Not recommendedQuick Review by Primpy

12 Jul 2018, 06:19
For: Jazz JackFrog 2 Formely a Prince
Level rating: 2

It’s literally just the first episode of JJ2 but you start as a frog. No effort put into this whatsoever.

Not recommendedQuick Review by OfficialAlexM

9 Jul 2018, 04:35 (edited 12 Jul 18, 13:04)
For: Jazz JackFrog 2 Formely a Prince
Level rating: 2

Based on the level names, I assume you are romanian?

(oops, sorry for breaking the rules)

RecommendedQuick Review by PurpleJazz

7 Jul 2018, 10:38
Level rating: 9.1

I like how these levels feel rather retro but with a modern twist in terms of visual design. All four have very solid layouts with some of Snz’ signature levelmaking flair. These will be a fantastic addition to your Battle rotation and are best enjoyed in a well populated server, so be sure to invite your friends!

Not recommendedQuick Review by Primpy

6 Jul 2018, 10:39
For: Devanland
Level rating: 1.1

Incomplete and doesn’t belong in J2O. I had fun for, like, 20 seconds though.

RecommendedQuick Review by OfficialAlexM

3 Jul 2018, 09:33
For: Jazz Sprite Dynamite
Level rating: 9.7

How did I not find this earlier? All I wanted was to edit the anims file, I searched everywhere for a tutorial, and only now I stumble upon this gift from the gods. Thank you. I definitely recommend it, super easy to use.

RecommendedReview by Primpy

3 Jul 2018, 08:33 (edited 3 Jul 18, 08:35)
For: Xenobiotic Xeranthemum
Level rating: 8.8

Xenobiotic Xeranthemum is a level pack which contains 5 full-length (that might be an understatement) levels, all of which are themed after JJ1 levels: Diamondus, Turtemple, Tubelectric, Ceramicus and Technoir. Each level has its own set of enemies and the pack is characterized by taking multiple paths to open other paths in order to proceed.

Gameplay: 7/10

The first two levels are probably the best in terms of gameplay, the other three are not that far off though. Some unfair and unfun segments but it’s got an overall good level design. None of the levels have any coins to pick up and there is a considerable lack of secrets. The major flaw in this is how lengthy and repetitive it can get. I like the idea of opening different paths to proceed but in this level pack, it feels more like a chore after the first 3 levels. The level scaling is fine-ish, ammo placement is good and there are just enough carrots scattered throughout the level. Also, the level design can be a bit claustrophobic at times, though that’s not as much of an issue as it may sound. The ending was a bit anticlimactic as the boss was ridiculously easy to defeat.

Also, Archon, if you’re reading this, players can get stuck in the damaging red water in the Technoir level.

Eyecandy: 9.5/10

It is, overall, a great looking level pack. As far as I’ve noticed, there are no misplaced tiles. In some levels, the foreground elements are a bit tiring to look at (for example, the clouds in Turtemple). The introductory screens are pretty bad looking, though it might be because of JJ2’s palette limitations. Ceramicus was not very pleasant to look at because of how crowded the level can get. Speaking of an anticlimactic ending, the boss visuals were very poor: the robot boss can be clearly seen behind the “real boss”, there are some asymmetric lights surrounding the boss etc.

Music: 10/10

There is not much to say about it. The music is well chosen and it fits each level in particular.

Overall: 8.7/10

Do I recommend this level pack? Yes! However, I don’t recommend playing this level pack in one go. The levels are lengthy and can easily get repetitive after a while. Download and play this level if you’re looking for a solid JJ2 Single Player experience.

RecommendedQuick Review by Bloody_Body

2 Jul 2018, 18:33 (edited 4 Jul 18, 15:54)
For: Xenobiotic Xeranthemum
Level rating: 8.8

Good levels! Much better than “Kaninchenbau”.
They’re big, but not endless. The gameplay is almost classical. Only drawback is that sometimes you have to spend some time on finding your way.

Review by Bloody_Body

2 Jul 2018, 15:34 (edited 8 Jul 18, 10:02)
For: Summer Madness
Level rating: 5.8

Wow, dude, finally you’ve released your own level! Or, better to say, you’ve remade the level that was recently uploaded by Auto1lija. Whatever, let’s review it.

What I liked

- Frankly speaking, I don’t often play multi-tileset levels made with MLLE. It’s a good example of MLLE usage.

- There are a lot of useful hints all over the level and the story about stolen summer helps to feel the atmosphere of RPG.

- Eyecandy and layout are better than in the original level by Auto1lija, but they still can be improved.

What I disliked

- Some sound issues. Looks like each part of the level is supposed to have its own music. “Easter Carrotus” part, however, doesn’t.

- I appreciate an effort you’ve taken to create your custom graphics but it doesn’t look good within the textures made by Nick Stadler. Pixel drawing isn’t that easy. The same discrepancy goes for the corridors made of dull tetris-like blocks. They look awful in Carrotus. If you want to see an example of the great usage of textures from different tilesets check out these links:
This one isn’t so sophisticated and thus is even closer to your intentions. Unedited tiles from two tilesets are used here:

- Poisonous clouds are a pretty original idea. Looks like the final area with those clouds is supposed to be the most difficult part of a level, but considering the fact that the clouds hurt you only if you stand on the ground you can easily cross this area by jumping. There are too many gem rings and ammo power-ups and their quantity depreciates their value.


