Not recommendedReview by Violet CLM

2 Dec 2006, 21:58
For: Battle 1 Tube Electric
Level rating: 2


There is so very little to say about this level. It’s Battle1, except using the Tubelectric tileset. Badly. The background is a single dark brick tile at speeds 0, the same as is used for the unsolid wall tiles used in various parts of Battle1 like the blue springs area, and the vine underneath the bouncer powerup is rendered nigh-invisible by this fact. The real walls, on the other hand, are all the red brick stuff, no yellow blocks (except for a slope in the bottom left) and no purple strucutures, just the same red bricks all over the level, in every layer, often not even tiling properly. No attempt to add eyecandy is made, nor is the design altered in any way save for the addition of a jazz start pos. The top left corner event testing area is totally unaltered. This level has no visual value, which could be excusable if it added to the original in some other way, which it does not. Hence this is a completely useless downgrade, which ironically has Battle2 as its next level setting – Battle2 uses the same tileset, not incredibly well, but better.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

2 Dec 2006, 21:03 (edited 27 Jan 07, 15:54 by Purplejazz7)
For: 6 Pointless Diamondus Edits
Level rating: 8.6

Lets’a go!

In this conversion of Diamondus, BlurredD has changed the colours on the soil to a sand/earth brown. The TB gradient has been changed to a much lighter shade of blue. The wood gradient has less green and has been darkened. The grass gradient has been changed to a darker green. This palette, gives Diamondus a much happier and calmer feel than before. It does hurt your eyes after a bit, seeing lots and LOTS of Brown.
There is also a night version. The soil has been changed to black/blue colour. The TB is now dark blue. The BG trees are now completly a lilac/blue colour. The wood is now a redish brown. The grass it now an olive/green colour. The wood in the night version is lighter than that of the day version, so doesn’t make much sense. However, most night versions of tilesets are too dark, but this is fine and would have no problems using this.

The additions are the main reason that this conversion got a high rating. There are some BG cave tiles, that look ugly in JCS, but in game they look amazing. BlurredD has extended the mountain BG by adding 2 extra water tiles, so that that the mountains can be extended as high as you want. These can also be used to extend the BG trees. And finally, the third and best addition was the waterfalls. They are just beautiful. The animation is clean and flawless. Even with just addition of the waterfalls alone, it would still be a good edit. Well done, BlurredD!

Quite a few of the bugs in Diamondus have been fixed. To start with, some of the famous mask bugs have been fixed. There are now some Vertical cave borders, but they don’t join to the diagonal borders very well. Another bug that has been fixed is the cave spikes, which now have their backgrounds updated. One bug which still exists in this tileset is tile 1,40, which is still too dark. If this was fixed and the vertical borders fitted to the diagonal borders perfectly, then this would of been a bug free tileset.

The layout is exactly the same as in the original Diamondus. I won’t give marks for this, but it would of been better if you had made your own, improved layout.

*The colours on the Day version look quite nice
*The night version isn’t too dark
*The Waterfalls…
*The spikes have had their BG’s updated

*The 1,40 hasn’t been fixed

This is another nice Tileset Conversion by BlurredD. There is still a bit of room for improvement, but it is still a great conversion.



Download Recommendation!

EDIT – I’ve just noticed that you have fixed the cave tiling bug, so I will increase the rating by 0.2.

EDIT – And I’ve also noticed that the wood is lighter in the Day version, so you get an extra 0.1.

Review by SPAZ18

2 Dec 2006, 18:00 (edited 2 Dec 06, 19:58)
For: netplay maz v.
Level rating: N/A

Huh? What’s this about?

There are 2 CTF Bases AND an Exit?

Is this supposed to be multiplayer?

Review by GoldRabbit

1 Dec 2006, 08:08 (edited 1 Dec 06, 12:30 by Fquist)
For: Enhancement v1.2(instagib level pack)
Level rating: 8.4

only two words:WO-W!

[Unsupported rating (9.0) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

RecommendedReview by Birdie

1 Dec 2006, 00:34 (edited 1 Dec 06, 23:48)
For: Particular Difficulties
Level rating: 8.5

I’m taking a small break from my Wii as I do this review so it may be abit short.

