Review by SPAZ18

7 Jul 2006, 14:51 (edited 8 Jun 07, 16:50)
For: Super Mario Bros. 2 Tileset Demo
Level rating: 6.1

DO NOT use subfolders! JJ2 & Captain Cook can’t find them if they are in subfolders. ;)

If it’s Multiple do I review both the Tileset and Level?

[Edited to make review positive]

Review by SPAZ18

7 Jul 2006, 14:28
For: Devans Gone
Level rating: 8.2

DON’T save in Level 1 coz there seems to be a Fatal Application error there if you save and then load.

Review by OM2004

7 Jul 2006, 13:32
For: J2B to IT converter v0.3
Level rating: 9.1

Eggman, could you make a converter that takes XM, or IT files into J2B files. That way we can use them in costum levels?

Review by OM2004

7 Jul 2006, 13:29 (edited 7 Jul 06, 16:02 by Fquist)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

it took me 3 secs to download and after seeing the picture i have found that I have wated my 3 secs of life. It’s so dumb it’s funney. Looks like there is a rat wearing a spaz costume, lol. And looks like someone needs to learn how to keep their mouse stright when wrighting in paint.

[Unsupported rating (1) removal – FQuist]

Review by best72

7 Jul 2006, 12:23 (edited 13 Jul 06, 04:22)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

this isn’t what i thought it’d be…darn i wasted my time downloading this i should’ve listened to spaz18…
umm 3 unofficial points for
1. being able to draw in paint or what it looks like paint
2. able to upload this weird unofficial looking picture
3.umm being able to trick me into downloading this?

[Unsupported rating (3) removal – FQuist]

Review by SPAZ18

7 Jul 2006, 11:00 (edited 8 Jul 06, 15:14)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

What the…? This is terrible. I’m not even gonna rate this coz it’s so BAD!


What the…? 2 10’s?! How can this deserve a 10?

Review by iluz

7 Jul 2006, 08:53 (edited 7 Jul 06, 08:53)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

wow this is so funny, really funny..

Review by DanYjel

7 Jul 2006, 00:09 (edited 7 Jul 06, 02:53 by Violet CLM)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

OMG OMG OMG 10/10 this rox n00b :DDD and the best is Jimbob’s review, that makes me ROFLOL, really XDD
(Unsupported rating removal. ~Violet)

Review by Odin314

6 Jul 2006, 23:16 (edited 7 Jul 06, 02:53 by Violet CLM)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

I’m giving this a higher rating than the other wallpaper upload simply because this didn’t use a terrible format.
(Unsupported rating (6) removal. Do .png files even work as wallpapers? ~Violet)

RecommendedReview by DarkSonic

6 Jul 2006, 20:45
For: Personal Park
Level rating: 8.2

Review for Personal Park.

Sacrush, the creator of this level, didn’t get a review for his level. It took quite some time to make, so I’ll give him a review so he won’t be sad. There really needs to be reviewed more in my opinion.

Introduction to Personal Park: Sacrush, an IC member, made this level for r3p’s contest. This contest has ended already, and this level didn’t get a prize. Probably because it was too big for duels. For 2on2s the level worked fine in my opinion. I had a few games in this level already, and I enjoyed it. Now it’s time to go to the actual review! I’m trying some different reviewing style again.

Layout and flow

The level is pretty big for a CTF level. Although it doesn’t have much platforms. The layout is symmetrical and thus it’s balanced too. The flow is good, but you can bump against walls sometimes. There are one ways and tubes to make the flow better, and there are warps in the left and right corners. The spring placement is pretty good as well.

Other gameplay

In a 2on2 it’s pretty easy to be ready to score because you can see when your opponent is coming. The way to the base is pretty much run left and run right, which isn’t a big problem here. Defending can be easy too, but if you want to kill an opponent before he/she can capture the flag you need some skill. You need to defend at the right time and chase opponents, or something.

Eye candy

While there is no real eye candy in the background and foreground layers, the sprite layer eye candy is excellent. I found this tileset pretty hard to use when I tried it, and Sacrush really put some effort into it when he made this level. There are lots of trees in this park, and combined with the other stuff in this tileset I really like the eye candy here. Almost every layer is used, only layer 1 isn’t but layer 1 isn’t used a lot.

