Review by fearofdark

1 Jul 2006, 18:42
For: Game Machine
Level rating: 5

A multi-game jazz 2 adventure. Sounds interesting:

Well it isn’t. The objective of the game is to find devan (again) whilst journeying though some short place to place levels and finding orbs that sometimes arn’t there. I like the idea, but Gus failed to make it interesting and fun since he put all those horrible and fustraiting ‘fall down and die’ obstacles that have been overused whey to much. The eyecandy was pretty much average, but some backrounds were dull and plain and there were some bugs. There were no puzzles and the whole thing seemed like just another below-average level pack with old tileset conversions.

RANK: 4 Not good
DOWNLOAD: I’ll be friendly and let you off with an N/A.
I am pretty dissapointed. You were a lot better at making tilesets.

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

1 Jul 2006, 14:53 (edited 1 Jul 06, 15:57 by Fquist)
For: Diamondus Funk (Re-uploaded)
Level rating: 7.8

Do i need to say? Great? yes! Boring? NO!!

[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Please give actual reasond for why you give a rating, by describing what you find positive and/or negative about the download. – FQuist]

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

1 Jul 2006, 14:45 (edited 1 Jul 06, 15:57 by Fquist)
For: Exoticus Funk
Level rating: 9

Once again another great remix. Almost, like a complete conversion! KeEp ThIs Up....!

[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Please give actual reasond for why you give a rating, by describing what you find positive and/or negative about the download. – FQuist]

Review by Evil Hare (aka) General

1 Jul 2006, 14:40 (edited 1 Jul 06, 15:57 by Fquist)
For: Labrat Funk
Level rating: 9.1

Im listening to the tune right now and im am just… speechless. TeN oUtO tEn!

[Inappropiate rating (10) removal. Please give actual reasond for why you give a rating, by describing what you find positive and/or negative about the download. – FQuist]

Review by northwind

1 Jul 2006, 13:47
For: Jungle arena
Level rating: 4.5


Im only a beginner but I´ll try to inprove my skills, thanx for reviewing

(I like that song)

Not recommendedReview by iluz

1 Jul 2006, 12:55 (edited 1 Jul 06, 12:56)
For: Game Machine
Level rating: 5

8.1 wow this might be a good singleplayer level…

But it’s not.
First of all the eyecandy is not even average it’s below it. I know it’s not
Gus’s foult that most of those tilesets are awfull, but there’s no good eyecandy even at those levels that have good tilesets(Agamas SwampsD, Blurred’s Castle2e and Blade’s space).
It’s good that the story is not that original “Go there and destroy Devan”, but the’s nearly the same.
Gameplay is just big linear way through some old videogame worlds.
And that JJK thing is just bad, why you don’t just place some warps at the bottom of the level it’s much better idea.
Conclusion: Huh, this is only worth of 5.5 nearly over average.

Not recommendedReview by HorvatM

1 Jul 2006, 11:06 (edited 1 Jul 06, 11:22)
For: Jungle arena
Level rating: 4.5

The background layer is good, but you could make it textured. To do this, go to layer 8’s properties and select Texture mode. Layer 7 has trees. Good idea, but can be really annoying because there are also leyer 4 trees.
The green bushes on layer 5 are made for layer 7 or 6, open Jung1.j2l for details. The sprite layer walls (or underground) are ugly. First make black tiles, then insert the cracks (or whatever they are).

No weapons, only Seeker crates. I’ve heard that crates cause lag.

As I said, there are only Seekers, but there is a powerup for every weapon! You placed them on one place (which is easy to reach), that’s not good. Powerups should be hard to get (except Blaster, Weapon9 and Weapon8 powerups).

The spikes hurt you. That’s not good for a multiplayer level. There are float up events and sucker tubes.

Small. 10 players max.

Jungle isn’t a user-friendly tileset. But i give you +0.5 because you used it. It’s rare.

‘Shareware Order Info music’ or ‘Pull Back the Bass’ in 1.00g (yes, really!). Not a good choice. Next time you make a jungle level choose ‘jungle’ for the music or download it. There are many music files on J2O, you know.

