Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 01:58 (edited 24 Jul 06, 19:08 by Cooba)
For: Blue Runner
Level rating: N/A

I’m going to need a toothpick for this review… Alright, here goes.

Engh, it’s an alright level. And not “alright” as in “passably fine”, but “alright” as in “alriiiiiiiight”. Very nice things have been done to honour this home-cooked tileset, and I’m sure if it could talk, it would be proud. That having been said…


1) The biggest downfall was that you can’t see where the heck you’re supposed to be going. With the entire joint full of extra tiles, there’s no way to tell if they’re sprites or just the eyecandy. You have to walk up to quite a few walls to see, causing you to very quickly lose the race.

2) There aren’t enough problems with this level for me to complain anymore. That makes me rather upset.

All kidding aside, download this level. It’s quite a fine piece not only to play, but also to look at, (—).

[Rating (8.7) clearance (no support was given for the rating) and rather heavy content edit. ~Cooba]

Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 01:45 (edited 6 Nov 06, 20:16 by Cooba)
For: Frozen Castle
Level rating: 7.5

Although it was just a re-colorization, it was pretty damned well-done for that matter. The levels having too many errors to allow me to navigate at all, I was free to use the nowalls cheat to look over the whole thing.

When reading the author’s comments, I wasn’t entirely sure what I was getting myself into, but it turned out nicely. The tubes (tubes!!) were coloured like popsicles, but the kind of popsicles that blend in well with the environment. Though they’re sorta out of place for a remake of the Castle tileset, they still could be shoed in there to some effect.

I wasn’t expecting much out of it, but it turns out it’s a pretty nice-looking tileset. Be a good boy and download it.

As a side note, having a freeze effect every 10 steps isn’t what I’d usually call “fun”… but that’s just me.

[Rating (8.2) clearance. Please give more support for your ratings. ~Cooba]

Review by Odin314

16 Jul 2006, 01:45
For: StreetF.pak
Level rating: 8

Uhh… MSB, this is Streetfight. When you host this online, you will not be able to fire weapons. Thus, there are no weapon pickups. I highly recommend that you actually check out multiplayer levels (especially those using special rules, like Streetfight) in multiplayer.

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 01:36
For: PikaCity
Level rating: 5.2

At a glance, I was rather frightened to see that many stationary pikachu clones standing around… all in the same position… but that’s sorta the fault of the tileset, n’est ce pas?

This is another hotel-style level, which just like “Tube Electric Problems” has no real… point to it, basically just to go around and collect items for the sake of hearing the item collection sounds. Which are actually rather pleasant the first hundred times.

The eyecandy is, well… Pikachu, Pikachu, 1,000,000 regenerating diamond pickups, Pikachu, Pikachu, Repeating cloud background… holy hell, did I mention Pikachu? I wouldn’t want to leave that out concidering the important role it played in this level as some sort of yellow, stripped demon that taunted me whilst I was trying my damnedest just to get out of there… damn those big, cartoon eyes!

This level reminds me of life, which is basically to go around, get as rich as possible, eat until you get fat, run around to burn it off, and start all over again. And since when do banks just give you hundreds of dollars for free like that?!

Unless you’re under Pikachu’s evil charm spell, it would be best to wait for another level instead of downloading this one.

Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 00:50 (edited 13 Dec 10, 22:49 by cooba)
For: Grave G
Level rating: N/A

You’re entirely right when you say it was difficult to effectively add more eyecandy to this level. The tileset is simply horrendous… but the level compensated well.

I liked it. It had all the standard elements, like the tubes and the warps, as well as those hidden compartments that were thankfully obvious enough to discover even in the heat of battle. Moving from place to place was not a chore, either.


1) It works fine for a battle level, but the level size could have been a little bigger— maybe gone a little more to the sides.

2) The less powerful weapons were found in the hardest places to reach, and the most powerful ones were found at the start of the level.

3) Like I said, even though this is a generally good level, the tileset is simply awful.

Despite that, I’d recommend this home-cooked level.

Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 00:42 (edited 9 Aug 06, 12:50 by Cooba)
For: Desert Trench warfare
Level rating: 6

A very good battle level, I’d say. Not reminiscent of the original deserto levels, but made way for an original concept of level design. I’m reminded of the background when saying this.

The only problems I had:

1) This isn’t entirely the fault of the level creator, but it is difficult to flow from one part to the next. This is the fault of the tileset, but if some flatter tiles were used and some sprite-foreground tiles placed over them to make it look better, the entire level might have been easier to get around.

