Review by GoldRabbit

13 Sep 2006, 07:42 (edited 13 Sep 06, 14:46 by Cooba)
For: Pikachu Plaza
Level rating: N/A

it’s too small.and it hasn’t got enough eyecandy!the background consists only of clouds.and the tileset is formed only by picachus and yellow’s the most stupid hotel ive ever seen!i go check the pika city. download reccomendation

[Rating (3.2) clearance. There was not enough support for the given rating. ~Cooba]

Review by GoldRabbit

13 Sep 2006, 07:32
For: Snooz's treasure hotel v1.0
Level rating: 7.3

i want a room

Review by GoldRabbit

13 Sep 2006, 07:30
For: Ðx Høtél
Level rating: 6.3

i can’t says file not found.

Review by dRRake

12 Sep 2006, 18:16 (edited 12 Sep 06, 18:20 by Cooba)
For: Pex Underground Battles
Level rating: N/A

im very very very proud off all the work of my clan members, well im not any more in the clan but ok, so its always good :) good job Pex, also you should host my lounge a lot, RR lounge (Lord Drake’s goodbye)

[Rating (10) clearance. Aside from the possible bias here, you have to explain why did Pex do a good job. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

10 Sep 2006, 00:27
For: Coral Coves
Level rating: 8.6

Seeing as how I didn’t review this yet, I’m going to do so now to pass the time.

Coral Coves – FireSworD.

This is probably the best treasure level out there. I’m really glad that during that one fateful night (or day? I can’t remember =P) FS accepted my challenge of using this set and wasn’t scared off by how user-repellant it appeared in JCS. I’d wish I had gotten The Chasm finished in time for it to be released with this, but ah well =P (at least that level DID eventually get released. Like a year later, or something). Anyways, onto the review.

The eyecandy in this level is extremely beautiful, especially in the underwater areas. This is even more awe-inspiring when you consider the tileset chosen, and how difficult it is compared to most the other tilesets out there. FS not only braved the challenges faced when using the tileset, but he mastered the tileset as well. Everything here manages to look incredible without having any negative side effects along with it. The eyecandy is plentiful, yet not overdone, and avoids being confusing or in your face. Truly, if this level doesn’t look like a coral reef in jj2, I don’t know what does. The level definately masters the eyecandy portion of the rating.

The layout of the level is pretty interesting. Its rather large which leads to more exploration and less fighting, which is good for a number of reasons. The level can handle large amounts of players, and appeals to me because I agree with FS’s statement on how treasure levels should be more about hunting for gems rather then hunting the players for them (you have battle mode for that ;D). Because the level is pretty big, it also is less annoying because you’re not forced to be stuck in a small area with lots of other people spamming seekers everywhere, and more strategy can be used this way instead of just shooting everywhere and hoping not to get hit.

Another interesting thing is that the level has enemies. This is pretty cool since it also enables strategy (get hit by the enemies instead of by your opponents to avoid gem loss, etc) although this makes the host at an extreme disadvantage since they are able to get killed by the enemies. However, there is a lite version included that has them removed, so one can’t really complain.

Gems are scattered throughout nicely, and there is a huge amount of them which really emphasizes on the need to collect as fast as you can rather then fight your opponents for them. Ammo is also placed well, and both the gems and the ammo are placed in creative patterns and shapes rather than dull clumps. There’s also more emphasis on strategy placed here with the TNT and the gem barrels, which is definately a welcomed add-on.

Overall, there isn’t any reason why you shouldn’t download this level. It’s the best treasure level out there (why is it that people tend to make the good treasure levels be underwater? ;P), and even if you don’t like treasure this level can still appeal to you for the great tileset usage and atmosphere it contains. If anything, it will definately make you view the tileset in a new light. I’ve played numerous games here, and even though oftentimes I find treasure mode to be somewhat annoying (mainly for the reasons White Rabbit stated in his review) this level is different then the typical treasure in that it shows what treasure really is about: hunting for gems, and because of that, this level provides for fun matches.

