Review by cooba

2 Sep 2006, 14:06 (edited 2 Sep 06, 14:08 by Cooba)
For: A Generic Single Player Level
Level rating: 8.9

LF, there is a boss battle at the end of Part 2. It appears only on Hard mode (my wonderful suggestion ).

RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

2 Sep 2006, 14:01 (edited 2 Sep 06, 14:20)
For: A Generic Single Player Level
Level rating: 8.9


I started playing, like, three hours ago. Now I’m finally finished with it. Oddly though, reaching the first checkpoint made up about two thirds of the total playing time.


Very fun. Interesting enemy placement and fresh ideas kept me playing. There are lots of secrets to be found, challenges to overcome and enemies to slaughter. Even though the level is very long, it always offers something new. Crate puzzles and different sets of enemies throughout the whole level keep it from getting boring. The second part was a bit dissapointing, because it ended surprisingly early.

Rating: 9.0


Hard as heck. The first part until you finally reach the checkpoint, that is. I died again and again until I did it, strangely, after that it became a lot chillier. This is probably due to the fact that I had fully powered fast fire at this point, and enough weapons to kill whatever tried to make my life harder. I only died once more, and that was right after I reached another checkpoint. It still wasn’t easy of course, seeing as I had to keep myself on constant alert throughout the whole game to make it through. A safepoint right before the vine part would have helped a lot to balance it out though.

Rating: 7.2


Very very creative. Other people would create a whole pack with the ideas that have been implemented into this huge level. You travel through a lot of different environments, from the hot jungle to an ice cave to some kind of underground dungeon. There are many gimmicks to keep you playing, like the possibility to get a fire shield with lots of clocks nearby, lots of secrets and bonus areas and little puzzles involving the finding of crates. I would have enjoyed something like a great final at the end. Maybe a boss battle or something similiar.

Rating: 9.0


Beautiful. The level uses a tileset which looks like one from an old 2D platformer, though I don’t know which. Still, the rather shabby graphics of the tileset don’t hinder the view at all, it still looks great. Every area looks different, and some nice effects have been used. I especially liked the underground dungeon, which had nice lighting.

Rating: 9.0


No story. That reduces the fun a bit, but it’s not ultimately needed. Awesome design. There really is a nice atmosphere while playing. Everything looked realistic too.

Rating: 8.5


This was, despite it’s shortcomings, a very fun level to play and a huge challenge. Also, it gave me something to do this afternoon, which is always a good thing. Once you get past that annoying vine part and reach the checkpoint, this can give you a fun time playing. Some may be scared away by said part though.

Final Rating: 8.5, download recommendation



That’d mean, I’d have to replay it all on hard? XD

Too bad I have no time today. =b
Seriously, I’m looking forward to replaying it on hard sometime.

Review by Bob

2 Sep 2006, 13:55 (edited 2 Sep 06, 13:58 by Cooba)
For: Rabbit House
Level rating: 5.5


[Bob (5.2) clearance. ~Cooba]

Review by best72

2 Sep 2006, 10:26
For: Dark Groove (Part1) MIDI
Level rating: 7

umm nice work and thanks for uploading this.

RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

2 Sep 2006, 07:08 (edited 4 Sep 06, 07:13 by Purplejazz7)
For: Froggy or Birdie
Level rating: 5.2

This is a good level.

It was ok, but when you used layer 3 to make paths I could see Jazz from the top and bottom.

The gameplay was very good, as there are two paths so that increases replay value.

The level is good generally, but it was a bit short, lacked eyecandy, and the bird flew away often, but I expect that “Froggy or Birdy 2” will be much better.

Review by the jamster

1 Sep 2006, 18:21
For: Jazz Shortshows: Episode 1
Level rating: N/A

LOL,this is sooooooo funny,because its soooooooo stupid,everyone here is what happenes……………………..

jazz:hi spaz
spaz:hi jazz want to (something i couldn’t understand

…some music plays for ages,i think orbitus remix…

spazz:hold on you cheated
jazz:no i didn’t i jumped over you
spaz:oh being mr good guy huh well take this
narrator k.o

narrater:thank you for listing and have a good day..

make more pleaseeeeeee=)

rateing 6/10

Review by Donda97

1 Sep 2006, 15:07 (edited 5 Sep 06, 08:44)
For: Colosal
Level rating: 7.7


This can be suitable for recovring my Devan’s trick by warps but better!
However, the tileset was very good!
JUst the day and night feelss right for making day and night in 2 levels by ground collapsing. The suck board was Good, that is all I can say

Eyecandy: I liked the tileset much there is lots of things and usefull to really recover my 1st real single player level. however there were
somethings I see OK not good the test levels were not seeing that and feels like a real level whoever when I want to see the tileset:) I use the playfull example level. however This gives you a 6.5.