2) There’s some lack of interconnectivity between the chambers of the level. It just takes too long to get from one place to another, most likely causing combat to occur in a single place.

Besides that, I’d definately recommend this battle level.

[Rating (8.7) clearance. Pointing out two of the level’s flaws doesn’t explain the high rating. ~Cooba]

Review by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 00:33 (edited 24 Jul 06, 19:10 by Cooba)
For: race online
Level rating: N/A

You did some very impressive things with some very unusual tilesets. Two of the race levels were however impossible to win with anyone but Spaz, and I found myself getting stuck in every one of them. The spaces between which you had to race were much, much too small, causing a great deal of frustration, making the level lose its “legato” feeling.

But that’s arguably just another aspect of racing, among many more concepts I got to see for the first time. You had to think quickly in the races to get past certain points and even had to get out of your way to defy physics (running in water as dense as air).

But I would definately reccomend this download. The levels were very well done, and once you get past the bugs the couple of gameplay issues, this is sure to become the next hit.

[Rating (8.5) clearance. This review doesn’t make it clear enough why does it rate this upload so high. “You did some very impressive things with some very unusual tilesets.” Care to explain what is so impressive there? ~Cooba]

Not recommendedReview by Sucka_Tube

16 Jul 2006, 00:13
For: Vegeta
Level rating: 5.2

Don’t get me wrong when I rate this below a six. It was obviously worked on for a while, and at first, I was impressed by the concept of DBZ-related training camp. The ending came a little too soon, however, and the triggers were way off. I didn’t have very much time to read one thing before being thrown somewhere else to read another. It’s impossible to know which boss’ health is indicated on the top, so I guess the entire time all you’re really doing is randomly shooting around.

It was a nice level, but lacked in gameplay. Try to divide your enemies around and separate your level into a few more rooms. And a single boss would do nicely, as well.

Review by MSB3000

15 Jul 2006, 23:27 (edited 16 Jul 06, 21:18)
For: StreetF.pak
Level rating: 8

I usually don’t review multiplayer level packs, (actually, I usually don’t even review), but I saw the tilesets used, and decided to look.

Good stuff: Let me start by saying that the tilesets used are beautiful. Most of the levels are good looking and well layed out. Gameplay is smooth and scenic (wonderful eyecandy).

Bad stuff: Most levels seem to be really small.

Overall: Beautiful tilesets and levels.

Worth the download if you host games a lot.

EDIT: Sorry, heh, didn’t know what streetfight was. Still, they’re good levels. :)

Review by Odin314

15 Jul 2006, 23:19 (edited 16 Jul 06, 15:18 by RoW_Odin314)
For: JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)
Level rating: 3.5

Wait, why the hell did you make it an MP3? Modules are much, much smaller in comparison, unless your samples were unnecessarily huge.

EDIT: Music modules (shortened to modules here) are the proper name for .mod, .xm, .it, and .s3m files, as well as the great many other module files out there. I assume you are using a module tracking program for the remix. Next time, upload your remixes in module format, they’re much smaller. Trust me.

Review by SPAZ18

15 Jul 2006, 14:39
For: JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)
Level rating: 3.5

I don’t know how to rate music. But here are some points:

1. The music is quite loud but that’s not too much to worry about.

2. I think this was a great idea remixing the boss music. Too bad you can’t use it on JJ1 coz it’s an MP3 file.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

15 Jul 2006, 14:08 (edited 16 Jul 06, 09:32)
For: JJ1 Boss (Flstudio remix)
Level rating: 3.5

The song may be loud. Also i wish that i could make it a modplug version but it is a lot harder than what i did use.

By the way on the prog i used each second is 10 kb. I made it mp3 because that took less space than the others.

Module? How do you use that?

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

15 Jul 2006, 11:55
For: Letni Mini Remix
Level rating: N/A

Isn’t this the same as Lenti Lives?

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

15 Jul 2006, 11:47 (edited 21 Aug 06, 11:53 by Cooba)
For: Letni Lives!
Level rating: 4.8

Comeon guys this music is great (although a few offtune synths) drums were improved, the origanal was sorta slow anyway. Before the tune reaches 04:29s put it to at least 04:30s for a hidden part of it.

