Review by Aegis

11 Aug 2006, 19:58
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6

Uhh, there’s a simpler way to do that. Put the music volume to zero, open your favorite music player and put some music playin’. But I guess this is for changing the original music. Which makes it pretty cool. I’d give this a Download recommendation but there’s no review so I won’t.

Review by cooba

11 Aug 2006, 10:39
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Odin and Dan posted quite decent reviews themselves, so I’ll just retort to say:

This is awesome.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

11 Aug 2006, 09:17 (edited 11 Aug 06, 11:49)
For: Menace to Wonders
Level rating: 7.2

Rating Menace to Wonders:

To start:
Seven excellent created levels which are considerably long and hard.

Large levels:
This episode contains seven levels which is all long and cumbersome. Gus have made the levels beautiful. The enemies and obstakels are well scattered and the eyecandy is also very good.

No bosses:
A large pity: Gus have placed no end bosses. A pity with a large P, because Gus creates regular his own end bosses and does that very good. For example: download ‘Flashback: Outta dis World’ and ‘The Game Machine’. In the final levels of them Gus has created his own bosses.

The levels have been strewn with several puzzles and riddles which you must answer to come further in the level or reveal secrets. All puzzles are not just as easy… with some puzzles I was more than one quarter busy!

In spite of that there are no end bosses this is nevertheless an excellent episode. I look forward to play his next episode, but Gus… could you please put (selfcreated) end bosses in it?

Mark: 8,6
Download recommendation:

[Rating (8.6) clearance. Why were the enemies and obstacles well scattered? Why were the levels beautiful? You still need to specify the upload’s good sides before rating. ~Cooba]

They were good placed, because it were not too much and not too less. The level is on that way hard, but not impossible. I always mean that if I say that the Obstacle Placement is good.

It’s beautiful, because there is a nice background, maybe a good foreground and the path is beautiful. I always mean that if I say that the eyecandy is good.

But I never write that in my review, because I think that everyone knows when something is good.

RecommendedReview by Odin314

11 Aug 2006, 07:17
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Alright, I haven’t done a lot of reviews lately, but Forest is just begging for one.

Forest is basically the Swiss Army Knife for JJ2. Basically everything that Controller did, Forest does, and a whole lot more. Fixes seeker holes, chat bugs, weapon auto-changing (picking up a new weapon) and the respawn bug. Allows you to spectate, auto-cycle levels (switches levels until you get to one you want), remote character change (including bird and frog), and can even poke the memory! This tool replaces about 5 different programs, does it quickly and cleanly, and brings in the equivilant of 5 new programs.

However, there are some things that Forest doesn’t do. I have so far seen no ability to bleach names (e.g. Project Gamma), although you could do that manually, but it’d be a major pain. The morph bird and morph frog addresses are switched, according to tests (although that could be my fault), and “Call Plugin” seems to have no function (as of now, perhaps it’s meant for third-party add-ons?).

Nonetheless, Forest is a wonderfully done tool, and while it may not have everything you need (no chatlog, nor server protection), no server should be without it. 9.2 and a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED download recommendation from me.

Review by musti

11 Aug 2006, 06:10 (edited 10 Oct 09, 10:50)
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Eh,my new controller program.That lets you make what you want to.Perfect.I recommend you to download.Thnx jam.Good job.
Fake rehost doesnt work but nvm.

RecommendedReview by DanYjel

11 Aug 2006, 01:44
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Short review.

This is awesome. We needed this all-in one program looong time. Seekerhole, chatbug and warp target fix, entire Project Controller, Respawn, Instagib with tons, really TONS of new stuff, such as trigger controlling, quick spectate, fake minimize, fake server stop, changing all players to jazz/spaz, making all blink / never blink, or million of others. And in addition, it’s expandable by special libraries. All in easy-to-use interface with okay structure. And, what is the best, IT ALL WORKS!!!

Main minuses of the program are making jj2 crash when there isn’t exactly well written parameter and stability (hopefully it’s not because of my computer :OOO).

Great program, probably the best ever made. Get rid of that parameter bug and you have 10. Great work, jam. i hope to see you as programmer of… jj3! :DDD

Review by Jimbob

10 Aug 2006, 21:11 (edited 23 Aug 06, 22:46)
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Dude, THIS IS COOL!!!!!
now, u can morph ALL players on the server into Spaz!!!!
SO COOL!!!!!!
As a matter of fact… this is even better than controller
but i found 2 bugs…
1.When ur the server, if u morph into a bird then back into jazz, (Or spaz), u’ll get hellicopter ears.
2.When u press “Full server-client synchronise”, The Program Crashes.
EDIT: Yes Danyjel, the program can crash JJ2 when you enter too long of a name.

Review by Jerrythabest

10 Aug 2006, 20:38
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

I wonder which functions are server-only and which ones also affect clients in the server. Then I’ll edit this and make a huge review :)

Review by Stijn

10 Aug 2006, 20:00
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

How about including a readme explaining the myriad of buttons with cryptic labels?

