One thing: For me, it NEVER retreives the Serverlists :(
Er, Um, The other 1 ACTUALLY retrieves
No, it’s not. I tried this with my old windows98(when i wasn’t a member) and it worked =P
Anyways, this program is COOL!
I changed the colors of my Bullet Bouncers with this :D
powered up=purple
Powered up=red
Read Review
I’m going to review this, since I’ve lost many JDC assault matches in this ;P.
The zip has two jpgs in addition to the level/set/music. One is a blueprint of…part of the level. Kinda confusing and not very useful either since it in no way tells you where to go, and just names certain areas. The other is a letter giving more backround to the level, I guess. Interesting.
As for the level…
The first area is pretty confusing. There’s lots of places to go and it doesn’t tell you where to go to first, so you either have to memorize the order of around a dozen trigger crates or hope that you or your teammate happen to find an unlocked one. For me in my matches it was pretty much everyone splitting up and running everywhere, with minimal strategy or teamwork involved. The part after that (which was later edited and turned to fans by blur) is pretty pointless imo, and just wastes time. There’s a small area after that resembling a warp test (except with suckers) which kinda screams out desperation for some sort of obstacle. Other notable parts after that include a very narrow airboard maze and climbing vanishing 1×1 blocks. The layout of the level overall, at least after the first part, resemble somewhat of a race level or so, really, instead of an assault. There’s not much teamwork needed for this either as it’s pretty linear and everyone is heading the same way.
Radium pretty much depended on one tile for the tileset use, a 1×1 blue block, with other tiles making very occasional appearances. The tileset use is greately polished up in Blur’s edit of this though, but this is not blur’s edit.
Overall, the level lacks in some areas, especially eyecandy/tileset use, and seems like it might be better off as a race/test level or something. It is nice that someone is making assault levels though =P. Back in 2002 this probably would’ve been a pretty good level, and it still gets the honour (albeit a heavily edited by blur version of it) of being played in various important events today. I’m going to give this a 6.5 in the state it’s in right now, as I don’t want to damage its current rating too much. Undecided download reccomendation, because there’s a better version out there (but it’s not uploaded to j2o).
I guess I should review this level since it really deserves more reviews then it currently has, and it has inspired me to use Odyssey.
Eyecandy is just a masterpiece. I really don’t have much to say else about it. The first time I saw this level in a server my jaw literally dropped. Although I haven’t seen this palette edit of Odyssey before I saw this level either, I havent seen Odyssey being used in such a beautiful way before. The tileset and the eyecandy come together to create a really strong atmosphere in the level, and you should get a pat on the back for that.
Layout is pretty basic. Level feels kinda small though, looks like it should be used for duels/2vs2s. I never liked having to stop running and fall into fairly small floor tubes though. I have no idea whats up with the seeker powerup box areas though O.o.
Bouncer and Toaster powerups are pretty annoying to get, especially since you prevented people from being able to get them by buttstomping. They’re pretty much next to each other too, so you can get both of them nearly at the same time, and you’re pretty much guaranteed to always get the seeker powerup since there’s 3 at each side (all in the same spot tho) and have a respawn time of 1, which pretty much means everyone will be running around with powered seekers and not caring about bouncer or toaster powerups as much. I really have no idea why you did this though, since it kinda kills strategy and the ability to keep control of the level by stealing powerups all the time and such. Carrot placement is nice, having two +1s in the bottom instead of a full energy makes it slightly harder to camp them too.
Overall, its a pretty simple level in terms of layout, but really comes alive in eyecandy. Because everyone always has the seeker powerup the level isn’t as stratetic and more of a gorefest, though, so I question your decision regarding the seeker powerup, and those two areas where the seek powerups are are also weird and I have no idea what they’re for (they dont really make good turrets either =/).
I’m going to give this an 8.4. The level has wonderful eyecandy, a pretty good layout (although it doesn’t really stand out), but the seeker powerup pretty much kills ammo placement since it’s the strongest PU and always available. I might boost or lower the rating later on depending on what type of effect it has on the level in the long run. For now 8.4 though, good job.
~A very tired and sleep deprived Blacky
Me niether :P
And, there’s also Jazz Sprite Dynamite
out now, so u won’t need this. But, if u wanted to join as these characters, u would.
A nice duel level, made for some contest I think.
Eyecandy: Very good! The tubes are everywhere, not a place is left empty and there are lots of used tiles in the eyecandy, like different tubes and lights and lots of animations.
Gameplay: Very simple, yet it’s nice to play in. There is some kind of deathtrap I think, in where you fall into a thing and you get stuck for a while, this is a nice touch. There are no deadends, and lots of ways to escape. The flow is nice here, though you sometimes fly into the wall because of some springs, like the springs close to the base.
Weapons: Nicely placed, there is plenty of these for duels and they are in nice shapes. The PU’s are all of them really close to eachother though, making it easy to get them all at the ame time.
Bugs: The carrot at the top is harder to reach with Jazz… that’s all.
Comment overall level: Good flow, great eyecandy and a fitting music.
i’m an idiot lolloololll
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Incidentally, I agree completely with Snooz’s point here. You people are not being nearly as funny as you think you are. ~Violet)
It’s too slow. Won’t really fit in jj2 or 1. Only if there was some speech in the game like on megaman or something or if there is a very quite place. For now, this isn’t for my progs.
(Unsupported rating (3) removal. Try going into a little more detail, and maybe mention whatever positive aspects the upload has that saved it from a 1. ~Violet)
I know this is your first remix but, THIS SONG IS A MESS! That backround, well sound is chaotic, as the song says. Lets just hope i won’t find fast mess like this again.
