Review by TheKax

27 Aug 2006, 10:02 (edited 27 Aug 06, 10:10 by Cooba)
For: Demonic Dilemma
Level rating: 6.4

Good CTF-trick!
But it gets sometimes too annoyinning…

“If you hav itchy slipperfingers, remove them now.” was wery funny.

PS: if ya like hotels wait a sec, so I can finish my Kax-hotel. Then I upload it.

[Rating (7) clearance. There was not enough support for the given rating. Also, don’t delete the admin note once it’s put in a review. ~Cooba]

Review by TheKax

26 Aug 2006, 14:53 (edited 27 Aug 06, 09:30 by Cooba)
For: Inside the computer
Level rating: 6

Nice things.

Too much eyes…
Too much 1ups…
(TIP: If ya use that much 1ups, please hide them! Too easy to find.)

[Rating (7.5) clearance. When rating, you must specify why were some things “nice”. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by White Rabbit

25 Aug 2006, 18:51 (edited 1 Sep 06, 14:23)
For: Hidden Savanna
Level rating: 7.5

You won’t know that Hidden Savanna is a very small level when you first play in it, but you’ll certainly feel cramped the moment you set foot in it. There is virtually not a single place where you can’t see a wall or a ceiling in this 105×80 CTF level.

I’ve played a little 1v1, some 2v1, and a 2v2 game to 4 points here…excluding the 2v1 game, I think it’s easy to camp at the carrot and the seeker PU in duels, since you have no team mate to attack the camper in your place. You’re a bit more at danger if you camp with just one or two hearts, but as long as you’ve got the ammunition (and the gung-ho attitude), you’ll give your opponent a hard time.

The flow is fast and smooth, which is fun, although the symmetry, size, and tileset choice of the level leans too heavily towards gameplay. There hasn’t been much attempt at breaking new ground anywhere, and there’s not much eyecandy either. It’s as simple as the level.

One thing worth mentioning about Hidden Savanna is its predictability. This level doesn’t require you to memorise much. It’s got a basic platform layout, and the suckertubes and warps are all easily accessible. The flag arrows really do count here, and you can deduce where your opponent is going just by the direction he’s heading for (honestly, many levels aren’t like this at all!). Tensions can run high when two or more players stalk each other, trying to guess where the other is going and getting there before them.

Long story short: Nice, small CTF level.

Rating: 7.2, and a download recommendation.

Oh, and Unknownfile betatested too (but he won’t mind).

Review by cooba

25 Aug 2006, 14:02
For: Froggy or Birdie
Level rating: 5.2

Without having anything else to say, let me just comment on the custom boss music.

It hurts ears.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

25 Aug 2006, 12:23 (edited 25 Aug 06, 14:01 by Cooba)
For: Dark Groove (Groovin' Hard Remix)
Level rating: 7.1

FINALLY, iv’e found a good remix by JSZ Jazz. Where on earth did you get this from? It’s great. Drums, synth use, everything was good. 8.5

[Rating (8.5) clearance. Why was the synth use great? Why was the whole song great? You need to EXPLAIN why were some aspects good before giving a rating. ~Cooba]

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

25 Aug 2006, 12:16
For: Deserto Action! v 1.1
Level rating: 4.4

LOL, i had an idea to remix deserto but mine is too large.

Anyways, the song is sorta messy. Well, doesn’t really have a note. It’s as if it was randomized. Hmmm, sorta spooky.

Review by Joshwct

24 Aug 2006, 17:50 (edited 29 Aug 06, 18:15 by Cooba)
For: NeoAntiCrash
Level rating: N/A

I found the Neoac is a great program because it stops unwanted hacks to your server. Although there is now prog. that bypass neoac and ultimately crash servers ;(…If I am correct the crashing prog. is asd2…it would help if you could make a better version of this prog. to stop asd 2 ;P

I am giving this a 7.

[Rating (7) clearance. You need to give more support for the rating and saying “I am giving this a #” is not enough. ~Cooba]

Review by Joshwct

24 Aug 2006, 17:42 (edited 29 Aug 06, 18:16 by Cooba)
For: Dx Test 6
Level rating: N/A

[This level is sweet….}

In other words…I give dx props for making yet another fun but challenging test…which i basically put all of that into one word… sweet.

