Review by Donda97

8 Aug 2006, 20:20 (edited 24 Aug 06, 13:30)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Why didn’t you upload the tileset! when i’ll write the real review I’ll reduce (No need reducing mark “0.5”~Donda97, my reviews edit revises) mark.


When I run the level (Rebirth of evil)



Cannot find level or tileset for “######’

Please make sure that Jazz Jackrabbit is installed properly or if a problem presits re install jazz jackrabbit.

Back, please tell me the problem!

Donda97 and Lori98 Team.

for Spaz18 Okay then, why he didn’t seperate to several pieces 2 MB for as much allowed of mb to each levels with tilesets and music?and the music gave over 4 mb with tilesets to make that take lots of time to download?, Donda97

Review by SPAZ18

8 Aug 2006, 14:54 (edited 22 Sep 10, 18:45)
For: Napoleon Hotel
Level rating: 6.1

OK, I’ve never reviewed Hotels before so here goes.


EYECANDY: I love the Tileset. The level is set out just like a Hotel. The Rooms look great. Only Layers 4, 5 and 8 were used but they were used very well. Eyecandy has improved now, the mountain background makes it look like that you are climbing a mountain during the Mountain Climbing part. 9.5/10

BUGS: There was a bug in the Pool, the water kept disappearing and re-appearing and Jazz/Spaz/Lori wouldn’t swim in it. The bug in the rooms is now fixed. Unfortunately, I dunno how to fix the Pool bug. I will look at the level to see what’s wrong. 9/10

FUN FACTOR: There was lots to do in this hotel. Quiz, Tests, Sports, Battle and Mountain Climbing. I loved them all. The Tests were very hard. I thought the Quiz was a great idea. I never thought of doing that. 9/10

PICKUPS: There are lots of Gems and Coins and a Fast Feet pickup in the Mountain Climb. I don’t know what the coins were for but I’m guessing they were for the Shop. When I went to buy an item the number of coins didn’t decrease. But the coins were very well placed. 9/10

TOTAL: 36.5/40 (9.125)
Since I can’t do 9.1 or any scores to 2/3 decimal places, I will put the nearest to that which is a 9.2

DR: Yes.
Host: Yes, in Battle.

EDIT: I have looked at the level and still dunno what’s causing Jazz/Spaz/Lori to not swim. You have typed in the correct numbers in the Height but I just can’t work out why the character cannot swim.

EDIT 2: I gave this 9.2?!

Review by best72

8 Aug 2006, 03:22
For: Diamantine Rain
Level rating: 8.7

it sounds all good to me…and i like the funny ending

RecommendedReview by Red Ninja

7 Aug 2006, 21:46
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6


The discovery of this is amazing, and has many useful functions if we can find more things like this.
Discovery: 5.0 – Definately

Simple and User-Friendly interface, checkbox to enable/disable.
UserInterface: 3.5

Takes up virtually no memory and even jazz-illiterate people could use it.

What this program does is disable certain sounds in the JJ2 music, making for a familiar tune that has been mixed. It’s like an instant remix of the JJ2 level’s music that you are on.

I love this.
Overall: 8.5
Download Recommendation: YES


RecommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

7 Aug 2006, 00:10
For: Menace to Wonders
Level rating: 7.2

Nah, I really disagree. You put a good bit of effort into the pack, but there were several things that annoyed me.

Eyecandy 3/5
It could have been better, but you seemed in a rush to get these levels out. Please spend more time adding scenery. Also, you need to work on your English. I couldn’t understand the puzzle on the ice level.

Gameplay 3/5
The enemies wern’t really placed anywhere strategically. They were easy to kill and didn’t present much of a challenge. Another thing I had a problem with was all the pits that you couldn’t get out of. You need to warn the player of these or create them so you can see the fire/spikes/whatever just at the edge of your screen when you hold the down key. Nevertheless, it was a decent pack, and not a complete irritant.

Ammo placement 1/5
You need to spread the ammo out more so it’s not in such big clumps (along with all other powerups). The blaster powerup made the rest of the levels too easy. I never even had to use the ammo for a puzzle.

