Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 02:27
For: A haxor 1337 level that ruxors
Level rating: 1

Most levels one cannot describe because of its innumerable amount of tiles, carefully put together along with well-placed baddies and goodies. So when you’re able to fully describe everything about a level, it’s not a good sign.

It’s a single platform with 2 regenerating ice powerups and even more +3 regenerating ice ammo, followed by yet another regenerating supply of ammo, in this case TNT. Pokemon stride accross the screen on another layer. Dicky Mo’s name appears in the center, written with even more pokemon. The background is, par assumtion, the default for the tileset. And that’s the so-called “level” for ‘ya.

Review by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 02:18
For: Harry Potter Music
Level rating: 1

It’s illegal to take copyrighted music and to put it on a filesharing server. Plus the quality blows. Basically grounds for removal.

Review by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 02:01
For: Orbitus edited
Level rating: 1

It’s the same thing!! I can’t believe that someone would loop the remaining 5 seconds three times and call it an “edit”… because that’s what this is.

It’s not a particularily funny song, but I laughed throughout, my hopes of a real remix shattered.

Note that you can’t hear any of the aformentioned “channel switching”.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 01:54
For: Deadly
Level rating: 1

Im-bloody-possible, this level is simply hogwash, balderdash— you name it! I am extremely tired of the fact that nobody in this community knows how to speak english. The game was made in several different languages, and unless you’re 5 years old and can’t speak a single language, chances are you speak another and just don’t know English very well… at all. In this case, submit your levels in YOUR LANGUAGE to ANOTHER SERVER. That is all.

The level can last either a few seconds or an eternity. I say “an eternity” because there is no way to get past the first room without cheating. Once you do, you will be presented with a series of platforms onto which awaits your death… you simply cannot get past this point. Then you are confronted by a couple hundred sparkies that won’t move, considering the fact that you’re either facing them, or going the wrong way. If you manage to make it to the final chamber in one piece, you encounter 3 (yes, three) Devans and 3 regenerating sparkies (interval of a second or less).

There’s a difference between “fun and challenging” and “hard for the sake of being hard”. This being the second, saying that it is the hardest level isn’t exactly a good thing.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 01:36
For: Duel lvl
Level rating: 1

For the second time, I actually contemplate using inverse scientific notation for a rating.


1) One platform, and it’s not even long. The only obstacle in your way is a couple of unidentifiable… things… that may or may not be pokemon.

2) No baddies, no challenge… this isn’t a level so much as it is an incentive to commit to tearing your skin off, sprinkling it with salt, and scraping it with a barbeque cleaner.

3) Most of the animations weren’t even supposed to be there. The Chansee one, for instance, has the said pokemon behind a counter that appears and dissapears at 10 FPS. Why, damn you, why?!

Hell hath no fury like a crappy level. Download this only if you’d like to follow the suggestion in problem #2.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 01:29
For: the money room is waiting + race to evil
Level rating: 1

Seriously, I don’t really know what this is supposed to be. It’s like a splatter of pixels on my monitor as far as the visuals go. Just repeating tiles over and over on the eighth layer… and then again on the seventh, I believe. But that hardly matters, it’s still crap.

You basically just choose which hole you have to drop down into… three times. Otherwise, you’re blown into a small chamber with stationary mace balls where you will, eventually, die.

So a few minutes and JJK’s later, I got to the end of the level, collected a flag, went to the other flag, and…

Died!! Haha, fun isn’t it?

Edit: No.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 01:08
For: The Sad Beach
Level rating: 1

If the lone ranger had access to this level during his radio programs, there would be enough here to feed his horses. I am sorry to say that it is a bad level, but certainly not the worst I’ve ever seen. You get the gist of what it is above, so I’ll just get down to business.


1) The background was completely off, it is very clear that the creator has little grasp over how to use the editor properly. Only two layers were used, three and four (I found no evidence of three however).

2) There are a lot of events and objects that are there just for the sake of being there. It’s a party of nonsensical sprites being slapped together for no reason. By this I mean that there are a series of enemies and powerups in a place that is completely blocked off.

3) Still buggy. The level beings with a text warning that using the JJK cheat will be necessary if you get stuck, meaning the creator was aware that you were going to do so, but didn’t do a thing about it.

This level is incomplete at best. I hope to the good Lord that this does not demonstrate the author’s full potential.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 00:51
For: Madness
Level rating: 1

No, no, no, no, and NO!! This has got to be a joke! I knew I was about to get myself into something not dissimilar to an acid trip in combination with ecstasy, but unfortunately with an added dose of epileptic seizures.