Final Rating: Sorry, you deserve a 4.0 + 0.5 mentioned before.
Download recommendation: No.
Comments: Try to make a SP level before MP. Let’s hope you’ll make better levels in the future.

There are no carrots in this level.

Review by Ischa

1 Jul 2006, 06:16 (edited 10 Sep 06, 13:23 by Cooba)
For: Big City Life
Level rating: 3

Rating Big City Life

To start:
A good episode concerning Jazz Jackrabbit which a city and a spacecraft must pass through to learn Devan Shell another lesson.

This episode is very large, it has to endure more than 30 levels and finishes with a complete difficult homemade endboss: the new robot of Devan.

Bugs in final battle:
In the Final Battle are lots or bugs, you could easilly get stuck.
Fortunately there is a JJK-cheat. Type JJK to restart, but long not everyone knows that.

Apart from the bugs it is a very well episode. For everyone whom know the JJK-cheat and love long episodes this is absolutely a recommendation.

Mark: 7,8
Download recommendation: YES!

[Rating (7.8) clearance. The supported reasons were entirely irrelevant of the level quality. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Ischa

30 Jun 2006, 18:35
For: Game Machine
Level rating: 5

Rating Game Machine

To start:
A good Jazz Jackrabbit-episode which Jazz, Spaz and Lori by several computergames must stray, in search of orbs to be able dissipate Devan Shell again.

The Games:
Your rabbit must itself by five computergames clears himself to search orbs. On order the computergames are: Super Mario, Sonic, Rayman, Nethergate and Star Wars.

12 or 15 orbs?
If you have twelve orbs, it looks if you go to Devan, but you must find then in Star Wars still 3 orbs. Very funny. You think that you have almost completed the game, but that is not right.

The final:
If you have 15 orbs, you must cover Devan Shell by making it’s machine harmless. You can do that by taking off a course through the machine. But the block-systems even impede your and can your flatten.
Eva help you. Where she stands, the block-systems will not fall. If you take into account with that and fall, it is a piece of cake to destroy the Game Machine.

All in all is this a good game. The only problem is, that if you fall, you must type JJK and especially JJ2-fans that forgetful to be, are able perhaps forget that.
Furthermore is everything good and this game is absolutely a download recommendation.

Mark: 8,1
Download recommendation: YES!

Review by Arti

30 Jun 2006, 15:05
For: Codename Blubberfish Build 12
Level rating: N/A

So, you only have to apply this once and then you can close the program?

Review by JazzBusters

30 Jun 2006, 13:10 (edited 19 Apr 08, 20:42 by Stijn)
For: Space Waterspout
Level rating: 3.3

Rating Space Waterspout:

It is all good, good, good. Good background and a nice path.
Rank: Good

It is an episode with five levels. They are short, but at least level 2 is good. I’ve also liked level 4 and 5.
Rank: OK

The levels are very easy. I think they are at least OK for beginners.
Rank: Average

Item Placement:
Just good. Not too much and not too less.
Rank: Good

The story is brand new: the Waterspout. I’ve never hearded a JJ2 story about a waterspout. And you?
Rank: Perfect

Final Rating: 8,6
Download recommendation: YES!

[Please do not rate your own uploads. Original rating: 8.6 ~Stijn]

RecommendedReview by JazzBusters

30 Jun 2006, 13:05
For: The Mystery of Atlantis (re-reupload)
Level rating: 6.5

Rating The Mystery of Atlantis:

You have created a good background! I wasn’t able to do that. The paths are also okay, but there is no foreground.
Rank: OK

This is a pack with lots of mazes. Sometimes you need to find an ‘Access Granted’-message to open the door to the next level. That is original, I have never seen it earlier.
Rank: Very good

Some levels are easy, some levels are harder, but it is more a pack for beginning-JJ2-players.
Rank: Average

Item Placement:
That is good. Not too much, not too little.
Rank: Good

The story is very original… maybe there is a new myth in the world about Atlantis.
Rank: Very good

Final Rating: 7,6
Download recommendation: YES!

