LOL. I had no idea how to use JCS when I first got JJ2. I made a level once in about 1998 but the background was so bad coz I had nothing in Layer 8. Now I have got better at JCS as I submitted my first ever level pack to J2O.
Anyway, this level was quite bad but this was your first level ever and I don’t think we all knew how to use JCS in 1997, 98 or 99.
[Seeing as JJ2 was released in 1998, I indeed doubt anyone in the community knew how to use JCS in 1997. ~Cooba]
LOL. I couldn’t remember when JJ2 was released. But I still don’t think we all knew how to use JCS when JJ2 was released.
Upon jam’s request I have redownloaded it, this time with the proper readme ;).
HotelManager 2 does exactly what it says on the tin- it manages hotels. It allows you to add accounts for each player, add and substract coins, add items when they buy them and keep track of where they live. Creating a list of items is extremely easy and detailed in the readme file, which makes everything convinient. There is also a warper program included, allowing the server to warp to another player immediately in-game by typing “warp #”.
However, there are a few things I didn’t like that prevent me from giving the program a 10. Adding items could have been done even easier by adding an option that lets you type the item name and cost in the program itself; it wouldn’t have been that hard to program. Also, when you’ve renamed your Jazz2.exe, for example to combo 1.23 and TSF, some features crash the game (either that or it just doesn’t work with TSF.) And lastly, clients can get a negative amount of coins according to the program, which doesn’t make much sense.
But all in all, the program does what it says apart from a few inconviniences that can be fairly easily rectified by the user. Therefore, I rate this program a 9.2, and it definitely gets a download recommendation, as it makes running hotel levels a lot easier.
I really enjoyed this.
EYECANDY: Really nice backgrounds, some fantastic Tilesets used very well. All the levels look great. 10/10
GAMEPLAY: The levels were quite long. The puzzles made them quite a bit harder. 7 fantastic levels. I’ll go into more detail about the puzzles later. You can also replay the whole pack again to try and find the 21 TNT to access the Bonus Level. 9.5/10
OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: Lots of obstacles. I especially like the Collapsing scenery in Level 4. Enemies were very well placed. Not too many or too less. I loved the way you used the crates to make it appear as if there were enemies coming out of the crates. 10/10
PUZZLES: I think all the puzzles were great. I liked them all. My fav puzzle in this pack was the Maze. I love Mazes. I really thought the first puzzle in Level 5 was great, getting the first set of blocks to match the other set. Very well done. 10/10
MUSIC: I didn’t hear any music in Level 5 & 7 but I did like the music in the other levels. 9/10
TOTAL: 48.5/50 (9.7)
Some may not agree with this rating but I like this pack.
I hope this review is good enough.
[While I appreciate that you put effort into this review, it certainly lacks support for the given rating. Feel free to rerate, but keep in mind that you need to clarify why is the eyecandy nice or why was the gameplay good. ~Cooba]
A small, symmetrical but nice level by Quickz.
Gameplay: This is nice. A Good flow and no deads ends. The level is very open and allows a lot of room for movement and if you fall down somewhere, you can just continue running to where you have to go because all the paths go to the same place. The springs are placed well and prevents dead-ends. The only thing that irks me are the walls to the right of the blue base, and same for the red base, that lead to that wooden bridge. It kinda disrupts the flow. Maybe you could have used diagonal tiles instead, or floatups.
Ammo placement: Good! They’re all placed in shapes and in big amounts, which is enough for 3vs3’s. You have to jump to get them though, theres nothing you can just run by to pick them up (except for the springs, where you just fall down/go up :P) Good PU choices, and no Seek PU :D The warps to the RF PU’s are very close to the other 2 PU’s though, so you could first get the other one, run back a little and get the RF PU.
Eyecandy: Not the strongest part of the level, but the gameplay makes up for it. For some reason I do like it, because the level is easy to navigate because of the eyecandy. It’s very easy on the eyes, but some parts are just empty and the layer 5 usage is basic. The trees and stuff atleast fill the level up.
Buggys: Couldn’t find anything like tilebugs, but it’s kinda Spaz biased. Jazz CAN reach everything, but it’s easier for Spaz.
Download Recommendation: Yes!