Diabolical Darkness (CTF)

Average eyecandy that was placed well throughout the level and wasn’t very squared off, lighting effects too. The level could have used abit more eyecandy though especially near the bottom corners and the areas near them where there was a rather large lack of it.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 7.6/10

It was good flow with no real large obstructions or annoying little nooks to get stuck in, It was slightly too smooth though because you could get from one base to another holding down just one arrow key. There was also another way to get to the bases with the copter, I like to see things like that. The two bottom corners are abit empty though.

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

Event Placement
There was nothing wrong with the ammo placement, good amount of ammo and it was in the path that people would normaly take. Although some of the clusters of ammo could be abit more dense like the RF and seeker ones near the middle of the level just above the carrot. The two non neutral powerups (seekers and RF’s) were placed rather nicely allowing one to jump off them if stomped back to the left or right, or stomp and then return to the base via warp. As for the carrots, they were
rather close, and you could collect one of the +1’s then the full NRG.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.3/10

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.0/10

Trouble Ahead (CTF)

Good amounts of eyecandy evenly throughout the level, the eyecandy wasn’t squared off, and it wasn’t in such huge heaping amounts you could never see anything. This level had something I really don’t like to see in the eyecandy though, A dark fade color (Black to be exact) on a light textured background, other than that the eyecandy was good all around.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.6/10

Like xlmdd this level is symetrical. Unlike xlmdd the flow was good without being too easy. The layout was abit confusing at first but it was easy to learn. I found a few good tricks for this level too like RF climbing to get the +1 carrots, or shooting them down through the wall with bouncers.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.3/10

Event Placement
The event placement in Trouble ahead was fine, nothing really to complain about. The density on the clusters was good, and there were good enough quantities. My only complaint is that there weren’t many RF’s near the top.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.3/10

The light returns (CTF)

Looks like a level with noka’s tube electric conversion, it also looks like you took advantage of the new features in the tileset. Adverage eyecandy everywhere, but the ground could defiantly use some more variation.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 7.8/10

Yet again symetrical. This one has very good flow, its not too easy either. There are warps to the bases from the top which are quite handy, and the triggered base system prevents very easy scoring. One thing that bothered me though was that the two sucker tubes that went from the top to the middle were abit slow.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.4/10

Event Placement
Nothing to complain about. Nothing useless and it all had a good density and quantity. Both carrots were in the middle, so because it was a symetrical level it was very fair. The problem with the placement of the full NRG carrot was that it was very close to the seeker power up, which was also the all around weapon of the level.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

I’ll continue this review later, but this short break from my wii has already been too long.

Hypergenerated Shocks (Battle)

This level’s eyecandy isn’t like the other levels, it is rather random. There are sufficient amounts of eyecandy, but just clustered up in the floor mostly so it isn’t that even. There are a few tilebugs, nothing to serious though. One of the things I disliked about this level’s eyecandy was that you could rarely see the textured background.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.0/10

The layout at first seems very random, and it is, but this isn’t a problem because it works anyways. The flow isn’t an issue either it’s easy to navigate without being effortless. It isn’t very platformmy either.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.2/10

Event Placement
The carrot placement is good, the +1’s aren’t too close together and are rather hard to camp. The power up placement is good too although the toaster power up is rather close to a carrot. As for ammo there could be abit more throughout the level but it’s not such a big problem.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.0/10

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

Secret Base: ID20516 (Battle)

More of a minimalist with the eyecandy in this level, this doesn’t really bug me though because there is still enough. The eyecandy isn’t all clumped either which is a good thing, especially if you aren’t going to have vast amounts of it.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 7.9/10

The flow is good, but it suffers from the same problem that xlmdd did, it was a tad too easy to get around the level. The gameplay was nice, but it was very easy to seeker/rf spam because of all of the open space.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.0/10

Event Placement
The quantity of ammo in this level was insufficient for the size of it, the clusters of ammo could have also been bigger. I’m not sure if it was just me, but there was about the same amount of food as ammo. Although the ammo placement wasn’t that great the PU placement was rather nice. They aren’t too close to anything else like PU’s or carrots. The carrots were also well off, they wern’t easily campable.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.1/10

|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.0/10


-Awesome PU placement in xlmdd +1
-Good atmosphere +1
– 0.3/0.5

The pack was a good play, and the battle levels would probably a good choice for the battle server too. As for the CTF’s they’re good too and could be played semi-often, everything has good flow and good eyecandy.
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| – 8.5/10

Download recommendation?