Not recommendedReview by fearofdark

29 Jun 2006, 19:24 (edited 30 Jun 06, 14:52)
For: Haunted Creeps
Level rating: 4.5

Short review:

This pack is just the same as the rest of Ischas pack. All the levels were short, Mediocre and are the same as each other. There were no changes in the pack, no interesting bits and too many of the attempts to wow the player failed. The puzzles weren’t even puzzles. The ‘stomp the right crate’ part in level 2 is a classic example of what not to do in a level.

Overall, I see no difference between this pack and the other 10 Ischa has uploaded. All of which are easy, not incredibly fun and very short.

RANK: 3 Very Bad
DOWNLOAD?: No (N/A Requires 4)

RecommendedReview by Arti

29 Jun 2006, 19:06 (edited 29 Jun 06, 19:07)
For: Blasted Blue
Level rating: 6.5

I played this in a jdc duel, and this is what I say…

Gameplay: Most parts are smooth, but also some parts get in the way. A few paths are a little thin, making them hard to get into. A few major bugs, like in bottom with the shapes and diagonal tiles make you get stuck easily, but I think you’ll fix this. Nice turrets in front of the base.

Eyecandy: Good for the tileset. The background is VERY distracting though, perhaps you could use the blue texture background in the tileset instead of the animated ones. The level does look good, and even without background layers and stuff it looks rather good.

Weapon Placement: Alright. There’s a ton of RF’s, which I totally heart ;P But theres a lot of seekers and two seek PU’s. Maybe replace one of them with another PU, or change the spot of it so it’s in the middle-bottom? Spread out the weapons a little bit more though, and you’ll be making good levels anytime.

Bugs: The stuck in the wall issue happens a lot if you place diagonal tiles above eachother. Dunno how to explain it well, but I showed you.

Download recommendation: Ok. You can host this sometimes, as it makes a nice little level.

Not recommendedReview by OM2004

29 Jun 2006, 18:04
For: The Mystery of Atlantis (re-reupload)
Level rating: 6.5

I will use same system Gus used:
Story: Shakey. This is the 2nd time you have told us a good plot on the Web Site, but then lack it in the game.
Rating: 7

Eyecandy: You didn’t have any, you used some different blocks here and there, and you had a nice background. But you didn’t do anything creative with the blocks.
Rating: 4

Items: You had milk to pick up, and that is it. putting in Items helps with the Eyecandy too. Their preety much the same thing.
Rating: 4

Enemies: I got to give you creadit for making the Utrois Boss hard, and the Queen Boss was fun, but you got to do more with your levels then make hard bosses. You got to have weaker Bad Guys lead up to the Boss. And Deven shell was way too easy, but it seems you have a style with him, so maybe your leading up to something big…
Rating: 6

Here is my own catoagory the Gus should have considerd

Levels: The levels were not a challange. You have un-reconisable exits, and the level with the time warp thing was way to long and hard. I had to skep it so I could try out the rest of the levels. And the libery level was another problem. You had it easy the whole way, then out of no where you get attacked by a force that would have been more fun to face spread out. You need to stay more balenced. Besides those two, the levels were way too short, and not very entertaining.
Rating: 3

Final Rating: 4.7

Music: You made me hunt it down, and you didn’t make it.
I must give it my Red thomb of death…No download Recommendation…

RecommendedReview by American

29 Jun 2006, 17:49
For: Chlorophyll World
Level rating: 7.9

This is a simple, classic Jazz 2 level using a modified Diamondus tileset. Everything about it is quite good. The level layout is excellent (and open, which is welcomed these days), and ammo placement is expert and well-considered. Everything in the level “clicks.” The only problem that keeps me from giving this level a higher rating is that it is somewhat indistinguished. Besides from the colour modifications in the tileset, which are quite attractive, it’s a standard oldschool Diamondus level. A little more creativity would be welcomed, and there is a sense that it’s all been done before. However, it’s done extremely well. My sole complaint is the slowness with which carrots respawn. An open level lends itself well to play with many people, and the slow respawn time damages this potential. Overall, though, that’s just one qualm; it’s quite good.