It’s nice to play in and the gameplay, flow and ammo placement make up for the eyecandy.
Cool. Ignore the stupid anti-virus error. It works. Unfortunately, I have no idea how to use this program. I’m trying it right now.
I’m thinking it’s for Multiplayer or something like that. Is that right?
I dunno what happened to warper.exe. When I extracted it from WinZip my anti-virus software put it in quarantine. Stupid thing.
RATING: N/A for now.
Hey well I haven’t completed it yet but I like the cencept of it, very fun.
Although there is a simple bug in that special area in Toads House, once you exit it you get teleported back to the warp that you used to come into it, which warps you back into Toads house.
So I like it, people may think I might be going soft but it’s my first review.
I give it a 7
[Rating (7) clearance. You need to specify why do you like (or dislike) a level when rating it. ~Cooba]
I don’t really know how hotelmanagers work, (i only know the deposit thingy) but everything i would need about it is in it, so i couldn’t go lower than 10, as in perfect.
Download recommendation only when hosting hotels alot
[Rating (10) clearance. If you don’t know how does something work, don’t rate it. And saying that everything you need is there doesn’t cut it, you need more support for a rating, yet alone a 10. ~Cooba]
What the…? My 1.23 version seems to have disappeared.
Thanks Cooba, I will remember that next time.
I have started on World 2 now. Tileset I am using is MEZ01.
Eh? 1.23 does have usable trigger zones.
246=Trigger Zone |+|Trigger |Trigger|Zone|TriggerID:5|onoff:1|switch:1
Just add that into the JCS.ini in place of the default event 246 and it works fine..
This is very bad.
EYECANDY: Very poor. I think you used Layers 4 & 8. You must also use Layer 5, 6 or 7 if you want a good background. There was hardly any background in Muckamok. There was little Eyecandy in the Jungle level. The Exit sign in the Muckamok level was facing the WRONG way. 1/10
GAMEPLAY: There was hardly any. I finished the whole level pack in 20 seconds. You could also fall off very easily. 0/10
OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: No obstacles, not even any Buttstomp or Destruct scenery were in any of these levels. Very few enemies can be found in both levels. 1/10
PICKUPS: There was some useless Bouncer and Seeker ammo in Level 1. There was also only about 10-20 gems. There was a pointless Electro Blaster Power-Up at the beginning of Level 2 (Muckamok). Hardly any pick ups could be found in either of these 2 levels. All of the other weapons were not even needed. 1/10
TOTAL = 3/40 (0.75)
No bonusses.
Very poor choice of music in the Jungle level. -0.25
OVERALL MARK: 0.75 – 0.25 = 0.5
But it will have to be a 1 since scores below that are impossible on J2O.
If you do make Part 2, make sure it is longer and much bigger. Also, make sure there is more than 2 levels.
I really enjoyed this level.
Eyecandy 5/5 : Except for the pole thing mentioned about, it was excellent. You made good use of layers as well. I liked the “rain” that you created.
Item placement N/A: You need to add “useless” items and powerups like food to your levels. It will make them look better, and it will also keep the player entertained.
Monster placement 3/5: Some of the monsters WERE unusual to the level (the monkey, for example). Also, you placed a warp right where a bat spawned. I died twice to that >.> I honestly don’t like enemies that regenerate. It would be fine if you simply made one out of 6-8 enemies respawn rather than forcing the player to kill the whole mob over again.
Other than the item/monster placement, the level was great.
Well, here is a little review about your level. :-)
I played as Spaz at Normal difficulty, and I quit after getting stuck at the part with the construction bars with all the dragons on it, and the blocked access to the next building right of there…
Eye Candy: 87%
I think the eye candy is nice. The only real flaw in Eye Candy I saw were the poles at the side of Nick’s Cafe’s doors. They were floating. O_o
Gameplay: 80%
I liked the gameplay too. The system where weapons served as ‘keys’ was pretty fun, but it forced me to use the blaster. But, the terrain was very nice.
Usage of enemies: 80%
The enemies were well placed, but some of the enemies didn’t suit in a city tileset at all, like the monkey and the dragons. Not too many nor too little enemies in the level.
Usage of items and weapons: 80%
The items and weapons are, like the enemies, not too many nor too little. Using weapons was wasting time, since I needed it to access certain areas.