[Rating (7) clearance. You need to explain why was the music great, and pointing out some improvements isn’t enough to base a rating off. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Ischa

15 Jul 2006, 08:58 (edited 15 Jul 06, 08:58)
For: Hide and Seek
Level rating: 7.9

Rating Hide and Seek:

To start:
For each JJ2-fan those the Multiplayergame Battle likes, is this new challenge absolutely recommended.

Game rules:
This game must be plaid with split computers. On Battle mode you need to find and destroy the hidden player.
When a player is found, he must wait of being destroyed.

You can do this at home:
Just as nice to know:
Peter had itself blocked in the forest and I had find him. If I had found him, I had spray him with my water gun, before the music which had set up by my father, had expired. Unfortunately it did not succeeded me that and Peter did catch the victory.

Compliments for Gus:
After the 1 for ‘Single Player Mission 1: Colosal, The Lost Token’ Gus have made now two superb levels with a beautiful eyecandy.
There are no goodies, but that I found it is not necessary. You do not have nevertheless much, it is only hide concerning and wait if your antagonist finds you (and shoot on you) before the music ends.

And further:
are these levels superb!

This is absolutely a download recommendation. Congratulations, Gus.

Mark: 9,8
Download recommendation:

Review by Jazz Hyper

15 Jul 2006, 05:53
For: The base of DEATH
Level rating: N/A

I reuploaded the level with WinZIP. Now it surley works.

Review by The Emperor

14 Jul 2006, 21:40
For: Softcake Stew
Level rating: 7.2

Thanks a lot Birdie

RecommendedReview by Janus aka Jahari

13 Jul 2006, 20:41 (edited 13 Jul 06, 20:41)
For: The Journey of Jazz
Level rating: 5.5

Okay, this was much better than your previous level. You remembered to put in more scenery, and make the level a little easier (no areas with hurt events everywhere), which is good. There were a few things the level shouldn’t have had, however. The first, is the room where you die if you choose the wrong warp. Those are pointless and only serve to frustrate the player (especially since he has gotten so far already). It’s nice that you made a larger level this time. Remember to use a variety of scenery, and try to make the level into something more than just random walkways (make it a lab or a space station or something). You also need to add in food or other items so the player doesn’t get bored. Most importantly, you need the make the levels accessible to both Spaz AND Jazz (like the crate that only spaz could jump to). I also liked your use of trigger scenery and animations.

I would simply work on having more variety and less repetition. Make the level challenging, but don’t frustrate the player. You might try using baddies instead of hurt events.

That’s all the suggestions I can give for the moment. Oh, continue to work on youe English. Your level will look more professional with proper English.

Review by JazzBusters

13 Jul 2006, 17:27 (edited 13 Jul 06, 22:36 by Fquist)
For: Deep City
Level rating: N/A

Rating Deep City:

A beautiful background have decorated the level very good. I was not able to do it.
Rank: Very good

A good gameplay! You don’t need only to collect gems, but also coins! You need coins to exit the level or warp to secrets. Very orginal.
Rank: Perfect

Gem Placement:
The gems are good placed!
Rank: Very good

Mark: 9,3
Download recommendation: YES!

[Extreme rating (9,3) clearance. This account has got its review privileges revoked. ~Cooba]

My review privileges aren’t revoked! I will make it better now. Maybe I can make this review more clear?


I find the further complete original need not only gems, but also coins to exit the level. But that is not some, you can even travel through Atlantis!

Furthermore I it finds also very good that a Treasure-Hunt-level have been made again, but that I in my review has not typed, because that is not fair.

Moreover I find that being the Hot- and Cold-chambers also complete original. In Cold must you take off a labyrinth and look out that you do not freeze. In Hot you must find a secret route through the walls.

And the Go-To-The-Exit-Secret call I also original. If you are, need you almost always only still but are 20 coins to have for the exit and then you finished.

The only thing that moans, is that there only 1 access Granted exists.

So, again a 9,3 and absolutely a DL!

[Unsupported rating (9.3) removal. You have only given reasons why you find the level original, none convincing, and as this is your sister, this review is therefore on the wrong side of suspicion despite the small clarification. Please cease rating your family member’s and best friend’s, as it does not appears you are impartial. – FQuist]

Review by home32

13 Jul 2006, 02:34 (edited 13 Jul 06, 09:46 by Cooba)
For: Brick City
Level rating: 3.7

The Reviewers are right YET!.
I kinda like it yet its not THAT! good.
I give it a 5

[Rating (5) clearance. Please provide more supportive information in your reviews. ~Cooba]

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