Review by Janus aka Jahari

21 Nov 2006, 05:52 (edited 30 Nov 06, 08:04)
For: Jungle 2.0
Level rating: 8.4

This is an amazing conversion.

Layout 2.8/3: The tileset is much easier to use now, although I would appreciate it if the water reflections on the ground in the underwater tiles from the original had been included.

Usefulness 2.5/3: The first version isn’t a great deal more useful from the original since they both share many of the same tiles. The added waterfalls are very nice, though. The evening version could have been a bit lighter, and the storm version could DEFINITELY have used more light. It’s very hard to see your way around in it. I would suggest giving the tiles in the storm version a blue tint either through the whole tile, or along the edges to make them more visible. Other than that, they’re very nice additions.

The Conversion 1.8/3: It could definitely use lighter tiles in the evening and storm versions. A light outline on the edges of ground tiles would do the trick.

Originality 1/1: The storm version is definitely cool. I’d be tempted to use it if it wasn’t so dark.

Overall: Well done! If you could just make a new upload with tiles that were easier to see and work with, that would be great. At the moment, I think levelmakers would be forced to make a day version of a level and then switch the tileset just to know what tiles he/she was using.

Edit: You know, I agree with the comment below me. There’s a lot of eyecandy that’s missing from the original tileset.

Review by The Emperor

19 Nov 2006, 18:18
For: Lightning Strikes Higher Ground
Level rating: 6

Thank you for your opinion.

Putting aside the float-ups and the “crashing into walls”, your review made some sense…
Although you can hardly call the stuff at the bottom of the level “tilebugs”, for they are hardly noticable, don’t affect gameplay and shouldn’t bother anyone…

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

19 Nov 2006, 15:27
For: Teacup
Level rating: 8.1

It’s good to see Snooze being active again with jcs like in the old days. This time the result is even better and he had some inspiration on this level too. Teacup in this case, I suppose.

The meteors were used in a different way here by placing them in flocks, and giving them an unordinary, but nice layer-direction. Either not many have used the textured-background tiles for sprite-eyecandy, any tileset. This does fit the level very well since it’s not overused. The minor lightning here is welcome also. What would I still wish, was a little more generic detail to the solid wall(top corners.)

Very important is that the author took the effort, and didn’t just flip up the other side of layout. By that the layout is nicely semi-symmethric and fairly easy to learn. Flow is well done and any annoying linearity has been avoided. With a few warps taking you to certain places, and the “abuse” of rf in the middle make the level quite tactical. The spring to the bases might be a little annoying to use at first, which is the only entrance to the bases in fact.

The level goes with the default Toaster-, and Bouncer-PU without a third “neutral” PU. However you possibly run out of those ammo pretty soon because the PU’s are to be shot with Electroblaster, and the placement of separate ammo here is so “room-biased.” More ammo could be placed into some kind of exciting shape at least. A full-carrot floats above the “teacup” in bottom-middle. Weird thing is how the another half-carrot at top is less campy than full.

This level was after all a quite nice comeback from the author. He wasn’t at first even expecting for this high quality but it just came in sudden. Even the music fits here that I would rather listen than the beta’s labrat.j2b. This is probably the best ctf-level Snooze has ever made and I guess it’s also the tileset Snooze has used the most. Floating Fortress and Station 87 are his previous pieces of Space Warbase I remember, but they do fall under this one’s quality. I thought for a rating of 8.2 but actually the placement-part kinda lacked of things after all, so it turned into 8. It’s very great level still and even an 8 is much for a single level. Download recommendation.


Review by Death Jazz4

19 Nov 2006, 14:29 (edited 19 Nov 06, 14:30 by Cooba)
For: Molecular speed
Level rating: 7.9

!/J2Ov2/media/about/labrat.gif(Lab Rat)!The best level is cool.But how i make these bloks to apear?

[Unsupported rating (8.2) clearance. Please provide actual support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by Arti

19 Nov 2006, 12:56 (edited 20 Nov 06, 19:53)
For: Mystical Forest
Level rating: 6


Gameplay: This level’s layout seems random, with random platforms placed. The flow is quite bad. Lots of springs throw you into a wall, throw you into a vine to disrupt the flow and there are a lot of dead ends, but most of these have goodies or a warp (Good =D). There’s a warp around 5.29 but it slows the gameplay down, since you have to stop and get on the platforms. You can’t run anywhere without getting thrown into something. 84.45 doesn’t have floatups.