Total rating = (87 + 80 + 80 + 80) / 4 = 81.75%
Nice first level post. :-)
Perfect program! =D
[Rating (9.7) clearance. You need to give an actual support for the rating when you’re reviewing. ~Cooba]
Nice program. It is useful.
[Rating (8) clearance. You need to give an actual support for the rating when you’re reviewing. ~Cooba]
An orange version of the Castle tileset also existed. Could you make it too?
Unfortunately, I’ve got no pictures.
[I had the light yellow version in plans, but I got lazy and it would wind up being a lot of work. The screenshot didn’t have a palette and it was saved as an MSPaint .jpg, and the level shown in it was just… really weird. ~Cooba]
It’s standart. Why did’t you used layer 5 that much? It’s almost empty. But the tree’s are placed on layer 4. So that’s very good. Also the background is’t original, just standart ;(. And layer 7 is just so normal for these days. Fix that (And mayby later 6 too) for extra points!
Awsome gameplay really. The level is really for a 3VS3. And it’s quite fun too! I really like the spring placement. Awsome flow and layout. There are warps! (waves). Also very handy when you are chased, and you really need to get some PU’s.
When i played the level, i felt like. It’s quite hard for Jazz, Spaz can move so easy throw this level. It’s very easyer for Spaz.
This is the strongest thing of the level. It’s VERY GOOD placed. Really nice how you must reach it sometimes, like in other levels you just can run. In this level you need to jump, and move that way, or that way.
The PU’s are very well placed, and you need them in combat.
Overall: Good level! And probably your best!
Uhh… no… you just have to let it load
Hi! I played and enjoyed the first 2 levels, I haven’t play the second 2 levels, but I think they will be nice. But those were frusfrating:
1-the blocks of: normal, *4, *3, *2 and empty
2-The trigger zones near the red zone
Okay, that was capture the flag.
The level was fun +5.But Improve those who reduced rating
1-The carrot beside the float up sticks a person in the wall up so the user isn’t able to complete and have to restart again(by donda97) -1
2-When I was going to the (blue)flag room the trigger zone that you made make me stop the level and play it again -0.5
rating:3.5 due to unimproved things
Eye Candy:The backround is very good and fine but the sprite layer and also layers 1 and 2 were tricky!+ 4.
Next time, improve sprite layer .reduces 0.5.
rating 3.5
Items are so tricky even those climbing blocks were extremly funny for just bouncers? +6
Triggers: the triggerzone some time close on the other players he/she can’t complete playing so just we gotta restart playing the level again.reduce 2.
Animations: the animating blocks which are animated (normal, *4, *3, *2 and empty) reduces 1 and adds 2.
Rating: 5
Warps: None. N/a rating.
Please Improve those:
1-Make sure that float ups don’t stick people to upper walls.
2-door lock trigger zones must be deleted and use some normal items such as springs
3-Don’t ever use disappearing climbing blocks instead put freeze enemies if you want tricks
N/A rating.
Final Rating 4.7
Donda97’s Rating 5
Download Recommended
Wait for the other levels ratings By Donda97
(Last edited by Lori 98 due to mistakes)
Huh? Who can play this level. Donda97 was about to get mad. Stop it!.
Gameplay:Just Falling and lastly there is a peice of ground and a closed place whick only the horizantal buttstomp rabbit can do. rating:0.5
Eye Candy:
Well confusing and limited places I cannot locate the exit rating.Donda also tried but there was no-go. rating 1.
1 trigger Buttstomp horizantal and no items
Warps: None Rating:N/A
final rating: 1
Donda97’s rating:0.5
Download Recommndation for both: No
Wow, the Gems sure looked different in the early JJ2. The numbers at the bottom of the screen (lives, ammo) were smaller too. The icon for the Blaster weapon was different also.
Anyway, great work in making an early JJ2 tileset now usable.
EDIT: I’ve just noticed that there wasn’t a score counter.
EDIT 2: Are there any other early JJ2 Tilesets that didn’t make it in the final version?
[Yes. There’s Diamondus Beta which I linked to in the download description, the differently drawn Inferno, and an entirely different background in the Damn levels. Feel free to message me for the screenshots. ~Cooba]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.