless and still feels tacked on, the water scheme still doesn’t make any sense or have anything special added to it aside from the color scheme that adds to it’s name of “water”. The Tex. BG still looks rather ugly in my humble opinion D:< (Can’t forget the “D:<”, that’s essential), the waterfalls still don’t make any sense in the Ice, Fire, and Dark versions (since Dark has now been overhauled to work as a darker version of Fire), hell, the water falls just feel cheap in general, and the tileset’s name still feels like an overstatement especially when you still didn’t add all of Disguise’s essential tiles.
Also, all you did that’s easily noticeable was change the dark pallet, fix Ice’s color mishap and tack on the old BG. Great, that didn’t actualy take any themes/feelings into account. If you did, you would have taken the time to actually flesh out the pallets like I suggested. Among my suggestions were (with words to them since unless theres alot of words, you won’t pay any attention apparently) “Make monochrome something appealing people would want to use, perhaps by making it look like a 1930s cartoon”, “The fire edition should have a lavafall, since water in hell doesn’t add up”, “The waterfall should be frozen in Ice. I mean, theres only two tiles that are ice in the whole set as it is, you might as well add something else to it’s namesake”. Finally, did you even bother to copy and paste in the other destruct blocks? Seriously, it’s not like you even have to put in any creative thinking to do that.
This is a sentence on how easy it is to find a tile in the set. No really, it is really simple. Most of the ground pieces are placed right next to each other! And all of the trees have been grouped together! So have the 4 destruct blocks! All of the skeletal parts are right there! No time spent looking! Wow, I really can’t say enough about this!
It’s amazing, you seriously won’t beleive how you used it beforehand! I’ll even be cocky and say never use the old one again! Just so you REALLY get the picture on how easy this is to use, here’s the same paragraph again! This time as a runon sentence: This is a sentence on how easy it is to find a tile in the set, no really, it is really simple. most of the ground pieces are placed right next to each other, and all of the trees have been grouped together, so have the 4 destruct blocks, all of the skeletal parts are right there, no time spent looking!
-Better Organization
-You can now use every tile from the old set (Like the old BG for instance)
-Dark now has a purpose aside from “Random color scheme!”
-Ice has been fixed
-Water and Monochrome still feel to random and neither have anything that really warrants their use except “Hey want to use some random colors?” I don’t care if it’s weird, what I want is for you to take that weirdness and actually DO SOMETHING with it. Anyone can make a color scheme. It’s not that hard to make color schemes, hell Purple Jazz’s entire tileset career is based on making color schemes. I’d like to see something actually done with the scheme.
-Still hasn’t added all of Disguise’s essential tiles, not even the easy ones like destruct blocks.
-Despite saying that the feel of the set was taken into account, all that was done to the set tile-wise was the addition of the old background
-Waterfalls still feel tacked on and unimaginative
Cons that don’t affect the score- – Old BG was removed because converter felt it was too ugly (I’m inferring). This did not take potential users of the tileset into account, and was a very bad move. It has since been fixed of course, but this is something that should have never needed to be fixed in the first place.
So you fixed some colors and added in the old background (Which ironically is miscolored in the ice version, I’ll let it slide since the pallet wasn’t meant to include it), I hope you weren’t expecting me to add 5 points to your score just for that.
DR- Sure, the original sets are now easier to use and is all there so you can’t exactly lose there. Otherwise, the improvement isn’t exactly all that major, and what has been done with the set imho still isn’t worthy of the title “2.0”
[HTML fix ~Cooba]
Maybe I’ll start from the best things in this lvl. Firstly, the background layers are incredible :D, especially the sixth layer at the bottom of the lvl, GJ DS. The “caves” on layer 5 also deserve mention, although they’re not as impressive :P as layer 6. I would like them better if they had more “holes” in them, they would look a bit better in that case. However now I must mention the things which I dont like as much. These are the walls and those weird… buildings… at the bottom of the lvl. As for the walls, they’re a bit too plain for me, I like the one on the very right though, for it has a nice effect of being a little, um, bumpy for the lack of a better word. If only the whole level had the walls like that, it would be great . As for that strange multicolored thing… it doesnt fit. I don’t even know what it is
, but my intelligence tells me that it might be a building of some sort.
Let’s start from the layout. It’s a fairly simple one (but solid), which makes it simple to learn. It allows for fast movement between the bases, but here also lies this problem: the springs aren’t calculated too well. If you run into a spring the wrong way, you will bounce into a wall or the ceiling Like if you run into the spring on 84,48 from the left, you will hit the wall. You could of placed a warp or an one way there, or something, but no big problem. As for the ammo, there’s just enough. In some places they form nice patterns, like the one in the middle of the level. One can get fully armed easily, so that’s good. There are two PU’s (RF and Bouncy) which are close to the bases, and one Full Energy carrot which is in the…. middle? of the lvl.