Review by GoldRabbit

30 Nov 2006, 14:11
For: Joni knows(Hottel a la Jon)
Level rating: N/A

jonidon,this level doesnt works because in the zip name “hottel a la jon” are spaces.pls reupload with the name “hottelalajon” or “jon”,etc.
~~andyjackrabbit~~ aka VIRUS AF

Not recommendedReview by PurpleJazz

29 Nov 2006, 22:34
For: dreary diamondus
Level rating: 7.1

Why are there ratings like 9.2, 8.2 and 7.0? It’s just a pointless palette edit!

This conversion has a sort of spooky, dead, dreary theme of Diamondus. All the colours have been changed to really boring shades of greys, browns and purples. The BG stuff is completly black and white, making it look dull and boring. The grassy stuff has been changed to a yucky shade of pale green/brown. The soil is now a very pale shade of purple, which doesn’t appeal to me either. You should of used more/better colours. Nothing has been changed on the technical side; everything still has the same flaws. The only new thing are 3 tiles saying: “Tileset by Evilmike”.
This set is actually worse than the original Diamondus. I suggest you don’t make any more conversions and make some really good SP levels instead.

No Download Recommendation.

Review by Janus aka Jahari

29 Nov 2006, 21:10
For: Carrotus Mountain
Level rating: 6.5

Here’s the re-review.

Color 3.7/5 : The color is very good in the day version. The evening version, however, needs a re-do with the background. Purple sky AND mountains AND lake is a little bland, and I find the color hard on the eyes. I think an evening version could do better with an orange color to match the carrots in the tileset. The storm version is okay, but I would prefer it if you put the rain in single drops rather than clumps. It makes the level very hard to navigate. All three tilesets could have used a better color for the carrots. They seemed to be wilting, unless that was your intention. The background trees and castle in the night version should have been darker than they were.

Layout N/A: It’s not any different from the original except for the added tiles. if you can help it, make the next tileset more user-friendly than the original.

@Cooba. I don’t care whether the original tileset is more or less easy to use. There is always room for improvement, and I prefer to rate based on effort.

Originality 2/3: I like it, yet it’s been done before in a sense. The tileset is somewhere between TSF Easter and the original Carrotus tileset.

Effort 1.8/2: This was nicely done. I think you could have touched up the layout of the tileset. Also when you make a tileset you should consider how the background is going to contrast with the sprite layer and other eyecandy.

Review by Valco

29 Nov 2006, 00:13
For: Tomb Rabbit v1.23.2 (updated)
Level rating: 9.3

I love this pack so much I’m going to download it again! ;)

Review by Neobeo

28 Nov 2006, 03:23
For: Language Translater
Level rating: 8.5

It requires the .NET framework.

Review by n00b

27 Nov 2006, 23:03
For: Jungle 2.0
Level rating: 8.4

I like the changes made here, but calling it “2.0” is a bit much, more like a 1.5 if you ask me.

Review by Grytolle

27 Nov 2006, 22:34
For: Language Translater
Level rating: 8.5

I couldn’t open it. Does it only work with service pack 2 or something?

RecommendedReview by Arti

26 Nov 2006, 20:37 (edited 27 Nov 06, 17:34)
For: Moonlight Canyon
Level rating: 7

This level is a HUGE improvement over your last one! :D


It’s nice. You can move quickly through the level. There are just a few dead-ends, but most of them have a PU or a warp/suckertube out =) Too bad at 1.43 it’s a dead end. Maybe some ammo could have been placed there. At 32.17 it still makes you go in a vine and straight into a wall right after, but there are TWO carrots there :P It’s not a major thing. There’s not much to say. It’s just a good, solid level.


Stil lacking, but this is improving a lot too :) In the bottom of the level, there is some background usage, but in the top there is hardly anything. Also, the bushes in the wall seem randomly placed, or just placed without any thought. But, I like the gem events you put in there :) I really like the waterfall at 74.21. Also, under some waterfalls, you placed Water blocks. You should try changing the ‘Y-Adjust’, so the splashes actually happen on the tiles, not in the air :P


Nice… they are in nice shapes, and there is enough for everyone. I think the PU’s are placed good and stuff. I would have liked more floating ammo instead of the two barrels 63.20 though. One thing I don’t like, is how the ammo is placed nicely, but the food is placed in huge blocks. Maybe do them just like food. The donuts in a row, maybe like donut-empty-donut or something like that. It would look nicer IMO.

Also, nice music you chose.