Comments: this is 100%

Final Rating:
(rating changed) 6.5


[Rating (7) clearance. Feel free to edit this review with more support like I said in the PM. ~Cooba]

[Thanks cooba~donda97]

Not recommendedReview by Donda97

1 Sep 2006, 14:45 (edited 5 Sep 06, 09:13)
For: Ischa's Mine
Level rating: 5.8

Firstly, There is no gooding, you didn’t have to release it on the web It was Just for Ischa howeever It was not good.

Eyecandy: None, well things for Ischa

those comments were just for Ischa and you so you are supposed to send on e-mail adress thus this can’t be used even for a level without these comments because of the name think I gave 3 for this then rating 3.0

*Comments:*Do not release for Just One User(Ischa). This can’t be used for a level



[Rating (5) clearance. Feel free to edit this review with more support like I said in the PM. ~Cooba]

Is this enough cooba?

Review by moonlord

1 Sep 2006, 13:57 (edited 1 Sep 06, 13:59)
For: Episode One: The Invasion of Deserto
Level rating: 9.1

Maybe I’m seriously stupid, but I can’t get out of the bunker – level 1. How do you break all the barrels :) ?

RecommendedReview by Ischa

1 Sep 2006, 13:32 (edited 2 Oct 09, 06:59)
For: A Generic Single Player Level
Level rating: 8.9

Rating A Generic Single Player Level

To start:
Splendid level with all my requirements to be for good level: nicely, long, not too easy and with sufficient bonusses.

Eyecandy: (20 pts)
Although I didn’t see it in the levels, but this level does have a forefront. The paths are beautiful, but most beautiful nevertheless the context, it has been decorated with for example water falls, mounts and a splendid sky.
Result: 18 pts

Gameplay: (20 pts)
The level is gigantic. It is 700×175. in this level you must climb in trees, walk through caves and swim. At that last two you must really go through mazes. And enemies will make it very hard. That are the best levels!
Result: 19 pts

Story: (10 pts)
There is no story. So this factor does not count your end figure.
Result: N/A

Obstacle placement: (20 pts)
The enemies have been well placed. There are a bit many enemies, but not too much. Especially for experienced jazz Jackrabbit-players this is a real challenge.
Result: 17 pts

Bonus placement: (10 pts)
In difficult levels you need many bonusses. Well, and there are many bonusses. From food to extra lives. There are also lots of secrets hidden…
Result: 9 pts

Total points: 63
Maximum number of points: 80-10(story)=*70*
Calculating: 63/70*9+1
Mark: 9,1
Download recommendation:

Review by Blackraptor

1 Sep 2006, 08:55
For: A Generic Single Player Level
Level rating: 8.9

Thanks for the review :). If you find the difficulty challenging, play in easy mode as there’s more carrots available to you. If anything, I’m happy that it turned out to be so hard because I didn’t want the level to be beaten in one try.

RecommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

1 Sep 2006, 05:58 (edited 4 Sep 06, 05:32)
For: A Generic Single Player Level
Level rating: 8.9

Granted I played in hard mode, but these levels were a bit frustrating. I didn’t finish them.

Eyecandy 4/5: Pretty good. I liked the cave areas, but some of the walls seemed plain. The food was well placed decoration-wise.

Gameplay 3/5: There were a few too many enemies, and some of them were placed in annoying spots (edges of cliffs, under the foreground layer, above springs). The part with the vines was simply frustrating. Once you get to the final vine and try to jump up to the next one, you end up jumping off completely because you don’t quite “Stick” to the next vine. There could have been more food/ammo, but that was used mostly for scenery purposes.

Originality Bonus: I didn’t get through much of the second level, but the design was nice. You did a good job making the player backtrack.