Food placement 3/5
It was okay, but it would be nice if you actually did something with the food aside from putting it into strings of clumps

Enemy placement 2/5
Nothing great. They were all fairly easy to kill and never annoyed me. A big yawn-rating there~


You need to include the music for your pack in the zip file. I had to search modarchive and j20 for a while to find all the songs I didn’t already have. Assume that someone has just installed jj2 and doesn’t have any extra files.

Work on your english.

and uh..

spend more time on your levels. Make them challenging, but not frustrating. I don’t know why this is becoming such a trend with new levelmakers, but it has to stop.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

6 Aug 2006, 10:31 (edited 6 Aug 06, 20:17 by Cooba)
For: Domination 2006
Level rating: N/A

The mod may be considered CTFDOM. [More like Bank Robbery as people are telling you… ~Cooba]

By the way you have permition to add weapons or pickups to the level. Please do not change anything else unless you’ll improve it. Thanks

RecommendedReview by Donda97

6 Aug 2006, 08:53 (edited 23 Sep 06, 17:26)
For: Jaws Hotel
Level rating: 5.1

Wow! I liked the hotel and the rooms well I can say ur tricks:

Lamp switch: trigger zone
Elevator: using a certain animation
Golf Turtle Shell: A TNT in the hole
Eva Talking: Text.

Let’s talk now:

1:Rooms: Almost all rooms were Eva and RedJazzes filled just room 3,4,5,13 were empty and an uneeded two places:
A kitcken and a bathroom. EDit: + bonus for the kitchen and bathroom. 5

2:Diner Room: There are just 5 plates seperated on three tables and they came back outta generation after lots of time.1

3: Pool wasn’t fun: what did you did in pool? (message removed/breackes the rules)…2

4:Golf is tooooooo fun!:THe Golf Is the most good work in the hotel!Even when I open the level I jump out to the golf to play why? the golf was a bit tricky. 5

5:Pinaball? why spending time: we must a three regenerated second coin to get and play pinball, which was not good though they are just under and you must place a bank and you can’t get more higher than spring 2, which was very unjoyfull.

6::Frezzer Tag?Why?: Edit:oh sorry I made another thing in funhotel2 called just freezer with your same tileset I liked it though because of it’s ammo placing 5.0

7:Battle arena: The same old story: this is cooperative! edit:oh sorry I didn’t know thath hotel levels had those 5.0

8:Airboard arena: edit: Oh sorry that was the guide to battle arena and it’s your first hotel to make more fun you did that. 5.0

9:Rollar copster: I don’t like rollar costers because are no fun and boring I prefer things for use fun like a casino.

Rating of user:4
Lori98’s rating:(rating removal~donda97)
Final raing:4


Sorry. this level was good and bad some.

review colored by donda97.

[Review bleached by Cooba, rating recleared… please stop doing this.]

Is this enough or there is way more.

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

5 Aug 2006, 18:18
For: Chrysilis jungle mix
Level rating: 5

I was going to listen more to this and hopefully do a review later, but I leave for a two week next morning and there really isn’t much to listen to.

This song has a nice drum and bass beat to it…

…but it really isn’t that much of a jungle mix. Sample 8 screws the song up and sounds like someone is constantly ripping your insides out. Also, because there are only four channels the song felt rather empty (some of that caused by the bass sound). I also didn’t hear much chrysilis in there. Just the piano part for 8 short patterns….which is over half of the song.


Nice drum and bass beat


Sample 8 screws up song
Song feels empty
Not much chrysilis
Short (lasts for around 40 seconds)

RANK: 2 Terrible

RecommendedReview by Superjazz

5 Aug 2006, 10:57
For: Chlorophyll World
Level rating: 7.9

Time for another contest level-review. While looking again to the level carefully although I have had several games there before, the level wouldn’t look that sweet anymore.

Just about the decoration in the background, Sky, “hill-trees”, “tall trees”, they don’t really fill the background enough and it gives a little bland atmosphere. However the fade-color for sky is nice and leaves in front fit. Lightning was used for the cave-region which is alright. I would have wished a little more of waterfalls to the foreground for instance. The ceiling shouldn’t be as linear everywhere either. Also spotted few bugs like at the bottom I could see a very thin line, barely noticable, under the layer 7 decoration. Another thing was at 26,37 which has waterfall-tiles placed both on layer 4 and 5 as double.