(Unsupported rating (1) removal. Just saying the file is messy and chaotic is probably not enough to support so low a rating. ~Violet)
Rating Wild Evil:
To start:
This disappointing episode is no download recommendation. Why not, that will I tell you now.
Bad Goodies Placement:
In this level much too much goodies have been placed. Too much blue gems. There are also too much green.
Much too difficult:
There are too many enemies. The level are very cumbersome, even if you play on Easy. I was as a matter of fact also able to finish the level with Lori. I think that is also impossible.
The end boss is also much too cumbersome. The rotten Bilsy fight from fire. I have played this level 29 times and I are not able to beat him. VERY DIFFICULT for starting JJ2-fans.
This disappointing episode is no download recommendation.
Mark: 3,0
Download recommendation: NO!
Is there a converter that can convert any music file into J2B files?
mod2j2b doesn’t work with MP3 files.
Great art work!
Just look at this realistic background, and Jazz with Spaz look a bit different than in original graphics/drawings, or should I say much better!
There is no other choice: 10 from me !
Only one thing: how come you use black background for 1.23 and white for TSF? probably it doesnt look so good.. I use pink for 1.23 and purple for TSF.
Great job anyway!
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. This rating is sufficiently different from the norm for this upload that a greater level of detail must be included for plausibility. Also, this review doesn’t really give a good idea of what the images look like, aside from having a realistic background and characters drawn differently from the official style(s)… that still could look like pretty much anything in the world. ~Violet)
why does cooba always gets reviews but I dont? no one ever reviewed death facility, and when I upload a pack only cooba’s level gets reviewed! i have some bad luck it seems :|
I’m only reviewing An Uninspired Psych Level, because that’s the one I’ve only played in. I’ll review The Temple of Suffering later.
Eyecandy: Great! A very nice feeling and look. The mushrooms in the back are a nice touch and at the bottoms there are lots of decorations in the groundtiles and lots of vines.
Gameplay: Very smooth flow. There are suckertubse that send you diagonal so you can just keep running, springs placed right and there are few deadends, and most of them have goodies. Maybe you could have placed one-ways at 36.72.
Weapons: Good. Lots of weapons and probably enough for the Battle Server. They’re mostly on the ground though, not in shapes, but I guess it helps for the gameplay.
Bugs: The red warp on the top of the level is a little bit hard to reach for Jazz.
Comment overall level: A nice level with underused tileset, good eyecandy and it’s very open. Nice music too! 8.5 for this.
Little glances for The Temple of Suffering: Huge, seems to be a litle bit platformy but the flow is good.
Rating TDI2
To start:
A good episode with four levels: two boss-levels and two puzzle-levels.
Level 1 and 4 are Boss-levels. Level 1 against the robot of Devan, level 4 against Bolly, also a robot. It is hampered in both levels. In level 1 by the Tuf Boss and in level 4 with a lot of spikes.
Level 2 and 3 are Puzzle-levels.
It are nerve-racking puzzles with Big Rocks. Sometimes you must there on or other manner towers there of builds of other Big Rocks. Or you must push them concerning spikes gone, what only possible is if you freeze him with your Freezer Ammo.
I have also discovered something: if you freeze a Big Rock and you pushes it away, it slips away. In level 3 there are also puzzles present with water. Generally you must be then above, before the water on its highest state. In fact a type race.
Not complete:
Unfortunately this episode is not complete.
Apart from the fact that the episode is not complete, this is still a very well episode. For truth puzzle-fans is this to my idea as well as Tomb Rabbit an episode of their dreams
Mark: 9½
Download recommendation: YES!
It would be great if a level gets reviewed more times as well. This thing gets ‘reviewed’ lots of times. Anyway, this is pretty simple. I can’t draw very well myself, but this could have been much better.
Violet is biased in Mono’s favor D:
(Power abusive grammatical alteration. ~Violet)
First of all, I decided to change this review because the old review sucked :)
Even though this is not your real ‘style’, as I could call it, but maybe this could help potentional MSPaint Artists. First off, the lines. They are shakey and thick, which makes them look rushed. Alternating between thick and thin lines (In a subtle way) makes it look better. Use thick lines for the outside and thin lines for the inside. Also taper lines, which means like slowly thinning the lines at ends, so it doesn’t end as a fat block.
The colors (Especially on Jazz) are very flashy and bright, which may hurt your eyes. For some reason the colors compliment eachothers though, and the background fits. Add shading though, for a better look and to make it seem like you worked harder on it. Light isn’t needed but adds to the quality if you are good at it.
The expressions are funny and fit :P Especially for Spaz and Jazz’s pose is nice.
The text on the background+spray just lowers the quality. Maybe you should’ve used an official logo or a nice font that would fit, or make your own nice logo.
And also, poor Spaz only has a grey mouth :( And Jazz has green with grey bucktooth. If you’d redraw this but um, seriously, it’d make a nice wallpaper. Also make it a right size, because right now it’s going to be stretched and it looks bad, except if you had done this in vector. This gets an N/A rating for recommendation and… I bet you’re not blind but you get a 3.5.
Best wallpaper ever.
And its the official too!
(Unsupported rating (7) removal. ~Violet is biased)
OMG! This is so great….and terrible!
This is TRUELY bad, but most pictures look bad created on computer programs and this is actually so bad, that its good.
RANK: 8 Very Good
DOWNLOAD: Yes (Obviously)
[Unsupported (Obviously) rating removal – FQuist]
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Eat your lima beans, Johnny.