Fun Factor: I really thought I was going to like the level until I got frustrated and gave up. I may play it again someday, though. Good replayability.

times 42 divided by the speed of light and ground into pie shell crust = 7.7. You put some good effort into these levels, but I think you should use less enemies and more pickups to reward the player. You might try making the level design itself more challenging rather than putting enemies in tricky places.

Oh, one other thing: ADD CHECKPOINTS D:

Edit: You know, I keep playing this level, and it’s fun each time. I’m raising the rating for leet replayability.

Review by Eva

31 Aug 2006, 17:48 (edited 31 Aug 06, 17:49)
For: Fun Hotel, Generation Deux
Level rating: N/A

Spaz 18……..

I am the maker of the pinball prize donda97 has no idea he doesn’t even know the prize…

However the jazz hideout Aren’t seen about lately Our team(me and donda) want to see things about it.

Review by SPAZ18

31 Aug 2006, 17:32 (edited 31 Aug 06, 19:59)
For: Fun Hotel, Generation Deux
Level rating: N/A

It’s a bit better, but I thought the prize in the pinball was kinda rubbish.

I also noticed that Homemade is now called “Custom/Concept.”

@Eva: Oh OK. Sorry, I didn’t know you did that. A nice try at making a level though. :)

RecommendedReview by Donda97

31 Aug 2006, 16:27
For: Super Jazz Brothers 3 WORLD 1
Level rating: 6.8

Well I was feeling a real mario game.

But you made only one world.
And Let’s Going go:


Not bad or good I would giv it anice rating. you got your 3 rating for this.


The three won’t be okay alone there must be improves and reduces.

I didn’t like the gameplay. Mario sends us to the death place while luigi does his job correct.So keep your 1 rating in the right place so there are more gameplay to rate.

I’ll write the Important now:

However I was not happy with the pipes and roads warp thing and the switchenzguard was not good looking in the level I prefer devan robot here.
So this will reward a half rating to give you the gameplay rating 1.5

Triggers Pickups:

Frenzy! U
You used a lot! And you get 5 for this

None Just do not use more than three go to correct thing. Like I did with the deleted Devan’s tricks by warps.
Final rating:3.6(but I put it to the nearest 3.5.

Download: yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

RecommendedReview by Donda97

31 Aug 2006, 15:25 (edited 31 Aug 06, 15:28)
For: Froggy or Birdie
Level rating: 5.2

Well, hmm. I can’t rate that easily because that is no fun or that:)


you asked to use cheats in that:)


The frog doesn’t jump high and if I don’t jump to the other ledge i’ll fall to a pond of fish and restart and this is not fair beacause I am not used to frogs and this can be too hard!


U put a cage and a transform into a bird thing.+ I am not the thing!

The bird flies and it was the real time
to need. you needed to put another bird cage with the one with the tnt and I used jjbird to complete that.

rating: 2.5


No sense only layers 8, 4, 3 and (5,6 or 7) but i am not sure that those are used. but liked it.


triggers and pickups:

U inserted fake crates and fake TNT and that was not good but I adore tricks so a five is yours with that.
But the worse is u put the original in hidden places which is slightly tricky.

but I dont like.

Rating:5 you are lucky because the fakes which I like.


Improve your level by making more things

I think the switchenguards You putted were enough with devan so this will cause reducing because of your put to bilsy in hard which I hate bilsy.

Rating: 3.5
Download:I can’t decide beacuse that was medium and so I’ll give yes.


How do you make J2b? THanks.

RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

31 Aug 2006, 14:14 (edited 31 Aug 06, 14:20)
For: Need For Bowser 3:Most Wanted
Level rating: 7.6

Another Mario pack? That’s what I thought when I started playing. This one’s quite fun and original though.


The game starts simple. You have to jump around and kill the evil guys and collect lots of coins. If you happen to get enough you can access a bonus room with some TNT. Blowing up my enemies with it was quite fun. Though when I faced the boss in the second level, I wished I hadn’t wasted it yet. More levels follow. Some are a lot of fun, others are messed up badly. In one, you have to choose which way of torture you want to go through. Sounds all quite hard. In truth though, nothing really hindered me from just coptering through to the end without being harmed. Spaz has a harder time here.