Like me, Enigma wasn’t fond of creating a fully symmethrical level for now. It is indeed fine that there are some differences with the sides. However annoying is that the level remains quite linear and that the springs kinda assist you everywhere instead that you would have to do a little jump-work while climbing up to the upper levels. Also I would find the large space between ground and ceiling quite useless unless I was Jazz. Then again being Spaz makes you able to double-jump from tree-tops and such to higher level without springs. Overall the layout makes you very vulnerable to rf-missiles for example and generally it’s just difficult to run away with low health from an opponent here. That’s why this could rather support team-games where there could be always somebody to save the flag if the carrier feels himself chased. It seems to be also possible to cover self with the barrels at bottom, from bouncer attacks especially. The blue base might be possibly a bit easier to camp as well as the hole to the top-level isn’t as close to the base as in red side, not as open either. I earlier had a thought of somewhat this kind of basement for one of my levels. Seems it doesn’t have anything really wrong though I wouldn’t have put the bases technically as close to each other. So the level does give some tactical impressions anyway. The level should actually have only one start-position per team, but looked like there was a “Jazz” start-position forgotten to the top-left weirdly.

While moving through the level, it quite soon becomes clear that most stuff is pretty much placed in a balance on both sides, like carrots. About the j2mc-version, the fast-respawning basic carrots are a freshening choice although a few levels probably had that already. The ammo is placed either separated along a certain path, or in small flocks, that unluckily are, “squares.” The two barrels to the bottom were a nice idea as earlierly mentioned. Anyway all this is done reasonable well, nevertheless anything of it is really SWEET.

Something like 7.5 was my original plan about the level but guess it’s a 7.7 as it took the third place in the actual contest of total 12 entries. The music was originally used in Jazz Unleashed Demo, but is good and suits so that’s something positive too. Overall I feel that I criticized the whole level pretty much but ended up in such an uh…high rating. I just prefer the two older ctf-levels by Enigma over this; The Marshes of Twilight, and Celestial Wargrounds. Download recommendation on all three of these however.

Review by Donda97

4 Aug 2006, 20:20 (edited 4 Aug 06, 20:36 by Cooba)
For: Pre-OEM Purple Castle
Level rating: 7.5

Oh well, then I can’t let it work coz I got just the Secret files! and Jazz 2 normal doesn’t open on my PC so Is there one in the secret files ?

[…eh? 1.23 tilesets work fine in TSF and so does this conversion. ~Cooba]

Review by Donda97

4 Aug 2006, 19:54 (edited 5 Sep 06, 08:54)
For: Energy Grid
Level rating: 6.3

That was close! Its tooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo tough!
Jump up rotating floors not that good… or bad either.

(Normal Ratings and Comments)


Remember the 9 roooms. they were fully filled with ammos(2) and springs(-0.5) just nothin’ after and no any powerups either except for that stupid shooting that go through walls that you must use the ammo to get ‘em.(-1)


Eye Candy:

Okay, by Cooba I’ll tell. Only layers 3,4,8 were used +1 and the Places were not gone and they were some also no nedd exept for springs that remind me of frustfration(I mean my fav. pkmn)

Warps: I won’t write about exept in the improving comments.N/A

Triggers and animations:

Used Just for Frustfration;

Animated Blocks In bouncer room was terrible! Plus that your GEM-Trigger crate was no idea. coz, Gems aren’t suitable for battles. Rating:1

JCS: Environment: Just annnoing with those FRUSTSPRING[frust*spring frustfrating spring].EDIT:THey were no need and no Copters as usual as any battle level.

rating: 0.4

(Part One, Finished)

(Improving comments)

1-Please Don’t put spring annoying this way!

2-Use Warps for the powerups

3-No frustrating animations

4-Fun isn’t easy… it’s not hard either its a join between two.some hard and some easy. profeesionaly meduim, not either medium.

5-I am not cruel! THat is final rating and i wrote the comments!EDIT: I’m creul when some one edit my reviews


6- The editing of removal clearence lowers the level from better to false

(Part 2, Finished)

(Final Rating)

Final:1. Happy?

