Review by reches

25 Jun 2006, 09:35 (edited 25 Jun 06, 19:56 by Violet CLM)
For: Final Resistance
Level rating: 7.8

its good
(Unsupported rating (5.5) removal. ~Violet)

Review by reches

25 Jun 2006, 09:33 (edited 25 Jun 06, 19:56 by Violet CLM)
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4

(Rating (5.2) removal. ~Violet)

Not recommendedReview by speedy boy

24 Jun 2006, 16:26 (edited 24 Jun 06, 16:27)
For: Criminal Lab
Level rating: 2.5

I agree with Janus aka Jahari for some parts, but it’s definetly not worth a 1.

not that good, not realy a storyline, sometimes very confusing lights, and don’t forget that if you drop down from the lower rope, only a spaz-player can get up with douple-jump. I can see you didn’t use much layers, i think only 8 for the background, 4 ofcourse and maybe 5.


Very bad. Like i said, the lightning is very confusing. Make some ricochet on those pipes, it looks more real, let enemies walk! give them some space.


Tileset use:
Try to use another tileset next time. Tube electric is used SO many times I won’t be impressed of it. The use isn’t that great eather. Check everything twice before you upload. don’t let a pipe ‘just’ end. doesn’t look great.


Far from a great level, eyecandy is very bad. try to make more levels. After some while you know how to make a real nice level. If you have something like that, you should upload it. But this is only your second upload, so I won’t rate that heavy.
Good luck with building!


Download recommendation: NO

RecommendedReview by master sven

24 Jun 2006, 07:31 (edited 24 Jun 06, 07:32 by masterrokusho)
For: Final Resistance
Level rating: 7.8

Before downloading, I expected a lot from this one. And it was there.


Good eyecandy, everywere where you walk you can find some foreground to hide behind.(which isn’t possible online because of your name) Also a good background. No bugs in the eyecandy.


It is a big level and because a lot is symitric I couldn’t really see where I was except if I was at the bottom of the level. But the level had a very nice flow which was completed with tubes.


You’ve put quite a lot ammo in this level but thats good, it was also a big level.I liked the way in which you had to get the seeker PU.

The size a big but you’ve handled with it well and made a very good level.

Eyecandy: 9
Gameplay: 8
Size: 8

Review by Janus aka Jahari

24 Jun 2006, 05:18
For: Criminal Lab
Level rating: 2.5

I have to say, this really isn’t very good. You need to work on adding more eyecandy to your levels. Also, you shouldn’t make the level frustrating for the player. Dark rooms full of baddies are one of the things I hate most. Also, I really didn’t appreciate that warp that sent me to the box with no way out. It was utterly pointless and stupid. That was when I turned off the game.

1. Work on making more eyecandy.
2. Make the level less frustrating and more fun.
3. Choose better music next time :<

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

23 Jun 2006, 14:26 (edited 25 Jul 06, 13:19)
For: Ilu'z Jazz X2: Flash from the past
Level rating: 7.3

OK, heres a longer review and hopefully more detailed.


EYECANDY: The Tilesets are great. They are used very well. You used most of the layers in the levels. 8/10

GAMEPLAY: It got a bit repetitive as I was on the Spaceship most of the time. It wasn’t too short or easy. 7/10

OBSTACLES/ENEMIES: I don’t think there were too many obstacles. There was some obstacles on the enemy spaceship which were hard. The 2 Bubbas on the Spaceship made the level too hard. Impossible to beat them without cheating. 7/10

MUSIC: The music was great. It went well with all the levels. 8/10

STORY: This was just a Flashback of what happened before JX1. N/A

TOTAL = 30/40 (7.5)

Conclusion: This was a great level pack although I did think JX1 was better because it was longer.

Can’t wait for JX3!!

RATING = 7.5
DR = Yes

Hope this review is better than the other one.