The copter at the right bottom corner, where the springs lead doesn’t seem to serve any purpose and the spring at 86.26 just throws you into a wall or a ceiling. If it’s supposed to bring you to the gold coin, it doesn’t work (Except if you’re Spaz). You could add a spring at 108.35 so players get send to the vines without the copter. So, the layout doesn’t impress me and the gameplay just sucks.

Eyecandy: Hardly anything. There is eyecandy, but it usually consists of 20 of the same trees next to eachother. At 65.12 there is one ugly background shaped as a block. Not a nice shape and the trees sticking out above it look kind of weird. Around the same area, hordes of bushes are placed rather ugly over the grass ground tiles. Everything just feels so empty and blocky. This really disappoints me, especially since you are in IC.

Weapon Placement: The amount of ammo is good and lots of players could play, but don’t you think 5 PU’s are too many for a tiny level like this? There’s also a lot of carrots, but still I think there are too many PU’s.

Comment: You should really improve your flow and fix bugs and let more people test it. It just lacks the flow and gameplay and stuff to make this a good level. It’s a good tileset and it has lots of EC things. Use them.

Review by Arti

18 Nov 2006, 15:06 (edited 20 Nov 06, 19:51)
For: Lightning Strikes Higher Ground
Level rating: 6


Gameplay: Alright, the layout is very easy to learn. It’s almost symmetrical, the only differences are a wall and the bottom middle. That’s good, but the flow is very bad. You have to jump to get over 1-tile high things, since there are no floatups. Almost all springs you run over throw you into a wall and the suckertube at 62.40 doesn’t even work properly if you hold shift (it throws you… into a wall.) Some of these could just been fixed with a few one ways like the tiles at 71.43 and 80.29. Also, the places right and left bottom, with the PU’s need float ups in my opinion.

The springs look like they have been placed with only one direction in mind (like left or right) and only been tested that way. Springs: 54.50, 24.33, 66.51.

Also, you could add red springs to 61.12 and 52.12, maybe it adds to the flow. The Layout is good, but the flow and everything just ruins it.

Weapons: Could be a lot more, like at places around 56.25. This is just lacking, and the level would just have too little ammo for even 2vs2’s.

There DO exist good things :P You have lots of space to run around in, so plenty to dodge attacks.

Eyecandy: Uh, yeah. Hardly anything. The yellow with red bricks is a little, but not too pretty. Lots of tilebugs here, like half yellow bricks and then suddenly red bricks. No real minus points though. The main point is that there’s very little background use, just some of those wires and stuff and a standard background.

Bugs: Springs, float-ups, crashing into walls, missing oneways… that’s all. All gameplay related. It justs… bleh. Get more betatesters next time.

Comment overall level: The layout is nice, but the way the level is made just sucks. Also, there is no music. This level just looks like you didn’t put any work into finishing/tidying it up. You can do way better than this.

I’m not into levels where you don’t need to jump, but it still is sad that you have to jump for a 2 tile high thing.

Review by SPAZ18

18 Nov 2006, 14:26
For: Simons super tube test
Level rating: N/A

This is the 5th test in about 2-3 weeks now. Test levels are OK, but I think there are too many on J2O right now.

Please choose different music, you do not need to use JJ2’s.

I got the 2 same text events coming up a lot in this level.

I’m not gonna rate this because I find test levels kinda boring now.

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

17 Nov 2006, 18:51 (edited 17 Nov 06, 18:57 by da man)
For: Teacup
Level rating: 8.1

‘Teacup’ how weird as the name of the level might be, is a level with the Space Warbase tileset. It’s Snooze’s latest level. 2 days ago I first heard of the level, and 1 day ago I played the beta version. Since then, stuff has changed. But now I’m starting with the review.

While you’re walking through the level, you’ll notice that the layout is something different. It has warps that makes it more complex, and it has dead ends in the upper corners which are pretty strategical. The flow is really nice as well, even with those warps. The name ‘Teacup’ has been chosen because of a carrot that’s in the middle of the level, which is above a platform with water blocks in it. I guess the water is supposed to be the tea here ;P. Anyway, the level has the bases placed close to each other, but there is a pretty long way to the base. People that have a bit skill can RF climb to score faster. The bases are pretty easy to defend, but it makes it more challenging. The level has an original layout, that’s for sure.

