[Rating (1) clearance. This is just unacceptable. Please read the review rules before reviewing /anything/ on this site. ~Cooba]
This was the same standard as your last level.Hve you showed any inprovment at all? sigh………..
EYECANDY-Where is it?Yeah, there were a few pipes, but that was it!You really need to put more effort into your eyecandy.This is really dissapointing.Also the way you put the tiles together just made it look ugly.1/10.
AMMO-OK.There was a fair amount of it and it was spaced out OK.It’s a shame that OK isn’t good enough.You could put a bit more in.4/10.
SIZE-Nooooooooooo!!!!How much empty space did you leave?!!This is ridiculous!!Why,oh why?? 1/10.
SCORE-This is one of the lowest scores I have ever given to a battle level.Your score is 2.0.I am sorry.Please take this review into your head.No download reccomendation.
HAHA, these rewiews are so funny. Simmykrantz, I feel bad for you. I guess this level really deserves a 1.
Music – NONE 0/10
Layers – Only one layer used 1/10
Eyecandy – plan out suxz 0/10
Enemies – HAHA like there are none 0.5/10
Playable – Uh..depends on what person you are. For me, uh..NO. 0/10
Donwload recommentdation – Hexs No
Bah, i dont feel like doing math so I’ll give you a 1.
[Rating (1) clearance. Blablabla please read the rules blablabla. ~Cooba]
Pretty good level. Very moody.
Flag placement – Pretty good places where you put them. I like where they are un the top upper right and left corners. I am grateful where you put them. No ctf bug, Yay! 8/10
Carrot placement – These are okay spots where you put them. They are pretty even which makes the game fair for both teams. 8/10
Ammo – The warp secrets to power ups. A classic. One to rf’s and again one to seeks Pu.The ammo is placed pretty evenly. The bonus is pretty cool too. 8/10
Layers – Pretty much every layer is used but im just looking at the level my self.Layer 1 isnt used but that layer is hardly used at all. Placement of the layers if good and layer 2 was used good with the trees. 8/10
Music/tileset – Atlantis is perfect for this level which makes it moody and peaceful. Tileset. THis tileset is perfect for the level you used. It matches with the music you used. This tileset isnt very common but I like how you used a tileset like this. It gives us something new. 9/10
8/10 + 8/10 + 8/10 + 8/10 + 9/10 = 8.5!
Your first level? Its kind of good u know! You wwant an hotel? >>>>Download this ||||:) ! I garantee u! With an level like this one you will never get BORED! ask who knows>me! Who dosen’t download this level is |||NOOB!
[Rating (10) clearance. Please read the review rules before reviewing anything. ~Cooba]
hmmm…Kind of good tileset! Its sugested to download! Its an original virus lvl ideea! I like it! :) With a stage made by this tileset you will never get bored!
[Rating (10) clearance. Please read the review rules before reviewing anything. ~Cooba]
The begining not good but after that its really gooooood!!! You make it wearry nice. I dont think its too colourful. The rythm is really nice. Weary enjoyable music, its one of the best musics I ever heard.
Keep it up!!! ;)
Its really deserve 8.5, my problem with it is I cant find out on what kind of lvl it woud be good. But its really good for listening!!
Download recommendation? OF COURSE!!
I can’t believe this!!!Only 2 out of the 5 levels work!This is not good. Not good at all.
BATTLE 2-This was a good choice of tileset.
AMMO-Plenty of it.It was placed OK.There was nothing special about it.What elss can I say other than it was a good try?7/10.
SIZE-Tut tut.You could have made this a lot bigger.I have seen bigger battle levels on the OEM version!!I wish that people could put more effort into their uploads.4/10.
EYECANDY-Cooool!!!!This is wicked!!One of the best peices of eyecandy I’ve ever seen!It is all laid out like on a table in a posh restaurant..cooooool.The gems encrusted into the walls were shiny and artistic.10/10.
BATTLE 5-Nice looking tileset.It looks neat.