The floating water blocks and just a dead-end.


It’s a good level and you are improving very fast. Just work more on eyecandy and try preventing dead ends or put stuff in them so it’s worth going there. The left side of the level still seems blocky, but anyway. Keep on going.


Maybe nice for Battle Server.

(Edit: Look ma! Formatting!)

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

24 Nov 2006, 13:28 (edited 24 Nov 06, 13:32)
For: 5 Alive
Level rating: 8.9

I can’t believe I didn’t review this earlier. I LOVE IT!


EYECANDY: The Eyecandy ROCKS! The backgrounds and foregorunds are SUPER! It looks like a proper city. The levels NEVER felt empty as there was eyecandy everywhere you went. 10/10

GAMEPLAY: There are 2 levels in this pack but they are HUGE! I was on the first level for about 1 hour. There’s so much to do in both these levels. I had this whole pack finished in about 1:30! 10/10

PICKUPS & PLACEMENT: There are so many items to pick up in this level. Lots of weapons, food, gems and some coins. Everything is placed really well. Power-ups are hidden rather than out in the open. My only gripe is the Bonus Area in LV2, you can blow up the blocks with TNT and use the RF Jump trick to get up there. But apart from that everything is placed really well. 9/10

EVENTING: I really loved the way the “Flick Light” events were used on the street light objects. I also loved the way it went darker when you were in front of a building. 10/10

ENEMIES: Not too many or too less. Enemies are NOT found in annoying places like on the edge of platforms. They are placed perfectly. 10/10

TOTAL: 49/50 (9.8)

The music in LV1 just ROCKS. I love that White Coffee music. +0.1
The level pack includes a very well written ReadMe file and a nice little game where you can try to beat the Hi-Score if you found the password hidden in the levels. +0.1








I know it’s TSF, but if you do have it download this pack NOW!

Review by WerBack3>>

23 Nov 2006, 17:47 (edited 23 Nov 06, 20:05 by Cooba)
For: Jazz Sprite Dynamite
Level rating: 9.7

Good program there is, but why not modifided files I see?
Download anyway!

[Unsupported rating (10.0) clearance. This review is unacceptable. Please comply with the \review rules\. – Cooba]

Review by WerBack3>>

23 Nov 2006, 15:08 (edited 23 Nov 06, 15:27 by Fquist)
For: Jungle 2.0
Level rating: 8.4

Great Tileset!
My rating
Tileset usage(original ideas)10/10
Your original idea is to use the tileset simply. There are not suprise, ships, trees, made from water, and other crazy stuff. That’s the thing I like- you’re in the jungle, not in the jungle, near the spaceship, or near the city.
Easy to use: Yes! 10/10
Usefullnes: 10/10
Very useful, I’ve liked the demo level!
Fullnes: 10/10
Enought stuff in it, I think!
Overal: 10/10

[Unsupported (10) rating edit. Please support your rating with more arguments, especially if you’re going to give such extraordinarily high ratings. Please see the Reviewing Rules for more information. – FQuist]

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

22 Nov 2006, 21:24 (edited 22 Nov 06, 21:24)
For: the best levels
Level rating: 1

I’m sorry to say this, but these are NOT the best levels.

I don’t think this review is gonna be too long.

EYECANDY: Poor backgrounds in Layer 8 in all levels. Improper use of tilesets, most of the tiles don’t even tile properly. Background in the Carrotus level was badly placed. Only layers 4 & 8 used in Carrotus level. Other levels use layer 5 but backgrounds still look poor. 1/10

WEAPON & ITEM PLACEMENT: Poor. Weapons and items are far too easy to access. They can be found out in the open. 1/10

I can’t really think of anything else to say.

TOTAL: 2/20 (1.0)

DR: No


Review by BlackRabite

22 Nov 2006, 16:16
For: Lost Gemz, Volume II: Survivor SE v2 (Updated)
Level rating: 9.7

I’m afraid that you forgot to add the Lava Lamp tileset (lava.j2t).

Review by chet208

22 Nov 2006, 02:54 (edited 22 Nov 06, 02:55)
For: the best levels
Level rating: 1

They arn’t even close to the best levels. they are on the Worst levels side.

Review by chet208

22 Nov 2006, 02:45
For: Joni knows(Hottel a la Jon)
Level rating: N/A

The level dosn’t work. I installed it correctly and every thing and it says could not find hottel a la jon.

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