RecommendedReview by SPAZ18

23 Jun 2006, 12:50 (edited 26 Sep 06, 11:00)
For: Captain Cook (both versions) v1.2
Level rating: 8.3

Great program! I can search for the levels without having to scroll through all 782 levels in my JJ2 folder! I have that many! This is a must if you have more than 256 levels.

Any plans for new versions yet?

BTW, character selection works fine on mine.

Score = 9

EDIT: I now have 1049 j2l files!

EDIT 2: I have come up with some suggestions of what should be in the next version of CC. There should be an option that lets you choose whether you want to play in 1 or 2 player and be able to choose what mode you want to do it in.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

22 Jun 2006, 18:36
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4

Rating Voltage Village:

Nice background.

You can complete the level in no time, there are some bugs and the placements are not good. The enemy-placement is bad and the bonus-placement is also bad.
The worst thing from the Bonus-placement is the coin-secret at the end of the level. The bird is useless, because you will not have it anymore in a next level. (in JJ1 you will have it)

Worse level, but there is at least one plus, so this is no 1,0. But I can’t call this a Download Recommendation.

Mark: 1,6
Download recommendation: NO!

Review by master sven

21 Jun 2006, 06:38
For: A boring summerday
Level rating: 4.2

( but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.)
Thats not true.
The Ammo can be well placed why the gameplay sux.
And I included the title sets because they are just a must have.

RecommendedReview by Blackraptor

21 Jun 2006, 02:33
For: BioWinter
Level rating: 7.9

Hm…this got uploaded rather quietly (that or I havent been checking my email, heh), but it’s about time this got released, since it’s pretty old now (I tested it a WHILE ago) =P.

Anyways, since J2O currently lacks active reviewers and I dont want to study for an upcoming math exam I’ll review this instead, I guess.

Basically, Biowinter is pretty much a typical winter tileset with some interesting and creative additions, but nothing really outstanding or jawdropping. Some things like the brown ground look kinda nice, and others like the snow need more detail as it’s just white. The set also needs more color variety still, imo, because seeing brown and white everywhere, with the occasional green, gets kinda boring.

On a more positive note, there’s a number of things in this set that I like. The cool crumbling scenery of the snow on the pine trees is original and I like it, the spaz animation is pretty funny, and the figures frozen in ice are creative and cool, among other things. There’s even a text sign with my name on it ;).

The set functions pretty well and is quite userfriendly. One thing I still don’t like is the ripped tiles in it though. The castle from carrotus, the spikes from inferno, it wouldve been better if you hadn’t taken the lazy way out and instead drew them yourself =\.

Otherwise, this tileset is what I consider a mixed bag kinda. There’s a bunch of things that could be improved a lot, but there are also a lot of creative things and the set is by no means bad.

Perhaps more detail on certain aspects of the set, a larger landscape variety, more colors and redrawing the ripped tiles would greatly improve this tileset, but for now I think I’m going to rate this a 7.4.

Some creative and original ideas here, and the set can be used pretty easily, but there’s a lot of room for improvement. I’d give this a download reccomendation because some of the tricks Bio used in the set kinda inspired me in certain ways.


Not recommendedReview by Ðx

20 Jun 2006, 16:31 (edited 20 Jun 06, 16:31)
For: A boring summerday
Level rating: 4.2



There is’t much eyecandy. Next time use all the layers (And edit the BG more with colours). It’s quite boring playing in this level, mayby the eyecandy will cheer the level up a bit more. Try to place some more eyecandy and reupload it.


The gameplay sucks, no offense but… Why did you placed some V-Poll tiles and you did’t placed any V-Poll event?

And it’s really spaz based. And there is’t any flow. It’s more like running running running (picking up ammo) running running..


I missed some ammo, but the gameplay is bad so the Ammo is bad placed.


And, why did you included all the three sets?

Review by Ðx

19 Jun 2006, 17:30 (edited 23 Jun 06, 22:01 by Fquist)
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4


Somehow i like the level in some way :O!