(Part Three, Finished)

Lastly——-The boring edits for rating removals that makes troubles:

[…rating (2) clearance. This rating lacked any kind of support. All the review says is that the level is frustrating and the eyecandy is tricky, which clearly isn’t enough. Also, when reviewing, use only the rating YOU think you would give. ~Cooba]*Donda97*: Could this be deleted?

[No. You still need to write more in your reviews. ~Cooba]

I don’t think that this is not much……….

Review by HorvatM

4 Aug 2006, 16:03
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6

That’s a cool application. But I don’t like it some way. It ‘turns off’ all instruments except drums.
Medivo music sounds creepy.
Beach music sounds like the normal one.
The… umm.. (beep) music sounds weird.
Credits song (or Pull Back The Bass) sounds like normal.

Anyway, good job. :D

RecommendedReview by Odin314

3 Aug 2006, 23:47
For: Diamantine Rain
Level rating: 8.7

FIRST GLANCE: Another remix by accomplished remixer and legendary member Lark. Wonderfully done.

DETAILS: The opening gives us leaves rustling in the wind and birds chirping. Soon, a guiter strums in a basic tune. The xylophone kicks in, sounding off the melody of Diamondus. This sounds like it belongs in Sims 2, either that or a band playing in Central Park. The song has a happy feeling to it, and you could get carried away from what you are doing to listening to this. Truly wonderful. Before you know it, the song ends, and… well, you’ll have to hear it. ;)

I give this an 8.5 out of 10, and a high Download Recommendation. You NEED this song in your WinAmp or XMPlay playlist.

Review by MSB3000

3 Aug 2006, 22:27
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6


RecommendedReview by jam

3 Aug 2006, 20:51 (edited 3 Aug 06, 21:45)
For: JazzDJ
Level rating: 8.6

This is a very interesting program which I think is the beginning of some fantastic developments which could be created in the future.

The effects vary a lot- if you were to run this program on one level and then skip to the next level, the next level’s music will all be done using the first instrument in it.

If you only enable it after the music has played for a while, it will use a variety of instruments making the music sound.. well.. DJ’d.

A brilliant discovery. The Jazz Jackrabbit 2 music will never be the same again ;)

It is also very simple to use (of course).

I give it no less than it deserves- 8.7 and definately a download recommendation. This tool is great fun!

RecommendedReview by fearofdark

3 Aug 2006, 17:31 (edited 3 Aug 06, 17:40)
For: Diamantine Rain
Level rating: 8.7

NOTE: It takes a while to learn how to use ModPlug. 3 years later, I now make funk tunes.

Anyways, to the review:

Its basically the JJ1 version of Diamondus slapped together with the JJ2 version, mixed together and rearranged. It sounds much more nature-like with the sound effects and guitars and the rest of the samples sort of flow along with the feeling. I like how the song constantly changes key and changes the tune from JJ1 to JJ2 again and again.

However, the tune is just borrowed from the origional Diamondus songs. The song would sound better and interesting if the tune was changed so that it still sounded like Diamondus, but the tune would be a tiny bit different (Like Dr Eggman did with his Elettrotubo song). The same goes for the bass aswell.


More Nature-like version of Diamondus
Samples flow along with each other
Changes key


Tune and bass same as Diamondus
The guitar samples and the bass sometimes clash (something I didn’t mention)

RANK: 7 Good

Review by SPAZ18

3 Aug 2006, 13:33
For: JungleRabbit
Level rating: 6

WOW! This is a BIG improvement on Bjarni’s previous levels.


I haven’t played the multiplayer levels yet so I’ll review the SP levels now.