1) The paths have all been covered. In other words, you can’t get from one place to the next without physically moving to every inch of the level looking for a way out.

2) Not a single part of the actual tileset was used! All you see is a couple of enemies over the brain-melting animation of tiles that were meant for destructive scenery.

3) This level is a health hazard. I swear to you, it could trigger a seizure quicker than a Japanese strobe light in a robot band concert. Gahhhh!

That’s it. I’m done. Still wanna download it? Be my guest. Make sure you have a buyer first for your liquified remains.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 00:40
For: super_jazz v.01
Level rating: 1.8

I’ve seen levels that deserve a “one”, but even though this one is pretty bad, it’s not one of them. For one thing, the creators have some generally okay knowledge as to how to use the editor, I’ll give them that.


1) Much too short to have been uploaded, the bulk of the gameplay is trying to get on top in the beginning, and then the two bosses.

2) The sprites that are supposed to make this a “megamix” appear to have lost their raison d’etre, and have resorted to standing perfectly still, waiting very patiently for a rogue jackrabbit to blow them to kingdom come.

3) I, in general, let this sort of thing fly… but the English in this bad is awful. I mention this only because it makes the objectives unclear at almost any given point. It would have been a better idea for the creators to have written the text in their first langauge and posted it elsewhere.

Go and download it, there’s a tileset in for you. But the level’s really not worth your time.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

17 Jul 2006, 00:28
For: stupid
Level rating: 1

This is more than just some joke, this is an insult to every level that has been made. Every single one of the levels that should come through to this server should be at least worked on for less than a couple minutes. There are some levels here that took weeks, even months of planning and the creative process.

This isn’t a level at all. You start in a funnel on carratus, fall through to the bottom and encounter a rocket crate. Now, it’s not the worst thing in the world to have a small level. It’s not even the worst thing to have no baddies. But when a level is finished without MOVING, you know it deserves to be removed.

RecommendedReview by snzspeed

16 Jul 2006, 22:36
For: Serious Emergencies
Level rating: 7.5

heh im gonna review this since this pack definately deserves one.

lets start with forest burn, which is a decent ctf level using diamondus b lava. i personally like the EC here alot, cuz you havent overused it or anything, and the tileset was used nicely. also, pu’s were good and stuff, and i liked the ammo placement a bit.

life in space sucks was really weird level having some quite original eyecnady ideas + the famous food concept from sf, which might be kind of useless for ctf level (except for sugar rush) but its still a decent level with fairly good ammo placement. also there’s some eyecandy bugs here and there and whatever.

some treeish level uses cartoony grove shrine by lrk, and its kinda decent aswell with some nice ideas with eyecandy. its hard to make levels with this set now. there’s 4 cars which might be too much though, personally i would use 3. i also like foods here since they fill up level nicely so it doesnt look empty. probably my favorite level in this pack.

strange castle of danger has a cramped flow in some places, so it might be hard to navigate smoothly. the set isn’t also that good since it really lacks bg ec and other important stuff (my opinion though, disagree if you want) but the set use is okay enough. average level, nothing else to say about it.

harmful hazardous harbour is probably the best level of this pack, but its still really simple level, which consists of big platforms. i personally liked the pu’s here alot, and foods.
oh and the bg is also really nice.

anyway im too lazy to write more + im really tired right now. apologies for making an awful review, so go ahead and downrate it if you want, i couldn’t care less ;p

this is an okay pack, after lots of thinking ill give an 7.5, have fun.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

16 Jul 2006, 18:24
For: JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)
Level rating: 3.5

Rating JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)

To start:
This music is absolutely not worth it.

JJ1 Boss Remix:
It is well hear that this music was concerning JJ1-end boss. In spite of that: in the beginning it does not seem that it Jazz Jackrabbit related is, it nevertheless proved be the case.

However this music has a lot shortcomings. For example: he is not in Modplug Player, what very annoying is if you want use him in your own level. Moreover music does cause some pain to your ears.

The music is reasonable, but because it is not in ModPlug Player and it can cause hurting ears this is no DL.