There answer is at the other review’s. It’s very bad, try to use all the layers in different ways.


Very bad, at the beginning you will get stuck (sometimes).

There’s is’t much flow or any fun stuff


Is there ammo in the lvl?


[Unsupported (5.0) rating removal. You provided no reasons why you liked the level at all – FQuist]

Review by Krinya

19 Jun 2006, 13:59 (edited 19 Jun 06, 16:30 by Fquist)
For: Super Sparks
Level rating: 6

Not bad, but that labirinth…

[Unsupported (5.) rating removal. Please give proper reasons for your rating when reviewing a level. Five words is not enough. – FQuist]

Review by Sztepek

19 Jun 2006, 13:46
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4

Sorry but I dont like your level. First:

Eyecandy- bad, bad, bad. I would give 3 but the background looks nice, so… 5

Gameplay- boring. just boring.
… and sometimes I was annoyed. Too many enemies, too many X and Y poles, too many goodies. BUT your lev is quite interesting. 4

But don’t give up! ;-)

Review by Krinya

19 Jun 2006, 07:49
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4

I working on to create a good level, but this is my 3rd level…
If you look my first two levels…

Not recommendedReview by DaPete10

19 Jun 2006, 02:13
For: Voltage Village
Level rating: 2.4

Ugh… No. Just no. The eyecandy is a mess, the place is overenemied, and there are too many bugs in the level. In addition to this, the exit is too hard to get too and there are too many powerups. I suggest running away, feeble downloaders.

Review by iluz

18 Jun 2006, 09:43 (edited 24 Jun 06, 18:42)
For: Ilu'z Jazz X2: Flash from the past
Level rating: 7.3

Hahaa, I have got justice.

Of course I have plans for Jazz X3, but I don’t tell ‘em because they are TOP SECRET.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

18 Jun 2006, 07:22
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

Rating The Rebirth of Evil:

Before I start rating… this is my 100th rating! That means a new rank: I’m a Jazz Jackrabbit now!

But all right, the rating.

The levels are hard. And long. Filled with puzzles, enemies and traps.
Also the story is great. It is a good sequel on ‘The Invasion of Deserto’. And there are lots of different levels and the filesize is just 199.42 small kb! There is nothing to complain about.


Every fan from Jazz Jackrabbit really should play this pack! It is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo amazingly super that I can’t give you even a 9,9.
It is a big, fat 10! What is better than give a well-deserved 10 on your 100th rating?

Mark: 10,0
Download recommendation: YES, OF COURSE

RecommendedReview by Ischa

18 Jun 2006, 07:11 (edited 25 Jul 06, 08:31)
For: Orbilectric
Level rating: 7.6

Rating Orbilectric:

For a Orbitus-level is this a very fit song. While I thought first it is just the orginal Orbitus-song (in that case this worth a 1) I was wrong. When the song plays 1:49, also some instruments from Tubelectric starts playing. Extremely good. This song is also extremely long: 5:23.

No wrong things.

For everyone that want to create an Orbitus-level this is the best choice.
Only one thing, no one song is perfect.
So, this is a 9,9 and absolute a download recommendation.

Mark: 9,9
Download recommendation: YES!
(Unsupported rating removal. How do Tubelectric instruments and a length of 5:23 justify a rating of 9.9? Are Tubelectric instruments an inherently good thing? Why? Is it not an issue that nearly the first two minutes of the song are unedited? ~Violet)

You have made a mistake. There are really differences at the first two minutes.

*The drums start later and on another order. In real Orbitus-music is that not the case.

*Dude-dude-dude at the begin last longer

*Just before the two minutes hear you also instruments of Tubelectric. In real Orbitus-music is that also not the case

So, there are really differences. I’ve putted back my 9,9.

Review by Ischa

18 Jun 2006, 07:03
For: Electric castle two level pack
Level rating: N/A

No download?

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