The level maybe doesnt deserve 10 but I would definitely recommend the download…

I am giving it a rating of 7.

[Rating (7) clearance. You need to give more support for the rating and saying “I am giving this a #” is not enough. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by cooba

24 Aug 2006, 10:43
For: Hidden Savanna
Level rating: 7.5

Visual Appeal – 3 out of 5

First of all, I never liked this tileset too much. Mainly because it’s nearly the least flexible set in existance, since it’s so heavily based on style rather on functionality, which roughly translates to “every level using this tileset will look the same”. And this level is no exception to this non-written rule: it looks exactly the same as the whole buckets of Swamps levels. There’s nothing original about the eyecandy, and after having seen so many of visually the same Swamps levels, it just stopped being anyhow appealing to me. There are no annoying tile errors in this level at least. Overall, use a different tileset next time.

Playability – 4 out of 5

For starters, I’m not too fond of the layout. Some places were clearly inspired by other Swamps levels, and while it’s not a bad thing, it can get annoying sometimes. For example, the two tubes in the middle of the level placed JUST by the FastFires can get really annoying, and the Seeker powerup box just encourages camping, since it’s so close to the bases. There are also Bouncer and Toaster powerups, which make up a fairly good balance, seeing as this level is mostly enclosed. The Toaster powerup has to be accessed by passing through a hole in a tree, which makes it a dead end, unless one uses logic and shoots it with an Electroblaster, avoiding being trapped in the cramped room. It doesn’t seem to fair seeing as the Bouncer PU is just placed between two vines, which doesn’t create a situation seen in the Toaster PU.

  • Well balanced
  • Flows decent
  • The overused and boring tileset
  • Some of the layout is.. questionable

A decent level by Quickz. Doesn’t have anything original nor outstanding, but still should play well in an occasional 2on2. Definitely Qz’s best level, but also definitely not an 8.

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

23 Aug 2006, 21:28 (edited 23 Aug 06, 21:32 by da man)
For: Hidden Savanna
Level rating: 7.5

I think Quickz’ new level needs to have more attention. I dunno why Emp reviews every level by Quickz, but whatever. Let’s go to the review!

The first thing you’ll notice when playing this level is that it’s pretty small. The layout is non-symmetrical, but it’s balanced. That’s always a good thing. There is one real way to each base, but you can get there in two ways. Near the bases are tubes that will lead you to the upper platform. The base placement is about the same as in Hydronificant! and Rainbow Hills. Maybe it’s time for a different placement, Quickz? ;p

There are tubes in the middle that will lead you to near the carrot. This is nice. That there’s a wall in the middle prevents you from running around at the bottom of the level without being stopped. It’s a good thing in my opinion. The area near the carrot has changed since I beta tested the level. You can run around there without being stopped, but there were small holes before. I personally like this more, because it makes it easier to hit someone who camps the carrot.

In the top middle there is a warp that will lead you to a Power-Up. This method has been used in Hydronificant! as well. The Warp Target, however, is closer to the left base than to the right base. Making it in the middle or putting two Warp Targets would solve this. It’s not a serious problem though.

It’s pretty hard to defend very well. There are lots of slopes near the bases so Seekers don’t really work to defend with. People can shoot Bouncers from above or they come from the other side and use Toaster or Bouncer. Seekers aren’t very good in this level I think. Some people can dodge them very well.

Other gameplay

As usual, there is quite good flow. The springs are pretty useful, but you might bump against a wall. Nothing to do about it I guess. Just keep it like this, as it’s not a major problem. The way to each base is pretty much to the left and the right, but with obstacles like the tubes in the middle. One Ways are used at the springs left/right from the carrot and to lead you to above by using the blue spring. There is one small dead end at the Toaster Power-Up. I don’t think it’s a problem, as it’s small and strategical.