EYECANDY: You used all the Layers which makes the eyecandy look great. The backgrounds are nice, I like the Jungle background. 7/10

GAMEPLAY: It got a bit repetitive as you were mostly destroying blocks and enemies. Also, you were going up & down quite a lot. 6/10

OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: There was a bit too many enemies used in the SP levels. I had to use Spaz’s kick move to kill them all. Killing them with weapons was a bit hard especially when there was about 100 of them. There was obstacles in the level as well. There was a Trigger Crate in one of the levels which you had to blow up with TNT. There was lots of Destruct Scenery also. 7/10

PICKUPS: There was loads of Seeker ammo. Not that much is really needed. It was needed to beat the witch. There was a Shield in the Water level but I couldn’t work out how to get it. It was sitting on a Electro Blaster icon block. So maybe there’s some EB ammo somewhere. 6/10

MUSIC: The music did get a bit repetitive as only the JJ2 Jungle music was all you could hear. Try to use different music for other levels as well. 6.5/10

TOTAL: 32.5/50 (6.5)

Yes requires at least 7.0

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

3 Aug 2006, 11:28 (edited 3 Aug 06, 13:05)
For: Remember with me! (please not delete this admin)
Level rating: 2.9

This was a bit better than SSB but not much.



Not enough eyecandy was in the level. Hardly anything could be seen in the background. Too short, I had no idea where I was going. Too much Seeker ammo, this wasn’t needed.



Still not enough eyecandy. Hardly anything in the background. One of the Text events was too long. Too many enemies in Hard. I had problems finding the exit. Try putting an exit sign in the level so we know where to go.



Already reviewed this so I’ll keep this short. Eyecandy not good. Blue background and clouds can be seen. You could have removed the Bonus level so that the game would not have crashed. Too many enemies. Useless pipe at beginning. Would be better with Sucker Tube events. Devan on top of castle was pretty cool.



Too short. No obstacles. There was a Devan Boss AND the Robot Boss which was not needed. You only need ONE Boss not 2 at once. Nice background. Layers used correctly.



Too short. Too many enemies, Bats & Ravens. Useless Freezer Power-Up can be found at the end of the level. I quite like the title.



I like the Pokemon. Level was quite short. There was a bug with the Devan Boss, he ran off the screen. Level could not be finished so I had to JJNXT to move on. I did like the way you used the Pokedex to say about the Pokemon and the different enemies.


TOTAL: 21/60 (3.5)

DR: No

Not recommendedReview by SPAZ18

3 Aug 2006, 10:49 (edited 3 Aug 06, 11:02)
For: super spaz bros
Level rating: 2.2

So NOT good.


EYECANDY: What eyecandy? All I could see was a blue background and clouds in Level 1 and a black background in Level 2. I couldn’t see the point of that useless pipe at the beginning. It would have been better if you maybe put some Sucker Tube events there. 1/10

GAMEPLAY: I had this whole pack finished in 30 seconds. All the levels were too short. There was a bonus level in Level 1 which can be accessed by collecting the very poor placed 125 coins. This bonus level contained 28 useless 1UPs, some pointless powerups and some useless ammo like Seekers, Flamethrowers and TNT and a Shield with about 100 extra time clocks but the shield didn’t work back in Level 1. 1/10

PICKUPS: OMG!!! There was way too many. I already mentioned the pickups in Level 1. In level 2 there was another 242 1UPs and nothing else to pick up. 1/10

OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: What obstacles? There wasn’t any. There was too many Floating Lizards at the start of level 1 which you could just fly over on the Airboard. Too many in Level 2. There were 2 Bosses, Devan’s Robot and Schwartzenguard. These were too easy. The 3D Spike Ball was moving way too slow to cause damage. 1/10

MUSIC: The choice of music here was not good. Carrottus does not fit in a Mario level. Medivo didn’t fit very well in the 2nd level either although it was dark. 1/10

TOTAL: 5/50 (1)

DR: No

When you make levels you need to spend lots of time on them. My level pack took over 1 month to make and I had to keep testing to make sure that all the levels work.

Review by SPAZ18

3 Aug 2006, 09:59 (edited 13 Aug 06, 13:27)
For: Diamantine Rain
Level rating: 8.7

OK, I tested this in Winamp and JJ2. It works in both of these! So this music could be used in a JJ2 level. I do like this music but I dunno how to rate music so I’ll just leave it as N/A.

[While the tune works in WinAmp and JJ2, it gets distorted while being played in those. To fully experience the song’s quality, do listen to it with Modplug Tracker like the author recommends. ~Cooba]

Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use Modplug Tracker. Tried it once, just couldn’t understand it. I also tried Modplug Player but I just didn’t know how to use it.

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