AMMO-Plentiful.It was laid out very nicely and evenly.Quite good actually.I liked it.8/10.
SIZE-The same. You should really make your uploads larger.God damn it.4/10.
EYECANDY- Unluckely,the tileset didn’t have so much eyecandy biult with it.But you did try though.7/10.
Amazing eyecandy
Nice use of tilesets
Good placement of ammo
Half of the levels didn’t work
Not very good size of levels
SCORE-Your final score is 6.7.I hope you find this review helpful in future level making.I think I will give download recommendation.You got away with it this time.
AAH!!!I can’t open it in JCS!!!This is so annoying!I managed to open the level but not the acctual tileset.So I am not sure if you changed it at all.But you definately added some tiles.I am sure of it.
LEVEL DESIGN-This is the winner of the blockiest level competition!!!What were you thinking?There wasn’t much variety and the same tiles were being used over and over again!!This really lowered the rating.The animations of Jazz were good though.4/10.
GAMEPLAY-There was none.There was a dark and light stage but that didn’t do anything.3/10.And is this sopposed to be a battle level?!It said in the download section that it was a custom level.But in the acctuall review page it said that it was a battle level.I am very confused.Make your mind up!!!
Cool animations
Blocky level
Same tiles being used repeatedly
Joinidon not decided what type of upload it was
SCORE-This may be a lot different to the last review.The final score is 3.5.Yes. A lot different.No download reccomendation.Please try a lot harder when you make uploads.
Your review doesnt make much sense, Bluespaz7. First you say my level is very good then you say its boring. I’m not a high achiever or anything but for being a very good level 6.3 isn’t a very good score.
Nonetheless I thank you for your review.
Cheers for the review Fearofdark. I prefer my levels story line to be a bit mysterious… I don’t really like explaining everything in the level, I like the player to have to use a bit of their own immagination.
What the!!?Why aren’t you bothered to make a level pack!?I think that that is just plain lazyness.However, your level was very good.
LEVEL DESIGN-WOW!This is a very strong point of your level.All the tiles were placed out perfectly and there was plenty of enemies.Not so much ammo though.8/10.
GAMEPLAY-I liked the gameplay because the amount of enemies gave it a sense of evilness.8/10.
REPLAY VALUE-Um…It is OK(ish).I don’t really know what to say.It was fairly boring. There wasn’t anything UNIQUE about it.6/10.
Lots of baddies
OK Gameplay
Quite boring
None of required ammo for shoot blocks
I think this was a very good level.Bit of a shame about some of the bad points.
FINAL SCORE- This level deserves 7.2.I will give download recommendation.
I hope that this review will help you in future level making.
P.S-I have edited this review since I posted it.(Bluespaz7).(AGAIN).
“Just another tileset… Hey I’m first to review!”
Not bad, just wery simple, bit too simple.
Looks like it works in many levels, altough its ease to use.
Didn’t find any stuckable tiles here.
+ OR – ?
+ ease to use
+ cool levels
-too simple
[Unsupported rating (6.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Downloads F.A.Q.\. – Fquist]A solid paintish tileset with a realistic halloween-theme.
Main Tiles: Most ground tiles are there. Not all combinations of ground types are possible (I mostly miss the 1*X tile platforms). There’s a textured BG; it looks good on 16 bit and only very slightly buggy on 8 bit mode. There is also a “layer 4 background”, although you’ll have to use layer 5 for it and it doesnt look that good. Vine, hook, and hurt events are there; the V-pole is missing, and so are the sucker tubes. Text and exit signs are here, and so are the arrows, in two shades of red which allows for animation.
Uh, and there are also some destruct blocks (or something), although these look pretty ugly.
->You can make levels with this tileset, although you can’t be too innovative with the tile placement.
Eyecandy: This tileset has a decent amount of eyecandy. While the tileset itself is city-themed, the halloween theme comes in here. There are pumkins, animated glowing carved pumpkins, gravestones, bones, weird shape monsters.. a neat layer 6 or 7 house background and a neat layer 6 or 7 weird-shaped-monster background. There’s also a house for layer 4. There’s rain, and colored tiles that allow for lightning.