Eye candy

The eye candy in the level is typical Swamps eye candy, but it’s logical. Lots of leaves in layer 5 and 4 and other stuff that’s used in lots of Swamps levels. There are also empty places to prevent the eye candy from being overused. I personally like lots of eye candy a lot, so if there’s eye cnady everywhere I like it more. Unless it’s extremely overused. In this level is isn’t. I appreciate the fact that people use Swamps properly because I had big problems with it when I tried to use it. The foreground layers aren’t used a lot. Probably because I don’t really like foreground eye candy with the Swamps tileset. But anyway. The background in the level is also pretty basic, it’s just what Swamps levels should have. Overall, the eye candy is pretty good, can’t say a lot more about it.

Carrot placement

The only carrot is a Full Energy carrot, which is enough for a level of this size. It’s placed in the middle and is easily campable. But you only want to camp it if you have 3h unless you are fast enough and you can get it before you die when you have 1h. RFs are good to use against a camper, and Toaster also works fine. A camper must be extremely skilled if he/she wants to survive with 1h while the carrot isn’t there.

Other placement
The placement of the level is pretty basic. The shapes of ammo are nice, the 3 × 3 group and the 2 × 4 group of Seekers are the only unoriginal ones. There are 3 more Seekers at the right side by the way. ;p

There are a few Fast Fires at the left and right sides of the tubes in the middle of the level. They can be useful for Bouncers in the level, but not for other weapons(as usual)

There are 3 Power-Ups in the level. Seeker, Toaster and Bouncer. These 3 are used a lot in levels. The Seeker Power-Up is in a warp, the Toaster Power-Up is in a small dead end and the Bouncer Power-Up is between some vines. I personally think that the Bouncy Power-Up and the Toaster Power-Up are the most useful in the level.


The music used for the level is a standard music from Jazz2. It’s better than Jungle.j2b, which has been used in other Swamps levels(like The Marshland of Evil) but Beach.j2b has been used in Santranigus V. Anyway, it fits the level even though there is no water or something in the level.

The level doesn’t have any original ideas, but it’s hard to make up something nowadays. The tileset used is pretty overused, but I don’t think that’s a problem. I can’t really find a nice underused tileset anyway.

Okay, now that I wrote all this stuff you probably want me to rate the level. Well, before I do that I’ll tell that it’s your best level so far(in my opinion) Hydronificant! looks a bit like this level, but I like this level more(because of the better eye candy probably) Rainbow Hills was also pretty basic in my opinion. This level doesn’t have anything special, but I like it.

Host this: Yes, sometimes. I’ll probably host it if Quickz allows me to. A 2v2 could be nice here too.

Download this: Yes, it’s a nice, small, new level. We don’t see a lot of new levels lately.

My final rating is an 8.0. This level is a very nice third level(although you made more, but this is the third release) and a very nice first level made for XLM. Have fun!

P.S. This was my longest review ever for one level. Hurray!

Review by Pyramid

23 Aug 2006, 08:59 (edited 23 Aug 06, 09:55 by Cooba)
For: Galactic Warfare
Level rating: 8.3

Great Level. I rated it 10.

[Rating (10) clearance. You have to specify why is a level great when rating. ~Cooba]

Review by Sk8terboy

22 Aug 2006, 01:51
For: SaLLoG V1.1
Level rating: 9.8

My god, I’ve been waiting for a new chatlog utility since the last one (forgot the name, but it never worked for me). Ontop of chatlogging you’ve added such features as a stat generator! Genius, my sir, pure genius.

The only thing I have against this is the look; it’s bland. Just the grey and white Windows users have grown acustom to I guess.

Total Rating: 9.7

Recommendation: If you need a chatlogger and you ignore this then you are quite the foolish person because Sal is god.

Ps: I love the minimize to toolbar option for JJ2! Now I can minimize it without cluttering up the taskbar.

Review by Sk8terboy

22 Aug 2006, 01:43
For: Napoleon Hotel
Level rating: 6.1

To fix the “pool bug” try placing the pool higher in the level.

an excerpt from Overlods’s site, Stronghold: Jazz, explains.

“Walking under water:
This happens when you are using “Water Level” event in your level with its height number greater than 127 (which means 128, 129, 130…). Make levels higher than 128 tiles because you’re going to need some space for the play area.”