I like this better than some of DS’ lvls, although I don’t think this is that great like some people (cooba >O) think. I’ll give this an 8.1 i think, because this is a really nice lvl.
Greetings, P4ul from IC
New Ages
Less than a week ago, Snooze told me he was going to make a pack. He worked on this pack faster than ever, and today he is already uploading it. It’s a pack with 5 CTF levels that have small/medium size. He also uses some weird and funny names in these levels.
At first, this level was called ‘Unoriginal Level’ then ‘Satellite One’ and now it became ‘Question;’ it’s a level that uses NOKA’s Labrat.
The layout of the level is pretty good, because it’s really solid. It’s easy to run around. It’s almost symmetrical. Although it’s solid it’s pretty simple as well. But in this pack you’ll find levels with better layouts, so keep reading this. Because it’s easy to run around the flow is good. You don’t have to jump a lot. The bottom corners have small dead ends, but it’s easy to get out of it.
Eye candy is typical Labrat eye candy, although the background is original. Snooze didn’t overuse the eye candy or something, but he just did what he should do. The tileset has been used pretty well as well.
Placement is.. well, something different. There are two Bouncy Power-Ups(so people don’t complain about the choices of Power-Ups) and one Blaster PU. This system hasn’t been used a lot, and I can’t recall a level that had it. The placement of the level is good enough, I like the food that’s placed to fill the level up with events. One Full Energy and one +1 carrot here, with 2 different PU’s it’s good enough. There is no Fast Fire here, that’s not really needed. RF is powerful here because there is lots of free space and straight ways. The other ammo placement is just fine.
Overall, this is a good first level.. but not the best of the pack.
Rating: 7.9
Snooze used this tileset for Galaxia, but now he’s used it again for this level called Complex. ‘I’m going to show my new skills with this tileset’ like he said it when he was going to make this.
Well, as the levelname says, this level is pretty complex. At least its layout is. It’s everything but simple, and very unsymmetrical as well. But it’s balanced. There are some secret ways in the level that took a while to find out. The level feels bigger than it is in my opinion. There are some warps and tubes, and I also a copter that helps the flow, which is good enough.
Like Snooze already said, he wanted to show his skills with this tileset(he referred to the eye candy as well) and in this level you can see that he doesn’t lie. This EC is better than in Galaxia, also more random. On the right side of the level there is something different than at the left side, for example. The top has a red area. The background of the level is also good.
There is one Power-Up in the level, a Toaster Power-Up which looks too close to the red base but that’s not true. Snooze made it so you can’t get the Power-Up from under it. The level has one Full NRG, which is on a nice place. The other ammo placement is pretty nice as well.. good choices of ammo too.
Overall, this level is a bit better than Question; but still not the best of the pack.
Rating: 8.0
Persona Lity
Speaking about weird names.. this is one of the weirdest so far. It’s a level that uses Colon Night with masking fixes. The level was called ‘Codename’ and Personality’ at first, but now it became ‘Persona Lity’
The layout of the level is something interesting. The bottom of the level has sewers which is pretty linear, maybe too linear. The other parts of the level are better. Although the layout might be weird, the level flows nicely(again) the bases might be close to each other though, but it’s slowed down by springs and vines.
The eye candy in the level is very good for the tileset. Snooze tried something, and succeeded. The tileset has been used nicely, and Snooze didn’t overuse anything. I haven’t seen a Colon level with better EC, I think. There is more in layer 5 than in the sprite layer, but together it looks really nice.
The level has food, which fills up the level. The ammo placement is good again. Some ammo is close to the ground(like in the sewers) and other ammo is in the air. 3 Power-Ups here. 2 Power-Ups are partly hidden, but can be seen easily. The main Power-Up, the RF Power-Up, is in the sewers and it’s in the middle of the level. Three carrots here. 1 Full NRG and 2 +1 carrots. Because the level has 3 Power-Ups that’s good enough. Some shapes of ammo are boring, but it’s hard to make new shapes nowadays.
Overall, this level is the best so far. Snooze made the beta version of this and Complex in one day, so JCS NOLIFER AWARD TO SNOOZE!!1
Rating: 8.2
Again a weird name here. The level uses ET’s Planet 2. It was called ‘Radiate’ at first, but ‘Radiation’ is better.
The level has a medium size in my opinion. This time, there are no tubes. But at the bottom there is something that will shoot you up. The bases are close to each other, but the walls prevent that. It’s possible to RF climb to them though. Again the flow is good.