Ammo and Power-Up placement

I almost never say the ammo placement is bad, and it isn’t in this level as well. The ammo placement is just how it should be, with some nice shapes of ammo and a good Power-Up placement. There is a Seek PU in the middle of the level, there is a Bounce PU in the left corner of the level and there is a Toast PU in the right corner of the level. There are some Fast Fires throughout the level, they can be helpful for Bouncer or something. Most weapons that are used often don’t work with Fast Fire, like RF(be glad it doesn’t work) and Seekers. RFs are very good in this level. You can easily shoot RFs at your opponent if he/she is at low health and waits for the carrot to kill him/her.

Carrot placement

There is only one carrot in this level. A second Full Energy probably won’t work with this layout, but 2 +1s could work instead. The Full Energy can be shot down by RF if you have enough skill. You can also just camp it and hope you kill your opponent before he/she gets to you and grabs the carrot.

Overall I think this is a very nice level. If it was smaller it could have won a price in the J2MC contest. The winners of the contest had more than 1 carrot, because it makes duels not so campy. But now that tournament isn’t a duel tournament anymore. Anyway, I think this is one of Sacrush’s best levels. I give this level a big fat 8.2 and of course it gets a download recommendation.


Review by Blackraptor

6 Jul 2006, 20:36 (edited 7 Jul 06, 02:51 by Violet CLM)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

truly a masterpiece of our time. You can’t miss out on this one :(
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. ~Violet)

Review by Jimbob

6 Jul 2006, 18:24 (edited 6 Jul 06, 18:25)
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

noob, u used the instructions.txt that came with my wallpapers that i uploaded!
(i read the last part and it said: “(i used black for 1.23, and white for TSF))”
(I dont want to get u in trouble, just saying)

Review by Ischa

6 Jul 2006, 17:58
For: Single Player Mission 2: Jazz's Sacrifice (reupload)
Level rating: N/A

No file found. Please, report FQuist.

Not recommendedReview by Monolith

6 Jul 2006, 16:02
For: JJ2 Wallpaper - VERY OFFICIAL!
Level rating: 5.8

This looks like it was drawn in one minute using MS Paint. And the 640×399 pixel resolution does not qualify it for being a wallpaper — definitely not a high resolution one.

Review by SPAZ18

6 Jul 2006, 11:06 (edited 26 Jul 06, 07:20)
For: Zeldagb
Level rating: 7.2

Great Tileset. I love Zelda. I would use it to make a Zelda level pack but I suck at JCS. Has anyone made a Zelda level pack yet?

EDIT: I’m getting better at JCS now.

Review by SPAZ18

6 Jul 2006, 08:31
For: The Godaiku Pack
Level rating: 9

Problem in Level 7 Tropicana Bay, whenever I go to the purple key that is on the clouds it doesn’t seem to work. The key won’t disappear neither will one the blocks blocking the exit.

Review by Jimbob

5 Jul 2006, 23:15 (edited 7 Jul 06, 20:37)
For: Dungeon Deilima Low Score Macro
Level rating: N/A

Read Link’s Article.
I also uploaded some macro files Here.

Review by SPAZ18

5 Jul 2006, 15:07
For: WeaponChange Patch
Level rating: N/A

I have XP and PW (Project Weapon) works. It’s a great program. Now JJ2 doesn’t change weapons anymore.

Review by DennisKainz

5 Jul 2006, 14:51 (edited 12 Jul 06, 09:17 by Cooba)
For: Turtle Treasure
Level rating: 5.7

Rating Turtle Treasure:

Story: Good. The rabbits must find a big treasure through the water.
Rating: 8

Eyecandy: You used an average eyecandy. Not very much, but not too low.
Rating: 7

Tileset Choice: You used the classical Episode 2 Planet 3 tileset, the night beach one. I like it.
Rating: 7

Events: There are still a lack of objects, null ammo and a lot of enemies. I prefered an episode with many items to make the episode easier.
Rating: 6

Rating: 7.

Music chosen was classical, like tileset. No bonus, sorry.

Download Neutral (Recommendation requires 7.5)

[Rating (7) clearance. Not enough reasons were provided to back up the rating. On an offtopic note, Beach is not a planet. ~Cooba]

Review by DennisKainz

5 Jul 2006, 14:34
For: Big City Life
Level rating: 3

Open the level files and watch what are the musics. Go on and and some links and find the musics.
Relay on CrimiClown: I didn’t get angry at all for his bad review. I started laughing a lot instead. It’s just a bad review.

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