RecommendedReview by American

29 Jun 2006, 17:34 (edited 29 Jun 06, 17:35 by Trafton AT)
For: Atom Heart 243.5 [re-uploaded]
Level rating: 8.2

This is a classic case of a fundamentally good level tinkered with until it just doesn’t quite “work.” That isn’t to say that it is a bad level. However, the eyecandy is way overdone — everything feels busy, unrealistic, and synthetic. The flying spaceships were unnecessary, and while there are some cool features (the bouncing spring power-up), all of it is overshadowed by the level’s overall crowdedness. Gameplay fares better; overall, it’s fluid, if not a little clausterphobic. Ammo placement is well-executed. There are a few bugs involving layer 3 and the flagholder (insufifcient coverage), but it’s still well-made — perhaps a little too made, though.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

29 Jun 2006, 14:55 (edited 30 Jun 06, 13:47)
For: Devans time machine
Level rating: 7.6

Rating Devans Time Machine:

This is a rather good delivery of jazz Jackrabbit. It has six levels, all created from traditional JJ2-tilesets.

The first level is called ‘Lizard Land’ and takes place on Diamondus. With a beautiful context and good placements you must with your rabbit to the exit, somewhere on the left.

Level 2 is also on Diamondus, but only is it now night. The level is called Windy Day and are there at the exit an end boss. For exact to be, the Tuf Boss. Level also this have beautiful eyecandy and the bonussen and enemies have been well placed.

The third level is not on Diamondus. Your rabbit is in the royal gardens of Carrotus. With the castle and a bunch on the context it is splendid. Enemies have been well placed. That also applies to the goodies. Just like at level 1 the exit are left in your screen.

In level number four approaches you the laboratory of Devan Shell. Somewhere in the level a puzzle with block-systems is which you must destroy by shooting or stomping. Here too the placements are well and the context is very well. The exit is the entrance of the laboratory and also the fifth level.

Unfortunately the fifth level is again the last but one. It takes place in the laboratory of Devan Shell. Your rabbit must move on himself between chemical mixtures and metal to blow. The most metal blow reflect your weapon. The eyecandy are very well, just like the placements.
To the end is the time machine of Devan Shell, where you must cover an end boss. The robot from the bad turtle for exact to be.

The sixth level is the final. The level is rather short, but nevertheless nice. The goodies and enemies have been well placed. The eyecandy are super and the game end boss also. It is none one, but it are two bosses where you must cover of it one. It are two clones of Devan. If you cover of it one, Devan deliver themselves and you have finished the game.

It is a very well game. The more so if you do not find it terrible that all levels have been made of standard tilesets of JJ2.

Final Rating: 8,8
Download recommendation: YES!

RecommendedReview by Ischa

29 Jun 2006, 14:10 (edited 29 Jun 06, 14:10)
For: Battleship?!?
Level rating: 8.2

Rating Battleship?!?

This is a good level with several routes.

The level takes place in a rocket. It is fairly large level. No well level therefore for beginners, you will think. But… there is a possibility within one minute at the termination of coming!

Then only still an end-boss and you are finished!

Therefore both for experts and beginners this level is sticking out.
If you choose other level of difficulty, the level becomes also a piece more cumbersome. For the short route it turns out better than expected, however, but if you take the long route, is it possible very really cumbersome becomes, because for example spike bolls will sit you in the way terribly. Moreover there are thus more enemies. All sticking out.

Dax105 also a splendid context has made. It is simply a superb level.
There is presently also a good number of number of goodies present. Not too much and also not too little.

For both starting Jazz2-fans and experts this is a very good level.

Final Rating: 9,3
Download Recommendation: YES!

RecommendedReview by Yaxo

29 Jun 2006, 10:19
For: NinChippie DS
Level rating: 7.8

Okay , a review by me!
Let’s start with the gameplay…like Dx said , this this smooth and easy to play. Meaning the flow is kind of good , you did a good job here. Only problem I found were some float ups which irritated me , but for the rest it’s okay!
Eyecandy…hmmm , I like what you did with this tileset , especially the background ,also the numbers are quite cool. The sounds are quite fun too , I don’t know how you made that. Hmmm , ammo placement could be a bit better , but that’s no big deal. I’ll give you a 7,5.

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