-> A good amount of eyecandy for such a small set. Well done.
Extras: There are blocks with letters, which can be useful sometimes. There’s also a nice trigger door, but this has a major downside: there’s no part for it in layer 3, causing you to go in front of the whole door when you’ve finally unlocked it, looking pretty stupid.
There’s also a “happy halloween!” tile, which cheered me up somehow.
-Not that much, but at least some.
About the different versions: I probably liked the evening version best, it was the most Halloween-ish in my opinion. The night versions were a tiny bit too dark for my liking. Purplejazz7 has been smart enough to darken sprite colors too for them (actually the midnight version looks pretty neat if you make the texture BG fade into a bright color)
Overall: A good, slightly above average tileset. If this really is your third, you sure have potential. Keep up the good work. It could be improved on alot, but it still is nice (and probably better than anything I could manage)
(6.0+8.7+0.2)/2=7.55. +0.2 for the “feeling” in the set->7.75 rounded down to 7.7
D/L recommendation: Yes.
A very useful program!
For people like me, who have over 1000 levels in their Jazz2 directory, this is a must-have. It’s pretty easy to use, too.
Pros: Simple layout, easy to use, etc. Good that it shows wether they are passworded or not, and wether they show in HC levels or not.
Cons: Only mode available is Single Player (well yea. but still); the levels are in a seemingly random order which apparently can’t be seen. It always jumps to the same file if you type a single letter, so you need to type multiple to find what you’re looking for.
Overall: One of the most useful programs around. A must-have. Some features are still missing (mainly the order thing), which prevent this from being a 10.
A solid 9 from me.
Hmm…Good job. This music is very well balanced to perfection. It seemed to get better as the song went on. In the beginning I was like “omg” not a very good start.It seemd very boring in the start, then all the sudden it’s like BAM, out of no where when you start t feel the rythem of the song. It did improve as it went on.I look at a piece of music like an essay. You want to make it better as you go along, then have a good ending. So this is what im gonna do, I think I’ll give you an 7.5 because of the balance and the improvement as the song went on.The reason why i took of . 5 to make it a 7.5 is becasue I dont think I would use this in any multiplayer levels. I would recommend putting this song in a single player level but that is just my opinion.
Dowload recommendation…, depends.
~ Hitch
This tileset is soo titch!!!!!
Purplejazz7 is right. This level pack was only fun the first time u play it.
LEVEL DESIGN- I was quite happy with the level design because the way the eyecandy was laid out gave it effect.The holes in the trees in the 2nd level was really cool.8/10.
GAMEPLAY- Lets say that it wasn’t AMAZING.There were loads of enemies,a few gems and hardly any ammo, wich is quite dissapointing.5/10.
REPLAY VALUE- Like I said at the beginning of this pointless review, it’s only fun the first time.The darkness in the last level was OK but it hardly made and difference.4/10.
As-(if u don’t understand what this means, it’s the good points.)
Way cool EYECANDY.
Not very good GAMEPLAY
Depressing after the first go.
SCORE-This level pack was a bit boring and I can’t recamend (did i spell that right?)this as a good download.
I think that 5.4 is qiute fair. Next time, put a little more effort into your levels.
“Hey guys, it looks like we have myseriously lost some of our health?”
U could hear that when hosting with this awesome prog.
Anyway, it’s great!
+ usefull
+ easy and simple
+ skin
- it’s ??? (Can’t find anything bad to say… =P )
[Unsupported rating (9.7) clearance. Please provide more support for your rating. For more information on writing a proper review, see the \Downloads F.A.Q.\. – Fquist]To Saphir: Thanks for the review :))
To Cruk: thx :))
GJ! nice level. I think i would build at the same style and difficult like u. Hmm i give u 7.7 because there is a bug !!! at level 16! and: in tsf is one level impossible : Upperkick
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.