That said, I would definately reccomend this level to everyone. It shows wonderful levelmaking skill, allows for great enjoyment, and will hopefully inspire people to either use the tileset or make more treasure levels. You can learn a lot from this.

~Blacky with a very late review

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

9 Sep 2006, 23:43
For: Jungle
Level rating: 8.4

Woah, how did I miss this?

The level kinda deceives you at first. A single level using an official set titled “Jungle” rated over a 9? It becomes apparent why when you play the level, however.

First thing first, this level has a crapload of eyecandy. You tried to make it look like a jungle and you succeeded, maybe over the top, though. The whole level gets in your face and makes it hard to discern whats there. Often times enemies are completely hidden behind foreground layer foilage or seemingly solid objects are really backround eyecandy. The level does really feel alive, but it also feels confusing at the same time. There’s also a few eyecandy bugs with layer 3 at the 49,32 area, a tiling bug at 44,71, and another ec bug at around 98, 79 (keep in mind these are the positions in jj2, not JCS).

The levels plays…average. It’s a typical single player level without anything new, really. There are well placed enemies (aside from the eyecandy covering most of them up), some goodies (the level could use more though, IMO.) and some secrets. From the start I knew this level would be extremely short. Making single player levels containing tons of eyecandy like this is extremely tiring and a very long process, so the levels end up being very short, as shown by this one. The level was also pretty easy. The only reason I got injured was because I couldn’t see a hidden enemy and either ran into it or got lobbed by a banana.

There’s a lot of effort put into this level, and it does come out quite detailed and looking like a jungle, although it would’ve been better if it would’ve been longer, or in a pack with other levels of similar quality. Right now, though, the level isn’t too outstanding as there are many cons that take away a lot of the spotlight from where this level shines. The level focuses TOO MUCH on eyecandy, and therefore the quality of the level is severly detracted in other areas such as the layout of it (too short, too basic, etc). It is nice to look at this level, but I think I might’ve preferred one that sacrifices some of the eyecandy to make the level play better. This is another one of those levels that I give a download reccomendation because I want people to see that spending too much effort in one category makes your level lack in others.


Review by GoldRabbit

8 Sep 2006, 08:42 (edited 8 Sep 06, 14:00 by Cooba)
For: hunt for red october
Level rating: 8.5

wow!the submarine idea rux!its the most original level ive ever seen.the eyecandy is very good although its a tubelectric level.the gameplay its good although in the sub its hard to did you Bolly in a submarine?how did you create a submarine?i’m so confused!=)

download recommendation:yes!

[Rating (9.5) clearance. Please write more support for your ratings in your reviews. ~Cooba]

Review by GoldRabbit

8 Sep 2006, 08:30 (edited 9 Sep 06, 07:53 by andyjackrabbit)
For: Winter Celebration
Level rating: 9

the Xmas bilsy boss would fit much better than the schwartzenguard

Review by PurpleJazz

7 Sep 2006, 18:37
For: hunt for red october
Level rating: 8.5

Good Level, but no music.

Not recommendedReview by LittleFreak

7 Sep 2006, 14:18 (edited 7 Sep 06, 14:20)
For: Hot Springs (REMAKE)
Level rating: 7.2

This was just plain not fun. Very high originality and nice eyecandy, but the overdone difficulty just destroys everything.


I remember the concept from the earlier version, which I played as well. There are four red springs which hover over a huge lava pit and fly to the right. To get over, the player has to keep up with them. They’re pretty fast, which means you’ll have to rush through must areas. And rushing is no fun at all. There are platforms with enemies and ammo, but you won’t get to kill or collect most of them, because if the springs escape you, you’re done for. One deadly area leads to another. I really, really, don’t do this normally, but I really just coptered through most of the level (I luckily played with Jazz). That didn’t make it any more fun though.