The eye candy in the tileset that’s been used is rather limited, but the author tried something with the tileset and succeeded. There is lots of stuff in the background layer, with a nice and original background and layer 8 has stars and has a sort of yellow-brown colour. Eye candy has been placed in the walls and the author put some nice stuff there. Overall I think the eye candy in the level is probably the best eye candy so far with this tileset, probably even better than Zaitox.

The ammo placement is pretty nice, with some nice shapes and choices of ammo are fine as well. The level has 2 carrots, 1 Full Energy and 1 +1 carrot. The +1 carrot is in the top middle, and I already described the other one. There are 2 Power-Ups, which are in short dead ends. With the space between the platforms 2 Power-Ups is enough, even with 1 Full Energy and 1 +1 carrot. Food is also included, but it’s hidden. It’s above the carrot, near the bases. You can shoot it down with Gun9.

Well, I don’t really know what I can say that should be improved, but no level is perfect in my opinion. The layout might be hard to learn, but I learned it pretty easily. I can say this is probably the best level by the author so far. It’s not as simple as Galactic Warfare, and it beats Clipboard Chaos as well I think. Before I were going to review I already told the author what I would give the level, and I think that was a fine rating. Overall this is a really nice level that should be downloaded and hosted. I’m giving this an 8.2, which is very good for a single level.

RecommendedReview by snzspeed

17 Nov 2006, 18:32
For: First Boredom
Level rating: 7.9

ds asked me to review, so here i am bit late.

well, “first boredom” uses famous BoredSet which gives you somewhat limiting cabaplities of making ec and that stuff. or maybe not that limiting but not that much either.

horewer, i think the ec is good, nothing hurts my eyes and nothing really looks that confusing, except maybe some of those transparent blocks, but there’s only few so it doesn’t really matter. ec is good enough with the given set.

gameplay is also quite good but it definitely could be better. springs are weirdly placed sometimes and it might be difficult to navigate if you play for the first time. its still decent, though.

ammo placement is decent, theres nice shapes of ammo and few pu’s which feels enough for the level. i personally liked car placement here. i don’t really know why though

overall, this is nice level using boredset, i guess ill give this recommedation. i’m sorry my review is rushed.

Review by Violet CLM

16 Nov 2006, 07:55
For: Jungle Paradise
Level rating: 7.1

Huh… I should like this, because it’s Jungle, but because it’s Jungle, I want to see it done right. And this does not even pretend to have been done right. The author’s only focus was changing the palette a few times and adding a bunch of tiles ripped from other tilesets, leaving totally aside the issue of what to do with the tiles that were already there. Jungle, beautiful as it is, suffers from a number of problems, particularly in the field of masking, and Purplejazz7 does not even try to address these. The tileset, aside from the palette and added tiles, is left exactly the way it was. This is unacceptable behavior.
The added tiles range from good additions (Diamondus trees manage to look nice, expanding the background foliage is a welcome addition) to merely okay (the water is nice but Nick would have done it better, so it’s not a convincing addition) to blah (mere ctrl+c ctrl+v stock waterfalls fail to impress me at this point, and the sucker tubes look ugly in every palette). The empty unsolid trigger scenery tile is a nice and practical addition, although I have no idea what it’s supposed to turn into, unlike its more rational appearance in Diamondus… floating totem poles?
As for the palettes, the day palette is pretty good, actually. It strongly resembles the Diamondus palette, except with brown instead of blue walls, and looks bright and cheery, although maybe a little too restricted in terms of variety. It combines with the new tiles, as seen in the example levels, to create a rather pleasant viewing experience, aside from the rain which is used poorly in the foreground but would be more usable in a farther receded layer. The other palettes, well, they try, but they’re ugly, and there’s not much more to say on that subject. I doubt they’re even tested, as the sucker tube’s flashing light fails to animate properly with the night palette.
If all you want from a tileset edit is a different palette than the same old palettes, then this is an acceptable download. If you want an alternate background for Jungle, then this is an acceptable download. If you cherish the tileset and would love to see someone make it all it deserves to be… you will be disappointed in this “conversion”‘s horrendous masking and the very thought that those sucker tubes could somehow look as if they belonged. You will hope someone else does a better job, or perhaps resolve to do better yourself, next year, when you have the time. But you are disappointed in that which adds nothing but cheer.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

16 Nov 2006, 01:13
For: Shade Castle
Level rating: 8.8

I had great fun betatesting this, and it really deserves more reviews than it currently has, so I feel as I should repay my enjoyment of this with a review.

