RecommendedReview by Joseph Collins

7 Jun 2006, 21:40 (edited 7 Jun 06, 21:41)
For: Hell Freezes Over Funk
Level rating: 8.9

Now this is an extremely funky rendition of “Hell Freezes Over” which sounds as though it has bits of “Jazz Be [Darned]” thrown in for good measure. So let’s measure how good…or bad this is.

Song Analysis:
As far as I can tell, this sounds like what you’d get if you merged Jazz and Funk.(…no, I don’t mean “Junk”.) In fact, it reminds me quite heavily of “Awakening Road” from the “Rockman X Arranged” soundtrack.(Which was basically Rockman X music jazzified.) The song itself seems like it has bits and pieces of “Jazz Be [Darned]” thrown in just for kicks. Either that, or I need to listen to “Hell Freezes Over” more closely.
The arrangement is more or less recognizable, but I sincerely doubt it could sound any better than it does even if it relied more heavily on the original track for its notes and whatnot.

Sample Analysis:
There’s no dirty samples here whatsoever. Lots of awesome guitars of varying types(which I might swipe later [shifty eyes]) and some really nice drum samples as well. Everything sounds terrific together and not a single note sounds out of whack or out of tune.

Final Analysis:
All and all, it’s a damned fine track that any Jazz(or Jazz) lover would appreciate fully. There are so many good things I could be saying about this, but words fail me. Utterly. There is no reason not to give this piece full marks. At all. It fades in wonderfully, loops perfectly, and is absolutely great to listen to. I’m not entirely sure it would work as level music, but I can’t see why not. This is definately going on my MP3 player next time I shift things around.

Score: 9.0
“I Can’t Think of Any Reason Not to Give This a 10.0” Points: 1.0
Total Score: 10.0

Yea, verily. Download this and listen to it if you haven’t yet. You will totally not regret it.

Notice of Mention:
Congratulations on getting the very first 10 I’ve ever given out! The sad thing is now I’m going to expect this kind of quality from you with everything you make. XD


The “Simon Cowell” of Jazz 2 Online‘s Music Scene… Joseph Collins
Dr Lithius” or “LithiuServer” on Jazz 2

RecommendedReview by OM2004

7 Jun 2006, 18:22
For: Labrat Funk
Level rating: 9.1

Very well done, well done. The song has the feel of Labrat with a tiwst. The song tho gets a bit slow in the middle, and it seems to repeat alot. But the song also has a groove that gets the listiner’s attantion fast. Plus the song repeats so you can use it in levels.
Overall well done.
I recommend the Download of this song if you need to make a good furture setting level.

RecommendedReview by Ischa

7 Jun 2006, 18:20
For: Familiar World
Level rating: 7.5

Rating Familiar World

Rating Story: (X1)
It is a good story!

Rating Length: (X2)
Three pretty large playable levels (the last is the ending) filled with lots of puzzles. Good!
Rating: 9

Rating Gameplay: (X2)
In the three levels are lots of puzzles, obstacles and bosses at the end of each level. That are the best levels!

Rating Obstacles: (X2)
With the enemies, bosses, fire, lava and life-risking puzzles the levels are very hard! But there are some bugs…
Rating: 8

Rating Bonusses: (X1)
The goodies and crystals are good placed!

Rating Eyecandy: (X2)
The foreground is good! The background is good and you have created beautiful paths!
Rating: 9

Final Rating: 8,9
Download recommendation: YES!

Review by Donda97

7 Jun 2006, 08:21 (edited 25 Nov 06, 08:50)
For: Pikachu Plaza
Level rating: N/A

SPAZ18 this is no exit this is a place like hotel if there is an exit ther isn’t any fun the bank is made to buy things and having fun

Well, download Pika City, the new version of the plaza

(11/25/2006)Too Sorry!I left the site for a long time!I was VERYBUSY with school ,pokemon aand YUGIOH,..And etc


In the next month ,I will have tons of levels & files to upload!

good!no rating is better than bads after all!n00b?I don’t understand your edit since you wrote it .

~(note)~: the level will change to custom concept.

Review by n00b

6 Jun 2006, 19:44 (edited 5 Jul 06, 18:52)
For: Colonial Building Remake
Level rating: N/A

I actually tried something like that (Open the level up in the JCS to see the remains of the idea), but it didn’t work out as cool as I hoped.