Download recommendation:

Review by DanYjel

16 Jul 2006, 15:37
For: JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)
Level rating: 3.5

as you can see, odin understands this a lot. especially when evil hare said he made it in flstudio. but what can we do :o

Review by yousif

16 Jul 2006, 14:17 (edited 16 Jul 06, 20:23 by Violet CLM)
For: The Journey of Jazz
Level rating: 5.5

(Unsupported rating (10) removal, table fix. ~Violet)

Review by SPAZ18

16 Jul 2006, 13:48
For: The Journey of Jazz 2
Level rating: 1.5

Janus is right. Building a level in 10-20 minutes is impossible. I spent 2 DAYS working on ONE level. So you need to spend a lot more time when building levels. They have to be tested to make sure that EVERYTHING works. I had to test my level about 20 times until it all worked.

Review by Donda97

16 Jul 2006, 12:15 (edited 5 Sep 06, 08:52)
For: 50 second fight
Level rating: 7.3

Extremely Good the Rain of gems was good I kept freezing my sister and taking her gems extremely good

Download Recomended

Game Play. what is the rain is the rain! THe Freezing Ammo let me kept freezing my Sister Lori98 and boom taking her gems. rate 7.0

Eyecandy, Not bad or good either. just fine rating edit:you used layers 34,8 in a proper way for making a goodies raining raining machine in funhotel thyis is the most part goody likes 5.0

The ityems were worth I fighted for gems with them however the gems were regenerating (oh-oh)4.0

rating 7.5

[Actually he is. ~Cooba]
Opps!THanks for remiding

Review by Donda97

16 Jul 2006, 09:18
For: The base of DEATH
Level rating: N/A
I cannot go through the first trigger iI did searched around but there were no solutions.


I said I cannot go through. there is some thing wrong. no Trigger Zones or even a crate.Also the hurts were no need. Rate N/A


Not bad, but I didn’t explore the whole level. Rate:N/A


Not seen except a carrot. Rate:N/A

Final Rating:N/A

Title Rank:10/10

rank: N/A

Download: No

Review by SPAZ18

16 Jul 2006, 08:25
For: Super Mario 3
Level rating: 1.6

Sorry about the review before. Here’s a different one:


1. The level was a bit short and a bit too easy. Try to make the level more challenging and longer.

2. There were not enough enemies. Try to increase the number of enemies a bit but NOT too much. Too many enemies can frustrate people and cause “Amnesia” errors.

3. The coins weren’t really much use. There was 150 coins but these were not needed because there wasn’t a Bonus warp anywhere. If you do put in coins put in a Bonus warp somewhere at a cost of 150 coins.

4. The music didn’t really go to well with this level. You’ll need some Mario music if using a Mario level.

5. The tileset was used correctly so that’s good.

RATING = N/A for now. 1 was a bit harsh, what was I thinking when I wrote that earlier review?

Not recommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

16 Jul 2006, 06:42
For: The Journey of Jazz 2
Level rating: 1.5

I’m sorry, but this level was a waste of my time. I don’t care how hard or frustrating your level is. If it’s not fun, then I hit alt-f4 and save myself some grief.

Here is what was wrong with your level:

There were no trigger zones or crates to allow you out of the first area…okay, minor glitch. So I used jjnowall and looked around. Yet again I found an area where I was supposed to destroy a crystal…that did nothing. So then I went to the maze. The maze was horrendously long and repetitive. There was no eyecandy or items in it. I used jjnowall again to find the exit…there was none.

Yeah, a waste of my time.

In the future, you should:

1. Put more eyecandy in your levels to make them look better.

2. Make your levels fun instead of frustrating. No one likes frustrating levels.


3. Test your levels before submitting them. Fix the bugs and make sure YOU can beat the level without cheats. The level was so unplayable, I think I could have made one very much like it in about 15~20 minutes. You should spend at least a day making a level.

4. There is no 4! Haha! No download recommendation =/

Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 02:12 (edited 16 Aug 06, 13:00 by Cooba)
For: Fountain of foo's -- foo's vs. unfoo's edition.
Level rating: N/A

An interesting design for a level that is not entirely dissimilar to a battle level (i.e., an ASSAULT level), I’m not entirely familiar with the theme, but will proceed anyway.

The game starts in a highly unstable way. By this I mean that you’re stuck in a room and have to figure our what you’re supposed to do, then figure out how to, well… get out of the room. When you manage to do so, then the real level starts.

This is a symmetrical level, following the CTF style, but the objectives go beyond just capturing the flag (as stated above— replace the word “than” with “then”).

With no bugs, there isn’t much else to say about this level. Good job, Birdie.

[Rating (8.5) clearance. This review didn’t describe the level well enough for the given rating. ~Cooba]

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