The eye candy is very good, to say it short. Why? There is lots of stuff in layer 5, like the waterfalls and caves. And that thing at the right-bottom of the level is funny. Layer 4 also has lots of stuff, and it looks very good together. It’s just very nice, dunno what I still have to say about it.
The level has 2 Power-Ups, a Seeker Power-Up and a Bouncy Power-Up. The right side of the level has a Full NRG carrot, which is something different. The left side has a Seek PU and so the right side has the Full NRG. Interesting concept. Snooze was also inspired by All Your Base CTF for this, that’s what I can see if I look at the Seeker Power-Up. Ammo placement has been worse before, but it’s much better now.
Overall, this is a really nice level. I give it a higher rating than Teacup!!1
Rating: 8.3
The Boneyard
The last level has been made pretty fast as well. The name is finally something that fits the level, and not a unusual name like the previous ones. This uses Inferno 2.0 Water, a new tileset conversion.
The layout is something different compared to the other levels. This level is pretty closed, with not so many ways. It’s linear, but solid. That’s good. Bases are placed in the top-left and bottom-right, with warps near them. Again the level flows nicely.. just like the other levels.
Eye candy is very good, just like in 04. This time, the Inferno 2.0 tileset has been used like it should. Lots of waterfalls and caves are placed in layer 5 and 6, and the things from (-) have been placed as well. They’re in the sprite layer and layer 2/3. There is water in layer 1, so Snooze used every layer here. Very nice!
Placement is a bit biased towards the right base. At the right base there is more ammo. The only Power-Up, the Toaster Power-Up, is closer to it as well. In a 2v2 you probably don’t really care about that. There is one Full NRG that might be close to it as well, but the warps make that good. The other ammo placement is good, there are some boring shapes again but oh well. The placement in 04 was better.
Overall, this is a nice fifth and last level of the pack. I give you extra points because you used this tileset.
Rating: 8.2
Well, this pack has really good levels.
7.9 + 8.0 + 8.2 + 8.3 + 8.2 = 40.6
40.6 : 5 = 8.12 = 8.1
Pack bonus: 0.3
Music bonus: 0.1
Overall rating: 8.5
Download recommendation: YES
Host: 03, 04 and 05 are really nice. 01 and 02 are a bit worse, but are good as well. So yes
But next time, please don’t be so fast.. even though I said that once. You can get an 8.7 or maybe even higher next time!!1
i promised to review this so i will do that now.
This is probably one of the authors best levels so far.. i mean, i was surprised when i first saw this. it had really great atmosphere with the bg and stuff. but well yeah, this version with rain is even better. the rain + this music and the bg give this level really special feeling, which is something you must experience yourself.
about ec.. i personally really liked it. nothing hurts eyes or gets in my way here. its really pleasent, and nicely done. congrats.
placement is okay, there’s one carrot in the middle of the level, and its full nrg, which is good choice for the levels size. there’s also 2 pu’s without the usual neutral pu if i remember correctly.
layout is kind of weird and my only complain is that its hard to move around sometimes with springs.
overall, its really nice ctf level which should get more reviews.
my rating is 8, good for a single level. =D
EDIT: +0.2, this one deserves it. kthx
Doesnt. Work. On. Linux. Using. WINE.
I used it on Windows XP and it worked fine, but now I swithed to linux and use WINE to run windows programs. I can’t run it:(.
What is this?
It seems to be a hotel or CTF level?
Just one thing:
You could tell people what is your level about!
Yes, there is two CTF bases.
Yes, there is hotel-kind things.
Yes, there is level exit. (actually, I don’t know why)
And NO, we dont know what is this!
I’m going to review this because it’s an awesome remake of a set I’ve been wanting to be fixed for a while.
The first thing that you did right is fix the (rather bad) masking in Inferno and make things a lot smoother.
The second is that you added several tiles (some from other tilesets; trees from HH I believe, and the skeletons from Damn to name a few), and the third is that you made 5 different palette versions (!).
This tileset basically not only fixes inferno, but also improves it and makes it a hell of a lot cooler. Masking is fixed, tiles are added, palette edits are made, etc. This pretty much replaces the original Inferno set, and hopefully will make more people consider using Inferno now that it wont scare away levelmakers with all it’s issues and stuff. The palette edits are pretty awesome: Dark just looks amazing, although I’m assuming LRK’s Inferno: Hell’s Gate should receive it’s due credit for the “inspiration”? ;P, Water is rather strange but might open some doors to how inferno would be used from now on. I don’t really love Shade all that much though, the lack of color variety makes it kinda dull.