Not recommendedReview by Ischa

6 Jun 2006, 17:18
For: Toby episode
Level rating: 5.1

Rating Toby Episode:

Rating Obstacles: (X2)
So-so. The spikes are good placed. The enemies are also not very bad, but the boss-placement is abomiable. However, the first of the two bosses is OK, but the final boss…? (Toby) It is much too hard to beat him and the level doesn’t end automatically after you’ve beated him. A better selfmade final boss is the Spike Machine, created by Gus in the episode ‘Flashback: Outta dis world’.

Rating Bonus Placement: (X1)
In the level ‘Dark’ is it very bad. At the begin is it OK, but then are there no bonusses at all. The rest is all OK.

Rating Story: (X1)
No story.
Rating N/A

Rating Eyecandy: (X2)
Too cruel. There is much too much blood to score any higher than the lowest mark as possible.´
Rating: 1

Rating Length: (X2)
Ten levels and one credits. That is OK, but the levels are too short for a sufficient.
Rating: 5

Final Rating: 2,1
Download recommendation: NO!

Review by Quickz

6 Jun 2006, 12:04 (edited 6 Sep 06, 14:21)
For: Lethal Liquid
Level rating: 7

Since my first rating was cleared, I will try it again now.

The first thing I noticed was the tileset. It hasn’t been used much, so that’s a positive thing. The eyecandy is decent, maybe even good, though that isn’t too hard with this tileset. I like especially the background – it fits the level (and sometimes the foreground). He used all layers really well.

It’s nice that this level has three carrots, it avoids camping. The warp targets are at good places, so they aren’t that campable. I don’t like the ‘hook-warp’. When I tried the level out, I got many times warped by accident. That brings me to the bases. Especially the right base is at a questionable place. It’s harder to reach and when you’re at that base, your moves will be very predictable for the opponent. Actually, the same counts (maybe a bit less) for the other base.

Well, the ammo fits the level. The placement isn’t really good, or at least – I don’t like it. You just pick it up when you’re running around – which isn’t a positive thing imo – shapes would have been better. On the other side is the PU-placement really well, so good job for that.

The level isn’t that big, but it definitely feels so. I don’t like the combination of all the platforms combined with the large open spaces (too large imo). The flow is well, you can walk properly at all places.

I won’t give a download recommendation, just because I’m a bit indifferent about this level. It’s a level that’s nice to play once in a while probably, so well, you might have a look and maybe you like it.

Final rating: 6.2

Review by Nippius Rabbit

6 Jun 2006, 03:29 (edited 6 Jun 06, 04:33 by Violet CLM)
For: Episode Two: The Rebirth of Evil
Level rating: 9.6

GREAT! i fused both episodes in 1 (invasion of deserto and rebirth of evil). I can´t wait to the 3rd part to complete my colection (at least there will be a 4th part).
I feel the history as I am the protagonist. Is GREAT! , yes you are GREAT!. DOWNLOAD IT NOW!!!!
PS:sorry for my bad english, i am chilean and i usually speak spanish:
hola, hablo español y no entienden lo que digo aquí.
(Unsupported rating (10) removal. Your line about history and the protagonist is the only part of this review relevant to the content of the upload, aside from perhaps the word “GREAT.” For a better review, consider explaining the various qualities of the upload and why those particular qualities resulted in your chosen rating. ~Violet)

Review by axe

5 Jun 2006, 19:14 (edited 31 Jul 06, 13:56 by Cooba)
For: Lethal Liquid
Level rating: 7

the level really got great eyecandy the deadpoints that we discoverd were away so its trully a 8.2 worthy this is really to say download and play recomadation no full N.R.G cars but some normal cars the gameplay is fantastic for 3 v 3

[Rating (8.2) clearance. There was no actually explained support given for the rating. ~Cooba]

RecommendedReview by Red Ninja

5 Jun 2006, 12:39
For: battle by the ice fortress
Level rating: 6.1

Actually, i’m kinda diggin’ this level…

Let’s start from the top:

Although like RedJazz has stated about the palette is true, I kind of like the ‘icey but not winter yet’ type of feel that the tileset has to it. In terms of usage in your level, I think you used it pretty much to its full extent, although I didn’t analyze every single aspect of it.
~You do get .5 for the tileset because you did not create it, but I did like your choice, so I commented on it.

In my personal opinion, I think you used too many powerups. But besides that, the bouncers in the igloos and RFs scattered all around the level make ammo not hard to come by; unlike other levels where i have to run a mile to find ammunition other than the default blaster.
~I give you a 1.5 for Weapon Placement.