Shade Castle is a really enjoyable level that I haven’t really seen coming until just a day or two before it was released. It’s fairly small, but still takes a while to finish as there’s quite a lot of exploration and revisiting areas in this level due to it being on the other side of the spectrum from linear. You’re free to travel wherever you want and don’t really have to complete most of the objectives in any order. This enhances replay value by quite a bit since you’re not forced down the same road each time you play and you get to decide what you want to do and when you want to do it.
Tileset use is really awesome. The eyecandy just radiates creativity and is really a pleasure to look at things. The tileset chosen is a very underused one and it’s great to see people using different sets instead of making the same repetetive Swamps levels. I particularly loved the “Invisible Tiles” platforms, those were ingenious and made me put on a smile the first time I saw them. However, because you used tiles in ways they certainly were never intended to be used, some things got slightly confusing for a bit, as sometimes I wasn’t able to tell what was solid and what was for show, or if that pole tile actually had an event on it or not. Although not really your fault, the spikes in this tileset are really hard to notice. Most the damage I took in this level came solely from them =/.
The layout of this level is awesome. Non-linear, and very creative. Coins and crates are placed in amusing locations and not just floating around in a random part of the level. The level was challenging, and it was enjoyable yet agonizing to see all the different and wonderful ways you made spaz take damage. The level was also pretty difficult, mostly from the hurt events and certain evil placement of enemies in walls or near poles ;P.
However, the area which this level really shines in is event placement. A variety of tricks were pulled off in this level which made it all the more fun. Using events such as spike platforms to increase the difficulty level is a nice alternative then just stacking enemies everywhere.
The level does feel noticably more empty in the open areas then the caves. The backround is pretty typical in eyecandy terms especially compared to the rest of the level, and there’s not much layer 5 eyecandy to obstruct the view. The caves are really well done, however.
Aside from the annoyingly small spikes to constantly harm you, Violet also took the liberty to place dragons into walls, lizards under vines and demons near poles. This does make the level considerably more challenging (and the lizards under vines thing was a creative trick), however nothing screams pain like getting hurled into a wall dragon by an h-pole while being at one heart.

The level was rather short (provided that unlike me you don’t receive a game over from constantly running into sharp objects), however each and every part of it is definately worth playing. The level is fun, creative, and inspiring and was really a pleasure to betatest. It’s too bad it won’t be in FSP2, though ;(.

Overall rating 8.8. This level looks like the author had a fun time making it and really shines in several categories, however it’s only a single level with no real storyline (as it is a preview) and could have been a bit bigger, as well as the exterior parts of the level possibly more visually pleasing. As a stand-alone, this is definately among the better levels uploaded on J2O.

Review by Valco

15 Nov 2006, 23:51
For: the best levels
Level rating: 1

… Um, no they aren’t.

RecommendedReview by DennisKainz

15 Nov 2006, 10:02
For: Night World
Level rating: 8.7

I started playing this. It was very good. Enemies were placed well and itwas fun. Not too frustrating, but difficult. The first level was a sea shore. The islands raised up at a certain point. There were crabs to shoot. Food was placed well. Not too little, not too much. After swimming the 2nd time, I reached the exit. Then I went in a jungle. I needed a lot of moves, such as escaping the rocks and swinging on vines. I passed through satisfied. I beat Schwartzenguard. Here I go in an ancient town. I had to pass through sewer and to break blocks with specific ammo. There were the inhabitants of the town trying to stop me, but I destroyed them. They are no match for Jazz. Well, i went in the town castle, wich had inhabitants trying to stop you also. This is starting to be an unbelievable and unforgettable night. There was a rock to push to climb, bit as I play this with TSF, it’s for Lori hard to climb up that wall. When I beat the queen which guards it, I get in the Chemical X lab, which has a lot of experiments, which also gets me, like the bird morph. When I flee, I get in an even older castle, which has soldiers and ghosts, and I fight Bubba. Well,Now I am back to carrotus. Yay. Now I must find Bilsy’s base and destroy him. Better not die, or else I lose the fastfire and can’t finish. Well, many objects were used. Musics placed were very cuddly (especially the shore one). My rating is 9. Download recommended.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