Review by CraccoBoy

10 Aug 2006, 19:45 (edited 10 Aug 06, 19:47 by Cooba)
For: Forest server tool
Level rating: 9.1

Great stuff, lots of possibilities, probably the best JJ2 program yet.

[Rating (10) clearance. Why is the stuff great? What are the possibilites? ~Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by cooba

10 Aug 2006, 12:39 (edited 29 Sep 06, 09:58 by Cooba)
For: Radiation galore
Level rating: 6.7

This upload gets the honour of being the first one where I’ll be using my enhanced review system. It should provide longer reviews, yet save me a lot of work. A paradox, but it should work fairly well. Anyhow, here goes:

Visual Appeal – 2 out of 5

Uh well yeah. Take no offense on this, but I didn’t like the eyecandy at all. Firstly, it makes little to no sense that the background would be so terribly open while the level is supposed to be an underground depository? Also, a lot of the level was barren. Most of the walls seemed to be the same 2×2 block pasted over and over, which looked very dull and uninteresting. The layer 4 background weren’t all that good looking either, and most of the time the mournful background was gloriously exposed. Blargh. There was also some sparse layer 3 eyecandy, but most of the time it was either buggy: or it blocked 80% of my vision, causing me to bump into enemies. Overall, the level doesn’t have the scary atmosphere it was intended to have, and the lightning doesn’t help it, either.

Playability – 2 out of 5

This field was also below average. Most of the level involved searching for leaky radioactive barrels and blocking off access to them. Most of the barrels were placed on the main path of the level (why would a depository be so linear?), and thus it wasn’t as fun as it might have been. Also, the whole thing became boring after a while. Not sure why, but it might be a fault of the linearity. This level also was lacking in terms of hardness, it was mainly easy in most places. In some areas, however, there were vines placed just above the radioactive radius of the barrels, and I couldn’t avoid getting hurt there. There were some carrots on the way, so it wasn’t much of a problem in the long run, but still seemed unfair for me. And for a closing note, I wasn’t really happy with how there were little to no puzzles in the whole level.

  • The general idea was decent.
  • The execution was lacking, honestly.

This level was pretty average. The story and the idea were good though, and they made me raise an eyebrow, as well as the overall rating. However, the level itself was quite a letdown… work on your levels a little more.

Review by Napoleon

10 Aug 2006, 08:07
For: mazer312 test
Level rating: N/A

I didn’t like this level very much. It is not a test. The background could have been changed to a much brighter one so it would be more eyecandy. Yet still i can’t still understand what is the objective of this level. On my opinion I can’t give you more than 4

Review by Napoleon

10 Aug 2006, 07:38 (edited 10 Aug 06, 08:45 by Violet CLM)
For: Radiation galore
Level rating: 6.7

i didnt like much this level
(Unsupported rating (4) removal. ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by Red Ninja

10 Aug 2006, 04:13
For: SaLLoG V1.1
Level rating: 9.8

This is like, 10 times better than ChatLogJJ2 or whatever it was called. And that didn’t even work on my computer. This has WORKING chat saving with a timestamp option. Logs roasts, captures, joining and leaving… Has a text box to send chat to jj2. Can generate stats for level and individual players, minimize to system tray… Let’s break each thing down here.

:: Basic Form and User Interface is simple and Friendly. -> 1.0

:: Saving and Loading Options with Timestamp. -> 1.5

:: Minimize to system tray and run in the background. -> 1.0

:: Optional and Automatic “Auto-Ignore”, “Filter Word Array” and the option to choose what to log (Roasts, CTF Points, Joining and Leaving, etc) -> 3.0

:: Option to Generate Statistics for a current log or a saved one, and view the stats of each individual player since SalLog was run. -> 3.2

Total Rating: 9.7
Recommendation: HIGHLY YES
Final Comments: SalLog is THE essential server/client side logging program for Jazz Jackrabbit 2. Period.


RecommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

9 Aug 2006, 21:59
For: Radiation galore
Level rating: 6.7

Not a bad level. I liked the concept. The only real problem was the length of the level.

Eyecandy 4/5: The regular background could have been better (plain white gets boring). Everything else was great.

Gameplay 4/5: Good. Some of the paths were difficult to find, but it was a nicely done level. I think it would be helpful if you used pulze lights to indicate areas with radiation, however. That would make the level a little less frustrating.

Enemies 4/5: Nothing super. It kept me entertained, so you must have placed them well.

Item placement 2/5: There wasn’t much to speak of. I think the ammo at the beginning was about it :/

Bonus: I liked the concept. Keep making levels like this, and make them longer.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

9 Aug 2006, 08:08 (edited 23 Sep 06, 10:35)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

You want more reviews? Well here’s another.

This level is perhaps one of the BEST EVER I have played on JJ2.