While i do like your layer 8, i think you should add more to the other layers. And something that’s bothering me is the igloos. It should be a foreground layer, not a background layer. I understand why you put it as a background layer, but when you have the entrance hole as a foreground and the igloo itself as a background, it looks kind of funny, and just doesn’t feel right. Other than those, I think you did a good job with your eyecandy.
~Your eyecandy gets you a 3.5.

I had to enable my sound to check out the music file you chose, and it fits very well, i must say. Although you didn’t create it yourself, i’m going to still give you points for your choice of music. I’m doing this because there are many, many different music files, and I think you chose very well on what to put into your level. It fits so well that it seems like you had the music choice picked out before the level was made! :D
~I have rated your music 1.2.

I recommend download because it’s a REALLY fun instagib level when you get enough people in it. And my favorite part of this whole level is the water underneath the ground…it gives your level that ‘icey but not snowing’ type of feel. I dig that. :P
~The overall rating for this level is 6.7.

Although possibly a bit too big of a level, give it a chance.


Review by Niels aka ChippieBW

5 Jun 2006, 12:37
For: Yax' RainForest
Level rating: 8.7

You added the wrong tileset, Yasco :P

Review by Alberto

5 Jun 2006, 01:58
For: Mushroom Kingdom Assault
Level rating: 8.5

nice music file.. hehe I converted that one to mod many years ago..

RecommendedReview by HorvatM

4 Jun 2006, 18:53
For: battle by the ice fortress
Level rating: 6.1

Just snowmans. You could pay a bit more attention when making the ice walls. The background doesn’t move.

Orbitus remix… It fits the level.

Many RFs. There are also Toaster, Launcher, Frostbiter and Seeker. All of them have powerups.

There is a coin warp, that’s good. It takes you to the RF powerup.

It’s an ice tileset… With bad palette, but thats not your fault… Well, you culdn’t make an ice level with the Beach tileset, could you?

Final Rating: 7.5
Download Recommendation: Yes
Comments: Pay more attention to the eyecandy. ratboy, it’s not so bad, you know.

Review by DanYjel & Luigi Elettrico

4 Jun 2006, 15:21
For: The Beach Megamix
Level rating: 6.7

Luigi E: Yes, it’s our first collab and we’re gonna make more megamixes at similar length and more than 2 songs in.

RecommendedReview by ratboy

4 Jun 2006, 14:29
For: Project Toolbox 1.0.2
Level rating: 8.5

This tool is very handy indeed.
Im looking forward to your new version.
That triger tool is great,because you press a button and the door opens as such.
Im not sure how im relly going to use that hit boss feature.
Also at the start having a player come first is a good idea.
I must say download this little handy toolbox of tricks.

Not recommendedReview by ratboy

4 Jun 2006, 14:23
For: battle by the ice fortress
Level rating: 6.1


what eycandy there is only a bit.
the (snowmen)
Use layers 123 567 a bit more ok.

gameplay is very slow i played this publicy,and everyone laughred at me for hosting it(but nevermind :/)
think how you can improve speed of gameplay.

A BAD DOWNLOAD,but i do like the music you choosed for it.

Review by Ðx

4 Jun 2006, 12:46
For: battle by the ice fortress
Level rating: 6.1

Hey wolwerine1!

I like it in some way man!


There is’t that much eyecandy, above at the right is the little castle/factory thingy, and it’s quite good!


Very good for the tileset, but mayby it’s to hard too find eachother underwater?? But it’s good!


Coin warp idea is awsome! But i miss the seeker power-up, and some fast fire’s? I mean, the Blaster Power-up is’t that important!

OVERALL: Good level, fun, and smooth!


Review by Ischa

4 Jun 2006, 06:01 (edited 4 Jun 06, 06:02)
For: Redwarprace(prototype)
Level rating: 1


RecommendedReview by LittleFreak

3 Jun 2006, 19:13
For: The Beach Megamix
Level rating: 6.7

Whoo! This rocks.

I recently listened to the medivo remix, and while it was a solid tune, it never really caught me. This beach/diamondus megamix did however. It’s very catchy, has awesome dance beats and I love the melody. Everything seems to fit perfectly this time, and the length is appropriate too.

Surely worth the download.

Review by Ischa

3 Jun 2006, 18:47
For: The water castle
Level rating: N/A

Good level! It is a pity that I can’t give it a mark… if marks also were allowed I’m sure that I’ll give you a high mark, at least a big fat 7.


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