Rating: 5.0


Argh. I like hard levels. I don’t like this one. It’s just not fun when you have to hurry so much you don’t get to do anything the level offers. I honestly don’t feel like replaying it to kill the enemies and collecting the stuff (or reading the text sign near the end if you will). This level would rock if it wasn’t so freaking hard.

Rating: 4.5


Many advanced tricks have been used. Worth to mention are flying objects (including the springs of course) like enemies and spike balls (see screenshot below), among other obstacles. The whole idea is cool too, but there’s just no way to enjoy it all.

Rating: 8.5


Looks good. The tileset has been used nicely, with the flaming inferno being present everywhere. But then again. There’s just no way you could enjoy it while hasting through the level.

Rating: 7.2


Carrottus burns for whatever reason. You got to get over it using springs avoiding flying objects for no real reason either. Though it looks a bit like the rabbit apocalypse or something like that. No, there isn’t any kind of plot.

Rating: 5.0


Like I said before, this level would be better with less difficulty. The way it is now, it’s just insane. Also lacks a story.

Final Rating: 5.7, no download recommendation (unless you enjoy frustrating yourself)


RecommendedReview by Quickz

6 Sep 2006, 14:36 (edited 6 Sep 06, 14:39)
For: First Boredom
Level rating: 7.9

This is a nice battle level by DarkSonic.

Well, to start with, the eyecandy is good. This tileset doesn’t give you many many opportunities for good eyecandy, but I think DarkSonic did a good job. When you check out the level in JCS, you see how well DS used almost all layers. Especially the background is really nice (layer 5+6).

Then about the ammo-placement. It’s good. It’s in shapes most of the time, I only don’t like the ‘row of seekers’. Anyway, the ammo is well spread over the whole level, just like the four PU’s. Seekers are important in this level, so it’s good that the PU is inside the wall. Food in a battle level is always nice and it’s easy to get in this level – you just have to run around. There are two +1 carrots, which is good because the level isn’t that big and multiple carrots in a battle level are a must.

The flow is nice, only one spring is at a weird place (91,42), which disturbs the flow a little bit, but the flow is in general really smooth. You can move really fast in this level by using the warp, the copter and the many (often) well placed springs.

Well, I definitely give this level a download recommendation. And indeed, the music (and tileset too) fits the level.

My final rating is a 8! Good job.

Review by Ðx

6 Sep 2006, 13:36
For: Hot Springs (REMAKE)
Level rating: 7.2

Whah, see the older version. It’s impossible. I finisht this level ten times or something.

Just stay focused!

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

6 Sep 2006, 11:50 (edited 20 Sep 06, 13:29)
For: Hot Springs (REMAKE)
Level rating: 7.2

I have JUST finished this and I got one word to say about this: FRUSTRATING!


EYECANDY: The pouring lava effects in the background are really cool but it’s hard to enjoy the Eyecandy when you’re focused on 4 VERY FAST moving springs. 7/10

GAMEPLAY: Interesting concept but it was very frustrating. The springs move VERY fast and you can’t stop for anything. I had to load about 10 times before I finished. 7/10

EVENTS: I loved the way the Belt Right/Left events are used to move the springs and the spikeballs. 9/10

DIFFICULTY: Probably the HARDEST level I have ever played, though it was frustrating. 9/10

PICKUPS: There’s some gems and Weapons along the way but you can’t stop to pick them ALL up. Very well placed. 9/10

ENEMIES: The enemies were a bit annoying especially when some of them were on the end of platforms and there was some annoying floating Dragons. 7/10

OBSTACLES: There was some destruct scenery which made it that much harder! 8/10

TOTAL: 54/70 (7.7142857142857142857142857142857)
Rounded to 7.7


Depends on whether you want to frustrate yourself or not.