Rating: 7.2


It begins easy, but soon gets more challenging. I liked the first boss, who was hard to beat without the TNT. In the levels that follow, the difficulty is mostly made up by lots of enemies. Normally, I don’t like those levels with clumps and dozens of enemies a lot, but these are an exception, because you had to use your weapons intelligently in order to beat them. Though sometimes it’s the best to just run away without fighting (cough*bee bridge level*cough). The last boss could have been a bit harder. I still have to replay this on hard mode sometime.

Rating: 7.7


Lots of creativity, actually. Every level is unique in both looks and style of playing. There is an airboard mission, an underground hell-like world and more. The only real letdown is the “path of death” level (how I like to call it). The obstacles are very repititive, annoying and just make the player copter through with Jazz or Lori (there are character changers available, so that’s no problem). This is the worst level of the pack. I liked the cutscene level with the mario brothers army (or whatever) marching towards Bilsy’s castle.

Rating: 8.2


I have to say it again, I hate the Mario tileset (I’m probably going to mention that in every review of a Mario pack). On a big computer screen, the graphics don’t look very pleasing. However, the set’s possibilities have been used very well. Every level looks different and well constructed. I don’t think the original games for the gameboy look better. I liked the picture of Bowser hiding.

Rating: 8.0


You find Bowser hiding in a tube, telling you Bilsy wants to kill him to take over his kingdom. This is either ridiculous or funny, depending on your view. I liked it. So, to help, the player (and Mario, Luigi, Yoshi and Goomba) begin marching towards Bowser’s castle which is inhabited by Bilsy. You’re never alone, as your friends from the Mario world are always there to give you helpful tips. Sometimes, they even take part in battle through the clever use of MCEs. I liked the story, it fits the Mario world perfectly and keeps the downloader playing too. A letdown is the poor spelling. I suggest the author gets someone to correct it for his next release.

Rating: 7.7


I expected a mediocre pack at best, seeing as I never really liked all that Mario stuff, but this was very fun for the most part. A few areas need to be improved, but it’s still worth the download.

Final Rating: 7.7, download recommendation

Have fun.


RecommendedReview by PurpleJazz

30 Aug 2006, 13:19
For: Super Jazz Brothers 3 WORLD 1
Level rating: 6.8

Super Jazz Bros.3 World 1 is very well designed with plenty of eycandy and gameplay. The tileset used gives a real “Mario” feel to the levels. I like the “No cheating” idea. My brother was so frustrated when he found out this(he loves to cheat)!-P

The music is my favourite thing about SJB3-W1. I have Modplug Tracker so I can listen to it frm there whenever I want to.

I’m really looking forward to World 2!

Review by PurpleJazz

30 Aug 2006, 06:19 (edited 30 Aug 06, 06:30 by Purplejazz7)
For: Easter Feasta v2
Level rating: 6.2

I will fix these errors today and reupload it.

EDIT-The level has been re-uploaded now. Enjoy!

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

29 Aug 2006, 20:42 (edited 16 Sep 06, 15:47)
For: Need For Bowser 3:Most Wanted
Level rating: 7.6

OK, I’ll rate it then.


STORY: Bowser is hiding and Jazz/Spaz/Lori has been sent to destroy Bilsy. A good story. 8/10

EYECANDY: It looks like the classic Mario on the NES. I like the Mario Tileset. Background may not be much but is like the sky you see in classic Mario. I liked the falling fireballs in 1-6. I liked the idea of the blocks with a countdown on them. They disappear when the number reaches 0. 8/10

GAMEPLAY: You can collect coins to access Bonus Areas by paying the Koopa a certain amount. It plays just like Mario. 8/10

MUSIC: I really liked the Mario music remixes but the music on 1-2 was kinda annoying as it looped every 30-40 seconds. 8/10

PICKUPS: There was extra weapons that could be picked up by going in the Bonus Areas. I’m not sure about the re-generating ammo though. There was TNT that could be collected in the first bonus area. It was kinda pointless though as I didn’t use the TNT at all. 7.5/10

OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: I did think that there was WAY too many Bees in 1-2. They did get very annoying. Also, in the Airboard level, I thought there was way too many enemies. I kept on having 1 Heart health most of the time, but after shooting those enemies I kept getting Carrots. I didn’t really see that many obstacles in this pack. Only obstacle I saw was the Trigger Crates in 1-5. 7/10

TOTAL: 46.5/60 (7.75)
Rounded to 7.7

Mario fans will like this pack.

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