14 Nov 2006, 21:25 (edited 14 Nov 06, 21:27)
For: Jungle Paradise
Level rating: 7.1

OK, I’m gonna try to review this.

There are 3 Tileset Conversions in this pack. This is a conversion of Epic’s original Jungle set.

I like the colours on the Day set. I think the green goes well on the ground and the leaves on the trees. PJ7 has also added some new tiles. Some of these include the Tubes from the Tubelectric JJ2 levels. These would make great sucker tubes. The tree background from Diamondus has also been added to the Jungle Paradise set. There is also some cool waterfall effects which can be used in the background and some great rain effects that can be used in the Foreground. There are some things I also don’t really like though. I think that the orange background on the Eve set looks a bit too bright. I also think that the purple in the Night set also looks a bit too dark. I know it’s for use in Night but I just don’t really like it. The water colour looks a bit odd too on the Eve & Night sets. I can’t think what else to say. I’m going to give this a 7.5 because I do like this conversion. The Day set was the best out of them. I wasn’t really a big fan of the Eve and Night sets.

SCORE: 7.5
DR: Yes

I hope this was enough. I haven’t really reviewed that many Tilesets. I mainly review SP levels.

Review by PurpleJazz

14 Nov 2006, 20:45
For: Fast test
Level rating: N/A

You’ve uploaded 4 tests in only 2 weeks. This must mean you don’t spend enough time on them. My advice is:

1. Spend more time on your levels. You’re levels are of poor quality and have been rushed.

2. Don’t upload tests. In my opinion tests are boring and are made over and over again. Try making a proper level like Sp, Battle, CTF etc.


And I won’t rate this because I don’t rate tests.

Review by Death Jazz4

14 Nov 2006, 15:28 (edited 14 Nov 06, 17:22 by Fquist)
For: Song CD2 Remix
Level rating: N/A


[Unsupported rating (8.0) clearance. Please provide actual reasons for rating a level. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]

Review by best72

14 Nov 2006, 10:11
For: Song CD2 Remix
Level rating: N/A

I liked the first bit of it untill the 2nd bit came in kinda ruined it..still keep it up!

Not recommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

14 Nov 2006, 05:06
For: Slimy Grasslands
Level rating: 5

This is really quite good for a MS paint tileset. I’d never use it, but you did very well for having such a limited resource =p

Eyecandy 3/5: There wasn’t a whole lot, but some tilesets don’t necessarily need a whole lot. I would have done the stars in the background a bit differently, but that’s just my preference. The ground tiles were hand drawn quite well, though the spikes are very hard to see against a dark background. I would have made them a different color entirely such as reddish brown to contrast the other colors.

User-friendliness 2/5: The tileset is fairly small, so you won’t get lost looking for specifi tiles. However, there could have been many more types of tiles for events such as poles or sucker tubes.

Originality 0/1: Slimy Land and ET’s Planet are both similar to your tileset, but I still commend you for doing so well with MS paint.

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

13 Nov 2006, 14:40 (edited 13 Nov 06, 16:07)
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

OK, this is gonna be probably my longest review ever.

LEVEL PACK PLAYING TIME: 10-15 mins for first time players of this pack. Less if you have played before.