The only things that prevents me from giving this an absurdly high rating is that most of the tiles you didn’t draw yourself (even some of the ones that were added were just taken from somewhere else) and that there really isn’t a whole lot of tiles added. You could’ve gone and added lots of stuff to potentially make inferno 2.0 very diverse and awesome, but instead you just opted to fix what was wrong with the set and mostly add a few things that would make some tiles more usable (cave bg corner tiles) or that would help the current atmosphere.
However, that said, I really do plan on using this in the (maybe near?) future =P. It definately towers over the original Inferno versions, at least.
If this receives the featured award for December (unlikely, though, since it was uploaded on the last of November) it would definately deserve it.
Edit: One more thing I’d like to mention regarding you nearly discluding the weird BG. Whether or not you think the tiles are ugly or not you should still add them in (unless size issues restrict that, or something) not only for the sake of completeness, but because chances are people like me might be able to find uses for them anyways =P.
Edit 2: After using it, I’ve noticed several masking bugs. The wall masks are too thin and you can stand on the diagonal slopes connecting the ceilings to the walls (no matter what slope tile you use). The animating spike pit tile has weird masking (though this doesnt really interfere with anything), and the ground tiles under the bone bridge are messed up. These problems (especially the wall thing) cause quite a nuisance when playing through levels with this tileset, and until fixed decrease the rating by quite a bit :(. (8.5 > 7.8)
How to compile it on linux?
This is great. The level is very platformy, but it is still really easy to run around. I really like the suckertubes placed at the sides. Anyway, the level symmetrical and kind of small, which makes it easy to learn, even with all the platforms. You just run smoothly through the whole level with the springs and stuff. It’s great!
I really like this. It doesn’t get in the way, even though it’s dark. The leaves have nice shapes. I also really like the white flashes! But they might become annoying, especially in a long ctf match. You’d have to turn on low detail (Even then it looks rather good!). It’s sometimes a little too dark though. Vines are hard to see, for example.
Good. There is enough for everyone and the PU’s are balanced. Yeah, not a lot to say.
Just a rare one: at 53,43 you might get stuck, but it’s minor. Sometimes I think it’s a little bit too dark also.
It’s a good level and I would like to play a lot in this! I also like the music, it really fits with this.
interesting…..very interesting…….
This conversion makes the Inferno tileset easier to use, which is a good thing for Inferno.And you’ve added different palletes for it.There is 1 thing I can tell you now. This is what so many people have waited for. A conversion of Inferno where everything bad about it has been fixed.I will rate this high since I am one of those people.
PALLETTE-The pallette that looked at when I downloaded this conversion was the original night pallette.But luckily there are other pallettes to choose from.All the colours from all the different pallettes had the same texture as the original pallettes. The water pallette wasa tiny bit blurry, but the standard was still acheived.9/10.
ADDITIONS- Idon’t know if the cave tiles are additions…. oh, hang on…. I’ve found them!! That’s annoying!! I was going to say how good they were, but whatever.The Medivo backround trees fitted nicely into the conversion.The D*** skeletons were a cool addition.The waterfalls from Diamond Dust looked really cool in red and blended into the theme.The most important addition was the textured backround. Red looks great with this.The additions are flawless.10/10.
USEABILITY- You did a pretty good of this. The mask was completely fixed and there were no bugs. There is nothing else I can say about this topic.10/10.
LAYOUT- You know what? Epic are going to hate you because your layout is much simpler then theirs. Where do you get this stuff from??????10/10.
Amazing layout
Flawless additions
Cool pallettes
Great useability
There are no bad points about this conversion. I will rate this 8.5. Please don’t delete this review because I want to let all the people that need an easier Inferno to use have knoledge of this truley amazing conversion.
Download recommendation-I’de be silly to say no.Obviously, YES!!!
I wasn’t really expecting much from this level. All that has been done is that Epic’s “Battle1” level has had it’s tileset changed to Tubelectric.
Little or no attempt has been made at putting Eyecandy in this level. Only Layers 4 & 8 are used. The same Red Brick tiles are used too much. The background is only the dark red brick tiles used repetitively. Only the yellow bricks have been used on the hills. But everywhere else just appears red. Some of the tiles don’t even join together correctly. The V-Pole below the RF Ammo and the Vines near where the Blue Springs are appear invisible due to the dark red background.
If you look in the top right corner at positions 110,1 – 128,5 you will see a weird inaccessible area with 3 enemies, some weapons, power-ups and items. Either this was put there for no reason or the author forgot to remove it.
None that I can think of.
Repetitive background
Same red tiles used too often.
Some tiles do not even tile correctly.
Weird inaccessible area at the top right.
MARK: 2/10
Battle, but I couldn’t see this being hosted.
I like it!
However, it seems that I can’t open the rating menu!:(
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.