RecommendedReview by Quickz

6 Sep 2006, 09:57
For: Mystic Island
Level rating: 8.6

This is one of my favourite tileset. It’s really detailled, especially the (dark-brown) walls at the background. I don’t like the part where you can shoot ammo ‘under the bridges’. An other negative thing is the lack of ‘different’ eyecandy. You can’t really give much nice eyecandy, except for the rocks etc. at layer 4. It’s really easy to use – which is a positive thing obviously.

Definitely a download recommendation.

Review by Janus aka Jahari

5 Sep 2006, 18:45
For: Hot Springs (REMAKE)
Level rating: 7.2


Eyecandy 3/5: The layers with lava were nice, but there wasn’t a whole lo of sprite layer scenery.

Gameplay 2/5: Frustrating. There was no real reward for the player completing an area.

Originality 4/5: This was an awsome concept except for the fact that’s a remake of the original. You’ve taught me some new tricks, and I had fun playing the level regardless.

Enemy placement 3/5: It was ok. Sometimes it was frustrating due to the sheer number of enemies.

Item placement 2/5: You didn’t reward the player a whole lot. I’d strongly recommend making the level longer and adding food next.

I’m not giving a rating since this was a remake, but I would definitely encourage people to download this…just for fun.

RecommendedReview by the jamster

5 Sep 2006, 18:12
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

A very useful tool indeed

renamer,perfect it is server side and useful for hotels ctf all sorts.

level settings,
well next level and reload level work perfect a must need,also i like the fast level skip, but i think it crashers.

this is also good,mainly for tests,but still useful,it has bugs tho.

All in 1
It has all the little programs,like 1 hit ko and seeker fix etc in one,its about time to.

This preogram has so many features so i give it a thumbs up =)

Review by PurpleJazz

5 Sep 2006, 17:07 (edited 5 Sep 06, 17:14 by Purplejazz7)
For: Blue Fortress
Level rating: 2.7

The things next to the door are sucker tubes, and I drew this Tileset in Photoshop.

Not recommendedReview by the jamster

5 Sep 2006, 16:58 (edited 5 Sep 06, 17:03)
For: Blue Fortress
Level rating: 2.7

Im sorry to say this but you get 2.7.
I do like the blocks,they look smart,also the inside wall is nice and blue,gives a very good castle fortress look good job on that,now comes the nasty part of the review,The flags just look well,unreal,and look very messy,the colors are just plain red,theres no texture,it looks like you drew it in ms paint,i think im right that its done by ms paint,the gold does not look good either,agin weres the texture,try putting in small bits of gold coins.makes it look more like gold,same with the door,I can’t tell really what the thing is next to the door is,and near the top left,what are they,im judgeing there supposed to be spikes,well make them sharper,even tho ripper only a few tiles isnt really a bad thing what lets down points,its always better to make custom blocks,or at least mod them up a bit.

This is very good for a new person of the community,you should be impressed
Good job,don’t give up tho,learn from your mistaks,don’t hate me as well for giveing you a bad review =)

keep it up
-ryderwct (the jamster)

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

5 Sep 2006, 15:45
For: Dark Groove (Part1) MIDI
Level rating: 7

First MIDI version of a song i’ve ever rated. Lets reiew:

Aha….A version of Dark Groove thats not only playabl in MODPLUG, its playable in the old windows media player. And as a MIDI file using all the crap MIDI sounds, this isn’t bad. Everything fits nicely together and unlike some MIDI and RMI files, it doesn’t jump or stall in places where it shouldn’t.

But there is one huge problem. Sample 7 is (in my opinion) too loud and screws up the song. It also has this horrible sticky sound that you shouldn’t hear, and all these samples have that, but you can’t hear it as much.


Fits nicely together
Doesn’t jump or stick like other MIDI files.


Sample 7 screws up the song.
Samples have twang to them.

RANK: 7 Good

Review by Pyramid

5 Sep 2006, 13:25 (edited 5 Sep 06, 14:15 by Fquist)
For: Blue Fortress
Level rating: 2.7

Rating? OK, no problem…

[Unsupported (1.0) rating removal. Please give reasons for your rating. – FQuist]

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