EYECANDY: The background looks a bit dull as there is nothing in Layers 5, 6 or 7. No foreground either. Layer 3 is used but only for the collapsing sand. 3/10

GAMEPLAY: This level is too short. This can be finished in about 1 min – 1:30. The objective in this level is to avoid all the 3 traps and get to the end. Dull. 2/10

ENEMIES: There are not enough enemies in this level to kill you. There’s some Crabs, Tube Turts and some Fish. 2/10

OBSTACLES: There are 3 traps in this level as I have mentioned before:
1. There is a pit full of Gems. Fall for the trick and you are trapped.
2. There are some “!” blocks with 2 ways to go. Choose the wrong way and you are trapped AGAIN.
3. There is some Collapsing Scenery in the sand about half-way through the level. Fall down through this and guess what happens. Trapped YET AGAIN.
I found these traps annoying. I do not like these “JJK” moments. 3/10

PICKUPS: Gems. But you’re trapped if you go for them. 1/10

LEVEL 1 MARK: 11/50


EYECANDY: This time there is a background in Layers 6 & 7 but it looks kinda empty when not in the water. 4/10

GAMEPLAY: I couldn’t really understand the objective in this level. You have to find a flashing block which then displays the message “ACCESS GRANTED.” I go to the other end of the level and jump out the water to find that this is the end. Confusing. 3/10

ENEMIES: Not that many. Some Crabs, Tube Turts and Fish. Not really enough to kill you. 2/10

OBSTACLES: There’s a Destruct Scenery block where the flashing block is. Not that many obstacles in the level. 1/10

PICKUPS: Some Seeker (Gun4) ammo and gems but that’s just about it really. 2/10

LEVEL 2 MARK: 12/50


EYECANDY: Hard too really see any eyecandy when you are being sucked up really fast. But there was not much of a background. No foreground. Looks OK in the water. 4/10

GAMEPLAY: Errr… You’ll just being sucked up really fast. Not much Gameplay in this level. Level ends in about 20-30 seconds. 1/10.

ENEMIES: Some Fish, but it’s hard to be killed by them. 1/10.

OBSTACLES: None at all. 1/10

PICKUPS: Bouncer (Gun3) ammo and Gems but it’s impossible to pick them all up as you are moving too fast to get everything. 1/10

LEVEL 3 MARK: 8/50


EYECANDY: I really do not like the background at all. The fast moving stars are annoying and could even give you a headache. Not much else to see in the way of eyecandy in this level. The meteors do not tile very well with the background. 1/10.

GAMEPLAY: You have to follow a path of meteors to Devan’s ship. This can get boring. 1/10

ENEMIES: None at all. 1/10

OBSTACLES: None at all. 1/10

PICKUPS: Just some RF Rocket (Gun5) ammo. Nothing else. 1/10

LEVEL 4 MARK: 5/50


EYECANDY: The grey background does look a bit dull as that is all you can see most of the time. You will then see some moving meteors in the background while fighting Devan which look pretty cool. 4/10

GAMEPLAY: First you have to get through some Destruct Scenery using the 3 Weapons you collected in the previous levels. If you don’t have them then the text says that you have to type “JJK” 4 times. Huh? Can’t really see how that helps. Once you are through the Destruct Scenery, you then Buttstomp into a room where you have to enter a code. If it’s wrong then you’re stuck there which is bad. You could have used the CTF Instant Death trick. After entering the correct code, you then Buttstomp down and then go on to fight Devan. The code idea is cool but getting stuck there isn’t. Level is also short. Finished in about 2-3 minutes. 5/10.

ENEMIES: None, except Devan. 1/10

OBSTACLES: The Destruct Scenery at the beginning and the Code room. Nothing else though. 3/10

PICKUPS: Nothing to pick up whatsoever. 1/10

LEVEL 5 MARK: 14/50

The credits level follows but I don’t think there’s any point in rating it.





PHEW! Finally done after about 30 minutes. 750+ WORDS!

It would have also been better if you included the music files rather than getting us to search for it.

Review by Superguru

11 Nov 2006, 22:41 (edited 13 Nov 06, 19:46 by Fquist)
For: TEST for Spaz
Level rating: N/A

Nice map to test your skills with the character Spaz :)
7 because its a nice map but with some bugs.
At pos 48,56 you can fall between the wall and the teleport into the bottom of the map.
At pos 86,16 if you hit the wave on the right you are shot into the teleport to lvl 12.
At pos 122,21 and some other places in the lvl with the ballons i cant jump and sometimes even dont move.
I played with the original version of TSF 1.24

[Unsupported rating (7.0) clearance. Bug reports are helpful and detailed bug reports are especially good. But – regarding the rating, reasons should be given why the level is good. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Review Rules\. – Fquist]
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