EYECANDY: WOW! The eyecandy is MAGNIFICENT! I love the way the Story is presented in the intro. Very cool. LOTS of the tiles are used. No repetitive backgrounds or foregrounds. The Spaceship levels make it look as if you are really in Space. 10/10

GAMEPLAY: LOTS to do. The levels are VERY LONG AND HUGE. There are 15 levels in total in this pack (2 save points, 1 intro). There are TWO endings to get in the pack, a superb idea. The password system in one of the levels is a fantastic idea. 10/10

DIFFICULTY: This pack is hard, even on easy. On Hard, the puzzles are made much harder. 10/10

MUSIC: I really love the music used in this pack. All the music goes well with every level. 10/10

ENEMIES: Not too many or too less. Enemies are not found in annoying places like on the end of platforms. They are very well placed. The way the Bilsy bosses are used is SUPER. 10/10

OBSTACLES: There are LOTS of obstacles on each level. Hidden Destruct Scenery, secret passages, lots of Trigger Crates and lots of Trigger Zones to find. 10/10

EVENTS: The eventing used in this pack is REMARKABLE! I love the way the Escape Pod moves with Jazz in it. The way the TNT events are used in the Spaceship are also fantastic. 10/10

TOTAL: 70/70 (10.0)

This pack is compatible with 1.23, so you don’t need TSF to play this. +0.5
The whole pack is only just under 200KB. It’s amazing that you can fit that many levels in just that size. +0.5

FINAL MARK = 11/10
But it will have to be 10 since scores like that are impossible. I would have done 11 if it was possible.


Darn right, I reccomend this! So, what are you waiting for? Download this NOW!

GRADE: S (Better than A!)

BTW, this is my second 10 rating now!

@Donda97 & Lori98: READ the level description. There’s a link you can click on to download the music and tilesets. Otherwise if EvilMike did include the tilesets and music, the level pack would be OVER 5MB and the limit on J2O is 2MB.

Review by Donda97

8 Aug 2006, 20:20 (edited 24 Aug 06, 13:30)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Why didn’t you upload the tileset! when i’ll write the real review I’ll reduce (No need reducing mark “0.5”~Donda97, my reviews edit revises) mark.


When I run the level (Rebirth of evil)



Cannot find level or tileset for “######’

Please make sure that Jazz Jackrabbit is installed properly or if a problem presits re install jazz jackrabbit.

Back, please tell me the problem!

Donda97 and Lori98 Team.

for Spaz18 Okay then, why he didn’t seperate to several pieces 2 MB for as much allowed of mb to each levels with tilesets and music?and the music gave over 4 mb with tilesets to make that take lots of time to download?, Donda97

Review by SPAZ18

8 Aug 2006, 14:54 (edited 22 Sep 10, 18:45)
For: Napoleon Hotel
Level rating: 6.1

OK, I’ve never reviewed Hotels before so here goes.


EYECANDY: I love the Tileset. The level is set out just like a Hotel. The Rooms look great. Only Layers 4, 5 and 8 were used but they were used very well. Eyecandy has improved now, the mountain background makes it look like that you are climbing a mountain during the Mountain Climbing part. 9.5/10

BUGS: There was a bug in the Pool, the water kept disappearing and re-appearing and Jazz/Spaz/Lori wouldn’t swim in it. The bug in the rooms is now fixed. Unfortunately, I dunno how to fix the Pool bug. I will look at the level to see what’s wrong. 9/10

FUN FACTOR: There was lots to do in this hotel. Quiz, Tests, Sports, Battle and Mountain Climbing. I loved them all. The Tests were very hard. I thought the Quiz was a great idea. I never thought of doing that. 9/10

PICKUPS: There are lots of Gems and Coins and a Fast Feet pickup in the Mountain Climb. I don’t know what the coins were for but I’m guessing they were for the Shop. When I went to buy an item the number of coins didn’t decrease. But the coins were very well placed. 9/10

TOTAL: 36.5/40 (9.125)
Since I can’t do 9.1 or any scores to 2/3 decimal places, I will put the nearest to that which is a 9.2

DR: Yes.
Host: Yes, in Battle.

EDIT: I have looked at the level and still dunno what’s causing Jazz/Spaz/Lori to not swim. You have typed in the correct numbers in the Height but I just can’t work out why the character cannot swim.

EDIT 2: I gave this 9.2?!

Review by best72

8 Aug 2006, 03:22
For: Diamantine Rain
Level rating: 8.7

it sounds all good to me…and i like the funny ending

RecommendedReview by Red Ninja

7 Aug 2006, 21:46
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6


The discovery of this is amazing, and has many useful functions if we can find more things like this.
Discovery: 5.0 – Definately

Simple and User-Friendly interface, checkbox to enable/disable.
UserInterface: 3.5

Takes up virtually no memory and even jazz-illiterate people could use it.

What this program does is disable certain sounds in the JJ2 music, making for a familiar tune that has been mixed. It’s like an instant remix of the JJ2 level’s music that you are on.

I love this.
Overall: 8.5
Download Recommendation: YES


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