So, you’ve taken elbm.j2l by Auto1lija and tried to make it better. Well, it’s way better now. You’ve fixed BG layers, eyecandy and other issues. But eyecandy still can be improved: you could have used 1st and 2nd layers and the placement of easter eggs doesn’t look natural.

I feel like you tried to make a cool nonclassical thing with an unusual stuff like multiple tilesets in one level. But you forgot the basic features that any good level must have. Level must look pleasant and be fun to play. Maybe more secret places with ammo and power-ups including those that are available for coins and mechanics like wind, falling rocks, water, ect. can improve your level.

Maybe you should make a small, unscripted but tidy level with good eyecandy and weapon/enemy placement? You can use original levels as references.

RecommendedQuick Review by PT32

30 Jun 2018, 19:20
For: Between Fire and Steel (Medivo remix)
Level rating: 10

I love this. Takes the classic Medivo theme and has a little fun, while staying true to the original. It sounds, simply, glorious.

RecommendedQuick Review by L.S.

22 Jun 2018, 13:00
For: Diamondus ß
Level rating: 9.2

Thanks for your tilesets and levels.
Ah, I want to ask you something. During surfing the web, I find diambscorch.j2t. Did you make this tileset, too? I want to know who made this tileset.

RecommendedQuick Review by cake137

18 Jun 2018, 17:31
For: Another Dimension
Level rating: 8.2

Very real levels. How can i play secret levels please guide us there are total 7

Quick Review by Auto1lija

17 Jun 2018, 09:04 (edited 17 Jun 18, 09:06)
For: Water Processing Plant
Level rating: 8

Great Battle Map.

Review by happygreenfrog

14 Jun 2018, 16:43
For: Christmas Fever (Updated)
Level rating: 3

This is a nice improvement over the previous version. More eye candy and somewhat better enemy placement, the background no longer being glitchy, and somewhat more of an indication as to what you’re supposed to do are all notable improvements. Still some lingering issues, such as some remaining tile bugs, the eye candy could still be better, and the level still feels a bit meh from a conceptual standpoint.

Though I didn’t mention this last time, it’s also fairly short. Ideally, a level should usually be long enough to have at least one checkpoint, and while the lack of checkpoints is its own issue here, it’s also an understandable one since the stage is quite frankly too short to have room for one (though if it was even slightly longer/larger a checkpoint could probably be justified, it’s somewhat close to the border in that regard).

That all being said, I’d recommend moving on to making a new stage. At this point, I think any effort spent fixing the remaining issues would be effort better put into making a new stage.

Maybe next you could focus on trying to make a stage with some kind of gimmick usage? Something like “here’s a level where most of the non-spikey floor is swinging platforms (the exceptions being checkpoints, the very start, and the very end)” or “here’s a level where you use bouncers to break the floor while avoiding accidentally freeing the enemies”. I recommend not using those exact ideas though, they’d probably be pretty bland by themselves. Be creative, and come up with something of your own design!

That all being said, definitely don’t let my rating discourage you from making more levels! I think you should keep making levels, you’re very much on the right track to making something good if this level compared to your previous one (and compared to the old version of this one) is anything to go by. :)

Quick Review by Bloody_Body

14 Jun 2018, 11:47 (edited 14 Jun 18, 11:48)
For: Christmas Fever (Updated)
Level rating: 3

This level is slightly bigger than your previous one, “Easter Madness”. But I didn’t notice any real improvements in levelmaking. I adivce you to open one of original levels in your JCS and to analyse its properties, especially eyecandy.
Btw, did you know that you can re-upload your already existing level instead of uploading it again and again?

Not recommendedQuick Review by happygreenfrog

13 Jun 2018, 02:50
For: Easter Madness
Level rating: 1.3

You can easily ignore the enemies, the tileset usage is mediocre at best, the level is incredibly short, and to top it all off, the background is mildly glitched even outside low detail (albeit only at the very start). Better than my first attempts at levels though, which, mind you, I have never uploaded. Keep at it, you’ll get better! :)

RecommendedQuick Review by Spaz Nitro

31 May 2018, 02:56
For: Vote kicking
Level rating: 8.7

Such a nice mutator liked it so much….but some bug if you vote for kick players you can vote multiplie times for example:
Player 1: !votekick Player2 (reason)
Player 1:!y
Player 1:!y
Player 2 Have Been Kicked Reason:…
ya feelin me?
try to fix the bug ;)

RecommendedQuick Review by Spaz Nitro

31 May 2018, 02:53
For: Chaos V1.1
Level rating: 8.5

Liked the mutator…..until a new update appeared……. maybe an update for the new plus??

RecommendedQuick Review by Spaz Nitro

31 May 2018, 02:42
For: Devan's Revenge (Intro)
Level rating: 9.6

Awesome story,awesome gameplay loved it but we want it completed tho ;)

Not recommendedQuick Review by ShadowGPW

22 May 2018, 00:39 (edited 22 May 18, 00:40)
For: Easter Madness
Level rating: 1.3

well ehm… the level loads and it doesn’t give you any errors.

Not recommendedQuick Review by ForthRightMC

18 May 2018, 11:44 (edited 18 May 18, 11:44)
For: Easter Madness
Level rating: 1.3

I don’t like this level, it’s very short and awful I think it has to be extended. In my opinion, I will use MLLE to fix the errors, insert cool new music and remaster the level with new tiles and backgrounds.

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