So just make the pool higher than 127 on the Y-axis and you should be fine.

RecommendedReview by Quickz

21 Aug 2006, 10:19 (edited 6 Sep 06, 09:48)
For: Russian Satellite CTF
Level rating: 7.6

Okay, well, let’s review this level by Emperor. About the eyecandy, it’s decent, but that isn’t bad since the tileset is a bit limited in my opinion. The tubes in the level are really nice, some tubes aren’t that good for the flow maybe, but they aren’t disturbing at all, better – I really like them in this level. With them you can move really fast trough the level. The ammo placement is really, really well. It’s in shapes, (most of the time) not mixed and balanced. The PU’s (especially the Seeker and the Toaster) are close to eachother, but that isn’t disturbing, since that counts for both teams. A negative thing is that there is only one Full NRG, so there will be camped a lot in this level probably. Some places are maybe a bit hard to reach, especially with Jazz, since the level is kinda platformy, so that’s one of the few negative things in this level. Though I really like the layout, it’s origininal – doesn’t really look like the standard levels.

Eyecandy: 17/25
Gameplay: 18/25
Ammo: 18/25
Size: 20/25
Original layout: +3

Total: 7,6 -> 7,7
Download recommendation.

Review by drmooCSW

20 Aug 2006, 23:03 (edited 21 Aug 06, 09:39 by Cooba)
For: SaLLoG V1.1
Level rating: 9.8

This really is unnecessary. Just download NeoAC and you’ve got all the chat you want and anything else that happens in the server logged right there. Also there’s supachatsender which sends chat. Still it isn’t too bad a program it’s just that this has been done too many times before.

[Rating (6.2) clearance. There was no support for the unusually low rating given. And not only NeoAC doesn’t display UDP packet info like roasts or captures and can’t save the log, but this is the first public proper chatlog done since, um, 5 years. ~Cooba]

Review by SPAZ18

20 Aug 2006, 20:05 (edited 31 Aug 06, 16:10)
For: Froggy or Birdie
Level rating: 5.2

How do I mask the Foreground Tiles?
Also, why hasn’t anyone rated my Super Jazz Brothers 3 pack?

EDIT: Oh, ok thanks. So don’t just mask the passage but also the tiles AROUND the passage.

@Donda97: Here’s how to make j2b files.
1. Download Mod2j2b from here:
2. Put it in the folder where you installed Jazz 2 (Probably C:/Games/Jazz2.) TSF or 1.23 will work.
3. In the Start Menu click “Run,” browse to where mod2j2b is and open it.
4. Type in the filename of the music you want to convert. Type like this: “C:/Games/Jazz2/modj2b.exe”
5. It will work on XM, S3M, IT and 669 formats. Won’t work on MP3, WAV, WMA or anything else.
6. The file should be converted to j2b now. It will be the same filename but with a .j2b extension.

Not recommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

20 Aug 2006, 20:03 (edited 20 Aug 06, 23:00)
For: Froggy or Birdie
Level rating: 5.2

Not that great.

Eyecandy 2/5: It was okay for the tileset used, but it could have been better. You need to properly mask the foreground tiles when you make a secret passage. There were parts where I could see my sprite through the wall.

Gameplay 1/5: It was mostly hurt events and areas crowded with baddies. You didn’t really make anything challenging or creative. The level was far too short.

Item placement: Since this was a custom level, it didn’t really need a whole lot of ammo or powerups. However, if the level had been longer, you could have added more food.

Fun factor: Yeah, it was a good concept, but it could have been done better.

EDIT: Go into layer 3 and put extra tiles around the other passage tiles to hide the character’s sprite.

Like this:


RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

20 Aug 2006, 13:46
For: Russian Satellite CTF
Level rating: 7.6

I don’t feel like writing a real review, so I’ll just post a short one.

A fairly large level with a pretty weird layout, and some dead ends that I don’t really like. The flow could be better as you have to jump in some places. There are some turrets which are pretty nice to use when defending, and there are lots of tubes that take a while to find. The gameplay is decent, not very good as it has dead ends like I already said.

Eye candy is pretty basic, although I like some parts like the things in layer 5 which you’ll also find at the border of the level. The turrets are pretty nice to fill up, and everything else is just fine. The blue tiles are in many places, but at least they’re not everywhere.

Placement is decent too. The Full Energy is closer to the right base, that’s one thing I’m sure of. Ammo placement needs more nice shapes of ammo but it’s all right. Power-Up placement is questionable, there are 4 Power-Ups but the Toaster and Seeker Power-Ups are too close to each other. The Seeker Power-Up is also a bit hard to reach for people who aren’t that skilled. There is only one Full Energy carrot which is a bit disappointing. The warp to the Bouncy Power-Up might be a bit hard to find as well.

Overall, this is a decent level. I like it more than Softcake Stew, but it still needs work because the layout was weird. I’m giving the level a 7.4 and that’s that. Download? Not a must, but I give it a download recommendation anyway.

Review by DarkSonic

20 Aug 2006, 13:30
For: To The Point!
Level rating: 6.9

Bah. I finally got a review and the rating is.. well, unexpected. I think Planet Internet should have used another tileset, or I would have just made another level. But I was in a hurry when I uploaded this pack, so I had no real time to find good beta testers.

Oh well, I guess I’ll just find real beta testers next time. At least someone reviewed.

Review by cooba

20 Aug 2006, 12:10 (edited 4 Oct 06, 17:04 by Cooba)
For: To The Point!
Level rating: 6.9

Well uh yeah. I find it extremely unfair that no one reviews uploads by DarkSonic, seeing as he’s one of the most active decent reviewers on J2O. Like n00b once said, “Dear J2O users, you’re all shallow.” Anywho, here goes my obligatory review :

Visual Appeal – 3 out of 5

And this is a problem of the pack. Not necessarily of both levels, as I actually enjoyed the eyecandy in Like an Oven, even if it was a little bit repetitive in some places such as 80,41. However, I certainly did not like the eyecandy in Planet Internet. I can see that the author tried, but unfortunately he kinda failed. Firstly, what’s with all the reverse “boxes” in the walls? I can live with the ones with black outlines, but those with green ones throw me off heavily.

If everything around the box has black outlines, why did you have to reverse it and make it have green outlines? It looks very out of place. Secondly, why are all the layer 4 backgrounds shaped like this:

It made Atom Heart 243.5 look fairly bad, so why did you have to use it the same way as SJ did? There are sloped layer 4 backgrounds, so use them instead of some crappy synthetic stairs thing.

Layer 6 in Planet Internet doesn’t even… tile.

As BlurredD himself says, most of the tiles have to be flipped to tile, and as you can see the background is the finest example of that. There are also more things of rather questionable visual quality (such as all the white/red things on layer4…), but I’ll cut it here. Planet Internet brings down the quality of the pack’s eyecandy a lot.

Playability – 4 out of 5

This was certainly better than the eyecandy. I still like Like an Oven‘s gameplay more than the other level’s. It flows well, and the layout is mainly open in most places, and that works. The balance might be a bit off with Bouncer vs Toaster, since Toaster won’t be as effective in this level. And, um, what’s with the triggers around the bottom +3 carrot? Doesn’t make much sense for me as you could just have removed the platform entirely if you don’t want people to step on it. Not much else can be said on Like an Oven, so let’s go ahead onto Planet Internet… ouch. First of all, why is this level so full of slopes? They don’t serve any particular purpose and just look out of place, honestly. The layout is also mostly generic, with boring platforms serving little purpose. The +1 carrots seem a bit too close to the bases for my tastes, which may just as well result in encouraging camping. Also, I’m not sure why is this level’s center powerup an RF one, since Bouncer and Toaster will be more useful here than RF, as this level is also quite enclosed. That’s all I have to say here, really.

  • Like an Oven is a decent level.
  • Planet Internet is ugh.

This was a mixed bag for me. I didn’t quite enjoy Planet Internet as you might have figured. I liked Like an Oven much more, although I still think you made better levels than that. 6.9 (would be 7.something but Planet Internet = ).

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